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Balk by Joy Eileen (15)


Trip was by my driver side door before I was able to put Dora in park. He helped me out, which was good since nothing seemed to be functioning correctly.

With my hand in his we walked silently to my apartment. After missing the lock for the third time Trip took the key out of my hand and led me into the living room.

My breathing was shallow as I sat next to him on the couch. Trip let go of my hand and confusion set in. All the way home I pictured him pouncing before the door clicked shut. His hesitation set off my anxiety and I tried to come up with a statistic off the top of my mushy head.

Maybe he realized this was a mistake on the drive here.


Trip threw his baseball hat on the table and thrust his fingers through his hair. I watched him out of the corner of my eye, trying to gauge what he was thinking.

“I shouldn’t have kissed you,” he stated, his hand flopping to his side of the couch.

My soul crushed into a thousand pieces and even if I collected them all, I would never be whole again. But he didn’t need to know.

“Things happen in the heat of the moment. Don’t worry about it.” I applauded myself for sounding so levelheaded.

Trip interlocked our hands and studied them before meeting my eyes. With him touching me I wasn’t able to hide the tremors of pain wracking my body.

“Darlin‘ don’t get the wrong idea. I wanted to kiss you.” He pressed his lips together until they turned white.

I pulled my hands out of his and clasped them on my lap.

“Well, you did and now it’s done?” I couldn’t help but end it in a question. He wasn’t making sense and my brain was in too much pain to decipher body language.

Trip smiled, brushing his finger down my cheek. I leaned into his touch, knowing what a pathetic gesture it was. With fascination, I watched fire pool in Trip’s eyes as he traced my face with his calloused hand.

His fingers grasped my chin and pulled me forward. I went willingly, craving his touch more than my next peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We met in the middle, our mouths clashing together in frustration.

Trip’s hands found my waist and hauled me on his lap. I ground into him, moaning when I felt his hard erection pushing against his jeans.

His lips left mine and trailed down my neck. He sucked in a ragged breath as he licked my collarbone. “What about softball?” he asked, kissing his way back up my neck.

“I don’t know that position, but I’m willing to give it a try,” I answered him, my hands pushing his shirt up so I could touch his abs.

Trip let out a chuckle as he sucked my bottom lip in his mouth. My eyes rolled back in my head at the ecstasy I was in with his mouth on mine.

Trip let go of my lip and rested his chin on the top of my head. I continued to stroke his chest, marveling at the dips, no longer sure what the hell was happening.

“I’m serious, McKenna.”

“So am I. I’ve never heard of the softball position, but I’m willing to try.”

“I meant real softball. I don’t want you to lose your place on the team.”

“How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t care about softball. Like Claire said there isn’t much life after college for a softball player. I never wanted to play overseas and I don’t want to be in the Olympics. I’m done. It was you who wouldn’t let me quit. Besides, I owe Claire the position for what I brought her into.”

“But this is your last year. You’re going to start working right out of school. I don’t want you missing out on anything. And Claire isn’t innocent. If I were to tell you half of what she propositioned me with you wouldn’t be feeling as guilty as you do.”

“It’s not just the guilt.” I moved so I could look at him, not removing my hands from his chest I wasn’t stupid. “Is that why you never tried anything with me? Because you were worried I’d miss softball? That I’d regret leaving the team for you?”

He gazed directly in my eyes, letting me know how serious he was. “I told you, I wanted to be a better person. You made me want to do that. As hard as it was I stayed away from you, or at least as much as I could, so you could finish softball and graduate. I refuse to let you resent me, or our relationship later on because I took things away from you. You’re so young and you have so much in front of you.”

Tears clouded my eyes. I blinked, letting them fall down my cheeks, still not taking my hands off his chest.

“Trip, I seriously don’t care about those things.”

He opened his mouth, but I cut him off before he could talk.

“Softball was a way for me to fit in when I was younger. I’m sure this will come as somewhat a shock to you, but I was a weird kid.”

Trip widened his eyes in mock surprise and I stuck my tongue out at him. I settled more comfortably on his lap so I could talk to him, but still not losing contact with his magnificent chest muscles.

