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Church by Michelle Hughes (2)


Deshawn had been good to me, giving me a place to stay until I got my feet up under me after graduating college. He kept me sane during finals, and even tried to help me come out of the shell I’d built up around myself. It was impossible to turn him down, but something was off about this job opportunity he’d gotten me.

I never thought I could be friends with a guy, before Deshawn. He was the one man I never had to worry about putting the moves on me. He was flamboyantly gay, and the only friend I had in this city. The warnings about his boss were odd. Apparently, he was some billionaire with an ego problem.

I was a transplant from Alabama, here to New York and it was a culture shock. I was still afraid to go out on my own at night here. It had only been three months, though. Without Deshawn, I’d probably be huddling in a corner in this lavish penthouse he was allowing me to share. Not that being a hermit here was a hardship, his home was incredible. How he scored this place still confounded me. He’d only been out of school a year longer than me.

“You know I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need to, right?” He’d changed a lot from that outgoing man I’d spent three years in college with. He seemed overly stressed and always on edge about something he wouldn’t discuss. Anytime I asked, he blew off my concerns and said it was just work. Now he wanted to pull me into that scenario?

“I love and trust you, so I know, but you seem so miserable there.” I didn’t understand what could be so bad about working for a multi-billion-dollar real estate company, but it had pulled the joy from my friend’s eyes. It was almost like this man was a stranger, and sometimes it frightened me. What would happen if Deshawn decided he didn’t want me in his life anymore? He was all I had!

“It’s not all bad. Look around you! We’re living in paradise with every material thing you could dream up.” His half smile said something different than his words, almost like he wished he could give it all up.

That was crazy, though. We’d become friends in college because we were in the same boat. Poor college students attending on grants without parental support. Both of us worked full time jobs and struggled while eating ramen noodles and peanut butter sandwiches to make a better life for ourselves. At least one of us was making it. I got to ride along on his coattails. We swore one day we’d be so rich that we could eat steak every night.

“I agree. You’ve got the perfect life so why are you so unhappy?” I was one of the few people that defended Deshawn in school. Homosexuality still wasn’t accepted in Alabama, even if people wanted to say we were growing more open minded there.

“I’m not unhappy, but there are things you have to give up living this way. Learning to cope would be a better description.” For a moment, he smiled and I felt like I had my best friend back. It was a fleeting moment, though. “Just remember that when you meet Mr. Church today.” Instantly that look of concern was back on his face.

“You act like the man is going to lock me in a cage.” I laughed at the thought, thinking his boss must be one intense person for him to be this intimidated.

“Probably nothing that severe.” That attempt at a reassuring smile he gave made me cringe. “Just be on your best behavior with him, and no matter what he says don’t take it to heart.”

Now I was scared. I didn’t do well with the opposite sex, outside of Deshawn, and that was because I knew he didn’t see me like a normal man. The thought of sexual intimacy turned me off. Men were pigs and I didn’t need to be a mind-reader to know that. My whole life I’d seen how they looked at my breasts instead of meeting my eyes. I’d developed early and hated my body because of it.

The other girls teased me mercilessly because I was a thirteen-year-old with adult-sized breasts. The boys made bets behind my back about who could feel me up. I learned to stick my nose in a book and ignore the world around me. Thankfully they stopped growing and I was a normal sized woman now, but that stigma never left me.

“Don’t worry, Ashe,” Deshawn winked. “I’m sure the novelty of you being innocent won’t intrigue him long.” My eyes widened at his words, wondering what the crap that meant.

“What aren’t you telling me?” I turned so he could zip up my dress, one he’d bought for me and now I wondered if it was to impress his boss. It was understated elegance for the office and white linen. I was more comfortable in jeans and T-shirts but knew I had to dress professionally.

“Forget I said anything. I’m just worried you won’t appease him. Answer his questions, and let things go where they will. You’ll be fine. Now hurry up before you’re late. Church won’t tolerate tardiness.”

“Fine, but we’re talking later tonight.” I glanced down at my ‘seen better days’ watch, and turned when he had me zipped up. I wasn’t sure my Mary-Janes coordinated well with the expensive dress, but I hated heels.

Deshawn kissed my cheek, and I grinned at his wild business attire. Mr. Church couldn’t be all bad if he allowed Deshawn to wear matching makeup with his favorite fuchsia tie. “The driver should be out front, now move your ass, girlfriend.”

