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Resisting Fate (Happy Endings Book Club, Book 7) by Kylie Gilmore (19)


Missy sat on Hailey’s mushy floral sofa, along with Lexi and Sabrina, the three of them already dressed and ready for New Year’s Eve. The rest of their friends were scattered around Hailey’s apartment, poking through her stacks of bridal magazines and romance novels in the living room bookcases, in the kitchen enjoying some of the veggies and dip Hailey had put out for them, or in Hailey’s bedroom putting the finishing touches on their hair and makeup under Hailey’s enthusiastic direction. They’d all shown up here—as far as Hailey knew—for a group pre-New Year’s Eve party prep. The party at Garner’s had become their annual tradition. The real reason they were gathered at Hailey’s apartment? Sabrina was holding an intervention.

When Hailey finally appeared in the living room—stunning as always in an off-the-shoulder black shirt with black miniskirt and black stilettos—Mad made an excuse to go, saying she’d forgotten something at home.

“What is it?” Hailey asked. “You can borrow something of mine.”

“All good,” Mad said, already heading to the door. “Won’t be long.”

Hailey’s brows scrunched together. “She’s going to be at least half an hour by the time she drives to her place and back.”

“No hurry,” Sabrina soothed. “It’s not even eight yet.”

“I suppose,” Hailey said, her brow creasing. “Anyone hungry?” she asked brightly, heading to the kitchen. “I’ll make up a cheese and cracker platter. Ooh, I have some olives too.”

Missy and Sabrina exchanged a look. It was Sabrina’s professional opinion, which they all agreed with, that Hailey needed to calm the frick down. She’d been running on hyper speed for more than two months, ever since Josh and Clarissa got together, and Sabrina feared Hailey was going to burn out. It was a real concern because Hailey’s wedding planning business would require a lot of work in the first half of the new year, not just from newly engaged couples, but also from Carrie and Zach’s wedding, which would be featured in the national magazine Bride Special. That wedding had to be the wedding to top all weddings. For Hailey’s mental health and the future of her business, this intervention was a must.

They could hear Hailey chattering a mile a minute to sweet Lauren, the only one who’d stayed behind in the kitchen when the Hailey whirlwind arrived. The rest of them chatted quietly in the living room, waiting for the signal from Mad. Half an hour later, appetizers consumed and all of them on the edge of their seats, Sabrina announced, “Mad’s on her way.” That meant Mad was here, waiting just outside.

“Finally!” Hailey called from the kitchen, where she was finishing the dishes. She’d refused to let anyone help, saying she enjoyed keeping busy. “We’ve got to dance tonight, ladies! I’m so antsy being stuck indoors in the winter.” Antsy, hyper, same deal.

“Sounds good to me,” Lexi called.

“Hailey, could you come in here?” Sabrina asked. “I wanted to talk to you about the new year.”

“Just a minute!” Hailey caroled. “Let me just…” Some dishes banged into cabinets and then Hailey appeared in the living room. “Okay! What’re you planning?”

Missy shifted to the arm of the sofa and Sabrina patted the empty spot next to her. Hailey headed over and sat, crossing her legs, and turned to Sabrina. “What can I help you with?”

The room quieted. Everyone prepared to take Sabrina’s lead. She was the counselor, after all.

Sabrina spoke in a gentle tone, her words direct. “Hailey, now that the holidays are over, it’s time for you to slow down.”

“You’ve been scary hyper,” Missy put in.

Hailey huffed. “I’m not scary hyper. I’ve just been—”

“Working hard,” Sabrina interrupted. “Ever since—” she paused and Missy held her breath, wondering if Sabrina would confront Hailey on Josh “—well, ever since you decided to be open to relationships, ending your friends-with-benefits situation, you’ve had lots of loving energy pouring out.”

“All over the place,” Lexi said.

Sabrina sent Lexi a quelling look before turning back to Hailey. “And we all think you need to…focus that energy. It’s your turn to be loved.” She texted Mad for the signal while the rest of them chimed in with all of their good intentions.

“She’s right!”

“You deserve love!”

“We want you to be happy!”

Hailey gulped, her eyes shifting around the room nervously.

There was a knock at the door. Hailey jerked upright, stiff as a board, staring at the door like the devil himself might walk through, Josh being the devil.

“I’ll get it,” Sabrina said, rushing to the door and opening it.

