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King of Khoth: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 9) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka (23)

Chapter Twenty-Two

“We have thirteen new Tuya! I can’t fucking believe it. There are going to be dozens of new dragonettes flying around,” Blaine crowed as he grabbed a drink from the bar in the throne room. It was the latest addition, and Angus’s knights seemed to approve.

Angus thought Declan’s head was going to explode when he ordered the construction of it. It had been a thousand years since Angus had needed to consider propriety and his image.

Khoth was a modern society with automated amenities, and clean, safe living conditions, but many of their attitudes and beliefs were back in the stone ages.

It wasn’t that the bar, or even the conference table, caused an upheaval. It was the casual atmosphere. The throne remained on its dais, albeit unused, and Angus kept the daily time slots to deal with petitions and dispute resolution, but Angus enjoyed the more relaxed setting. It was easier to reconnect with his Maahes in an informal manner.

“Oi, don’t be a douche-dick,” Lorne snapped. “It is exciting to have so many Tuya, but it’s becoming a big fucking nightmare. It’s been one day, and already the females can’t walk out their doors. Every male in the city limits has lost their damn minds.”

“We need a place for them to stay where they won’t be overwhelmed by pursuers,” Keira suggested.

Angus grabbed a lock of her green hair and rubbed it between his fingers. Any contact with her soothed his beast and calmed his nerves. “Aye, we do. We knew there were going to be challenges,” Angus added.

“It doesn’t matter if we need to assign twenty-four-hour surveillance to the new Tuya. Having something to look forward to is the energy this kingdom has needed,” Legette pointed out as he crossed his ankle over his knee.

“You are right. ‘Tis exactly what the kingdom needed. Declan reported that forty females have signed up for the next ceremony,” Angus relayed with pride.

There was a disappointing turnout to their first Civappu, but Angus considered that a miracle in disguise, given the attack from the Unseelie. Had there been more realm members present, the outcome may have been different.

A safe house was the best option for new Tuya until they chose a mate. It would also prove to prospective females that Angus and his Maáhes cared about them and would keep them safe.

“Word has spread. There have been some complaints from males that their mates weren’t blessed during previous ceremonies, and they want their females to participate next month. It seems Keira’s phenomenon has created a buzz,” Legette said as he watched Keira rub her shoulder that was marked.

A smile spread over Angus’s face as he followed Legette’s gaze and then his first’s words sank in. Again, Legette could be addressing the issue because of Natasha. She wasn’t chosen all those years ago, and he was hopeful the same might happen for his female.

“Of course. It willna hurt to include them in the next ceremony, and I will make another announcement. The change that occurred with Keira is no’ typical, and there are no guarantees that it will happen again. I doona control this. I foresee riots, and many angry citizens if they doona get what they want,” Angus surmised.

He watched Legette listen intently. Yes, he was hoping for his mate to be chosen, and Angus couldn’t blame him. The gift of an heir was the greatest blessing of all, next to finding the perfect mate.

“Yes, we will monitor this delicate situation closely. I couldn’t be more excited for you, Sire. You deserve all the happiness in the world after the trials you’ve overcome. I just pray those proles don’t leave their mates when they realize it’s hopeless for them. Some have been families for centuries,” Legette theorized.

A scream rent the air, ending all conversation. Lorne and Blaine were moving between one heartbeat and the next while Angus rooted to the spot, considering Keira’s safety. A siren wailed, telling the citizens of Khoth they were under attack, and everyone needed to get to safety.

“Don’t even think of it, dragon-breath,” Keira warned. “I’m not going to lock myself in a room when I can help.”

Angus crossed to a wall behind the throne where two swords hung. After snatching them from the hooks, he turned to Keira. “Get to the center of the castle. The servants are making their way there, as well, and will need a guard. Cyril was bold attacking us here. I canna stay with you, but you must promise to follow these orders. If anything were to happen to you…” Angus let his words trail away, unable to finish the thought.

Keira cupped his cheeks then placed her lips to his. The kiss was brief but filled with love and affection. “Nothing will happen, my King. Mark my word, we are to be mated, and no one can stop that. I won’t take any risks, but I must help where I can. I love you, Angus, and you better come back to me. We have too much ahead of us. I envision little boys with curly black hair and their father’s mischievous smile.”