“My parents put me in every sport, and softball was the one that didn’t make me as miserable as the rest. For some strange reason, pitching wasn’t dreadful. It had nothing to do with the love of the game, but just being able to be social.”

“But the season’s almost over, and you’re so good at it. Look at all the wins the team has because of you.”

“But that’s just it, I do it for the team. I don’t do it for me, and the achy muscles I have the next day. It may be hard for you to understand, but I could give up softball right now and never think about it again.”

“You say that now.”

“I say that always. If there’s one thing I can tell you with certainty is I know how my mind works. Softball’s different for me than it is for you. I see how your eyes light up when you talk about the game. You smiled more than I’d ever seen you smile when you were back practicing with the Pappies. Baseball’s your dream. That’s the reason you changed.”

“I changed because I wanted to be the person you deserve.”

“And I don’t accept that. You talk about me regretting our relationship because I didn’t play out my last season, or I will miss out on something because I’m younger and haven’t experienced what you think I should. Well, the same goes for me. I don’t want you to one day resent me because you changed who you were for me. I refuse to take that blame. You changed because it was time. You were put in a scary situation where you saw your dream almost yanked away. It wasn’t for me and it shouldn’t have been.”

“You’re amazing. How did I get so lucky to deserve you?”

“Who said you have me?”

Trip smiled and pulled me close until his lips met my ear. “All the posters you have of me stashed in your top dresser.”

I pulled back and stared at him in horror. My face burned and I could feel my ears turning a new shade of red. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I denied.

Trip stood and carried me into my room. He deposited me on my bed and reached for the damning drawer.

“Okay, you proved your point,” I cried to his back.

He held the stack of posters I hid from him the night I took them down with a huge smile plastered on his face.

“You looked so guilty that night I snuck in here to find out what you were hiding. I had to stop myself from laughing when I saw it was exactly what I accused you of hiding.”

“So what? I’m sure there are a ton of women who have you plastered all over their walls,” I huffed, taking the posters from him and placing them gently on my desk.

“But you’re the only woman I care about,” he whispered into my ear, pulling my back flush to his chest.

“Are you sure? There are a lot of women who’d gladly take my place.”

Trip grasped my shoulders and spun me around. “McKenna, I know what I want, and I want you. If you don’t feel the same way tell me now and break my heart, darlin’. I’ve been in love with you since the day you yelled at me for taking my sling off. You’re the one for me.”

“You’re in love with me?”

“More than I thought possible. Our friendship allowed me to get to know you without the physical aspect and as hard as it was.”

“Pun intended.”

“Definitely.” Trip pressed his erection into my stomach to prove his point, and the length of it made my mouth water.

“Even though it was torture staying away from you it let me fall deeper in love with you.”

“It’s my vast knowledge of all things odd. It’s a curse. Men just can’t help falling in love with me.”

The side of Trip’s lip went up as he continued to stare me down. When I didn’t say anything more he raised his eyebrows. I opened my eyes wide and shrugged my shoulders, trying to figure out what he wanted.

“You would make this hard for me. Now I’m not pressuring you, and if you aren’t ready to say it back I’m okay with that.”

Understanding hit me and I smiled widely. “I love you. I’ve loved you since you were first drafted.”

“You must have been in what, junior high?”

“Yep, you cradle stealing pervert. But way back then I just loved Trip Butler the baseball pitcher. Now I realize it wasn’t love at all, but lust. And I’m truly madly in love with Alfred Butler.”

Trip picked me up and carried me to the bed as I let my hands roam over his chest. His mouth sucked on my neck as he came down right on top of me.

I wrapped my legs around him and held him tight, wanting to keep him where he was. With impatient hands I grabbed the hem of Trip’s shirt and yanked on it until he removed his magical lips from my neck and lifted up enough so I could take it off. I threw his shirt somewhere, focusing on the bare abs I had been stroking since the living room. Trip moved to kiss me again, but I thrust my hands up to keep him from coming back.

“Let me touch you.” My voice was husky as I roamed over his physical perfection.

