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Taken: A Dark Romance Collection by Duvane, JB (18)

Chapter 18 - Emily - Epilogue

“I know you remember the rules, Emily. You bend over at the waist when picking something up off the floor.”

I straightened up, my back still to Max, and I smiled. “Yes, Sir.”

“If you know the rule then why did you break it, little doll?”

I turned around to meet Max’s dark eyes. The seriousness on his face and intensity in his eyes cut into me and sent me reeling. Everything about him did. “I’m sorry, Sir. I deserve to be punished.”

I saw the smirk flash across his face. He knew what I was up to. Over the last few weeks I’d made more and more mistakes and needed to be punished almost on a daily basis. It wasn’t because I had truly forgotten the rules, though. The longer I’d been around Max—the more time I spent with him at his house and under his care—the deeper my feelings for him ran.

I found that there was almost nothing quite as exciting as the way Max looked at me before he was about to punish me. The way his eyes focused in on me like a laser beam and relentlessly sent waves of tingling jolts directly to my pussy. It did feel like his eyes were directly responsible. That they had some power that allowed them to enter my body and shock me until I was almost trembling before him. I couldn’t explain my body’s reaction to him any other way.

I stood there—nothing on but a black maid’s apron tied around my waist—with nipples so hard they could cut glass. Max sat in a chair, the ankle of one leg balanced on the knee of the other, and stared. “I always knew you were a bad girl. Okay, Emily, turn back around and get on your hands and knees. You know how I like you to display yourself for me.” He had an edge to his voice that sent a trickle of wetness down the inside of my thigh.

I did as Max instructed. I got on my hands and knees on the floor in front of him, my forearms on the floor and my bare ass pressed up as high as it could go. He liked me to put my pussy on display for him. I heard him get up off his chair and walk into the kitchen. When he returned, his black shoes stopped just in front of my face and I watched as a stream of red wine was poured onto the floor in front of me. “Clean that up.” A white towel fell down out of the sky and landed next to the puddle of wine.

I was lucky that the floor in the library was hardwood instead of the white carpet that covered the living room floor. I’d been made to clean a full container of brown gravy out of that carpet a week ago as my punishment. Max was going easy on me today. But it made me wonder if he had something else in store for me.

The maid act was just that. An act that Max required me to perform on an almost daily basis. He actually had someone come in twice a week to clean the house. During those times we would either go out or he would take me to the playroom downstairs. Sometimes he would have me pick up items of clothing he’d dropped around the room—extremely slowly—while he sat in a chair and watched. Sometimes he would have me fix him a drink and bring it to him on a tray.

But all of these activities were just the opener, a tease for both of us. It worked me up into such a frenzy to have him stare at me while I served him and I know it did the exact same thing for him.

I picked up the towel in one hand and, while keeping my upper body low to the ground, I took my time cleaning up the spill. With each movement of my arm, I let my ass sway back and forth. I could feel my juices running down my thighs while I finished up with the towel. I couldn’t wait to find out what was coming next.

In the four months that I’d been at Max’s house, our relationship had changed in ways that I could never have imagined that first weekend. I had been so desperate for him to profess his love for me back then that I wasn’t able to see anything else. It wasn’t until I let go of my neediness and let Max have complete control that things started to change.

When I just let go of everything and let him take control I feel such a release inside me and I’m able to just exist in the moment without worrying about anything.

I put my head down, letting Max know that I was finished with my chore, and I heard him unzip his pants behind me.

“Come here, little doll.”

I stood up and walked over to Max. He had his hard cock in his hand and was stroking it while he looked at me.

“Lay down across my lap.”

I crawled onto Max’s lap and did as I was told. I felt his hard cock underneath me as I lowered myself so that my ass was positioned directly in front of him. I felt Max spread my legs apart and dip his fingers into my wetness.

“You appear to be very aroused. Does it turn you on to defy me?”

“No, Sir.”

“I think you’re lying. I think it turns you on a great deal when I’m forced to punish you. Isn’t that right?”

Before I had a chance to answer, his palm came down hard on my ass. I cried out from the pain as well as the shock of getting a spanking. I knew that’s what was about to happen, but no matter how much you anticipate a bare-assed spanking, nothing can prepare you for it.

