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King of Khoth: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 9) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka (15)

Chapter Fourteen

Angus wished he were better prepared as he stalked towards his bedroom with Keira in his arms. He wanted to light candles and have wine and a snack for them for afterward. They’d need the refreshments when he was done with her.

He’d given up hope that he was going to win Keira back, and accepted that once she was safe from Cyril, she would return home, but everything changed when Keira told him she planned to come back to him.

Keira wanted him. Without her memories, she was hesitant, but their connection found a way to forge anew. There was hope now and he wasn’t giving it up for anything. When her arms wrapped around his neck, he nearly tore her clothes off and took her right there in the throne room. HeHe wanted bklfehilfebjllHeHHe wanted

His mother always told him patience was a virtue, and it paid off. He gave her space and time to work through her feelings, and it granted him a night of passion. Anticipation bubbled through his veins, hardening his shaft to the point of pain.

His lips trailed from her mouth, and along her jaw, while she writhed in his arms. The driving lust caused her to twist her torso until she was facing him, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Stopping halfway up the stairs, he pushed her up against the wall and bit down on her neck.

Her gasp and the arch of her back told him she enjoyed it. Rational thought fled his mind, and his claws elongated from his fingertips. He had to clamp down on his desire, and reach for that patience he was so proud of moments ago. He refused to take anything she didn’t offer willingly. He would go at a sloth’s pace, even if it killed him. And it just might kill him, he thought, as his cock jerked in his leathers.

“Are you going to take me right here?” she asked breathlessly and nibbled on his bottom lip.

Angus took quick stock and noticed rather than the usual bustle and activity of the castle, they were alone in the corridor.

“Gods help me, but I want to fuck you right here against this wall. But, I willna do that to you,” Angus promised.

“That’s too bad. I think the staff disappeared to give us privacy,” Keira said with a pout.

She was right about that. The erotic energy Angus was throwing off was a warning to steer clear. “Och, you make it difficult to behave,” he said before he laid a kiss on the side of her neck.

Thrusting his hips, he ground his erection against her core. She gripped his hair and threw her head back as she moaned. The slender arch to her neck and the way she responded, confounded and challenged him. It lit a never-ending fire in his veins.

“Good, I wouldn’t want this to be too easy for you,” she teased as she wantonly rubbed against him.

“You make me verra hard, Turquoise. Feel,” he murmured and brought her hand to his straining erection. The feel of her small palm gripping him through his clothes was one of the most erotic feelings.

His cock jerked again, and he gripped her shirt, ripping it down the front. Keira wasn’t wearing a bra, and he feasted on the site. His thumb went to one of the cherry red nipples that begged for attention.

Circling the area, he continued to learn what she liked. Their first encounter told him she had changed after the millennia of sleep. Before, he could tweak her nipples just right and bring her to orgasm by that alone. Now, her needs were lustier, he thought, as he pinched the turgid tip with force. Her mewls aroused him further, and when his mouth lowered and sucked, she detonated in his arms.

It was a small release, but enough to threaten his shaky control.

“I take that back. I’m going to make this as hard on you as I can,” Keira panted. “Put me down.”

“Nay. I’m no’ done yet,” he declared as he pulled back and put space between them while still holding her against the wall. Keira’s firm ass filled his hands. It was a fantasy come true, especially after dreaming of holding her again for far too long.

He chuckled and enjoyed the ripple that traveled through her body. Keira leaned her head back against the wall without a care in the world. He loved seeing her like this, unconcerned about her missing memories, the political strife over him choosing her for a mate, or wanting to leave and return to her family.

Wrapping one arm under that backside that he wanted to sink his teeth into, Angus used his free hand to fist her silky, green strands and lowered his head to hers.

Suddenly, Keira’s lips crashed against his, rough and insistent. Angus opened his mouth to let her inside, and her tongue flicked against his, stroking with breathtaking motion as she used her legs to close the distance between his shaft and her core.

This brazen behavior was a new Keira from what he’d experienced before. More determined, less apprehensive and consumed with passion. Angus kissed his way across her cheek and down to the curve of her neck. She sank her nails into his flesh, raking up and down his bare back, and fire followed her every touch. Keira’s response to him was tantalizing and provocative.

Burying his face where her neck met her shoulder, he inhaled deeply and took in her sultry scent. It was forever branded on his soul.

Lifting his head, Angus whispered, “You’re mine, love.” He licked along the outer lobe, biting gently, testing how much sting she liked with her pleasure. The old Keira didn’t like any sting, but he noticed the previous night that the rougher he was, the more she enjoyed what he was doing.