Angus’s heart stopped beating as he listened to her words. Joy burst through him and filled every cell. His heart felt as if it was going to explode from his chest.

“I’m holding you to that, Turquoise. And, I want a little girl with turquoise eyes to torment her brothers,” Angus declared as he held her tight. “You are my life. I willna lose you again.”

“No, you won’t. Now, go kick some arse,” Keira said with a smile.

“Aye, lass,” Angus murmured in agreement.

One more quick kiss and Angus handed Keira one of the swords, and watched her take off through the side door. Angus rushed to join his knights and ran into a Barghest. The Unseelie creature was a terrifying type of bogie. Typically, they had horns, dangerous teeth and claws, and fiery eyes. They could take many forms, and this one seemed to prefer a shaggy black dog with incisors the size of knives. It could rip off an arm with one lethal snap.

A massive claw-tipped paw swiped through the air, and caught Angus off guard. Pain exploded in his side as his blood sprayed the stone wall. Snarling, Angus swung the sword, and the dog’s head went flying.

Angus took a step and faltered. The Barghest had sliced through his thigh and the injury was deeper than he realized. Ignoring the pain, Angus continued through the castle halls. The throne room was on the top floor of Tatenen, not far from several exits leading to the parapets.

Several Powries and hobgoblins scurried about, chasing the staff. The sound of fighting echoed to his right, but Angus turned left and chased the Powries. His sword chopped several heads and sent their blood-dripping hats sailing down the hall.

Angus’s free hand grabbed for the hobgoblins who were smashing vases onto the floor. He snared one of the small creatures, and smashed it against the wall after it dropped a tiny statue on top of Angus’s head. Pesky little fuckers. Hobgoblins weren’t terribly violent, but they loved to cause problems. One was chasing Elysia down the hall, throwing worms at her.

Angus sliced through Redcaps and stomped on the hobgoblins as he made his way to Elysia. Elysia was Keira’s friend, and she would never forgive Angus if he didn’t ensure the female got to safety.

Angus grabbed the Hobgoblin holding the worms and tossed him over his shoulder. “Keira followed the staff to the servants’ wing. Get there now, and help her. The Maáhes may no’ be able to keep all these fuckers oot, and she will need you. By the way, she agreed to mate me,” Angus blurted with a broad grin, unable to contain his good news.

Elysia was picking worms from her hair while kicking another hobgoblin, but when she heard him, she paused and smiled. “First, Keira is blessed by the Gods, and now this. Sire, this is truly a day to celebrate.”

“Aye. But first, I need to kick some Unseelie arse,” Angus informed the servant before he pushed her in the direction of the servants’ section. “Go, now.”

“Yes, Sire,” she replied and dashed down the hallway.

The Powries’ acidic blood destroyed the walls and floors on contact, but Angus couldn’t stop and consider the damage to his home as he killed them. He ignored the Hobgoblins as they defaced statues and tapestries, smearing green goo on everything they touched. They were messy but harmless, and he needed to find Cyril.

Angus burst outside, and the bright midday sun blinded him. On instinct, he swung out and heard a shriek. A grey-skinned creature with four arms toppled over. He didn’t have time to determine what species it was, as a large Buggane charged towards him.

The creature’s fist felt like a sledgehammer when it pounded against Angus’s cheek. His head snapped back, and his body soared threw the air and slammed into the parapet wall. Stone bit into his back, and the coarse texture flayed his flesh.

Angus kicked out, and the Buggane fell forward and landed on top of him. “Fuck,” Angus snarled and realized his error. He would be smothered under its big, smelly body if he didn’t act fast. Not a dignified way for a king to die.

Calling on his dragon fire, Angus released a torrent of flame, and incinerated the Unseelie. He was the only Cuelebre capable of breathing fire in human form, and he sent a silent thank you to the Gods for their blessing.

Angus shoved the burning carcass aside and jumped to his feet, surveying the scene. His Maáhes were embroiled in battle and doing their job of keeping the Unseelie outside the castle. Well, all but the small, annoying Hobgoblins. Where the fuck was Cyril?

Angus diced and killed as he made his way around the perimeter of Tatenen. Perhaps Cyril wasn’t there, he thought, but quickly changed his mind. Angus couldn’t imagine the Unseelie King missing the opportunity to witness his downfall.