Mad stepped inside carrying two duffel bags. “I’m back!”

Hailey sagged on the sofa. “Gah! I thought you ladies were doing some matchmaking, reversing the tables here.”

“We totally should’ve done that!” Lexi exclaimed. They all shot her a dark look. “What? Turnabout is fair play.”

Mad carefully set the duffel bags on the floor, opened one and pulled out a little scrap of white wiry-haired dog with too-big pointy ears and huge black eyes. The dog looked around curiously. Rose was a one-year-old terrier-Chihuahua mix, a little homely with her spare wiry tufts of fur, but they’d all thought Hailey would enjoy prettying her up with lots of grooming and doggy accessories. The dog was small enough for an apartment, feisty like Hailey, and already trained from her previous owner, an elderly woman who’d died unexpectedly.

“You got a dog?” Hailey exclaimed. “Cool!”

Mad didn’t reply, instead carrying Rose over to Hailey. “We thought a dog would calm you down.”

“For me?” Hailey whispered.

Sabrina piped up. “Dogs offer unconditional love, and that’s what we want for you. If you don’t want the responsibility—”

“Are you kidding?” Hailey took Rose from Mad’s arms and cuddled her against her chest. “I love him already.” She got nose to nose with the dog, who licked her mouth. “He kissed me!”

“It’s a her,” Missy said. “Her name is Rose, but you could change it.”

“It’s perfect.” Hailey stroked the dog behind the ears. “Aren’t you so precious?” Tears leaked out of Hailey’s eyes, which Rose promptly licked. Sabrina stood, rubbing Hailey’s back, and smiled at the little dog. If Hailey hadn’t wanted Rose, Mad had planned to keep her. Or Sabrina. They both thought she was great.

Hailey gave them all a watery smile. “These are happy tears. I’m just so touched that you thought of such a wonderful present for me.” She laughed and cooed to the dog. “Yes, you are a wonderful present! Who’s a cutie? You are!” She cuddled Rose against her, and the dog reached her front paws up to Hailey’s bare shoulder and rested her head between them. “She’s like a furry baby!”

“Wire-hair dogs are supposed to be more hypoallergenic,” Sabrina said, “so you might be able to take her to work with you. Your clients should be okay.”

Hailey stroked Rose’s little head. “Of course I’m bringing her to work! I’ll get her a little doggie bed and she can stay in my office. That’s one of the perks of owning my own business. In fact, she’s such a tiny thing, I’ll bring her everywhere. I’ll get one of those purses for dogs.”

Mad held up the duffel bag with mesh sides. “This is her carrier.”

“Great! I’ll put her in that with the top open and take her to the party tonight. It’s a good idea for her to get used to lots of people. After all, she’ll probably be attending a lot of weddings.”

“Uh, sure,” Mad said uncertainly, looking to Sabrina.

“You should probably check in with each client before you do that,” Sabrina said. “And give it a little time to see how Rose will feel about that.”

“She’s fine!” Hailey declared. “Look, here she is with all of us and she’s so calm. She’s nearly asleep on my shoulder.” She turned to show them Rose, who was indeed resting, eyes droopy, on Hailey’s shoulder. Probably a pretty warm spot. “Thanks again, ladies, this is the best gift I’ve ever gotten.”

“She’s pretty good,” Mad said. “She’s been at my place for the last couple of weeks. She’s housebroken and knows how to sit, beg, and lie down.”

Hailey stroked Rose’s tiny body. “She’s smart. I can tell already.”

Mad retrieved the other duffel bag and put it on the kitchen counter. “This is her food, bowls, leash, and treats.”

“Thanks, Mad,” Hailey said, her voice choked. “Thanks all of you. Group hug.”

They all gathered close, hugging Hailey and petting little Rose, who didn’t bother to open her eyes. She’d found her safe spot with Hailey.

After their hug, Hailey shifted Rose into her carrier, zipped it up, and made more baby talk at her through the mesh panel. She straightened. “I feel more relaxed already. Who’s ready to party?”

“Party!” Lexi shouted, which made Rose growl in warning.

“It’s okay, baby,” Hailey cooed to Rose. “Mama’s here.” She pulled on her white wool coat. “I’m driving over so Rose doesn’t get a chill. I’ve got room for two more if you want a ride.”

