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Witch is How Things Had Changed (A Witch P.I. Mystery Book 25) by Adele Abbott (16)

The next morning, by the time I’d dragged myself downstairs, Jack had already left for work. The sausages were calling to me, but I had a wedding dress to get into on Saturday, so I ignored them, and settled for a bowl of cereal.

I was just about to sit at the kitchen table when I heard what sounded like a lorry in the street outside. Being naturally curious (no, not nosey), I went through to the lounge and opened the curtains. Pauline, whom I’d met for the first time the day before, and a man, whom I assumed was her husband, but whose name I’d already forgotten, were guiding the lorry onto their drive. Moments later, two men climbed out of the vehicle and began to unload their delivery. From what I could make out, it appeared to comprise of a number of steel panels of various sizes. I was intrigued (no, still not nosey), but I couldn’t think of a good excuse to go over there and ask what they were up to.


By the time I left the house, the lorry had gone, and there was no sign of Pauline or her husband.

“Morning, Jill.”

Oh bum! I’d been caught by the Ivers.

“Morning, Mr Ivers. I’m just on my way to work.”

“Me too. The home-movie rental business won’t run itself.”

“I guess not. See you later, then.”

“Did you know your brother-in-law has signed up with Have Ivers Got A Movie For You?”

“So I heard.” Sucker.

“If he recommends a friend or family member, he and they both get a free month.”

“Right.” Who cares?

“Has he been in touch with you about it yet?”

“Err—no. Anyway, I’d better get—”

“You should have a word with him. Maybe he’s forgotten.”

“Yeah, okay. Bye, then.” I dived into the car.





When I arrived at my offices, there was a note pinned to the outer door, which read:

There are no jumpers being made on these premises. None at all.


I tore it down and went inside.

“Phew.” Mrs V sighed. “It’s only you, Jill. I thought it might be the counterfeit squad.”

“I’m not sure there is such a thing.” I held up the scrap of paper. “I assume you stuck this to the door.”

“I thought it might put them off the scent.”

“Do you think maybe you’re over-reacting a tad?”

“I don’t want a criminal record. What would Armi think?”

“I’ve seen dozens of those jumpers around Washbridge. Even if the counterfeit squad was a thing, which it isn’t. And even if they decided to prosecute someone, which is unlikely. The person they’ll go after is Grandma. It certainly isn’t you.”

“I do hope you’re right, Jill. I don’t think I could survive for long on prison food.”

“I give you my word. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.”


Winky was on the sofa, looking particularly sorry for himself.

“Good morning, Winky.”

“Not really.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’d rather not talk about it.”


“If you must know, my dinner date didn’t go very well last night.”

“What went wrong?”

“If you ask me, she made a mountain out of a molehill. It was a simple mistake that anyone could have made.”

“I assume you’re talking about Trixie?”

“No. Daisy.”

“I thought it was Trixie who was coming over?”

“Therein lies the problem. I’d got it into my head that it was Trixie who was coming over for dinner, but it turned out to be Daisy. Halfway through the starter, I inadvertently called Daisy, Trixie.”

“Oh dear.”

“I managed to talk my way out of that one. I told her that Trixie was my cousin who I’d been talking to earlier.”

“And she bought that?”

“Yeah, but then I made the mistake of leaving my phone on the table while I went to get the dessert out of the fridge. Judy chose that precise moment to call me. Daisy saw the name come up on screen, and she totally lost the plot. I mean, there was no call for what she did.” He rubbed his head. “Have you ever tried to get jelly out of your fur?”

I couldn’t answer because I was laughing too much.


I intended to pay another visit to the bowling alley, but as it didn’t open until midday, I thought I’d spend an hour or so looking through the manuscript that Deloris Shuttlebug had kindly loaned to me. It was rather unimaginatively titled: Exotic Creatures of Candlefield.

“What’s that you’re reading?” Winky jumped onto my desk.

“I thought you were busy feeling sorry for yourself.”

“There’s no point in losing sleep over Daisy. I’ve still got Judy and Trixie. I’m more annoyed about the jelly. So, what is it you’re reading?”

“It’s a manuscript about the exotic creatures that live in Candlefield.”

“What’s that ugly looking thing?” He pointed to the open page.

“It’s a pouchfeeder. I had a run-in with one of those some time ago.”

“Rather you than me. Why the sudden interest in exotic creatures? Aren’t I exotic enough for you?”

“I’m trying to identify one in particular.”

Just then, Winky’s phone rang.

“Hi, babe. Of course I’ve missed you.” He jumped off my desk and disappeared under the sofa, to continue his conversation. For his sake, I hoped he didn’t get the names mixed up again.

The variety of creatures featured in the book was truly astounding. There were a few that I recognised: the scarlet horned dragon, for example. Some of them were terrifying; others, like the marmadellow, were unbearably cute. Cuthbert Shuttlebug had not only spent years on research, he’d also produced fabulous illustrations for the majority of creatures. The man had obviously been an accomplished artist.