Trip nodded and lay next to me, his hands under his head as my fingers explored him. With a steady hand I traced the grooves and lines of his stomach and chest. Trip’s breath came out in short pants and his stomach jumped when I found certain sensitive spots.

My hand dipped below his jeans and brushed the waistband of his underwear. Trip’s hand flew out from behind his head and gripped my wrist. “My turn.”

Trip whipped my shirt and sports bra off with impressive speed. My arms went to cover myself, but Trip shook his head.

“You have a choice, darlin. Hold on to the headboard or put them behind your head.”

My jello-ish arms drew behind my head as Trip’s gaze roamed over my naked flesh. Without even touching me he had me in a quivering mess.

Trip’s hand moved over my stomach, tracing the grooves like I’d just done to him. His head descended and I yelped when I felt his wet tongue trace the path his fingers had just traveled.

“I want a redo,” I breathlessly whined. “I didn’t think to use my tongue.”

Trip chuckled and looked up at me. “I promise next time you can do whatever you want to me with your tongue or any other body part.”

I grabbed his head and pushed it back to my stomach, silently agreeing to his terms. Trip nibbled on my naked flesh, making it quiver and jump under him. He slowly made his way up.

“Breathe, McKenna.”

Air whooshed out as Trip’s lips landed on my erect nipple and sucked. My body bucked at the sensation, but Trip held on tight, pulling it in his mouth and letting his tongue circle it.

A calloused hand skimmed up my body until it caressed my other breast. His fingers teased the sensitive peak as his mouth worked over the other one.

My hips shot up as I wrapped my legs around him, needing him to help rid the ache he was causing. Trip pressed down into my center and a shocked moan ripped past my lips.

Releasing my nipple with a pop, he winked at me before moving back down my stomach. His tongue and teeth did wondrous things to my bare skin as they traveled toward my jeans.

I held my breath as he released the button and pulled the zipper down. “I suggest holding on to the headboard, darlin’. And don’t forget to breathe. That’s your only job.”

“Okay,” I answered, moving my shaky limbs until they held on to the headboard like he told me to.

Trip’s long, magical fingers glided down my legs as he pulled my jeans and underwear down. He stopped when he encountered a roadblock known as my sneakers.

“How the hell did you tie these things?”

“It’s a special knot I learned online when I was researching how to keep Norah’s shoes tied.”

“That’s it, you’re only allowed to wear flip-flops from now on,” he demanded after working on the laces without success.

“It’s a good knot, right?” I leaned over to show him the trick to untying them.

Trip wasn’t paying any attention to my instructions when my breasts came into view. His mouth moved around them, making them hot and heavy. The task of untying my laces was forgotten as he brought me closer to the edge.

“Get your shoes off, McKenna. I need to see you.” Trip’s tone was a little more distinct than a growl as he continued to smother his face in my chest.

With difficulty, I was able to get my shoes and socks off. I grabbed Trip’s hair and brought him to my lips, kissing him as I tried to kick off my remaining clothes.

Trip tore himself from my lips and grabbed a handful of the material, throwing it over his shoulder.

“My hero.” The grin I wore melted when I saw the raw lust exuding from him.

Trip’s large hands gripped my ankles and I yelped when he pulled my legs apart. His eyes landed on the prize he’d just unveiled.

My thigh muscles twitched as his head moved in between them. The heat swirling in my core was close to exploding, and I was near the brink. When Trip’s tongue streaked across my damp flesh my hips soared off the bed.

Without moving from his spot between my legs, Trip snatched up a pillow and stuffed it under my ass, keeping me bowed.

“Much better.” With a wink of an eye Trip pressed his thumbs on each side and opened me wider.

His tongue moved, making me writhe underneath him at the ecstasy coursing through me. One of his hands moved to hold my hips still as I ground into him. I gripped the headboard as he tortured me with pleasure.

Trip sucked my clit into his mouth and laved his tongue on it. When he pushed a finger inside of me to work me from the inside, I bucked like a wild animal.

“That’s it, darlin’,” Trip encouraged when I adjusted my hips to get his tongue exactly where I needed it.