They all piled into the available cars and drove the short distance to Garner’s. Hailey rented a basement apartment in an old Victorian in Clover Park only a few blocks away.

By the time she got to Garner’s, Missy couldn’t wait to tell Ben how great their doggy intervention had gone. He’d been skeptical, saying Hailey might not even like dogs. The bar was crowded, noisy with conversation and rockin’ music from some speakers set up around the space. The tables had been cleared from the dining area on the right side to make room for more mingling. Along the half wall separating the dining area from the bar, a long table of appetizers had been set up. All the usual culprits—hot wings, pigs in blankets, and warm tortilla chips.

She went on tiptoe, trying to find Ben. She knew the guys were here somewhere, but the bar was open to the community, so there were tons of people here she didn’t know too. She texted him, telling him she was here.

Hailey came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Can you hold Rose for a minute while I take off my coat? I don’t want her to get accidentally stepped on.”

“Sure,” Missy said, putting the carrier strap over her shoulder. Rose was so light.

Hailey shrugged off her coat. White fur clung to her chest where Rose had been resting.

Missy gestured to Hailey’s shirt. “You should probably get a lint brush.”

Hailey glanced down at what was no doubt a designer shirt and picked some off with her fingers. “Guess I better get used to it.” She took the carrier back and unzipped it. Rose sat up, looking all around, her nose twitching as she sniffed the air. “Come on, I think Rose would like one of those pigs in blankets.”

“Sure.” Missy followed her over there, checking for a text from Ben. On my way. That was weird. She’d thought for sure he’d be here by now.

They got to the table, and Hailey took Rose out of her carrier.

“What is that?” Josh asked, appearing suddenly, staring at Rose. He poured fresh tortilla chips into the warming bin.

Rose growled.

“What do you mean, what is that?” Hailey asked. “This is my dog, Rose. She’s learning socialization.”

Josh closed the distance between them. “You sure she’s a dog? She looks like a rat.”

Hailey gasped, indignant beyond words. Rose bared her tiny teeth at Josh, growling, making the little dog look even more homely.

“Not much of a looker,” Josh said, reaching out to pet Rose. The dog barked and barked and barked. Ear-piercing, high-pitched, teeth-jangling barks.

Hailey stepped back from Josh, staring at Rose, who finally quieted, then at Josh. “She doesn’t like you.”

Josh bared his teeth at Rose. “Maybe I don’t like her.”

Hailey stroked Rose, talking to her soothingly as she retrieved a pig in a blanket, feeding Rose a tiny piece.

“Those are for paying customers,” Josh said.

“I’m paying,” Hailey said.

“No dogs allowed,” Josh said, crossing his arms.

Missy took a quick peek around for signs of Clarissa. If Josh and Hailey were going to get into it, Clarissa would surely intervene. She didn’t see her.

“Is Clarissa here?” Missy asked Josh.

“No,” he said, his eyes glued to Hailey’s dog. “There are health codes, you know.”

Both Hailey and Rose growled at Josh.

“Will Clarissa be here soon?” Missy asked Josh.

A muscle ticked in Josh’s jaw, but he remained quiet, staring at Hailey.

“She’s no trouble,” Hailey insisted, wiping Rose’s muzzle clean of flaky pastry crumbs from the pig in a blanket. “Are you, babykins? You just stay in your little carrier, happy as can be.”

Josh stepped closer and Rose erupted in ferocious earsplitting barks.

Hailey stared at Rose and eased away from Josh. “My goodness, that is some bark.” She looked to Josh. “You’d better go. She really doesn’t like when you get close.”

“This is my bar!” Josh snapped. “If anyone has to go, it’s that little rat.”

Hailey scowled. “It is not your bar. You just manage it.”

Josh clenched his jaw, glaring at Hailey before stalking off.

Missy watched him go, hoping Clarissa would be here soon because Missy had never seen Josh in such a foul mood. Josh retreated behind the bar and went back to work, filling drink orders.

“Maybe you should take Rose home,” Missy told Hailey. “Josh said no dogs allowed. It is a restaurant.”

Hailey lifted her chin. “Rose is my therapy dog. You’re allowed to have therapy dogs in restaurants.”

“How can she be your therapy dog when you just got her? Don’t you have to have special training for that?”