And then I saw it: the aurochilla.

The illustration certainly resembled Fluff, and the accompanying text confirmed it.

Excited, I called Desdemona Nightowl.

“Headmistress, it’s Jill.”

“You sound very upbeat. Does that mean you have good news for me?”

“I think so.”

“Who is the thief? Please tell me that it isn’t one of the pupils.”

“I can put your mind at ease on that score.”

“Thank goodness. Who is it, then?”

“Would it be possible to come over and see you later today? I can fill you in then.”

“Of course. How about this afternoon?”

“That’ll be fine. Could we meet in the Nomad girls’ dorm?”

“I don’t see why not.”

“Can you ensure that everyone who has had anything stolen is there?”

“I’m sure that can be arranged.”

“Oh, and headmistress, could you make sure Felicity Charming is there too?”

“Err—yes, I suppose so.”

“Great. See you later.”


Winky had finished on the phone and was looking much happier with life.

“Did you manage to remember her name this time?” I said.

“You know what they say about sarcasm, don’t you?”

“That it’s the highest form of wit?”

“You clearly think so. That was Judy. She invited me to go away with her this weekend.”

“Lucky you.”

“I had to tell her no, but she understood when I explained that I’d promised to be your pagecat.”

“Don’t worry your head about that. You should go with Judy.”

“Certainly not. I couldn’t let you down. My word is my bond. I promised to be there for your special day, and there I’ll be.”

Oh bum! Now I felt really bad.




Tommy wasn’t behind the counter in Wash Bowl today. Instead, a tall, slim young man, with curly hair and a beard, was talking on his phone while picking his teeth. Who said the young couldn’t multi-task?

“What size?” he said when he noticed me.


“What size shoes do you want?”

“I’m not here to bowl.”

“I can’t give you change for the vending machines.”

“I don’t need change. I’d like a word with Tommy.”

“It’s his day off. Gone t’zoo.”


He sighed. I was clearly testing his patience. “He’s gone t’zoo. Took his nipper to see giraffes and stuff.”

“The zoo? Right. Look, I spoke to Tommy yesterday about—”

“Sorry, babe, I’ve got to go,” he said into the phone, and then in a hushed voice. “There’s some weird woman here doing my nut in.”

“I’m very sorry to be doing your nut in, but I’d like to take a look backstage at the machinery.”

“Who are you, anyway?”

“I’m a private investigator. I spoke to Tommy yesterday.”

“He didn’t say anything to me about no private investor.”

Investigator. Can you give him a call?”

“He’s gone t’zoo.”


“If his phone rings, it might frighten the giraffes.”

“I just need a quick look around the back at the machinery that operates the skittles.”

“Pins. They’re called pins.”

“Whatever. Can I take a quick look?”

“No. H and S.”


“Health and Safety. Only staff allowed back there.”

“You can accompany me.”

“I can’t leave this desk.”

“Is there anyone else on duty?”

“Just me. Tommy’s—”

“Gone t’zoo. Yeah, I know. Never mind.”

I was getting nowhere fast, so I found a quiet corner and made myself invisible.

Fortunately, the door to the machine room was unlocked. Once I was inside, I had to try to figure out which set of machinery belonged to the lanes where Jack and the others had been playing. I was still trying to work it out when a huge crash made me almost jump out of my skin. It took me a few seconds to realise that it was the sound of a bowling ball hitting the pins. Although it had scared me to death, it proved to be very helpful because I remembered that the only lane in use was the one three down from where Jack had played.

Having located the correct lane, I began to dig around. Jack had said the machinery at Wash Bowl was old, and he hadn’t been kidding. There was dust, grime and all manner of creepy crawlies back there. I was just beginning to think that my hunch had been wrong when I noticed that one of the small metal grilles was being held in place by only a single screw. I slid the grille to one side and poked my hand inside. It was even more gross in there, but then my fingers brushed against something. I had to practically dislocate my shoulder to get a grip on it, but I finally managed to pull it out.




As arranged, the headmistress was waiting for me outside the Nomad girls’ dorm.

“The others are inside, Jill.”

“Felicity too?”

“Yes, although I should warn you she’s a little tearful today. Have you seen that strange little creature of hers?”

“Fluff? Yes, he’s awfully cute.”

“That’s as maybe, but I’m afraid Felicity is going to have to release him at the end of the week. The school doesn’t allow unidentified creatures to be kept as pets.”

“Shall we?” I held open the door.

Seated around the table were Beth Nightling, Felicity Charming and three other girls I didn’t know. Felicity’s eyes were red from crying.

“The floor is yours, Miss Gooder.” The headmistress took a seat at the head of the table.

