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King of Khoth: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 9) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka (16)

Chapter Fifteen

Keira stopped in the courtyard of the castle. Her body hummed with satisfaction from a night of making love to Angus. The attention and care he had for her pleasure was nothing short of miraculous. It was as if his pleasure was derived from how many climaxes he gave her.

The slight ache between her legs was a delectable reminder of the night. Feeling eyes on her, Keira glanced over her shoulder and grinned at the massive charcoal dragon standing on the parapet. Light green eyes focused on her as she left the castle for the first time.

Keira continued her path to the main gate, and butterflies took flight in her stomach. She wiped sweaty palms on her skirt and tried to calm her racing heart. A loud trumpet sounded behind her, and she swiveled to see Angus’s large reptilian head pointed to the sky, bellowing his displeasure.

A smile tipped her lips as she shook her head. He was pissed about her leaving. That was one possessive dragon, she mused. “Stop bellowing, dragon-breath. You’re going to wake the entire kingdom. No need to worry, Lorne is with me,” she called out.

Smoky laughter echoed in her mind as Angus’s piercing gaze landed back on her. “Protect my heart, Turquoise. And doona forget, you canna trust Cyril. He is verra powerful,” Angus instructed for the hundredth time, only this time it was more poignant when delivered through his dragon.

“I remember. I won’t leave Lorne’s side. You, and your knights are the only ones I trust with certainty. There isn’t much else I am sure of in this crazy world, so thank you,” she admitted.

The dragon’s wings relaxed and folded against its sides. “The Gods have truly blessed me. I may not have your heart yet, but having your trust is just as important. Be safe, love,” Angus murmured, and his words of affection intensified the ache between her legs.

Heat rose in her cheeks, making her feel more feminine than ever. She didn’t know what the future held, but she was captivated by Angus. She doubted she would mate with him, given eternity was a long time, but she wasn’t ruling out the possibility. Never say never, she had learned, when it came to the dragon shifter.

Regardless, she’d always have a friendship and connection with the dragon king. Not only was it necessary in her role as Stoorworm Princess, but she genuinely cared for Angus.

Taking back her life was her number one priority, and she focused on that instead of the turmoil surrounding her feelings for Angus. She was free at last, she thought, as her step turned into a skip.

Her big, burly bodyguard stepped in front of her. Well, almost free, she amended and stared at the blond-headed male.

“Where do you want to go?” Lorne asked as he walked backward while facing her.

“To the beach. I want to feel the water and bury my toes in the sand,” Keira answered immediately, excitement making her giddy.

Lorne twisted his face then glanced over his shoulder to the parapet. “Take her where she wants to go,” Angus ordered.

Lorne rolled his eyes and turned to walk beside Keira. “Okay, Princess. But, please don’t shift and return to Saqara. I can’t follow you below the surface, and if anything happens to you, I will be barbequed.”

“I promised Angus that I would not return to my home until it is safe, although I’m beginning to wonder if that day will come,” she postulated as they left the courtyard behind.

This close to Tatenen, the city was a bustling mix of modern steel and old-world stone. The citizens were out and about in droves. The biggest difference from the cities on Earth, and here, was the lack of children. Everywhere she went with Cyril, she saw families, and an abundance of children, but here, she had yet to come across one child.

“Is there a market nearby?” she asked as she returned a smile to a passing female.

She wondered what species the female was, with slightly pointed ears and bright blue skin. She was beautiful in a striking way with high cheekbones and full lips. There were more than dragons in Duamutef, and the variety of supernaturals was fascinating, given her recent memories which involved mostly humans.

“There’s a market of sorts. It’s called the shopping district. You can get anything you need there,” Lorne replied as he pointed to the left where people were heading.

“Can we walk through there?” she asked, curious to see the shopping district.

“Sure,” Lorne replied, and let her lead the way.

They wandered to the open area filled with colorful tents. Keira watched as the townspeople greeted Lorne. He was friendly and interacted with them, but he wasn’t there to socialize, and maintained his vigilance.