“We’ll start our training right after the new year. In the meantime, she’s my emotional therapy dog. I do feel more relaxed and calm when she’s with me.”

“But Josh—”

“Can pry her out of my cold dead hands.” Her icy tone was surprisingly intimidating coming from the normally perky woman.

“Your call,” Missy said. Her phone vibrated with a text from Ben. I’m here. Meet me by the front door. “Gotta go,” she told Hailey, who didn’t notice, she was so busy cooing to little Rose.

Her eyes locked on Ben standing in the entryway in his usual black leather jacket, faded jeans, and hiking boots. Her heart thumped a happy beat and she practically ran into his arms, hugging him. “Happy New Year!” she exclaimed.

He smiled, his eyes warm and tender. “Not yet. Soon.”

“What took you so long?”

“I had a few things to do around the house.”

She stared at him in confusion. “You were late for the party because you were cleaning?”

“You’ll see,” he said mysteriously.

They joined their friends, everyone in good spirits. Soon she was dancing crazy with her friends, Ben watching her with open amusement and affection, Missy’s heart full to bursting with all the love and friendship in the room. The time just flew by.

Next thing she knew, it was nearly midnight, and Josh turned off the music for the big countdown.

“Almost time!” Hailey shouted. She handed Rose’s carrier to Mad and stood on a chair, holding up ten fingers for the countdown. All eyes were on her—the women shocked that Hailey would climb up on a chair in a miniskirt. With her hands in the air, her midriff was exposed too. She was in great shape, all toned and curvy. The men stared at her bared belly while Hailey stared at the time on the TV over the bar with the Times Square New Year’s Eve countdown.

Hailey started the countdown. “Ten…nine…eight—ah!”

Josh had appeared out of nowhere, lifting her by the waist off the chair. Rose barked ferociously at Josh, and Hailey took her dog from Mad, talking to her soothingly and quickly moving away from Josh.

Josh took Hailey’s place on the chair, continuing the countdown, the volume in the room getting louder with excitement. “Five…four…three…two…one!”

“Happy…” Missy trailed off. The room was utterly silent. What happened? Why was everyone so quiet? She sucked in air. Ben was down on one knee in front of her, holding up a diamond ring.

“Missy Higgins, my first and last love, will you marry me?”

She slapped a hand over her mouth, trembling in shock. She nodded, her vision blurry from tears.

He smiled. “I need the words, sweetheart.”

She dropped her hand. “Yes.”

The room erupted in cheers. Ben slipped the ring on her finger, rose to his feet, and pulled her into his arms. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Wild applause rang through her ears, confetti raining down over them. By the time they came up for air, grinning like fools, their friends were busy wishing each other happy New Year.

All of the couples were kissing—Mad and Parker, Charlotte and Ty, Lauren and Alex, Carrie and Zach, Ally and Ethan. Sabrina accepted a kiss on the cheek from Marcus, as did Lexi. Logan elbowed Marcus out of the way and hugged Lexi. Logan then held out his arms to Sabrina, smiling and letting her come to him. Sabrina held out her arms awkwardly, all stiff, her arms at weird angles. They engaged in the world’s most awkward hug—Sabrina patting his back with one hand, the other hand on his elbow—before breaking apart, both of them looking away. Weird. Missy had thought Sabrina, being a relationship counselor, would be much smoother with men. Well, she was a little shy. Maybe she didn’t have a lot of personal experience. Sabrina had never shared much about men, but Missy had assumed that was because she was a private person.

“Let’s get some champagne,” Missy told Ben.

“A toast to a new year and a new life.” He brushed his thumb over her lower lip and pressed on it before kissing her gently. “With my soon-to-be wife.”

She beamed. “I love you so much I want to yell it to the world.”

“Feel free.”

“I love Ben Wright!” she shouted.

“We know!” her friends shouted back. Everyone laughed.

They headed to the bar, where Josh was already hard at work, pouring fresh glasses of champagne. They had a fantastic chaotic toast, everyone talking and laughing all at once before Hailey took control to properly toast to Missy and Ben. She was such an awesome friend.

Clarissa never did show up.

After a private toast with Ben that was more kissing than sipping champagne, she and Ben left, eager to go back to his place. Which would soon be her place too; Ben was moving her in tomorrow.

When they got there, he guided her into the house from the garage, one hand on the small of her back.

She stepped into the dark kitchen. “Turn on the light.”