He sensed her sea dragon allowing more of her desires to rise to the surface. Beneath the detachment was a princess that craved attention and love, and he was happy to oblige. He wanted to give her the world.

Angus continued their trek up the stairs, wanting to get her alone. The first time he made love to Keira he wanted it to be perfect, not against the wall on the stairs where anyone could happen upon them.

She gasped and wiggled against him with every step he took. When he faltered on the last step, she laughed and twisted her hips again, tearing a groan from him. Her core pressed against the head of his shaft and Angus swore he felt her wetness through the fabric separating them.

Hurrying down the hall to his bedroom, he kicked the door shut and breathed a sigh of relief. No candles were lit, but there were logs set in the fireplace. Twisting to the side, Angus took a deep breath and blew a thin stream of his dragon fire. His flame instantly ignited the wood, and a soft glow filled the room.

He crossed to the bed and laid Keira on the soft mattress. He crawled onto the bed as he reached for her feet, one at a time. He removed her socks and shoes and rubbed his thumbs under each, massaging her heels.

He reached for her jeans next and had them on the floor in the next breath. He found it sexy as hell she didn’t wear panties. Her cheeks reddened, and she lifted her hands to shield her body from his perusal.

“Nay. I wanna see you. I could gaze upon you for eternity, and it wouldna be enough. For so long, I thought you were lost to me. I just want to appreciate all of you,” Angus admitted as he ran his hand up her thigh, stopping shy of her sweet center.

His other hand traveled to her breasts, cupping first one and then the other before massaging them with full circular motions. He lowered his torso and took one ripe berry into his mouth and laved her pert nipple. He recalled how much she’d enjoyed this the night before. Her sounds were raw and primal. It was the sound of bone-deep sexual pleasure, and it made him shudder with satisfaction.

His dragon and body demanded more, but he was taking the slow, sensual route to pleasuring her this time.

* * *

Angus’s sexy, low rumble conjured images of him feasting on her. As her mind pictured what he’d done, her arousal intensified to a painful need. A smirk tilted one corner of his mouth, telling her he knew precisely what he was doing to her.

Inhibitions flew out the window when he prowled to her as she lay on his oversized bed, emitting an exciting aura of dominance.

This authoritative male was the Dragon King, powerful and controlling. Keira wanted him to let go and release all of it to her. No doubt a frenzied Angus would be unforgettable and ruin her for any other male. If she allowed herself to think more than two seconds about their developing relationship, that had already happened.

Those were thoughts for another time. She wanted to enjoy this experience to the fullest.

Raising above her, she got another glimpse of his perfectly sculpted body. His hands went to his waistband, and her eyes riveted to his every movement.

“Tell me what you want, Turquoise. I need to hear you say it,” Angus directed as he flicked the button open.

Keira hesitated to tell him what she wanted, not comfortable voicing her desires. Instead, she arched her back, and then her breasts met strong hands, and a heated flame. A low-level burn started where their flesh met, and it drove her crazy.

Sitting up, she grabbed his zipper. “I want all of you, Angus. I can’t take much more of this torture. I need you.”

Angus left her to remove his pants as he cupped and teased her breasts. His deft fingers played with the sensitive, swollen flesh in the most delicious fashion. It was impossible to concentrate on her task as ripples of pleasure rushed through her body, but she finally managed to get the zipper down, and shoved his leathers past his hips.

His shaft sprang into her hand, and she had a moment of doubt. She wanted him desperately but was concerned. It had been a very long time for her, and she had no recollection of what sex was like, or what to do.

Angus was in action before she could voice her reservations. His pants were off in one smooth move, and as Angus loomed above her, she was awed by his physique. Tousled black hair, faceted light green eyes, and full lips were the cherry on top of a muscle sundae. Her mouth watered for another taste.

“Turquoise, I’m going to give you my all, and then some,” he announced and was back on the bed with her.

His body urged her flat, and his arms came down on either side of her head while his legs caged her lower half. Surrounded by his strength and power made her feel safe. In fact, she always felt safe around him.

The way he spoke to her, and the respect he showed her, despite her grumbling, made her feel more than she wanted.

His lips crashed down on hers and took her breath away. Soft, but insistent, she met his demand with her own. This time, nothing he did was slow. He kissed her hard and fast then moved onto her breasts. He had a fascination with her chest, which was okay with her. She loved the way he brought her to the precipice with his attention to her nipples.