Angus shifted then shook his head at the pair of ruined leathers littering the ground. He’d spent a century berating the Dark Warriors for how often they destroyed clothes, and he was on his fourth pair of pants since returning to Khoth.

In a flash of light, wings burst from his back as his skin turned to scales, and his nose elongated. Claws tipped his feet, and fire blasted from his throat. He was the biggest Cuelebre alive, and dwarfed his Maáhes. Cheers erupted as Angus took to the skies and his flame engulfed the parapet. He could see the Torch of Khoth burning brightly from the highest tower.

The torch had burned from Khoth’s inception for thousands of years and had remained alight during Angus’s absence. The flame was connected to Angus’s bloodline, and a Callanach must be present for it to burn. No one could explain what had kept it alight while he was gone, but Angus believed that its power came from the people’s belief in his return.

Once in the air, Angus noted Legette had the same idea, and was on the opposite side of the castle, securing the grounds. Angus grabbed the ladders the Unseelie used to get to the top of the walls, and checked to make sure the stone gates were closed and locked.

Dragon fire was the reason for stone structures on Khoth, given it could withstand the heat. As often as they battled Buggane, it prevented them from rebuilding every few months. Not to mention, dragonettes couldn’t control their flames, and he expected an influx of new babies after the Civappu.

Angus trumpeted, sending a warning to those fighting on the ground. He needed them to move out of his way so he could blast the enemy with his fire. Most were males, but he was proud to note a handful of females among them.

Once the area was clear, Angus roared, and fire streamed from his mouth. He circled the castle, killing the Buggane in his wake. On his third pass, he caught sight of a sea dragon clinging to the side of the castle.

His heart stopped when he realized Keira was trying to escape Cyril. Angus shot like a rocket toward the pair. Cyril caught sight of him from the window, and a wicked smile spread across his face.

“If I can’t have her, nobody can,” Cyril promised, and silver glinted in the sunlight. Angus’s gut twisted and his world moved at a snail’s pace as he watched the weapon’s descent. He couldn’t get there in time, and Cyril sliced through Keira’s wing, as if it were paper.

Angus’s roar echoed throughout the land as blood gushed from her wound. Her grip loosened, and she fell from the side of the castle, her severed wing in Cyril’s grasp. Angus was still too far to get to her in time, and knew the fall could kill her.

Cyril’s screamed, and dropped her wing then disappeared. It was an agonizing sound, and Angus hoped Keira injured the fucker.

Suddenly, Legette appeared, and his dragon swooped under Keira, and she landed across his back. Angus soared at top speed to Legette, and the sea dragon jumped from Legette’s back to Angus’s. He ordered Legette to grab her wing. Dyson needed to reattach the appendage before it was too late.

“Doona shift back, love. I know you’re in pain right now. I’ve alerted Dyson, and he is going to take care of you,” he instructed her.

How the fuck had Cyril and the others gotten into Tatenen?

I don’t know if I can remain in the shift, Angus,” Keira admitted.

Angus landed on the parapet and carefully laid her down before shifting. Blaine and Lorne were there to help carry Keira through the castle. Luckily, the castle was designed to accommodate a dragon’s mammoth form, so it was easy to maneuver once inside.

“Dyson! Cygnus! Get to the fucking throne room, now,” Angus shouted. “Stay with me, Keira,” he encouraged when he heard the rattle in her breathing. Angus wanted to hunt that motherfucker down and end him. He had nearly taken Keira again. This time, right from under Angus’s nose.

Angus. I’m so cold,” Keira whispered in his mind. Her voice was faint, and her body began shivering.

“Start a fire in the hearth, now,” he ordered as they entered the large room.

Dyson and Cygnus came running in. Both males stopped dead in their tracks, and their mouths dropped. Keira’s lean sea serpent was gushing blood, and barely breathing.

Legette walked in, carrying her wing. “Get it reattached and stop the bleeding,” Legette ordered. Angus was grateful the male took charge because his voice left him when he saw the horrified expression on the physician’s face.

Dyson immediately went to work. Angus went to Keira’s head and cradled it in his lap. Keira slowly opened her eyes, and the agony he saw tore through his heart.

“Help her with the pain,” he demanded.