They passed a shop, and the window display caught her eye. Stone sculptures of all shapes and sizes filled the space. The place card by one of the pieces said Webber, and she assumed that was the name of the artist. As Keira eyed the beautiful craftsmanship, she immediately thought of the collection she destroyed. Maybe she would purchase one of these to give to Angus, she thought, and then remembered she had no money, or job, for that matter. She would have to address that issue with him when she returned.

“Ooooh, you have a coffee shop?” she blurted when she saw a sign that read ‘Nolan’s Brewhaus’. She missed the caffeinated beverage. It quickly became her favorite drink on Earth, loving the boost of energy she received.

“Aye, we do. These coffee beans are indigenous to Khoth. After jackwagon Nolan visited another realm, he made the store sign, tormenting the citizens with the promise of coffee. We finally found a plant we could cultivate in our realm,” Lorne explained as he held the door open for her.

She inhaled the tantalizing aroma and looked around at the crowded shop. All heads turned their way as soon as they entered. Keira heard whispers from a nearby group of females, gossiping about why the king was interested in such a skinny sea snake.

“And, he offers other beverages, like the traditional sherulla smoothie. If you haven’t had one since you’ve been back, you should try it. The fruit is unique to Khoth and is pretty fucking good when blended with guava and pineapples,” Lorne continued, oblivious to the chattering females.

“Never mind,” she hissed. “Let’s go. I don’t need coffee.”

“Here’s the thing, Princess, if I don’t get you coffee, Angus will geld me. I’ve been instructed to give you anything you want,” Lorne said as he guided her through the parting crowd.

Shrugging off Lorne’s touch, Keira wanted to die. The whispers made her self-conscious, and suddenly, she wanted to crawl back to the cave that held her captive for so many years. At least, no one glared or judged her there.

The urge to shout obscenities was overwhelming. Especially, to the females standing off to the side. They didn’t bother keeping their voices low as they sneered about Keira’s dragon resembling an eel with legs. She’d show them her sea dragon, alright. And snap them in two right before she took them beneath the sea to their drowning death.

A hand on her shoulder stopped her from moving forward. She didn’t realize she was two steps away from the females. “Those skets aren’t worth the effort,” Lorne said louder than necessary. Each of them turned an ugly shade of red and stormed out the door, calling him a scrote.

“Okay, I know what a scrote is, but what is a sket?” she asked as she followed him to the counter.

“A sket is a whore,” Lorne explained, and she couldn’t stop her laugh.

“Good one. I’ll have to remember that term,” Keira said as she glanced around at the establishment.

Much like the shops on Earth, there were tables and chairs, along with, pictures hanging on the walls. The big difference was the stone and steel that made up the furnishings and the building. It was unlike anything she’d seen. The stone was a unique shade of blue, and the metal was textured. Looking closer, she could see black particles scattered throughout, and she rubbed a hand across the smooth surface.

“There’s pieces of Mt. Batia mixed with the steel. When there’s an eruption, the ash is used, giving it that hue,” Lorne offered.

“It’s incredible,” she declared, and her heart swelled with pride.

Khoth was her birthplace, and it possessed so many unique qualities. She felt honored to be a part of this dragon realm.

“Good to see you again, Lorne. And, you must be Keira. Are you here for the coffee or my famous smoothie?” Nolan greeted and interrupted her musings.

“Hey, Nolan. Yes, this is Keira, and make it two coffees. She became addicted to the dark brew on Earth,” Lorne replied.

“I wouldn’t say addicted, but I do enjoy lattes,” she corrected with a smile.

“Hey, nothing wrong with addictions, beautiful. I have a few of my own,” Nolan said with a wink. His olive-green eyes sparkled with mirth, and Keira instantly liked him. “Bear with me today. Kyran brought this new machine to me, and I haven’t mastered it yet. It’s far more complicated from my processor, but he claims it will make my life easier.”

Keira watched the male as he bustled behind the counter, pushing this button and that. It looked like he was an expert to her. Within minutes, they had their drinks and were walking out the door.