He concentrated on where I put him. Moans and unintelligent gibberish flowed from my mouth. Trip pushed in another finger and pumped in and out while his tongue played with my magic spot.

My breath hitched and held as I got too close to the edge. There was no turning back. I threw my head back and screamed as I dug my hips into his face, pulsing around him.

Trip unlocked my legs from around his head and moved back up my body. “That was one of the sexiest things I’ve ever experienced.”

I squirmed, unable to meet his eyes. The haze of pleasure was subsiding and embarrassment set in.

“Don’t go shy on me, darlin’. I’m not close to being done with you.” His hand pulled mine to his rock hard erection still contained inside his jeans.

I squeezed it gently and Trip groaned.

“Can I see it?”

“You can do more than see it.” He moved to undo his jeans, but I stopped him.

“Let me.”

“You’re going to be the death of me.”

I smiled at him, some of my embarrassment burning away from the need to see him. Unbuttoning his jeans, I pushed the zipper down. When I pulled the material apart a giggle burst out of me.

“That’s exactly what a man wants to hear,” Trip muttered, propping himself up on his hand so he could see what had me giggling. He groaned. “They’re my lucky underwear.”

I pushed his jeans down to get a better look at his Batman boxer briefs.

“Batman has never been so sexy,” I told him, staring at the straining outline of his shaft.

“I wasn’t expecting this to happen. I was trying to be a good boy and stay away from you until you graduated. My intentions were honorable.”

“I don’t want honorable intentions. I want you.”

“You have me for as long as you want me. Now are you going to do something with that thing, or are you punishing me with another case of blue balls?”

“Another?” I asked as I pulled his jeans and underwear down his muscular legs.

His erection sprang free and bobbed as I traced it with the tip of my finger.

“I was harder than I’ve ever been massaging you in the hotel room,” Trip admitted through clenched teeth.

I snuck my tongue out and licked the tip. Just to see if I liked it. Trip’s reaction was close to mine. His hips jumped off the bed as if I’d electrocuted him. His response made me feel powerful. I moved my tongue over him as he moaned, his hand stroking my back.

With a deep breath I wrapped my lips around the tip, guiding myself down until he hit the back of my throat. I slid back up and down a few times, getting a rhythm going.

Trip’s hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me on top of him.

“I wasn’t done exploring.” I pouted.

“Yeah, well, you almost had me done with your miraculous mouth. I need to be in you. I promise next time you can torture me however you see fit.”

“You sure are full of promises today.”

“You don’t seem to mind accepting them.”

Trip rolled us over until he was positioned on top of me, the wet tip pushing against my entrance. I bit my lip as flames engulfed me.

Trip’s head cocked to the side as he froze just before pushing inside. “McKenna, you aren’t a virgin, are you?”

“Not exactly.”

He closed his eyes and blew out a shaky breath. “I don’t want to hear about any man with you. Especially when I’m about to make you mine. But I need to ask. Are you on birth control, or do I need to get a condom?”

“I’m on birth control. And I guess I don’t need to ask if you’re clean.”

“I’m clean, and if I have my way you’re the only girl I’ll ever be with again.”

Instead of answering him, I lifted my hips up forcefully enough he plunged into me. Trip hissed, his forehead bunching up as if he were in pain.

“So tight,” he ground out.

I took a deep breath, adjusting from being stretched so fully. Trip kissed my forehead, cheeks, and then found my lips. Our passion pulsed around us as Trip began slowly moving.

It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. I met his strokes with my own. Trip tore his mouth from mine and sucked down my neck, traveling to my breasts.

I clawed his back as another wave of pressure built in my core. My feet were pressed against the mattress, giving me enough leverage to meet his thrusts. With every stroke my core burned hotter. Trip pulled my nipple in his mouth as he played with the other one with his hand.

My thighs shuddered as he brought me closer to the breaking point. His hands grabbed my hips and tilted them as he set a faster pace. Stroke after stroke my body lit with electrical currents. The pleasure he was bring me toward was intense. Fear of my release being too strong flittered through my brain, but Trip’s continuous strokes erased the fear.

