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X's and O's (A SECOND CHANCE SPORTS ROMANCE) by Nikki Wild (12)


Toby’s cock plunged into me and I cried out, my fingernails scratching along his back as I held on tightly. He fucked me so hard, so deeply, so roughly, that I melted, completely submitting to him.

I needed him. I needed his body, his touch, his kiss, his cock.

I needed the way he moved inside of me, every stroke a masterpiece of intention. His slid into me, each hard inch a delectable lusty delight that turned my body into a quivering pile of pleasure.

“Yes, Toby,” I urged, sinking my fingers into his hair as he thrust into me, over and over, faster and harder with every stroke. “Please don’t stop, please fuck me! Harder!”

I begged him like a woman without any regard for appearances, or decorum, or restraint.

There was nothing in the world left but our bodies, moving together, dancing together against the wall of his foyer, his body pounded into me like a freight train.

Pushing, pulling, pulsing and buzzing, our bodies worked together with a desperate hunger for release. With a sudden violent spasm, I came, gripping his swelling cock until he crashed over the edge with me, our breath shallow and ragged and gasping, as we clung to each other afterwards.

“Toby,” I whispered, his name dragging lustily across my lips.

“I’m not finished,” he said, reaching down and scooping me off my feet. He carried me to his bedroom, his cock, still hard, still swollen, still hungry, effortlessly sliding back inside of me as soon as my thighs opened up again.

“Oh,” I moaned, the delicious thrill of his cock filling me up and transporting me to another dimension entirely, where nothing else existed but the two of us, our bodies, our hands, our lips, made for each other, loving each other, satisfying the urgent hunger that had been unleashed between us.

I wrapped myself around him tightly, never wanting to let go, never wanting to come up from air, never wanting to leave the delicious darkness of his bed, never wanting to leave the warmth of his arms.

I forgot about the past

I forgot about Billy, my parents, my job, my very existence outside of that room

All I could do was feel him

And in that moment, it was all I needed

* * *

Afterwards, we lay in each other arms, the darkness surrounding us, only our rhythmic breathing breaking the silence.

My heart was full and my body was still humming from his touch. I’d never felt more alive.

“I’ve waited a long time for this,” I whispered. His arms surrounded me as my head lay on his chest. I could feel him smile above me.

“Haley,” he said, bending down and brushing a kiss against my lips. He tasted like a mixture of the two of us and I melted. “I want to be in your life. I want us to try again.”

I smiled and nodded, “Me, too,” I said.

“I’m so sorry I hurt you the way I did. I was a fool. It must have been so hard for you back then…”

“It was,” I said. “I couldn’t have gotten through it if it wasn’t for Billy, but he’s been amazing.”


“Yeah, you remember Billy, right?”

His arms stiffened around me, harder than before.

“Yes, of course, I remember him,” he snapped, his voice tight and angry.

“Whoa,” I said. “What’s the problem?”

“Nothing. What about him? He’s still in your life?”

“Well, yeah. We work together. We live together. Like I said, I couldn’t make it without him.”

He untangled himself from me and jumped out of bed, leaving me staring after his shadow in the darkness.



“Toby, what the hell?” I asked.

“Look, Haley,” he said, switching on a bedside lamp, and illuminating the room in a warm glow. He stood naked over me, his gorgeous body bathed in amber light that made me want to lick him. Unfortunately, the angry scowl on his face sent me reeling. “I can handle a fling, but if we’re going to try to be together, I really don’t think I can handle sharing you with Billy.”

“Sharing me?” I asked, my voice rising in disbelief.

“Yeah, I’m just not into that, okay?” he said, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t share my women. I’m a one woman guy and I expect the same.”

Suddenly, I realized what he was talking about and I burst out laughing.

“You think me? And Billy? Have a thing?” I said, gasping for air between words, giggling hysterically.

“I don’t think this is very fucking funny,” he said, putting his hands on his naked hips, his cock bobbing between his muscular thighs. I looked at his face and it only made me laugh more.

“I’m sorry,” I said, trying to stop, tears forming in my eyes. “Really, I’m so sorry…”

“Forget it,” he said, turning away in anger.

“No, Toby, wait! Wait! Seriously…” I called.

He turned back to me, his eyes filled with stormy anger and pain.

“Look, obviously this was a mistake.”

