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Simply Irresistible by P.G. Van (32)

Chapter 32


Mantra had no idea how she came to be wrapped in soft sheets and what time it was as her body still hummed from the aftermath of the roughness she had demanded from Yash.

“Baby, are you okay?” She felt his lips graze her cheek as her nostrils filled her lungs with his masculine scent.

“Yash… that was wicked.” She stretched pulling him to her with her arms around his neck.

“You were a riot, baby. I had fun, too.” His voice was soft and caressed her senses. She opened her eyes to meet his which held more than the spark she had seen after a delectable engagement. She took in his broad shoulders that filled the dark suit deliciously, and it was at that point she remembered the launch party.

“Shit, are we late?” She sat up in bed making him laugh.

“We are not, but I have to go down a bit early. I want you to relax and show up fashionably late.” He ran his fingertips over her jawline making her body jitter with joy.

“What time is it?”

“It’s almost six, but you have an hour before I come back here and take you again. I am going to rip off anything that you have on,” he groaned making her almost come again.

“I will see you in a bit.” He brushed his lips one more time before turning to walk away from the circular bed. She watched him leave, smiling, her eyes riveted on his sexy ass.

“Enjoying the view, baby?” he called out without turning back to look making her laugh. That ass was what had started it all.

She took her time to shower and get dressed. She had picked a navy-blue ankle length chiffon dress. It had an opulently embellished halter neckline that anchored the ruffled bodice and a sweeping, tiered high-low skirt. She smiled for once liking what she saw in the mirror thinking she had nothing to critique about the image in front of her.

She picked up her clutch and phone making her way to the banquet hall where the party was already in progress. She heard the thud of the music playing in the room as she walked toward the entrance.

She was greeted by a group of people who were checking in the guests.

“Good evening, miss.” A friendly guy behind the table smiled at her.

“Good evening, I am Mantra Varma.”

“Welcome to the launch party, Ms. Varma.” He turned to signal to a woman who was standing behind him as if in wait for her. “Nina will take you to Yash.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary. I’ll find my way.” She smiled, her cheeks turning red.

“Nina has been waiting to take you to him.” The guy grinned almost knowingly making her blush.

She followed the woman into the center of the dimly-lit banquet hall. Yash was standing with his back to her talking to someone, and almost as if he sensed her eyes on his back, he turned. When their eyes met, he smiled making her heart lurch to her throat. Her lips curved up as he excused himself and walked toward her.

“Thank you, Nina.” He smiled politely at his team member before possessively running his arm around Mantra’s waist.

“I was wondering if I would have to come get you.” He brushed his lips on her temple making her body tremor with thrills.

“I almost didn’t show up hoping you would come upstairs and rip this dress off for an encore,” she hissed brushing her breast against his arm.

“I would have ripped that dress off if I weren’t the host tonight.” He laughed making her catch her breath.

“Mantra,” she turned to look at Sona and Gaurav approach them.

“Hi, guys. I’m so glad you showed up. I was starting to get bored hanging out with the host.” She winked at Yash.

“Yeah, he can be boring.” Sona scrunched her nose at her brother.

“I’m okay with letting you gang up on me for your entertainment, but be nice to Gaurav.” He nudged Gaurav and added laughing, “Keep an eye on these women for me.”

Mantra settled down at the table reserved for Yash’s family after he disappeared into the crowd greeting his guests.

She dialed her sister’s number to inquire where they were, and Sloka answered on the first ring. Her sister and Rajeev were driving directly to the party and staying over at the resort.

“Hey… we are almost here,” Sloka squealed into the phone.

“Someone’s happy.” Mantra laughed.

“Yes, I have two surprises for you.” Sloka laughed.

“Really? What are those?”

“Not telling you yet.”

“Suit yourself. I am in the banquet hall with Yash’s family.”

“See you in a bit.” She smiled and ended the call.

Mantra turned to look at Sona. “Hey… you guys doing better?”

“Yes, and we are going on vacation next month.”

“I’m, so happy for you.” Mantra smiled.

“You are the reason for everything I have in my life. Thank you.”

“Sona, Gaurav and you took charge of your marriage. Give yourself credit.” She put her arm around Yash’s sister.

Sona pulled back and was about to say something when her eyes moved toward the entrance of the banquet hall. “Is that your sister?”

Mantra turned to see Sloka and Rajeev at the entrance. She excused herself and walked toward the entrance to meet her sister. She stopped short when she saw her parents and Samar walking in behind Rajeev.

“Surprise!” Sloka hugged Mantra.

“Hi, Ma… Daddy. I didn’t know you guys were coming.” Mantra was happy to see them.

“Yash invited them, too.” Sloka smiled.

Mantra hugged her parents and then her friend. “I’m glad you could make it, Samar.”

“This is a lovely resort, Mantra.”

“Hi, Yash.” Samar waved looking past Mantra’s shoulder.

Mantra turned to look at Yash and smiled at him. “Yash, this is my mom and dad. You’ve met Sloka, Rajeev, and Samar.”

