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Balk by Joy Eileen (17)


Brian showed up after practice without Trip.

“It smells delicious in here,” he said, kissing Renee and Norah.

“There are still hot leftovers in the kitchen. You’re welcome to them if you want them,” my mom told him.

Brian headed toward the kitchen before my mom could finish her sentence. He came out holding the to-go box and fork, leaning on the wall.

“Where’s lover boy?” he asked between bites.

“I don’t know. I figured he was still at practice,” I answered, checking my phone to see if I missed a call from Trip.

Brian frowned and grabbed his phone to check. “Huh, he left before I did. I assumed he’d be here before me.” Brian shrugged and went back to his leftovers. “Too bad for him. I got all the food.” Brian laughed and choked on a noodle.

Renee smacked him on the back. “Serves you right.”

“I’m going to call him and tell him to eat first if he’s coming over.”

Trip’s phone went straight to voicemail and I frowned as I ended the call.

“Don’t start thinking stupid shit,” Renee said, coming up behind me.

“I’m not.”


“Okay, I’m trying not to. It would be easier if he answered his phone and not sent me directly to voicemail,” I muttered.

“Love isn’t easy. It’s messy, and if you let your head trick you with stupid worries it gets even messier,” Renee added.

“Kind of like thinking your fiancé’s cheating on you when he’s trying to adopt your daughter?” I countered.

“Exactly, asshole.”

Throughout the night, I tried Trip’s number, each time getting his voicemail.

Norah yawned and snuggled in my mom’s lap.

“I think it’s time to get her home,” Renee said, getting up to collect her daughter.

“Can she stay the night? We have clothes at our house and I’ll take her to school,” my mom asked, stroking Norah’s hair.

“Yes,” Brian and Renee answered quickly, making me laugh.

“Shut up, just wait until you have kids and someone offers to give you a night off,” Renee said, pushing my shoulder.

When I climbed into bed, I tried Trip’s phone one more time and clenched my teeth when his voicemail picked up.

My mind was on the edge of sleep when a loud banging sounded on my door. I struggled to sit up and bounced off the walls of the hallway as I moved to the door.

Through the peephole Trip moved to bang on the door again. I opened it and ducked as his fist came hurtling toward me, only stopping when he realized the door was no longer in front of him.

“Hey, slugger, watch it.”

Trip shook his head and pulled me into his chest.

“I’ve been wanting to hold you all day. I called to tell you to unlock the door, but you must not have heard me.”

“Sleeping,” I mumbled, breathing in his scent and relaxing against him.

“Sorry, darlin’. I didn’t think I was going to be gone as long as I was. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

Trip carried me to bed. He stripped off his shirt and jeans and climbed in next to me. My hand came in contact with his bare stomach and suddenly sleep wasn’t as important as it was moments ago.

I traced the deep grooves of his muscles, leaning over to replace my fingers with my tongue like I wanted to the first time I saw it. Trip groaned and pushed his fingers through my hair. My tongue traveled down his stomach, stopping when I reached his boxers.

Trip’s hips lifted so I could remove his underwear. I pulled them down his legs. My tongue traveled over his shaft, memorizing the feel and taste in the dark. Trip’s hands moved back in my hair as I took him in fully. His thighs clenched as I moved faster over him.

“Shit,” he cried, turning over and pulling me up in one swift movement.

My sweatpants were shucked off, and Trip positioned himself in between my thighs before I registered I had moved. I yanked off my tank top just as Trip slid into me. We both sighed when we were pressed together.

Trip moved in a slow, steady pace. My heels dug into his butt, urging him to go faster. When he didn’t get my cues, I leaned up and kissed him deeply.

Trip’s resolve broke, and he thrust faster, giving me exactly what I wanted. We both crashed over the edge together, our orgasms milking the other’s until we were both spent.

Trip rolled over and pulled me to him. Before I could ask him where he had been, a light snore escaped his lips. I smiled and snuggled in further, letting the exhaustion of the night before and today pull me under.