“I’m going to give you another chance to tell me the truth. Does it turn you on to defy me?” Another spanking landed squarely in the same spot as the last. My entire body jolted from the blow.


“Yes, what?” Another hard smack.

“Yes, Sir! It turns me on to defy you!”

“Okay, then. That’s all I wanted to know.” His voice sounded light, almost amused. “Would you like me to punish you further? Or do you want me to stick my cock in you immediately?”

“I’d like both, Sir.”

“My, aren’t we greedy. Okay, lets go down to the playroom.”

I got up off Max’s lap and followed him down to the basement. When he had first presented the newly decorated room to me, I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it. But he had done an amazing job of fixing it up and making it a special place for the two of us.

Instead of a drab, dungeon-like room, it was now decorated the same as the rest of the house. The cold, concrete floors were covered over with hard wood and the walls were papered and trimmed in dark mahogany. There were a number of implements lining all of the walls that Max would use on me regularly, but my favorite part of our playroom was the table that sat in the very center.

When I was strapped down, Max could access any part of my body he wanted. My legs were always spread wide and my arms usually tied behind my back. The place where my torso sat was curved up so that my head was lifted higher than the rest of my body. My breasts settled onto a velvet-covered pedestal so that they were always on display for him, and always within his reach.

I got up onto the table and felt Max strap my legs down, then I felt my arms pulled tight behind me and tied together at the wrist and elbow. Max walked around the room and pulled something down from the wall, then moved in front of me, the item dangling from his fingers. It was a pair of nipple clamps. I winced as he attached them to each breast, then again when he let them fall so that the chain between them pulled tight.

Max walked over to one of the walls again and when he returned he brought a paddle with him. It had a long handle, so I assumed he was going to be using it from a bit of a distance. Max took his pants and shirt off and stood in front of me at the table, his cock brushing against my lips. I opened my mouth and he immediately filled it, thrusting his cock in and holding it at the back of my throat.

When he did that, the slight movement of my body caused the nipple clamps to pull on each other again, sending bolts of pain through my breasts and straight to my pussy. Max reached under the table and flipped a switch, and a vibrator that had been installed just where my pussy rested immediately sent pulses to my clit.

I moaned deeply as Max pulled his cock out of my mouth, then thrust it back in again. The next time he pulled out, he removed his cock from my mouth entirely, then brought the paddle down on my ass. I screamed, but it was stifled by the cock that went right back in, filling my mouth and throat completely.

This went on for a long time, and with each paddling and each thrust, the clamps on my nipples pulled and the vibrator on my clit pulsated. It wasn’t long before I lost all track of space and time. I had been trained to always look up into Max’s eyes, but he knew how impossible that was for me when things got to a certain point.

In the blackness I could only feel what was being done to me and my awareness intensified. Everything that was done to me became part of a chorus of sensation. Each individual aspect of Max’s perfect torture combined to create a stormy sea of bliss that pulled me down until everything felt like a dream.

The feeling of his fist grabbing my hair or the paddle on my ass were no longer isolated to just that spot. The sensations spread across my body until they were all intertwined, creating a full-body orgasm that lasted for minutes.

I felt Max’s cock quiver as he came down my throat, his hands wrapped around my head, caressing me and gripping my hair. When the last drop of his seed shot into me, he pulled his cock from my mouth. I heard him as he circled the table, removing the clamps from my nipples and releasing the restraints. When I was free he pulled me up so that I sat on the edge of the table.

“Did you have fun?” he asked, brushing my hair out of my face.

“That’s a silly question,” I said and smiled. “It was a lot more than fun.”

“Really? What word would you use to describe it?” he asked, a smile curling up in one corner of his mouth.

“Perfect.” I reached up and touched his jaw, bringing him closer to me so that I felt his hot breath on my face.

Max leaned in and gently touched his lips to mine, then grabbed my face and kissed me with such force that it took my breath away.

I closed my eyes and let the euphoria wash over me of everything that had just happened and everything that my life with Max had become. I knew that if I never saw the outside world on my own again—if I was never again let out of Max’s sight—I wouldn’t care because I had everything I could possibly ever want, or need, right in front of me.

The End