Keira’s eyes slid closed then flew open when she felt one of Angus’s fingers slide over her clit. The touch was feather light and continued up her abdomen and stopped at the base of her throat, right over her pounding pulse. The male had her going in every direction, and intense need pooled at her core, making her clench tight.

“So sensitive, love. And so wet for me,” Angus husked.

He was like a living flame on top of her. She related to cold on an instinctual level because she was a sea dragon and it was much cooler in the depths of the ocean, but Angus’s heat was addicting. She’d been drawn to him since the first day in Scotland, and it had intensified with time.

“Oh!” she exclaimed as he kissed his way down her stomach. Lifting her hips, she urged him on. “Use that hot breath of yours again?”

“You like my steam, do you? Good, because I can’t control it when I’m with you,” he admitted.

She loved how he didn’t hesitate to share his emotions. He didn’t care about vulnerability, or how she would react. He communicated freely, even though she’d rejected and pushed him away more than once.

Unlike the night before, Angus set upon her with sensual determination. He licked at her core voraciously. The incredible feel of his rough tongue shot through her and was surprising. She wanted gentle until he showed how harder could be better. Experiencing more of his intensity was beyond description.

“More…I need more,” she begged, unable to put into words what she wanted.

Angus inserted a finger and went directly into a fervid pace with just enough bite as he lowered his body between her thighs, the scruff on his chin rubbing the inside of her legs. As he looked up at her, his tongue circled and pressed on her clit, and she found the edge was closer than she expected. Then he exhaled a heavy stream of steam and sucked the nub into his mouth.

She gripped the silky sheets as her body tightened. When Angus curled his finger inside her core and added more heat, Keira detonated, coming hard. He continued licking, his tongue going in tiny circles around her sensitive clit. He was relentless and unstoppable, licking and sucking, giving more steam, even when she reached another peak and hurled over. The orgasms rolled one into another. He knew and understood her body better than she did, and she was out of control as her body demanded more.

After a fourth orgasm, Angus prowled up her body, pressing his lips to her overheated skin along the way. His hand tangled in her long hair and his handsome face loomed above her, his predatory gaze penetrating her soul.

She reached between them to grab his cock and guide it to her center, more than ready for him. Holding his gaze, she kept her hand wrapped around him as he entered her one delicious inch at a time.

Expecting him to gradually enter her body, she was shocked when he set into a fast and furious rhythm as his need took control. This was a slice of Angus unleashed, and she wanted more.

“Harder, Angus. Give me everything you’ve got,” she demanded between pants.

“Och, you make it impossible to be gentle,” he muttered as he plowed into her and bit the flesh at her neck.

“I don’t want gentle,” she panted.

Without a word, he pulled out of her body. “Wha–” she began but was cut off when Angus flipped her over, pulling her hips into the air.

A wave of excitement rippled through Keira, but she didn’t have time to anticipate his next move when he slammed back into her from behind, and she exploded. Her back arched as her mind blanked, and the most intense orgasm barreled through her body, stealing her breath and incinerating her on the spot.

When she floated back to earth, she realized she was on that perfect edge of pleasure and pain.

Angus rested his weight on one hand while his other slid down her stomach and stopped on her fleshy mound. “I…can’t,” she said between panting breaths. There was no way. She was physically depleted.

“Aye, you can,” Angus promised and ran his finger over her clit. His thick digit became hotter as he rubbed and pressed on the engorged nub. Angus had to be the most considerate lover in any realm. He always put her pleasure before his own and refused to take his release without her. It said a lot about who he was at his core. It was sexy as sin that he put her needs first.

She had an out of body experience as Angus thrust into her with supernatural speed while rubbing her clit. Momentous pleasure coursed through her as an Angus wrung one last orgasm from her. A second later he joined her, holding her throughout the most intense climax yet, while his cock pulsed deep inside.

His scalding seed seared her womb, staking a claim. Tears gathered in her eyes as she thought how she was unable to give him children. She had no time to mourn the fact as he withdrew from her and she collapsed against the mattress.

Chuckling, he got up and went to the adjoining bathroom, and brought back a wet cloth. “Are you sore, love?” Angus asked as he gently cleaned her.

“A little. It’s been a while,” Keira admitted. She had no idea what sex was like between them before, but she couldn’t imagine it was better than what they just shared.

“I’ll let you rest a bit before I take you again,” Angus said with a kiss to her temple.

Fatigue dragged her eyes closed. “Mmm, okay,” she mumbled before oblivion took her.

Angus rested beside her, rubbing circles across her back. As she drifted off, she thought she heard him say, “No matter how long it takes, winning your heart is worth the wait.”




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