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Wrath (Operation Outreach Book 1) by Elle Thorne (5)

Chapter Eleven

“I don’t understand.” Smyrna stared at the man from the file.

Caayn Fellish.

This wasn’t the time to note how damned sexy the man was. Sure, when he’d first opened the door, she’d been floored. That picture didn’t do him justice. Not one bit.

He was all sexy. All male, built like a cyborg, muscles and perfection.

That was then. Now, she wondered if she wasn’t going to hate him within the next few moments.

What the fuck was he talking about?

It felt like everything she’d dreamed of was being sucked down a drain. She couldn’t be the wrong one. He couldn’t just up and return her. This wasn’t a PennyMart transaction.

He shrugged.

No, that didn’t emphasize his muscles. Not one bit.

The hell it didn’t.

His brow rose slowly, then he gave a nod that looked like he’d reached a conclusion. “It looks like Outreach made an error. Or I did, but I don’t see how I could have.”

“Can you at least take me to Janus?”

He did a double take. “Do you realize what you’re asking?”

“For a ride.”

He raised a brow. “It’s not across the lane, and it’s not above the corner market.”

“Well, I get that.” She crossed her arms over her chest, legs shoulder width apart. “But my passage was booked for Janus. And to me, it looks like I’ve been kidnapped.”

His face lost some of that healthy tan glow it had when he’d first walked up. Clearly, that struck a nerve.

She pressed on, bravado spawned by his reaction. “That’s right. Imagine my government’s reaction. Imagine your government’s. Imagine you’ll be prosecuted for kidnapping me.”


“Save it. I want to see a cop. Law enforcement. Someone who can put your ass in jail for breach of contract. I saw the paperwork. We’re both bound by that contract. And it sounds like you’re reneging.”

“There is no law enforcement out here. We’re not in anyone’s jurisdiction.”

“Fine.” She gave him a tight smile. “I’ll wait until we land wherever the hell you’re taking us.” Something occurred to her. “By the way. I’m not the only one you’ve abducted. Emily and Katrina. That’s right. All three of us. And guess what, jerk wad.”

He tilted his head, waiting for her to answer, seeming not the least concerned.

Well, this should get to him. “Yeah, Emily’s soon to be husband is Boron. He’s some kind of big shot.”

Caayn released a laugh, a hearty one that seemed genuine and rose from his gut.

“What’s so funny?”

He shook his head. “Boron does not concern me.”

“Something should concern you, because our government is going to be pissed about this.”

Truth was, she was peeved that he didn’t seem concerned. Hell, she was more than peeved. She was categorically afraid. Time for a different strategy.

She tried to make her smile genuine, her mannerisms more feminine, striving for the things that Razor and Branson told her to do. Though in earnest, those things made her feel downright stupid and silly. But she’d need some of that feminine charm and to appear helpless. Surely, there was chivalry in outer space?

“I have an idea.”

His brow rose, and a certain gleam struck his eyes, his interest clearly piqued. “Do tell, Miss… your name?”

How could he not know her name? Did he not get the same file she did? Did he not—that didn’t seem to matter right now.

“Smyrna. Smyrna de Soto.”

“Smyrna,” he repeated, as though completely unaware.

“It was in my file,” she pointed out.

He nodded. “Your idea?”

“Yes. Well…” Time to spin. “I’ll tell you.”

He sat back, hooked a chair with his foot, and pulled it toward her. “Be seated.”

She gave him a dirty look at the commanding tone in his voice.

“Please,” he amended.

She nodded and joined him, pulling in closer, trying to set the tone for the secret she was about to divulge.

“I didn’t come here looking for a mate.”

“No?” The muscles in his jaw worked.

She wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. “Well, no. I mean, I did, but it wasn’t you.”

“You are saying that your result was flawed? As mine was?”

“No. I’m saying I made up a story to pretend to be the kind of woman that would appeal to someone so I could secure passage to Janus.”

“Are you saying men don’t usually find you appealing?” He ran a hand over stubble.

Smyrna looked away. She had to. The sight of this sexy man, doing that

—he’s not even my type.

Who the hell was she kidding? The dude was the type of any woman who had a pulse. Even a faint pulse. He was too good to be true. Lickable. Perfect.

And he is not going to be a distraction.


She smiled as big a grin as she could put on. “I’m happy. Glad I’m not the one that you want because my reason for going to Janus was to find my boyfriend—fiancé

He shook his head, almost like he was trying to clear it. Dark hair scattered, giving him a messy look that added to his good looks. “You have a fiancé? On Janus?”

She nodded enthusiastically. “And I’m carrying his baby.” Holy buckets. She’d gone too far. But had she? If it got her what she wanted

He toyed with a pattern on the table before them, tracing circles on the metal surface for a long time. “So, you weren’t looking for a mate?”

She shook her head. “No. I mean yes. But only one specific one. Him.”

He rose. Now, it seemed it was his turn to pace, making hard turns in the little room. “This means you would be in breach of the contract.”

“I know.”

He paused, looked at her straight on and released a large breath with a whooshing sound. “If you break the contract, and go to Janus, you’ll be arrested. I won’t see a pregnant woman in jail. Not if I could have stopped it.”

“Oh please,” she blustered. “You kidnapped me. You don’t even want me. So now you want me to believe that suddenly you care?”

He was silent for a long time. At least, it seemed like a long time.

“They expect a public ceremony.”

“They who? And why?”

“They, the people in my government behind this program. As to the why? My guess? Publicity stunt.”


“I don’t know. My brother signed me up.” He clamped his lips shut. His jaw muscles clenching overtime.