“Come back soon. Next time, I’ll make you my special smoothie,” Nolan called out as they exited the store.

Keira and Lorne made their way to the beach while they sipped their drinks. It was divine, and unlike any brew she’d tasted before. She picked up hints of nut and a sweetness she couldn’t determine, but she would ask Angus if they could make it at Tatenen.

Lorne pointed out various stores, landmarks, trees, and flowers as they walked. She’d seen much of it before but enjoyed hearing his stories. Her favorite was the large magenta flowers that grew wild along the path, and didn’t know why she was so drawn to the color.

The further they traveled from the city, the more stone she saw. The cottages that housed the dragons were made of rock with a glass dome. Lorne explained how the rooftops opened so the dragons could take flight from inside the home.

Her heart stopped, and her hand flew to her mouth the second she saw the water. Tears brimmed, and she fell to her knees in the soft sand.


“It’s so beautiful,” she whispered as tears fell. Longing surged while a memory tickled her mind.

“I’ll give you some space, but I won’t be far if you need me,” Lorne murmured.

She wanted to hug him for understanding. She was overcome with emotion and needed a moment or two. She got up and walked toward the water as she kicked off her shoes. The warm sand beneath her feet conjured the memory again.

The feel of cool water passing over her dragon scales, followed by the image of a young sea dragon swimming next to her. He was purple and taunting her. Before she could grab more of the memory, it faded.

Stepping to the water’s edge, she dipped her toes and was about to call out to her family when a male stepped into her path. Expecting Lorne, she was shocked to see the male standing beside her.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded as she met black as night eyes that caused a shudder along her spine.

Keira quickly scanned for Lorne and saw him off to the side. He was on the ground, clutching his throat. “Cyril! Stop! He’s going to choke to death,” she screamed and started towards Lorne.

Cyril grabbed her arm, and spun her around. “He’s alive and can breathe, it’s just taking all his energy. I need to talk to you,” he professed.

The hair on her arms stood on end as Keira felt a blast of Cyril’s power. She wanted to run to Lorne, but instinct told her it would be futile. Cyril had cast a spell, and the thought had her yanking her arm from his grip.

“What do you want?” she demanded, but her voice cracked, belying her bravado.

“I came for you, of course. I’ve been going out of my mind with worry ever since you disappeared,” Cyril replied smoothly as he reached out to stroke her arm.

His cold hand sent another shiver through her system. Was he concerned about her? He proclaimed Angus was a danger to her, and she discovered that was a lie.

Regardless, she couldn’t deny how she felt, seeing the male again. She spent a year with Cyril, and they formed a bond in that time, albeit a friendship by her terms. His long blond hair blew in the ocean breeze, and his piercing black eyes held hers captive.

“Did you kidnap me, and put me under a sleep spell?” Keira asked, wanting answers now that she was face to face with him.

Cyril’s expression remained placid, and she would’ve thought him unaffected, except for the vein pulsing at his temple. “So he’s gotten to you. I was afraid of that. Come with me, and I will clear this up,” he encouraged with an outstretched hand.

A pull in Keira’s chest had her closing the distance, but a memory of her writhing in Angus’s arms stopped her movement.

Cyril watched her intently, and cocked his head. “Come with me. I will keep you safe,” he tried again and reached up to the stone pendant at his neck.

It was the same necklace he wore when they were on Earth, and she wondered again at its significance. And once more, she felt a tug but remained firmly planted.

She glanced to Lorne. He continued to gasp for air, but thankfully was still alive.

Keira felt Cyril’s emotions boiling, but she didn’t sense danger or menace. She wasn’t sure whom to believe. She trusted Angus, but Cyril had never harmed her. Was this nothing more than a ridiculous rivalry between kings?

“You never answered my question,” she persisted.

The sun was lowering, and she should return to the castle soon. How was she going to leave when Cyril could easily force his hand?

“I have never hurt you, Keira. And, I never will. You have my word on that,” Cyril vowed with a hand over his heart. He appeared tender and loving, yet a man was struggling to breathe not fifty feet from them because of Cyril’s actions.