Ben put a hand over her eyes and turned on the light. “We’re moving, we’re moving,” he said in her ear, guiding her through the house.

“What in the world are you up to?”

“You’ll see.” They moved quite a distance before he finally stopped. “This is why I was late.” He dropped his hand from her eyes at the foot of the stairs. Rose petals were strewn on the stairs, making a path through the upstairs hallway. No one had ever made her a rose-petal path. It was so beautifully romantic. Her throat tightened.

“Ben,” she whispered. That was it. She had no more words.

“I wanted our first night as an engaged couple to be special.”

She turned to him with a smile. “You were pretty sure I’d say yes.”

He kissed her and spoke against her lips. “We both know it was a done deal.” He took her hand, entwining his fingers with hers, and walked upstairs with her. “You can’t resist me. Besides our informal engagement in front of my grandmother is binding in a court of grandmom law.”

She laughed. “I was not aware of that.”

“Oh, yeah, serious stuff.”

They reached the upstairs hallway and he gestured for her to go ahead. She followed the rose petals to the bedroom. The petals made a path to the bed, where he’d put more petals in the shape of a heart. He turned the light on, dimmed it, and then lit white candles set around the room.

She would’ve swooned if she were the type. As it was, she was overwhelmed by the generosity and tenderness of this man. She’d never experienced anything like it, and now she’d have the rest of her life with him. She was so damn lucky she could hardly believe it was all real. She watched him take off his hiking boots and set them to the side, still in a state of shock. How was this her life? The most amazing sexy loving thoughtful man in the world was her fiancé?

She blinked away tears, clearing her vision. He got in bed, lying sideways near the top of the heart and gesturing to it. “Climb on board, the love bed is ready.”

She didn’t know whether to laugh or burst into happy tears.

He let out a loud sigh, sat up and peeled off his shirt, revealing his bulky shoulders and sexy chest. “Fine. I’ll up the ante. Get moving, woman.”

She slowly walked over, feeling like she was in a romantic sexy dream. He stood and stripped off his jeans.

She leaped at him.

“There’s my sexy alligator,” he growled, and they rolled all over the soft petals, wrapped together in a hot tangle of love.

~ ~ ~

Would you like to read a Bonus Epilogue for more Ben and Missy? Click here to read it!

Dear Readers,

Hailey finally found unconditional love—with a dog. Who hates Josh. Will little Rose warm up to Josh? Will Hailey? Stay tuned. Logan Campbell and Sabrina might’ve had the world’s most awkward hug on New Year’s Eve, but their friendship is rock solid. Until it isn’t. Would you like an exclusive sneak peek at my next release? Just and you’ll receive sneak peeks, excerpts, and subscriber-only giveaways. Next up is Logan and Sabrina’s story, Chance of Romance, book 8 in the Happy Endings Book Club series. Join the club and get your happy ending!

Chance of Romance (Happy Endings Book Club #8)

When relationship counselor Sabrina Clarke gets a wedding invitation from the jerk who left her a jilted bride, she writes a scathing article on commitment-phobes that catapults her practice into the spotlight. But the publicity leads to unwelcome attention from a competitor who slams Sabrina for being single. And, hello, stupid mistakes! Sabrina panics in the middle of an interview and claims she’s in a relationship with the friend she secretly lusts for—Logan Campbell.

Steamed is an understatement when Logan’s long-distance relationship is derailed the moment Sabrina announces they’re a couple on TV. Way to throw him under the bus! The pressure’s on as Logan heads to California to repair his shaky relationship and navigate investor meetings for his tech company. 

Sabrina knows she’s got to undo the damage, but when she meets the rotten cheating apple of Logan’s eye, she knows there’s only one thing for her to do…make another stupid mistake.


“I'm not going to lie to America, Hailey!” Sabrina Clarke exclaimed.

Hailey, leader of the Happy Endings Book Club and a die-hard romantic, leaned forward. “There's absolutely nothing wrong with a fake engagement!”

Sabrina threw her hands up. “In a book, yes. In reality, no.” That was the makings of a romance novel—perfect for their romance book club, crazy in real life. And it certainly wouldn't solve her problem.