Trip was already gone when I woke up. I rolled over on his pillow and breathed in his smell. My phone rang, making me jump, embarrassed I was caught being weird.

“I’m coming over in fifteen. Get in the shower,” Renee demanded cryptically before hanging up.

Not wanting to get yelled at for ignoring orders, I got out of bed and did as I was told.

“Hurry up,” Renee yelled, banging on the bathroom door and scaring the shit out of me.

I picked up the shampoo bottle I was singing into and postponed my solo concert for my next shower. Throwing on my robe, I went into the kitchen to see what Renee was up to.

“What are you doing? Get dressed. We don’t have much time,” she yelled, clapping her hands together.

“What am I dressing for? And where are we going?”

I moved into my room and lotioned up before pulling on a pair of jean shorts and my favorite Pappies shirt. Renee surveyed me before nodding her approval.

“We’re going over to Trip’s house. As to what you’re dressing for, I don’t know. Trip told me to get you dressed and to have you at his house before ten.” Renee glanced at her phone. “We need to hurry.”

I slipped on my flip-flops and followed Renee to her car.

“You really have no idea what’s going on?” I asked as Renee backed out of the parking lot.

“Nope. Trip called Brian this morning and when they were done talking, Brian handed me the phone. Trip told me to get you showered, dressed, and to his house before ten.”

Renee shrugged her shoulders as she rolled down her window and waved to the guard. He nodded and opened the gate. Renee pulled in front of Trip’s huge three-story house with a large porch spanning the front.

I’d never been inside his house, but Brian pointed it out when Renee moved her business to his garage and told me that Trip was his neighbor.

“Is it normal to have all these camera crews around?” I asked, noticing news vans parked on the street.

“No, but I have a feeling it has to do with why Trip wanted you here.”

My hand went to my messy bun still drying on my head. I pulled down the visor and noted the black bags under my eyes and the fact I was makeup free.

“You look beautiful,” Renee said, parking her car and getting out. “Let’s go see what your man has up his sleeve.”

With fake confidence, I walked into Trip’s house.

“There you are,” my mom cried, coming up and hugging me.

“What are you doing here?” I hissed, noticing it wasn’t just my mom, but everyone.

My dad waved at me before turning around and finishing his conversation with Trip’s dad, who also waved. Trip’s mom saw me and moved away from someone I didn’t know to come toward me.

She wrapped me in a hug and smiled brightly at my mom. “I’m so glad you’re here. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for my son.”

“Selina, do you know what’s going on?” I asked, hoping to get some insight.

“In due time. I need to make sure everything’s in order.” She patted me on the cheek and glided off.

I spotted Trip’s sister, Harley, and walked over to her.

“What’s going on?”

“Please don’t ask me, McKenna. I’m really bad at keeping secrets. Trip almost didn’t let me come because he was afraid I’d blow it.” She gave me a pleading look before hugging me and running off in another direction.

I looked at Renee and she shrugged, just as confused as I was.

Gwen came over and caught my hands. “This is wonderful, McKenna. I’m sorry for the way I treated you. You have to know it was only because Trip’s my job and I didn’t want to lose it, that I acted the way I did to you. I wish he had told me he loved you this much. This is wonderful.” With her creepy compliment apology thingy, Gwen skipped off happily.

I hummed the twilight zone theme song and Renee burst out laughing, catching Brian’s attention. He motioned for her to come over to him.

“I think those are his parents. Kenna, come with me.” She gripped my hand as she moved toward Brian, not giving me a choice.

When we reached Brian he took Renee’s hand and kissed the top of her head. “Babe, these are my parents, Joe and Barbara.”

Brian’s mom grabbed Renee and hugged her with tears in her eyes.

“You’re just as beautiful as Brian told us. Welcome to the family. Where’s your daughter?” she asked, looking around the room.

“She’s at school. You can meet her tonight when you come over for dinner,” Brian answered.

“Are you cooking your enchiladas?” his dad asked, making me laugh.