That was the Deshawn I loved. Grabbing my purse, I followed him out the door, into the elevator and eventually out to the waiting Uber driver. A few positives about this interview was if I got the job, I could share a ride with him every day and I wouldn’t have to mooch any longer. He squeezed my hand and held it as we got stuck in the crazy New York traffic.

Pulling up in front of the fifteen-story skyscraper I’m not sure if I’m intimidated, or impressed. Architecturally it’s stunning, but the steel and glass are imposing to someone who spent the last four years at an Alabama university and the other eighteen in a small isolated town a few hundred miles away. I can’t imagine working here.

Deshawn paid off the driver, and wrapped his arm in mine leading us toward the huge entrance. The people all seem so serious as they enter, some yelling into cell phones, and others looking frayed, much how my best friend did lately. I was out of my league, and felt like everyone around me could feel it even though no one spared me a glance.

We stopped at a huge desk spanning the full length of the room and Deshawn explained that I was meeting Church today for an interview and needed a pass. The well-manicured woman gave me a pitying look, and I bristled. She didn’t think I fit in here, either, obviously, and my self-confidence, which was already non-existent, dwindled to approaching panic.

“Good luck.” Her saccharine-laced voice made me want to flip her the bird, but I’d been raised better than that. Forcing a wide smile back, I was glad Deshawn put his hand on my back to lead me off to the right where eight chrome layered elevators waited.

“Never show fear, Ashe. These people will eat you up and spit you out if you do.” That old ‘fake it until you make it’ saying filled my mind, and I lifted my chin, proudly. Inside I was shaking like a leaf and wanting to run back to the sanctuary of Deshawn’s home. I wasn’t a coward. Even if I was, I’d never let anyone prove it. I’d made perfect grades in college, and had a business degree, I was the perfect intern for this job! Demanding myself to believe it, I hoped I exuded the confidence I didn’t feel.

We rode up to the top floor, and I refused to acknowledge the nervous butterflies in my stomach. This was just a job, and if I didn’t get it? I’d find something else. Unfortunately, jobs in this city weren’t easy to come by, and even the temporary service hadn’t been able to give me many assignments. Deshawn asking me to come here as a favor was probably the best chance I had.

I stepped out onto gleaming marble white floors. Everything looked so modern and clean, that I worried my shoes would scuff the tile. Another perfectly groomed woman sat behind a huge desk and looked up in aggravation as we approached until she saw Deshawn. A smile lit up her face, making her seem more personable.

“Deshawn!” She walked around the desk, and quickly hugged him and gave me a somewhat less dazzling smile. “I’m so glad you’re here, he’s on a tirade today. The Kawamoto deal fell through due to some scandal.” Her voice lowered to a whisper and her eyes flicked back to the closed doors behind her nervously. Everyone seemed terrified of this man.

“Should I reschedule Ashe’s interview?” He shot a frantic look from me to her and I felt my nervousness increase more.

“No!” she screamed, then lowered her voice again. “He’ll fly off the handle if everything else doesn’t go along to plan today. I hope you warned her of his volatile mood swings.”

“Is he dangerous?” Deshawn hadn’t mentioned anything of that nature, and I wasn’t sure I needed a job that bad. I couldn’t live off my best friend forever though. Still, I didn’t relish the idea of some temperamental psycho hurting me.

“Not physically, mentally, he can drive you to the edge of madness.” The woman stuck out a manicured hand, “I’m Gretchen Roberts, his Majesty’s secretary.” Her smile seemed more genuine until she turned back to the door with a grimace. “I’d better announce you.”

She did that and the deep voice demanded that Gretchen send me in. Immediately a chill moved down my spine. Frozen to the spot, I wasn’t sure I could go through with this. “Deshawn?” My voice trembled and I hated the fear I felt.

“You’ve got this. Imagine he’s Professor Bates.” The eccentric old man we’d had for English Lit had been a reincarnation of Hitler, all the students joked. Bouts of rage would erupt if his questions weren’t answered quickly enough, and he didn’t mind slamming his hand down on a table to enunciate his point. “Call me when it’s over.”

I had no choice but to accept my fate as Gretchen walked over to one of the double doors, holding it open for me. Clutching my purse with one hand, I walked through and caught my breath at the enigmatic man sitting in front of dark lacquered desk. “I don’t have all day.” I wanted to run away from this beautiful man but my feet walked toward him and I stood waiting for him to invite me to sit.