Sabrina's article, “Goodbye Commitment-Phobe, Hello Happiness!” had published last week on the popular Sugar Buzz blog. Alarming things had been happening ever since. First, the post had gone viral. She'd nearly had a heart attack when the editor emailed to tell her it had a million views and was still going strong. And then today Sabrina got a call inviting her for an interview on “Sunshine America,” a national morning talk show dedicated to good news. She'd hyperventilated and told them she'd have to check her schedule and get back to them. She was a relationship counselor with a thriving practice and it was everything to her.

She'd been fretting over her decision ever since, which was why she'd told her friends of her dilemma the moment they sat down at book club. She wanted to help a broader audience, but she feared public scrutiny would reveal the truth—she was a complete fraud. Here she was, a relationship counselor and she didn't have a committed relationship of her own. That was when the fake fiancé came up, a fanciful notion borne of their love of romance novels.

Her friends—every last one of the eight women seated in a circle at Something's Brewing Café—erupted in support of the fake fiancé. Not happening. She prided herself on being honest.

Sabrina pushed her long dirty-blond hair behind her ears, caught herself mid-eyeroll, and quickly looked to the ceiling. The golden light of the hanging sconces set a pretty glow up there, the shadows peculiarly phallic. She looked away, focusing on the baked goods counter and telling herself that just because it had been a while didn't mean she was desperate. Her eye caught on the phallic éclairs. The symbolism was not lost on her. It was getting worse by the week and really starting to get to her. Hormones? Her friends all finding their forever loves? Her secret lust for her one and only guy friend? Probably all of the above. Well, a fake fiancé wouldn't fix that either.

Lexi's voice cut through the chatter. She was a close friend, a brunette with almond-shaped brown eyes and a practical, no-nonsense manner. “Let's look at the facts. Number one, Sabrina is no longer just a relationship healer for Clover Park, now she's a relationship healer for all of America.”

“Not true,” Sabrina protested. She'd had a feature article in The Clover Park Record that called her a relationship healer, but that was it. No one had said she was a healer beyond that.

Lexi went on as if Sabrina hadn't spoken. “Fact number two! The entire country is buzzing about your article! By the way, that title was genius click bait. Are you sure you don't have PR experience?”

Shudder. The last thing Sabrina would do was purposely put herself in the spotlight. That was her family's thing. Her mom was a famous erotic painter, her vagabond dad was a photographer who sold celebrity pictures to the highest bidder, and her half-brother was a nude street performer wearing body paint to resemble popular science fiction characters. Her childhood was a circus of brilliance and showmanship and drama, and she got out as soon as she could. Was it any wonder she hated being the center of attention? Her friends had no clue about that and she wasn't about to share.

Cherry on top? Her family didn't believe in committed relationships. Her parents had never married. Her entire family going back generations had relationships all over the place, rarely married, or if they did, separated or divorced quickly. There were kids everywhere with all different parents, everyone walking to the beat of a different drummer. She was sure media attention on her would bring her family out of the woodwork. They lived for this stuff. Meanwhile, she'd be losing clients left and right as they lost faith in her supposed expertise. No relationship and a lifetime of bad examples did not inspire confidence. Add in the fact that her one and only committed relationship had left her at the altar and it was strike three. Fraud, fraud, fraud.

Heat crept up her neck as her friends stared at her expectantly. “I'm definitely not a PR person. I really don't like the spotlight.”

“Fact number three,” Lexi declared, raising three fingers in the air, “if you go on this talk show, you'll be able to help so many people. They need to hear from you.”

Sabrina swallowed hard. That was the heart of it. Could she get past her own misgivings for the greater good? She had helped a lot of couples in her private practice.

Mad, a tough no-filter woman, leaned forward, elbows on her knees. Her dyed fire-engine red hair fell into her eyes and she shoved it away. “If you didn't want the spotlight, why'd you write the article in the first place?”

Sabrina squirmed. The real reason was so humiliating. “I don't know.”

Mad jabbed a finger at Sabrina. “You've got the worst lying face I've ever seen. You're blushing like crazy.”

Hailey piped up. “Sabrina's always been a blusher.” She leaned down to her giant pink doggie purse, her long strawberry-blond hair obscuring the view. A moment later, she tossed her hair back and her little dog Rose appeared, drawing a collective, “awww,” from the women. Rose's wiry white fur was made up in a tiny ponytail on top of her head with a red bow that matched her red doggie sweater. Since getting Rose two days ago, Hailey had bought a wardrobe of coordinating doggie sweaters and bows. Rose quickly settled into Hailey's lap.