“I guess I could be persuaded,” Brian answered.

A loud noise came from the back of the house. A tiny woman in a red business suit clapped until she had everyone’s attention. “I’m going to need complete silence while we are filming. If you cannot comply, then you’ll be escorted out of the area. Do you understand?”

We all nodded and I latched onto Brian’s shoulder. “What the hell’s going on?”

He smiled and kissed me to the cheek. “Welcome to the Pappies family, sis.”

Brian, Renee, and his parents moved outside where it seemed everyone else was headed. I caught my parents talking animatedly to Trip’s parents and my head spun. Everything tilted when I noticed Robin Sands coming toward me.

“Hi, McKenna,” she said, putting her hand out.

I stared at her in awe. This was the pitcher I looked up to when she took the US team to gold. The girl who’d also been draped on the arm of the man I loved in almost every picture there was of him lately.

I snapped my mouth shut when she giggled. “I’m sorry. I’m not good with people,” I told her lamely.

“That’s not what Trip says about you.”

“Well, he’s biased. I touch him in dirty places.” My eyes went wide as Robin doubled over and laughed. “Did I just say that?”

“You did, and now I understand why he fell in love with you so fast. Come on, you’re going to want to see this.”

Robin moved toward the backyard where everyone milled around. They were on the edge of Trip’s ginormous green backyard being corralled by the tiny woman in red. A camera crew had set up a makeshift studio on his covered back porch.

Trip was dressed in a tight Batman shirt and jeans. He was looking down as they were putting the mic on him, but when I stepped out his head shot up as if he sensed me.

He winked and mouthed, “Trust me.” Before taking his seat in front of one of the most renowned sports interviewers, Halie Jones.

Halie smiled and talked to Trip as they settled in the chairs. The crew scrambled around for the last minute checks before the woman in the red business suit shushed us again.

Halie smiled at the camera and started her intro. “Hello, sports fans. I have a special interview for you today. As you can see, Trip Butler’s here and has picked our show to come clear on the controversy surrounding his relationship with Robin Sands and the mystery woman he was kissing the other day. Welcome.”

Trip glanced at me before sucking in a deep breath. My mom came up and hugged me from behind, while Renee held my hand and Robin stood next to me.

I held my breath until Trip opened his mouth. “Thank you for letting me on your show to sort some things out.”

“You’re very welcome. This drama has had our viewers on the edge of their seats, and it will be nice to get this exclusive to them first.”

“Let me first say that Robin and I are not seeing each other. We’re mutual friends who respect each other deeply. And because of our friendship, Robin agreed to be my pretend girlfriend to help me keep my current girlfriend out of the spotlight.”

“So you’re telling me, you and Robin were never involved? That isn’t going to make our viewers happy at all.” Halie’s face turned to the camera with a glint in her eyes. She knew she was getting ratings gold.

“Sorry, but right now I’d rather make her happy. Don’t get me wrong, I love my fans. I know I wouldn’t be where I am without them, but I love her more. They can be as mad as they want as long as they direct it toward me and not her. She’s innocent.”

“So you’re telling me, Robin agreed to be your public girlfriend to protect your private one?”

“Can you blame me?” Trip asked her, leaning in as he spoke. “Look at what happened to her when they saw a picture of us kissing. The comments made about her, without having the whole story were vicious.”

“To be fair they thought you were in a committed relationship with Robin.”

“I understand, and I’m sorry for lying to all of you.” Trip stared straight into the camera. “But I wanted to protect her from exactly what happened, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me and I don’t want our relationship to suffer because of something taken out of context for a story. Since the cat’s out of the bag, and I can’t protect her from the spotlight any longer, I want to declare my intentions, and I wanted all of you to be a part of it. Just so everyone knows how I feel.”

Renee squeezed my hand while letting out a silent squeal, I could assume only dogs heard.

“Robin, can you please escort McKenna over here?” Trip asked.

Robin grabbed my hand and I floated across the lawn with her as my anchor.