“It wasn’t a mistake!” I cried. “Just listen to me.”

“Why?” he asked, his eyes flashing. “If you want to be with him, be with him.”

“Toby! Billy’s gay.”

He froze, his eyes widening in disbelief.

What? Gay?”

“Yeah, you know…homosexual.”

His mouth dropped and he looked as if he’d seen a ghost.

“That can’t be, Haley,” he said, shaking his head.

“Yeah, it can,” I insisted. “He’s not dating anyone right now, but sure as hell, he’s gayer than Elton John.”

“How long has he been gay?” he asked, his voice demanding.

“Well, forever,” I said. “At least as long as I’ve known him.”

“He was gay in high school?”


“Why didn’t he tell anyone?”

“Are you seriously asking me that question?” I said, raising an eyebrow. “Do you know how hard it is for adults to come out? Did you know any other gay people in Columbus?”

No, but.”

“—Exactly. Our high school wasn’t exactly the most progressive. Besides, lots of people don’t come out till long after high school. Hell, even I didn’t know at first. Billy’s parents didn’t know either. He told them right before we graduated and it didn’t go well, in fact.”

“I can’t fucking believe this,” he said, shaking his head.

“Well, what’s the big deal?” I asked, starting to get a little irritated. “It’s 2017, for fuck’s sake. Even football players are coming out these days. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone on your team was gay.”

“Giffords. Number twenty-six. Full-back.”

“Aha!” I said. “See?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Look I don’t have anything against homosexuality at all, that’s not it.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“You really don’t know?” he asked, sitting back on the bed.

“No,” I replied, squinting my eyes at him curiously. “Know what?”

“Haley,” he said, running his hand through his hair again, a gesture that was quickly becoming endearing, “that’s why I broke up with you.”

“You broke up with me because Billy’s gay?” I asked, my nose wrinkling in confusion.

“Yes! I mean, no, for fuck’s sake…” he trailed off, shaking his head. “I can’t fucking believe this.”

“Yeah, you’ve said that a few times. I don’t get it, Toby. You always had problems with Billy and it never made sense to me.”

“Because I thought he was in love with you!” he exclaimed.

“That’s absurd,” I replied, shaking my head. “We’re best friends. That’s all. I’m certainly not his type. And I still don’t understand.”

“Do you remember that last night? After the game? We were supposed to meet up at the hotel and I never showed up.”

“I remember it clearly.”

“Well, I came looking for you.”

You did?”

“Yeah, you were with Billy. On the bleachers. You were talking. You didn’t realize I was there and you said you were going to finally tell me the truth.”

“The truth?” I asked.

“And then he told you he loved you. And you said you loved him, too.”

“I do love him.”

“I was sure you were going to break up with me to be with each other.”

“I remember that conversation,” I said, nodding slowly. “That was the day Billy told his parents that he was gay and they kicked him out of the house. He’d told me for the first time just a few months prior to that night and he swore me to secrecy. I knew you didn’t like how much time we spent together and I’d wanted to reassure you that we were indeed just friends, because he was gay, but he wouldn’t let me tell you. That night he was giving me permission to tell you the truth then.”

“I can’t fucking believe this,” he said again, shaking his head.

“You broke up with me because you overheard that conversation?” I asked, my mind spinning.

“Yeah,” he said, his voice full of disappointment. “Seems kind of stupid now, doesn’t it?”

I sat there, dumbfounded.

“All these years…” I said, searching his eyes.

“Haley, I’m so sorry,” he said.

“I wish you’d given me a chance to explain.”

“I was so young, so stupid. You’re right, I should have given you a chance to explain.”

I nodded, reeling from the sudden shock of the truth, after all these years.

“Listen,” I said, my voice rising, “you need to know that Billy is a huge part of my life and he isn’t going anywhere.”

“You mean you still want to date me after knowing all this?” he asked, flashing me a crooked grin.

He was frightfully irresistible and although I was completely irritated to find out that he’d broken off our amazing relationship under false pretenses, I knew I still couldn’t turn him away.

A slow smile spread across my face and I nodded.

“I might need a little more convincing,” I said, winking at him, and laying back on his bed, my nakedness stretched out before him. His eyes flashed with passion and, in two-seconds flat, he was on top of me, his kiss hungry and urgent and absolutely delicious.