Trip moved his mouth to my other breast as I clawed his back uselessly. I was too close to stop it. An orgasm slammed into me, making me buck around him as I gripped him, keeping his body glued to mine.

Trip didn’t stop thrusting, milking my orgasm until my legs went limp and landed on the bed. He continued to plunge inside of me with a punishing speed.

His finger found my still pulsing clit. I jumped and tried to pull away from him, the sensation too much.

“One more.”

“No, I’m too sensitive,” I practically screamed, squirming as he played with the tiny bud.

He slowed his thrusts as he grazed my clit. When I stopped trying to fight him, he slammed into me. His finger circled my clit quickly.

Not prepared for his assault, I was pitched into another intense orgasm. I cried out his name as I sank my teeth into his shoulder. Trip sat back on his heels and lifted my hips. His jaw clenched as he locked eyes on me, giving into his own release.

I cried out from the feeling of having him lose himself inside of me, prolonging the orgasm he unexpectedly forced on me.

Trip collapsed on the bed, bringing me in tight next to him. My body was limp, and I kept getting stuck in shuddering aftershocks. Trip lifted my chin and kissed me gently.

“You’re mine now. You realize I’m not letting you go now that I’ve had you?”

I snuggled further into his chest. “Good, because I wouldn’t let you let me go even if you wanted to.”

Trip chuckled and hugged me closer. “I have to know. What did you mean about not exactly being a virgin?”

I propped up on my elbow so I could see him when I explained. “I decided I wanted to get it out of the way. So my freshman year of college, I did some research and found the perfect candidate to lose my virginity to.”

“And how did you come to that conclusion?”

“He was a senior, and he was moving to New York for a job he already had lined up.”

“You didn’t want a boyfriend?”

“Uhm, well.” Embarrassment heated my already energized blood, and I hoped Trip would let it go.

“Oh, I have to hear this. Look how red your cheeks are.”

“You have to remember, I was infatuated with you. Hell, your pictures were posted over every inch of my wall. My niece called you Uncle Trip.”

“Damn, I fell for my stalker.”

“Don’t feel bad, you aren’t known for your brains,” I teased.

“Best decision I made.”

My heart went all melty and I kissed his nose. “So anyway, I got him over here. We kissed, but you kept staring at me on my walls. And when we started to have sex I felt guilty and told him to stop before he could really even start.”

Trip’s chest heaved as he laughed. His head was thrown back and a look of relaxation took over. “I cockblocked you.”

Laughter burst out of me. “In a way you did. After that I stayed away from boys.”

“You were waiting for me.”

“You were worth the wait.”

My words sobered Trip from his laughing. He traced my face and kissed my nose as I had just done to him. His change made me feel uneasy.


“I’m worried about you. I think we should still wait until after you graduate to announce us as a couple.”

Hurt raced through me and I reached for the blankets. Was he really balking after what we had just shared? I’d heard of men saying things to get a girl in bed but this was unexpected. Or was I just a long hard played game that he had finally won?

Trip reached for my hand and placed it on his heart. “Stop. Let me explain. Robin and I have a plan to slowly break off our relationship, so when I show up with you, the tabloids won’t go out for blood. I didn’t expect people to accept Robin and me so easily and you’ve already seen how cruel my fans can be.”

“We can be discreet.”

Trip’s logic was strong to the sensible portion of my brain, but the tiny insecure part of me refused to listen to reason.

“Just give me a month and then everything will be perfect. We can come out as the new it couple and then I’ll never hide you again.”

“I don’t know.”

Trip’s hand pushed mine harder into his chest. “McKenna, I have seen solid marriages get torn apart by the tabloids. All they want is a story and the dirtier the better. You’re giving up so much for us. I refuse to let your reputation get dragged through the mud. I don’t want to lose you when I just got you.” His blue eyes were wide as they penetrated deep into my soul.

I’m a goner.

“I love you, Mr. Butler.”

“I love you, Raine.”

Trip pulled me on top of him until I was settled on his growing erection.

I arched an eyebrow as I rocked against him. “I thought it took older guys longer to recuperate.”

“I’ll show you older guy.” Trip flipped me over and showed me more than once his recovery time.