She noticed his large hands were perfectly manicured, the opposite of Angus’s rough, calloused hands. A shiver went through her as she recalled Angus’s erotic touch.

“What do you want with me?”

“What I’ve always wanted. To continue our relationship. I miss you, love,” he cooed in a low voice. His voice was pleasant enough, but it didn’t send arousal surging hot and heavy like Angus’s did.

“So many claims on my love life,” she mused aloud. “I must’ve been a busy female. Was I a sket?”

Cyril drew back and his brows furrowed. “Gods no! You were never a sket. And, you were never in love with Angus. You are mine, Keira, and always will be.”

His declaration annoyed her. “I am not yours. I decide who I give myself to, and who I don’t. No one else will make that decision for me,” she spat.

Lifting his hands, palms out, Cyril backed up. “You’re right. I never meant to overstep. You’ve always been a headstrong female. It is merely one of your charming characteristics,” he replied smoothly as he ran the back of his hand over her cheek.

It was a move he’d performed a hundred times, but this time she recoiled. An odd sensation prickled her skin. Keira barely held her reaction in check. She realized how much she hid from Cyril during their time together. She walked on eggshells and was always afraid of his reactions. Not once had she felt the need to hide anything from Angus.

“What about the ring? Why did you send me a present with such a strong compulsion?” she demanded, not allowing an opportunity for denial. Mack said it had come from Cyril, and Keira’s gut told her the female was right.

“I did it to protect you,” Cyril asserted. His hand dropped, and she noticed blue light emanating from his palm. She knew he was powerful, but seeing evidence made her uneasy.

“I’m tired of everyone saying that. What exactly are you protecting me from?” Keira asked as she crossed arms over her chest when Cyril reached for her hand. She’d seen the faint blue glow and didn’t want it touching her.

“You may not believe this because that vile dragon is brainwashing you, but Angus is using you, and will eliminate you when he gets what he wants,” Cyril claimed.

The way he spat his words and the twist of his face gave her the first glimpse of his violence. He was losing control, and Keira was shocked to see this side of him.

“Newsflash, I am a dragon, too,” she snarled.

“Yes, you are,” he murmured, and his gaze softened. “You’re the gem of the sea, love.”

“Don’t call me love,” she snapped, not caring for the endearment on his lips. It wasn’t right coming from him, and her dragon abhorred it. “And, stop interfering in my life. If what you say is true, and we had a relationship, then let me come to that on my own terms. If I had my memories, I would know. I hate that I can’t remember!” she shouted and flailed her arms.

“I can help you with that,” Cyril cajoled with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Just come with me, and I’ll show you,” he added, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

His approach was so different from Angus’s. He claimed he wanted to help, but he’d never attempted it before. Why so anxious now? From day one, Angus tried to coax her past from her mind.

Keira squirmed in Cyril’s firm grip. Suddenly, Lorne began choking, and his body convulsed.

“Please stop, Cyril. I’ll do whatever you ask,” Keira promised as she wriggled out of his hold, trying to get to Lorne.

“Come with me,” he persisted, and she felt that pull again.

There was no doubt his powerful magic swayed her, but she fought it and stepped away. The more distance between them, the lesser the strength of his persuasion.

“I can’t. Angus will kill Lorne if I don’t return. I’d never forgive myself if that happened,” she replied and looked to Lorne again. He was turning bright red.

“Please, Cyril,” she begged and placed a palm to his stubbled jaw. He relaxed against her touch then turned his cheek to place a kiss on her hand.

“Meet me here, tomorrow at midnight. Alone,” Cyril ordered.

“Okay, but you need to go, now.” She had no idea how she would get out of the castle without a guard, but she had to agree to his demands.

Cyril disappeared between one blink and the next. Lorne stopped choking, and sat up on the sandy beach, taking deep breaths to revive his lungs. She dashed through the water and onto the shore, anxious to see if the male was okay.

Keira was more confused than ever. She had no idea who, or what, to believe, but she was done being the pawn between these two males.