“Ashley Mulder,” I offered, holding out my hand when he didn’t speak. His cold blue eyes took in every inch of my body and left me feeling naked and vulnerable. Instinct told me to look away, but I lifted my chin and stared back.

After a few seconds, I dropped my hand, wondering if he planned to stare all day. “That’s very rude, you know?” Crossing my arms over my breasts, I glared even though my knees were shaking. When he didn’t respond, I decided I’d had enough. Turning on my heel, I was ready to walk away, until his voice stopped me.

“Have a seat, Miss Mulder.” His tone was half demand the other seduction and I’d never been more confused in my life because I did exactly what he asked like a trained puppy. “Deshawn gave an adequate description. Give me your background.”

The abrupt way he spoke put me on edge more than the vision of male virility he exuded. He stands and I realize he’s tall, a foot almost over my 5’5 height. The black suit he’s wearing makes his blond hair and blue-green eyes standout. I’m utterly fascinated, and not sure why because he’s incredibly rude.

“Do I have something on my shirt, Ashley?” The smirk on his gorgeous face made me blush, and I shake my head.

“No, sir, but I’m not sure what you want to know.” Crossing my legs, I clench my hands together on my lap, not sure why this man affects me this way. No one has before. I can’t look away, those lips that face. I’m mortified and intrigued, completely out of my comfort zone.

“You can start with how you know Deshawn. Should I assume your gay?” The question startled me, because no one has ever asked that of me.

“No. I’m not. He’s my friend. I don’t think I have a preference about sex.” Inwardly I groan, that wasn’t the right thing to say, and my humiliation grows to enormous proportions.

“Interesting.” I’ve amused him. The small smile on his face is echoed doubly in his gaze. I wished the ground would swallow me up. “So, your bi?”

“I don’t have sex!” I’m frustrated by this line of questions and I want to punish him for making me feel embarrassed. “Is that appropriate to ask?” Returning to that prim and proper young lady my granny raised me to be, I glare at him.

“Probably not, but I rarely follow protocols.” His smile widens and for a moment I’m breathless at the impact of his million-dollar smile.

Sanity returned and I realized this man is mocking me. “I don’t appreciate being teased, Mr. Church.” He hurt my feelings and I looked down at my hands wanting to leave this interview.

“Come now, Ashley, I had hoped you were stronger than that.” Why did I feel bad for disappointing him? Raising my eyes to his, I refused to let him bring me to tears.

“What about you, Mr. Church. Are you gay?” Deciding to give him back a little taste of his rudeness, I wasn’t prepared for him to chuckle. The sound is deep and smooth like hot molasses.

“No. I’m not.” He pulls a folder out of a drawer, and puts it in front of me. “Before we discuss anything about me or my company I’ll need you to sign these. I’m very particular about privacy. I’m sure you understand.” His smile has returned to a sarcastic smirk, and I’m happy to have a reprieve with the paperwork.

It’s all very formal but after reading it I get the gist. It’s a standard non-disclosure form protecting Mr. Church from internal leaks. Signing it without concern, I pushed it back to him, meeting his gaze which nearly made me internally combust. What is it about those eyes?

“Back to our conversation, how well do you know Deshawn?” There was no humor in his demeanor now, he’s very serious and I feel the need to shrink back in the leather chair. I refrain but only by sheer will.

“He’s my best friend. The only person I know in the city, and I’d do anything to repay the generosity he’s shown me.” Honesty was always the best answer, I’ve always felt and there was no shame in our friendship.

Leaning forward, Mr. Church splays his hands wide across the desk, and peers into my eyes. “Anything? Are you sure about that?”

I don’t understand where the confusion was in my description, but answer him. “Anything. I’m sure you have people you’d do the same for.”

A humorless chuckle left his full lips. “I’m sure I don’t. I’ve worked very hard not to need to be indebted to others.” He stood, turned toward the large window that goes from ground to ceiling and clasped his large hands behind his back. My eyes are instantly drawn to his round ass, and I hate my lack of professionalism. “You’ll do.”

That was it? The interview was over? He hadn’t asked any questions about my education or what skills I had. “You’re giving me the job?” My voice showed the confusion I felt.

“Yes. The job is definitely yours.” The sarcasm in his voice it was as confusing as being given a position without in-depth questioning. “You will pack a bag and meet me at this address tonight at eight.” Turning back to me, he held out a business card, which I took. His cold blue eyes looked angry about the decision, and I didn’t understand any of this.