“Thank you, headmistress. Before I reveal who took the gold jewellery, I have some important news for Felicity. I’m pleased to report that I’ve managed to identify Fluff.”

“Really, Miss?” Her eyes lit up.

From my pocket, I produced the photocopy I’d taken of the page from Cuthbert Shuttlebug’s book. “Fluff is an aurochilla.” I pointed to the illustration.

“Does that mean I can keep him, headmistress?” Felicity said.

“I suppose so. That illustration does appear to be your little friend, so I see no reason why you can’t.”

“Which brings me to the matter of the gold jewellery that has gone missing.” I walked over to Fluff’s cage and carried it across to the table.

Everyone, including the headmistress, looked confused.

“I brought this with me.” I took a small earring out of my pocket. “I lost the matching one years ago, but I didn’t throw it away because it’s gold.”

They now looked even more confused.

“Watch.” I put the earring through the bars of Fluff’s cage.

The cute little creature grabbed it, stuffed it into his mouth and began to eat it. A few moments later, it had gone, and he gave a tiny burp.

“The aurochilla are friendly creatures. They’re very rare—almost extinct, in fact. One peculiarity about them is that, as well as their normal diet of fruit and veg, they enjoy nothing better than eating gold.”

Everyone looked stunned; no one more so than the headmistress. “How can a little thing like that manage to chew its way through gold?”

“According to Cuthbert Shuttlebug’s notes, the aurochilla has a second set of incredibly strong teeth, which are hidden most of the time. It uses them to bite and chew gold.”

“Fluff ate my ring?” Beth looked gobsmacked.

“And my bracelet?” said the girl who I now realised must be Christine Ridings.

“That’s right. What’s more, I believe he also ate the inter-house sports cup. Felicity has been having some problems with the catch on the cage. My guess is that Fluff managed to sneak out one night and had a really big feast on the trophy.”

There was silence for the longest moment, but then the headmistress laughed out loud. “Well, blow me down. Whoever would have guessed? Still, I’d much rather it was this little creature than have a thief in our midst. I guess we’ll just have to find the funds from somewhere to buy a replacement cup.”

“That may not be necessary, headmistress.” I turned to Felicity. “Could I have a quiet word?”

“Of course, Miss.”

I took her to one side and told her what I wanted her to do.

She nodded, giggled and then picked up Fluff’s cage.

“Would you come with us, please, headmistress?” I said.

Ms Nightowl looked very puzzled but followed as Felicity led the way out of the building.

“I usually take him over there.” She pointed to a small copse in the distance, close to the perimeter wall.

“Lead the way.”

The three of us made our way across the playing fields, which had already been marked out in preparation for Friday’s sports day. When we reached the copse, Felicity stopped and looked at me.

“It’s okay.” I nodded. “Let him out.”

She placed the cage on the ground, pulled the catch, and opened the door. Fluff didn’t need any further invitation. He skipped out of the cage and scuttled into the trees.

We followed at a distance until we saw him stop.

“Wait here a minute,” I said.

When he turned around and came back, Felicity put him in the cage, then I led the way to the spot where he’d halted for a while.

“Look!” I pointed.

“Is that what I think it is?” The headmistress pulled a face.

“Yes, it is. It’s solid gold poo. I’m pretty sure there’ll be lots more of it around here. It may not look very pretty, but once it’s been cleaned up, it should still retain much of its value. If you collect it, there should be more than enough to pay for a new trophy.”

“I’ll get Reginald Crowe straight on it.”

Poor old Reggie.

“Miss,” Felicity said. “I don’t think I want to keep Fluff.”

“Why not? It’s okay now we’ve identified him. You’ll just have to keep him away from the gold.”

“I was thinking about what you said about them being almost extinct. He probably has a family or friends back at the Valley of Shadows. I’d like to take him back there and set him free.”

“That’s a very selfless thing to do. What do you think, headmistress? Could that be arranged?”

“Absolutely. I’ll get straight onto it as soon as I get back to my office.”

“Great. I suppose I’d better get back to Candlefield, then.”

“Before you go, Jill. I’d like to ask your permission to name the replacement inter-house sports trophy, the Gooder Cup.”

“I’m very flattered, but that really isn’t necessary. Anyway, my name won’t be Gooder after Saturday.”

“All the more reason to give your current name to the cup. It will act as a permanent reminder of when Candlefield’s most powerful witch first taught at our school. What do you say?”

“I—err—guess so. Thank you very much.”

“Excellent. In that case, you really must be here on Friday to present it to the victorious house.”

“But, headmistress, I—”

“I realise you get married the next day, and will have a lot on your mind, but if you could just see your way clear to being here for the final event of the day: The final of the mixed four-hundred metres relay. You could present the trophy immediately after that race, and then shoot off home. What do you say?”

“Please say yes, Miss,” Felicity said.

“How can I say no? I’ll be here.”




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