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Bearly Falling by Ally Summers (19)


Gabi wasn’t as excited as I thought she’d be about reuniting Poppy and Willa. I looked at Holden. He shrugged. “I don’t know. She’s your mate, brother. Don’t ask me.”

I scowled. “She’s fine. She’s just tired. She’s been working on the damn festival non-stop.”

“I’m headed out,” he reported. “You can deal with alpha domestic bliss.”

I glared at him. “Thanks for what you did today.”

“I’ll get Poppy in the car tomorrow night. Don’t worry. And I’ll make sure she makes it to the North Carolina line.”

“Farther if she wants it,” I reminded him.

“Of course. Whatever she and the cub need.” He strolled to the front door. “Have a good night.”


I’d feel a hell of a lot better once the festival was over and the girl and her mom were safe. And then, Gabi and I could start our life together. I knew she had a lot to figure out. My life was here. The clan. The orchard. My brother.

She was the one who was going to have to make all the changes in her life.

There was something I could do to show her that I valued the human side of our relationship. That what she brought to our family was important. It wasn’t clan tradition. And it wasn’t necessary, but for the woman who had given me everything, I’d do whatever I could.

I climbed the stairs to the second story and walked to the end of the hall. The door to the walk-up attic was locked. I grabbed the key from above the doorframe and twisted it in the deadbolt. It snapped open and I climbed the stairs. It was dark and dusty. But after a few minutes I found what I was looking for.

I held the velvet box in front of me and cracked the lid. The diamond sparkled even in the dim attic light. I grinned. Tomorrow night was going to be one hell of a fall festival.

* * *

Gabi nuzzled against my chest. I held her naked body, still hot and sated from being claimed. My bear couldn’t get enough of her. And when she came, it took me to my knees. Knowing she had embraced our bond was everything to me. How she unleashed her inner sexy hellcat was everything to us. We were hot enough to set the sheets on fire every time we mated. I was worried one time we might set off the smoke alarm outside my bedroom.

I traced the soft curves of her breasts. Her nipple hardened under my touch.

She sighed. “God, that feels good.”

I massaged her tit with my thumb. “I know you need your sleep. Big day tomorrow, but I’m addicted to your body.”

She moaned as I lowered my mouth to her breast and began to suck and lap at her sensitive bud. “I’m never going to sleep like this.”

“No, you’re not.” I kissed her throat as she rolled on her back. “One more time?” she asked.

“One more,” I agreed, feeling my cock harden at the thought of fucking her again. Of being enclosed inside her hot velvet walls while she came in ragged breaths, moaning my name. Sucking my essence to her core.

Before I could kiss her again, I heard the monitor chirp. I stopped, tilting my ear toward the device.

“What was that?” Gabi asked.

“Shh,” I warned. I listened intently. The cub was sleeping, but I swore I heard something inside her room. “Wait here.”

I climbed from the bed, drawing a pair of running pants over my legs.

“No, I’m coming with you. If Willa needs me…”

I put my hand up. “I said wait here.”

She sat back in the bed, pulling the quilt to her chest. I didn’t know if I had seen that look of fear in her eyes before.

“Listen on the monitor. I’ll call you if Willa needs you. She’s asleep, but I need to get down there.”

Gabi nodded and I took off down the hall. The air outside the bedroom was much cooler. My hair bristled on the back of my neck. I wasn’t sure what had made the sound, but I was certain someone had tried to get in the house.

I was quiet as I descended the stairs. I scanned the living room and kitchen before I moved to the guest room. The light was off and Willa was breathing lightly. The covers were tucked around her shoulders. She was clutching a teddy bear.

I walked to the window. The top latch had been altered, as if someone had tried to pry it open with a crowbar, but hadn’t succeeded. I peered outside. There was something moving in one of the bushes. I didn’t hesitate. There wasn’t enough time. I had to catch the son of a bitch who was trying to break in. I threw the window open and jumped to the ground.

I landed with a heavy thud a few feet from the house as my fur started to emerge and I roared, tearing through my skin. The beast was ready for the hunt. He was ready for the kill, if necessary.

My teeth gnashed as I headed toward the bush. I’d rip him apart limb by limb after I knew why he had trespassed on my land. Had threatened my home. Willa was innocent. She counted on me to protect her and Gabi, and I wouldn’t let them down.

My fangs extended as I moved the boughs.

“Stop!” a man yelled.

I dug my claws into the soil. “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked.

He held his hands up in defense. “I came to check on my daughter.”


He pointed to the guestroom window. “Annabelle is sleeping up there. Poppy told me you’re taking care of her.”

I was suspicious. How did I know this wasn’t one of Axel McMaster’s minions? I couldn’t trust anyone.

“I don’t know what you heard, but that child isn’t yours.” My eyes glowered in the dark. “Get off my land before you get hurt.”

“I’m not a shifter. You can probably see that.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “But my daughter is, and so is the woman I love. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow night, but I needed to see her again. I don’t want it to be one last time, but what if it is?”

I stared at him. He was damn convincing.

I heard a tiny wail behind me. Annabelle was hanging from the window.

“Papa,” she cried.

“Annabelle, don’t move.” He ran on the other side of me and caught her before she hit the ground. He scooped her in his arms and hugged her. “Shh. Shh. It’s ok. I just wanted to say hi.”

I looked up as Gabi appeared in the window. I ducked backward into the shadows, giving them a minute. As I shed my fur and my skin reclaimed my body, I moved to the porch. Gabi was waiting for me.

She threw her arms around my neck. “Are you ok?”

I nodded. “I could have killed him.” I studied her. My brow furrowed. “I almost killed her father.”

“But you didn’t,” Gabi soothed. “You didn’t. He’s ok. Nothing happened.”

I didn’t want to think about the possibilities. “Come on. Let’s get her back inside. Doesn’t matter what his intentions are, this is dangerous.”

Gabi agreed. We strolled to the back corner of the house where Annabelle’s father was telling her a story. She listened to him intently.

“Hi,” Gabi spoke quietly.

He stood to meet us. “I’m Colton.” He shook her hand. “I’m Annabelle’s father.”

“Annabelle?” She looked at the little cub.

I put a protective arm around Gabi’s shoulder. “I think until she’s gone we should stick with Willa. Don’t use her real name.”

“You renamed her?” Colton looked surprised.

“She wasn’t exactly speaking. We had to come up with something.”

Gabi knelt to the ground. “Sweetheart, I need to get you back in bed. Can you tell your daddy goodnight?”

Colton didn’t want to move either, but he kissed Annabelle on the cheek and pushed her into Gabi’s hands.

“Papa,” she sniffed weakly.

Gabi picked her up and cradled her. “I promise we’ll keep her safe. I’ll take care of her like she’s my own.” She smiled over her shoulder as she took the girl inside.

Something ripped at my heart. Gabi already cared for her like a mama bear.

Colton watched as they disappeared. I heard the latch click in place on the lock and turned to him.

“I don’t know what you were thinking tonight, but you could have gotten hurt. Poppy should have told you that.”

He shook his head. “She doesn’t know I’m here. I’m supposed to be out of the state. And I will be. But I had to see her. You understand that much, don’t you? She’s my flesh and blood. My child.” His eyes started to water. “Take care of her. Will you? If something happens to her tomorrow night

I slapped a hand on his shoulder. “Nothing is going to happen to her.” I gave him a second. “Now get the hell out of here.” I looked at him.

I entered the code on the garage and walked in through the laundry room. Gabi was singing to the cub. She looked up when I walked in the room.

“Can she sleep with us tonight?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yeah. I’ll take the floor. We’re not letting her out of our sight.”