“What's the real reason, huh?” Mad pressed, giving Sabrina a knowing look. “That article ripped commitment-phobes to shreds. Who pissed you off?”

Everyone looked at Sabrina curiously. Mad smirked.

“Okay! I admit it!” Sabrina exclaimed. “It was a revenge piece. I got a wedding invitation from the jerk who left me at the altar.” What a slap in the face! As if living through his betrayal wasn't enough. As if her lack of committed relationships ever since wasn't enough. As if she wanted to watch the bastard have the kind of happiness that rightfully should've been hers.

Everyone stared at her in shock. She was normally not prone to outbursts.

She clenched her teeth, irritated that she'd lost her cool. “I know it was unprofessional.” She'd chosen her career out of her own morbid need to know what made relationships work after her so-certain relationship fell apart.

Mad shook her head, smiling. “Girl! I didn't think you had it in you. That's fucking awesome!” She walked over and fist-bumped Sabrina.

“Thank you,” Sabrina said, not entirely sure Mad's approval was warranted. As a relationship counselor, she should be above pettiness. It was something she always emphasized to her clients: rise above, think of the big picture. Despite Sabrina's momentary lapse—big picture view—she had the quiet life she'd always dreamed of as a kid. Until now. See what happens when you lose your cool?

Hailey stroked Rose behind the ear, and the dog closed her eyes, letting out a contented sigh. “Sabrina, your ex was a complete screw-up and totally missed out on you.”

The women murmured agreement, making Sabrina feel a little better.

Hailey went on. “But now that the article's out there, your popularity is growing by the hour. Definitely take advantage of that. Your career could explode!”

The hair on the back of Sabrina's neck stood up at the thought of that kind of exposure. Her reputation was everything.

Lexi, sitting by her side, grabbed her hand and spoke earnestly, “If you don't do this talk show interview, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. You'll always wonder, how many people could I have reached that needed to hear from me at that exact moment? There's a lot of lonely people in the world.”

Sabrina studied Lexi for a moment. Was Lexi the lonely one?

“It's okay to be nervous,” Lexi said. “Just don't let it hold you back.”

Sabrina nodded once. The advice was sound, even if it was easier said than done. Not to mention she was several degrees past nervous into serious fear territory.

Hailey spoke in a soothing tone. She'd mellowed considerably since getting her doggie companion. “Sweetie, if all you need is a little confidence boost so you don't feel like a fraud, why not bring a backup guy to the interview? All he has to do is stand in the background. When they ask about your personal relationship, and they will, you can say you're engaged. If they ask anything further, just say your relationship is private. They'd expect a counselor to say something like that. Then when all the buzz dies down, just pretend you broke up and go back to your life.”

“I'm a terrible liar,” Sabrina said.

“Didn't I say that?” Mad barked.

Hailey shot Mad a quelling look before turning back to Sabrina. “It's a romantic white lie for the greater good. Go into that interview confident in your relationship expert status.”

Sabrina blushed furiously, muttering, “Not an expert.”

Everyone encouraged Sabrina to go for it.

“Once in a lifetime!”

“Grab this opportunity!”

“Don't be a wuss!” That last one was Mad.

Sabrina held up a palm. “Even if I had a committed relationship, this talk show gig is just not me. I feel like I'd be faking it, like an actress. I'm not flashy. I prefer helping people one on one.”

“Ooh!” Hailey said, her pale blue eyes bright. “Call Claire for some tips. She can coach you through it.” Claire Jordan was their movie star friend, well used to the spotlight.

“I'm not a show pony,” Sabrina said stubbornly. “I just want to help people.”

Lexi lifted a lock of Sabrina's hair. “With this mane of luxurious hair? Definite show pony material.”

Everyone laughed. Sabrina gave Lexi a small smile. “Ha-ha.”

“You'll be faking your way through anyway pretending not to be nervous,” Hailey said. “Add in the fake relationship, no big thing.”

“Fake it 'til you make it,” Lexi put in. “Make that your mantra.”

Sabrina let out a breath of exasperation. “Who in the world would I even ask to be my fake fiancé?”

Lexi grinned evilly. “How about your friend Logan?”