“Thank you for joining us, Mr. and Mrs. Varma.” Yash shook hands with her father and gave her mother a warm hug.

“Congratulations, Yash. This is a beautiful resort,” her mother complimented.

“May I steal Mantra from you all?” Yash asked after a few minutes of conversation and nodded at his team member. “My team member will take you to your table.”

Yash led her by her hand to backstage.

“You invited my parents, and you didn’t tell me?”

“I realized I’m not the only one pissed at my parents. Let’s forget and forgive our parents for what we think they did or could have done differently.”

“Hey… I thought I was the therapist in this relationship,” she teased, putting her arms around him.

“I want you to stay here. I need to address the guests, and then I’m all yours.” He smiled running the rough pad of his thumb on her chin.

She nodded, happiness overflowing in her heart.

“Here comes the party crasher,” Yash laughed looking at Sona approach them.

“Hey… I’m here to rescue Mantra from you,” his sister retorted.

“Fine, keep each other company. I have to prep for my launch speech.”

“You are the miracle he needed in his life,” Sona leaned closer to Mantra to whisper.


“You have no idea, Mantra. He hasn’t talked to my mom and dad in almost seven years, and for him to call and formally invite them to the launch party last week, I’m sure you had something to do with it.” Sona smiled.

A huge argument and a week of misery.

Mantra smiled but said nothing.

“I’m just so glad we are all together… there was a point when I thought I would never see him.” Sona’s said in a shaky tone.

“What are you talking about?”

“This was right after he dropped out of the research program and disappeared without a word. Months passed and when we didn’t hear from him… I shouldn’t be remembering bad moments now… I’m just happy we are all here, and I don’t want to ruin my makeup.” Sona dabbed off a tear with a tissue.

She knew their week apart was the most painful but gave her a perspective on their relationship and how much she wanted him in her life. She shuddered at the thought of not seeing him and never wanted to be in a situation that kept them apart. Mantra took a deep breath and smiled as Yash winked at her before stepping onto the stage.

Yash took a deep breath and smiled at the group of chefs standing to the far right. He started addressing the guests by thanking his team first and went on to thank his family and friends. She held her breath with a slight smile pasted on her face as she replayed every word Sona told her about her influence on Yash.

Her heart fluttered when their eyes met as he looked around the large group gathered around the stage.

He smiled at her, and at that moment, she realized his smile was all she needed and wanted to see for the rest of her life. She smiled back at him acknowledging to herself once again how hard she had fallen for him and only he could keep her happy.

Her psychology education told her she was just in a euphoric phase initially, but her heart felt something else. Struck by the love, there was no escape, and she didn’t want one.

Yash paused before continuing to speak. “We have been working on the model for this resort for almost a year, and I’ve always felt a piece of the puzzle was missing. Everything became more and more evident during the last few months.”

“What did I tell ya?” Sona whispered.

“I am pleased to announce that we will be adding special features to the resort for couples who want to spice up their lives and also to bring life back into their relationships.” He smiled, his eyes boring into hers.

“It wasn’t until I met Mantra, my beautiful girlfriend, that I realized how many couples have troubles in their relationship for various reasons and yet do not give up on their bond. She is the sole reason we are bringing the new services into the resort, and I hope to have her consult when she gets her master’s degree as a psychologist specializing in couples’ therapy.” His face glowed under the spotlight as he looked at her.

Mantra kept her eyes on him, fighting back happy tears as he continued. She saw the pride in his eyes as he talked about how he originally had a different opinion about psychology but admitted he was wrong in thinking everything could be solved by medication.

“Mantra, would you please join me?” Yash smiled at her.

It took her a moment to understand what he said and walked up to him after being nudged by Sona. She went to stand next to him, their hands clasped as the crowd cheered.

“Mantra, thank you for joining me.” Yash grinned.

Mantra was still recovering from the shock of being in front of so many people when Yash started talking about their adventure together—the new book. When Yash mentioned how she was making a dedication to her deceased brother, she looked at her parents.

Mantra saw the sadness on their faces and tears in their eyes, but there was something else hidden behind their tears—pride. Her parents smiled at her making her feel like she climbed to the top of the Himalayas!

She smiled maintaining a calm exterior as people broke into a clamoring applause while a tornado of emotions ripped through her. She was bubbling with joy on the inside just to be standing next to him.

Tears of joy and happiness brimmed as she took in the intensity of the moment where she accepted she would love him to eternity. She knew she had found her big, all-consuming love for the man who promised her a world of happiness.

Yash spoke for a few more minutes before walking them off the stage.

“Yash…” She didn’t know what else to say. His name was the only word that made it out of her mouth.

“You are a bad influence, sweetheart.” He smiled brushing his lips on hers before walking back to their table.

She felt his palm cajole hers as they sat with his family engaged in conversation. He smiled at his parents, and she looked at her parents and sister who were seated across the table and felt the happiness deep inside.