“A bag? Sir, I’m sorry but I have no idea what you’re expecting of me yet.” Was travel part of being his intern? This was all so very odd.

“What I expect, Ashley, is for you to do exactly as your told without any questions asked. Human resources will take care of your paperwork today. My secretary can direct you to that department, then you meet me there tonight. Are we understood?” He never raised his voice but deepened it instead, and I nodded because for whatever reason the man scared the hell out of me.

“Good. Now leave my office.” He turned back to the window and I understood why everyone here was terrified of him. I’d never met someone so intense. Forcing myself to pull my shoulders back, I walked out of the room not really taking a breath until I closed the door behind me.

“You survived, I see.” Gretchen smiled at me and I wasn’t sure how to feel. Being out of that room made me feel safe again.

“Apparently.” I didn’t mention I felt like I’d had a brush against the devil himself. “I’m supposed to ask where Human Resources is located.” I needed a cool drink of water, my mouth felt like cotton, and a place to sit down because my legs were still shaking.

“He gave you the job. I’m impressed! Usually he takes weeks to make a decision for a personal assistant.” At least I knew my job title now.

“Isn’t that what you are?” I didn’t understand the pecking order yet, but she was sitting outside of his office and I had no idea why he’d need two people taking care of him.

“I’m his administrative secretary,” she explained. “You’ll take care of his personal needs and I’ll handle the business side. I must say I’m surprised, he usually has an older woman handling this.” Gretchen has this strange expression on her face, but I can’t decipher what’s confused her. If she was a day over thirty I’d be surprised.

“Deshawn said he talked to him about me being his intern. I just graduated college a few months ago.” I didn’t know what she wanted me to say, so I explained what I knew.

“Wow. That’s another first.” Gretchen laughed softly then her eyes moved to his office doors and put a hand over her mouth. Lowering her voice to a whisper, she glanced my way again. “Interns never work with him. Don’t take this wrong, because you seem like a very intelligent young woman, but he’s always said interns were incompetent and he didn’t have time to train. You must be special.”

“Maybe he just owed Deshawn a favor.” I shrugged at her personal comments, I was sure Mr. Church wouldn’t approve. He seemed like a no-nonsense man. Why was I defending him, even mentally? The man didn’t seem like he needed anyone in his corner.

“Perhaps.” The look she gave said she wasn’t convinced, but it wasn’t my place to judge why he did anything. He’d plainly pointed out he wanted someone to follow orders. I hoped I lived up to whatever expectations he had because making him angry? That literally made me want to throw up. “Third floor. You’ll see a sign when you get off the elevator. Um. Good luck.”

I thanked her, even though the strange expression on her face was saying I was going to need it. As I walked back to the elevators, I finally relaxed a little, and gave myself a mental pep talk. It didn’t matter why he’d hired me, I was no longer unemployed and could afford to help Deshawn with bills until I found a place of my own. That thought made me nervous. I loved having my best friend close by and knew I’d never be able to afford the rent in his building.

That was a thought for another time. For now, I needed to take care of paperwork. Human resources was easy to find, and the next few hours felt more like an inquisition instead of preparing to work for this company. Even my fingerprints were digitally recorded. I guess it made sense in a business this big. After receiving my badge, the process was over.

I remembered then to call Deshawn and he said to meet him in the lobby for lunch. I was ready to celebrate, I think, because I still felt strange about the interview process. Shaking that feeling off, I decided to enjoy being employed. Fifteen dollars an hour seemed high compared to the salary in Alabama, so that, I was truly excited about.

“I’m glad things went well.” The relief on Deshawn’s face when he joined me made me feel guilty for not finding a job sooner. Maybe he was struggling with the payments on his penthouse suite? I returned his hug and breathed a huge sigh of relief. “Let’s grab a cab, so I can feed you.”

We were standing in the large, marble-tiled lobby, and I nodded, ready to leave. My stress level was through the roof and a nice glass of wine was on my radar. “Where are we going?”

“Don’t worry your pretty little head about that, I know what you like.” He batted his false eyelashes and I grinned. Deshawn knew me better than I knew myself, so I couldn’t argue, especially when he was in diva mode. Wrapping his arm in mine, we walked out the large glass doors, and my heart felt light again.