Sabrina felt herself flush, her stomach dipping just hearing his name. Her secret lust for Logan Campbell was so embarrassing because it was completely one-sided. He was her breathtaking, spine-tingling, panty-melting sexy friend, ever since he'd rented the office upstairs from hers six months ago. He joked around with her all the time but never, ever flirted. She knew all the classic male flirtation signals—a deepening of voice, direct sustained eye contact, throwing his shoulders back to appear bigger—and he did exactly zero. His voice was always deep and never changed. She wasn't sure how long he'd hold her eye contact because she looked away the moment she felt her cheeks heat, but when she looked back he was always looking somewhere just past her ear. His shoulders were always the same, wide and muscularly athletic like all of the Campbell men, but never thrown back, always just relaxed.

Even if Logan did think of her in that way, which he didn't, he was still not for her. If there was one thing she'd learned as a relationship counselor, it was spotting the men who were not good for her relationship-wise. Logan was a classic commitment-phobe.

She smoothed her hair. “I told you we're just friends.”

Mad cocked her head. “Yeah, ask Logan. It'll be nothing for him.” Logan was her older brother. “He's been hung up on his college girlfriend for years.”

Sabrina stared at Mad in shock. Logan had never once mentioned this college girlfriend and they had lunch on a weekly basis, when neither of them was too busy. Dedicated to the same woman for years? Had she misjudged him? Maybe she should've given him a lusty signal. Not that it mattered. He wasn't into her and now that she knew he had ex-girlfriend baggage forget it.

Hailey offered an alternative with Mad's other single brother. “Josh'll do it if you pay him.” She scowled. “Just expect to pay big.” Hailey knew this from personal experience. She was a wedding planner and, in desperate need of a dependable wedding date, had paid Josh to escort her to weddings, so she wouldn't always be alone in front of clients. Unfortunately, their deal quickly soured and they'd been fighting ever since.

Sabrina huffed. She wasn't a charity case for crying out loud! She didn't need to beg her friend to be her fake fiancé or, God forbid, pay someone. She was a professional. “I'll do the interview on my own,” she declared and immediately felt light-headed. Fraud, fraud, fraud echoed in her head, gradually fading to a loud ringing in her ears.

Next thing she knew, someone pushed her head down between her knees.

“Breathe,” Lexi ordered.

“I'm texting Logan,” Mad said.

“No,” Sabrina croaked.

“Maybe I'll go as your fiancée,” Lexi said, making Sabrina laugh a little. Lexi might be terribly jaded about men, but she had a real appreciation for their form, the bigger and more muscled the better.

Sabrina straightened. “I'm okay. Let's go get a drink.” They always went to Garner's Sports Bar & Grill after book club for drinks.

The women all gave her sympathetic looks.

“What?” she asked.

“We haven't even started our meeting, silly,” Hailey said, pulling her e-reader from her white leather purse. “And I know just what we should read.” She bit back a smile, her pale blue eyes lit with amusement. “Married to my Fake Fiancé.

Everyone laughed. Sabrina groaned.

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You’ve just read book #7 in the Happy Endings Book Club series. The books in the series are (Jake & Claire), (Parker & Mad), (Ty & Charlotte), (Alex & Lauren), (Zach & Carrie), (Ethan & Ally), (Ben & Missy), , and Wicked Flirt. I hope you enjoy them all!

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Other Books by Kylie Gilmore

The Clover Park Series

(Book 1)

(Book 2)

(Book 3)

(Book 4)

(Book 5)

(Book 6)

(Book 7)

(Book 8)

(Book 9)

(Book 10)

The Clover Park STUDS Series

(Book 1)

(Book 2)

(Book 3)

(Book 4)

(Book 5)

Happy Endings Book Club Series

(Book 1)

(Book 2)

(Book 3)

(Book 4)

(Book 5)

(Book 6)

(Book 7)

(Book 8)


Love to you awesome reader goddesses! Thanks also to my family, Tessa, Pauline, Mimi, Kim, and Jenn for all you do. Mwah!


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks are not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Resisting Fate: © 2018 by Kylie Gilmore

Excerpt from Chance of Romance © 2018 by Kylie Gilmore

Digital Edition 1.1

Cover design by Kim Killion

Published by: Extra Fancy Books

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the writer, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

ISBN-10: 1-942238-36-3

ISBN-13: 978-1-942238-36-2




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