“Sire, I can’t give her anything, yet. I need to stop the bleeding first, and I don’t know if I can. There’s so much of it,” Dyson admitted.

“Pour salt water over the wound, and that will stop the worst of it,” Cygnus instructed as he rushed into the room, and took position next to Keira.

Angus felt the male’s worry and determination to save his daughter’s life. The cool energy flowing under his fingers startled Angus, and he glanced over to see Cygnus with his eyes closed and a blue-green glow around his hands where they rested against Keira’s hide.

Several staff entered, carrying two buckets each, and poured salt water per Dyson’s direction. Angus watched the water slide over the wound, and the blood slowed to a trickle where the water hit.

Keira’s breathing became more labored, and she gurgled, but as more water poured over the wound, Angus felt her energy return. She wasn’t out of the woods yet, and Angus wished Jace was there. His healing ability would be useful in their dire situation. Waiting, and doing nothing, while Keira suffered was untenable.

It should have been him that was injured, Angus thought, as he watched her fight for her life. Cyril’s hatred was with him, not Keira. The only reason Cyril coveted Keira was because Angus laid claim to her. He would give anything to switch places with her.

Dyson and his assistant worked efficiently, stitching blood vessels, while Lorne and Blaine held the wing in place. Cygnus ordered more salt water after Dyson repaired the damage to her wing, adding more of his sea dragon energy.

Slowly, Keira’s breathing evened out, and she sighed her relief. It was music to Angus’s ears. “You’re going to be fine, love. They’re nearly done, now,” Angus cooed.

Thank you for saving me, Legette,” Keira murmured.

Legette laid a palm on her snout. “I would lay down my life for you, my Queen,” he vowed.

Angus’s eyes widened. Legette fought Angus’s decision to leave, and search for Keira all those years ago. He worried about Angus choosing a mate unable to give him an heir. Hearing his First swear fealty to her had emotion clogging his throat. He had accepted Keira as his Queen.

“I’m done,” Dyson pronounced. “Don’t shift forms for a couple of days so that the wing can reattach completely.”

Looks like I won’t be taking that mating flight anytime soon,” Keira whispered into Angus’s mind.

“Aye, you will. We have weeks until the new moon. Plenty of time to organize our ceremony, and get ready for the flight,” Angus promised. “You focus on resting and healing. What can I get you?”

A whale. And, a shark or two. I’m starving, and since I can’t have what I really want…” Keira replied, and he felt the heat in her words. Angus loved that she was feeling well enough to tease and tempt him.

“I’ll give you anything you want,” Angus declared.

Keira’s father cleared his throat and lifted his hands from Keira’s thick hide. “I’ll go for food. It’ll be quicker, and fresher, if I go fishing,” Cygnus offered.

“I’m going, too,” Lorne chimed in. “If I have to listen to anymore of this mushy stuff between the two of them, I may hurl.”

Angus wasn’t fooled by his crass remark as Lorne rubbed her side in a gentle caress. Keira meant as much to the realm as she did to him. Khoth needed her.

Is this a good time to tell you I think I found the memory talisman?” Keira interjected as Angus watched her father and Lorne leave the hall.

His head swung back around and looked to serene turquoise eyes. The hint of mischief had a smile crossing his face.

“How did you manage that, lass?”

I’d been putting a lot of thought into where the talisman could be, and I remembered Cyril fingering a necklace. The pendant on the chain had an odd silver symbol on it. I figured since he sent me a ring with a spell attached, it would make sense,” Keira explained.

“Where is it now?”

Check the grass below my window. I tossed it out, right before I shifted.”

“You’re brilliant, love. We’ll find it, and I’ll have the Mundunugu test it and see. Mack can nullify the spell when she returns for our ceremony. Ah, my Turquoise. Have I told you how much I love you?” Angus husked.

Yes, but I’m looking forward to you showing me. I love you, too, Angus. Thank you.”

“For what?” he asked, as he stroked her smooth body.

She was the most magnificent creature he’d ever laid eyes on, and his dragon demanded release, wanting to claim her in every way.

“For never giving up on me. On us.”

“‘Tis impossible, my love,” he declared, and bent to kiss the edge of her snout.

Angus realized love wasn’t something to be chased. Love had to find, and choose you. Once that happened, there was no force that could stop it. He and Keira were living proof.




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