We ended up a pizza bar, and I wanted to hug him again. This was one of my guilty pleasures and I’d be working out in the gym for enjoying. I didn’t care. We ordered a fully loaded pizza and if a slice made it into a to-go box it would be a miracle.

“How can someone so tiny put away that much food, baby girl?” Deshawn had crammed a few pieces down his throat compared to my three and I grinned.

“I’ve got mad skills.” I picked up my glass of wine and sat back in the booth so full, I wasn’t sure how I was walking out of there. With my hunger gone, I remembered that I had to meet Church tonight. “You didn’t tell me I had to take trips with your boss.”

“What are you talking about?” I wished I hadn’t said anything because Deshawn looked stressed out again.

“He told me to bring a bag and meet him at an address from a business card.” I had no idea where he was taking me, or what clothing I needed. Taking the card out of my purse I handed it over to him.

“That’s his place.” The second Deshawn spoke the words, panic filled his eyes. “Look, hon, you don’t owe me anything, remember that. I thought I could do this and somehow live with it, but I’m not sure I can.”

“I owe you everything.” Letting me move in with him and taking care of all the bills might not mean anything to him, but to me it meant the world. No one had ever been so good to me, except my Granny Louise, and she’d left to be with God. “Besides, what does this have to do with Mr. Church?”

“I’m sure you figured out today he’s not a very nice man. He uses people and then spits them out when he’s done.” Deshawn’s hand came to rest over mine on the table. “You’re a sweet but gullible woman, honey, and no match for someone like him. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“Wow. Thanks for the vote of confidence.” I didn’t know a lot about the world, and what I did know came from Deshawn. My granny had raised me with her old-fashioned ways, which pretty much made me an outcast with kids my own age.

“I love you just the way you are. I just don’t want to see you get hurt. Most women could tumble in Church’s bed and realize it didn’t mean anything. I’m not sure you could.”

“Shut up.” I laughed incredulously. “I’m not sleeping with him.” My face heated and I couldn’t believe my best friend would insinuate something like that about me.

“You won’t be able to resist, no woman has.” He shook his head, and held my hand tighter. “I know I’d be in there if he swung the other way.”

“I love you to pieces, but that’s just dirty talk and I don’t want to hear it.” The thought of me doing anything with Mr. Church made me so nervous my pizza was threatening to come back up. He scared the living daylights out of me, even if I refused to let him know it.

“We tell each other everything, and I know you don’t like to talk about sex. I had to warn you, though. He’s going to think you owe him, but I’m the one that does, not you.” He stood up and released my hand. “My lunch break is almost over, let me drop you off.”

Back at the penthouse, I thought about what Deshawn has said but it didn’t make a lick of sense. Mr. Church hadn’t look interested in me at all, if anything, he seemed annoyed. Deshawn was being overprotective and I couldn’t be angry about that. I mean sure, he’d glanced me over, but I’d gotten the feeling he liked to intimidate women that way. It didn’t mean a thing.

I packed a couple of dresses and some comfortable clothes, too, since I had no idea where the man was taking me. With that task done, I decided to relax in a nice, hot bubble bath. Pulling my blonde hair up into a ponytail, I undressed, got the water ready, then sank down into the fragrant bliss with a soft moan.

Two things in life relaxed me more than anything. Laying out in the sun and bubble baths. New York didn’t have the blazing sun of Alabama, at least I hadn’t seen it yet and it was already April. The high today was only fifty degrees. I was already missing granny’s backyard. My baths would have to do.

Closing my eyes, I let all the tension leave my body, and somehow drifted off to sleep.

Mr. Church’s face filled my mind and he walked toward me wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. His arms were ripped with muscles and his tanned chest was free of hair. He walked over and knelt by the tub, and I held my breath as his hand reached over to cup my breast. The pleasure was unbelievable and I arched my back to feel more.

“The things I want to do to you would make you blush.” A devilish smirk found his face as his hand inched from my breast beneath the water and cupped my sex. “You will be mine.” His soft but demanding words made me whimper and that turned into a moan as those long fingers delved between my legs taking me to paradise.

Sliding under the water I woke up, choking, and feeling humiliated over the thoughts I’d been having of my boss. It was just a dream, I told myself, but I could still feel the pulsing need that illusion made me feel. Letting out the water, I climbed out of the tub, wrapping quickly in a towel. I wasn’t interested in any man that way, and especially not one like Mr. Church.





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