Everything felt surreal. As if I were watching it from outside my body.

Everyone on the outside perimeter started whispering, and red suit lady gave them the evil eye. But even her fierce peepers couldn’t stop their excitement.

“I believe this woman’s yours,” Robin said to Trip, placing my hand in his.

“Thank you, Robin.”

She smiled and moved out of the shot, but lingered on the perimeter as she chewed on her fingernail.

“What are you doing?” I hissed at Trip, trying to fix my hair with my free hand.

“Something I’ve been thinking about for a while now.”

Trip went down on one knee and the whole crowd gasped, including me. “McKenna Hope Raine, I Alfred DeWayne Butler.”

“Oh my God, he said his full name,” Harley cried from somewhere on the lawn, receiving a loud hush from red suit lady.

“I’m here in front of as many people as I could gather in such a short period to declare my absolute love and devotion to you. And to ask you if you’d be my wife?”

My knees hit the porch as Trip held out a ring box. I watched in fascination as he opened it. A large black diamond nestled inside a ring of tiny yellow diamonds sparkled back at me.

“It looks like the bat symbol,” I said, staring down at it.

“You can wear it every day if you say yes,” Trip said with some hesitation in his voice.

“Yes, yes. A thousand times yes.”

I threw my arms around his neck and rained kisses all over his face, only stopping when I reached his mouth. Trip kissed me deeply and the cheers faded away as I got lost in him.

“That was unexpected,” Halie said, her foot nudging us to remind us we were still on air.

“I would like to be the first to congratulate the happy couple.” Halie began wrapping up on the segment. “I would also like to thank all of our viewers—”

“Excuse me,” Robin interrupted Halie’s send-off. “If you wouldn’t mind, I want to say something.”

Halie’s eyes shined even brighter calculating her ratings on whatever Robin was going to reveal.

“Please, Robin. You’re as much a part of this story as these two.” Halie beamed at her.

“Thank you, Halie. First off I would like to state that almost everything Trip said today was correct.”

“Almost?” Halie asked, her eyes getting wider.

I half expected her to start drumming her fingers together while letting out an evil laugh. I’ll admit I was disappointed when Halie’s hands remained on her lap.

“Yes, our relationship was pretend, and it was to help keep McKenna out of the spotlight, but I also benefited from our arrangement as well.” Robin wrung her hands together, and I reached over to squeeze her shoulder.

She turned and smiled before finishing what she started. “I’m in love with someone who I also wanted to protect. Our reasoning for deceiving the public was mutual.”

“And can you tell us who this person is?” Halie inched closer to her, but still no evil laugh.

“I can’t, but I can tell you she’s a beautiful talented woman with a huge heart and I love her very much. I was afraid I’d lose my fans if I came out, so Trip and I came up with this plan. I’m sorry if I hurt anyone, but I can’t lie anymore.” Robin turned and hugged us both before walking away.

Halie trailed behind her, trying to ask more questions, but Robin escaped to her car with no further comments.

Trip took my hand and led me toward our waiting family. They swarmed us with a sea of congratulations. After we got them all calmed down and back in the house Trip tugged me into his kitchen alone.

“Can I put this on you now?” he asked, still holding the ring box.

I looked down at my empty finger and giggled. “I think that would be perfect.”

Trip slid the ring on my finger and we both stared down at it smiling.

“Is this too soon?” I asked.

“No. You knew I was meant to be yours in junior high. I just needed to catch up.”

I gave him a watery smile and he pulled me into his hard chest.

“We can have a long engagement if you want. But know this, McKenna, you’re my everything and I’d marry you right now. Without a doubt you are the only one for me.”

“Does this mean I have access to the Batcave?”

Trip laughed and leaned into me. “That could be taken in so many different ways. Maybe it means I have access to your Batcave.”

I smacked him on the shoulder as my cheeks heated. “What’s good for the goose,” I said, waggling my newly decorated finger.

Trip chuckled before silencing us both with a searing kiss.