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Armed and Inked by M.S. Swegan (15)

Chapter 15

“Just one more moment”


It’s late, but I can’t sleep. I’m tired and my mind just won’t turn off. Jen left about 20 minutes ago since she went with me to file a report and then sat with me for a while. There were also no signs that someone broke into my Jeep to leave that picture. So I must have hit the button on my key that unlocked it.

Then to top off this amazingly fucked up day I opened up the bin Shane gave to me and it was full of my mother’s things. Nothing I haven’t seen before, just some little decorations she used to have up on her dresser and some of her porcelain figures. Along with some of the little pictures I drew for her when I was little. We never really had a lot of stuff lying around the house mostly because we moved so much that it sucked having all of it packed, but the stuff she did keep was special. Like the little necklace I got her from Santa’s workshop one year. I don’t know how it got separated from her jewelry because I have all of that already; but it’s just this one necklace she kept aside because she treasured it.

I feel like there will always be a hole in my heart. Trying to keep it filled with memories the best I can and not sorrow, even though that’s so damn hard to do. Especially when there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss them both. Like when we used to dance to the radio in the kitchen before dinner. Or when we would sit with our dessert and watch dad dance with mom. That’s what made me want to be a princess. Not some fairytale movie or story book. It was the way my dad treated her that made me want a prince charming. He always called her his Angel and he always made her smile. So yeah, needless to say I cried like a baby when those memories came rushing back.

Now here I sit, alone in my living room, watching TV at 1:00 in the morning. The fucked up part is that I can’t even tell you what the movie that’s on is really about because I’m only half paying attention. I know it’s supposed to be something scary, but my mind is reeling through a list of other things that’s keeping me preoccupied and awake.

When I grab the remote and go in search of something else to maybe ease my mind a little I hear the door knob jiggle a few times. I jump up and watch the door as my nerves begin to shake. It stops, but a few light bumps into the door next has me walking over slowly to look through the peep hole. As easy and as quiet as I can be, I tip toe there and look.

Standing on the other side is Dylan and instantly I feel like I can let out the breath I was holding. When I open the door however, he appears to be slightly wobbly, but none the less his bad boy smirk lights up his face when he looks at me. “Hey babe, I snuck here.” His attempt at whispering has me laughing as I tug on his hefty arm to pull him inside. “Did anyone see you?” I can’t help but play along as I refrain from hysterics. While Dylan kicks off his boots and tosses his keys and wallet on the kitchen counter, then goes to look out the window. In his very serious low voice he answers. “I don’t think so, I stuck to the shadows.” I can’t hold back any longer as I let out the laughter. He turns to look at me and crosses his arms. “What’s so funny?” “You, you’re a drunk ninja.” I reply as he holds his hands up in defense, but never lets his smirk waiver. “Hey, I had to see you, so I didn’t want to draw attention.” He barely gets the words out as he reaches for me, and of course I let him have his way as I step within his grasp. It’s right where I want to be anyway. He kisses my forehead and squeezes me, and I feel a whole new calmness that puts me at ease. “Are Shane and Maddox better or worse off than you?” I ask and he chuckles which makes his deep voice rumble next to my ear. “They’re both worse off than me. Shane fell on the sidewalk, Maddox called Jen, and I stumbled home.” I look up at him in question. “How long have you been walking around? You could have called me you know.” Dylan smiles and slides both hands up to cup my face. “I haven’t been walking around Lils… like I said, I came straight home.” “Yeah, then you stumbled through the shadows to my place, remember?” I say to help him realize where he’s at. “How much have you had to drink?”  I ask and he laughs again then leans in to kiss me. A mix of liquor and bar nuts come off on my lips before he leans back and stares at me. “What’s wrong?” I ask another question because his smile is gone. “You don’t get it.” “Get what Dylan?” My stomach drops at the direction this conversation could go. I step away and he pulls me back immediately. “You just don’t get it… that where ever you are Lilly, that’s where my home is. I didn’t want to go to my empty house. I wanted to go home. So here I am.”  After a moment of registering his words I can’t help the tears that roll down my face, but his thumb wipes them away. “Don’t cry Lils, I didn’t think I was that bad.” He jokes and I laugh.

Together we stumble back to my bed and drunk or not, after him telling me that I’m his home, he’s all mine tonight. Clothes go flying off and before I know it, rubber in hand, he tosses me on the bed. I can’t help but smile at the look on his face as I scoot up to the pillows and he crawls up to me. Like a beast about to attack his prey. He stops as I open for him, then goes down to trail kisses and bites all the way from my inner thigh to my core. “You taste so fucking good.” He mumbles then puts pressure on my clit with his teeth. I suck in air as I feel the heat take over my body. “You should let me pierce you here.” He pauses to tell me before going back to driving me crazy. “Won’t it hurt?” I ask breathlessly as I grab the sheets for a sense of balance, but he stops to come up to my face.  Hovering over top of me he swirls the tip of his cock around my most sensitive spot and teases me with pleasure while he sucks on my nipple and trails kisses up my collar bone. “Maybe at first, but after it heals… you’ll come all over my cock as soon as it touches you.” The hot whisper near my ear and the constant swirling around makes every muscle tighten up and let go. I can’t help but lift my hips to try to get him inside of me. “Please Dylan.” I beg as he takes advantage and slides right in. “Fuck Lils. I needed this.” He mumbles to me before we meet for every hard thrust. Skin against skin, I watch as his tight abs flex with every movement, there’s no holding back. We take everything the other has to give until every last drop is spent.

Dylan falls down on the bed next to me and pulls me tight against him. “Shouldn’t we go wash off?” I ask as he tugs off the spent rubber, ties it in a knot and tosses it towards the garbage can. “Fuck no baby; I don’t want to let you go tonight. I thought I lost you today and I could give two fucks about the bed sheets being sticky and sweaty. So unless you feel uncomfortable let’s just sleep like this.” Holy fuck, his words are so dirty and bold, but yet I’ve never felt more sated and safe then I do right now.

Only a moment later and I hear him begin to snore. “Dylan.” I whisper and his snoring halts but he doesn’t answer. “I love you.” I can’t help it. If I don’t tell him now I might explode. The plus side is that he is too drunk to remember or even hear my words, but at least I got it off my chest. With warmth in my heart and Dylan next to me I can finally fall asleep.


As the sun begins to shine in the window I feel the need to shower. With work still hours away I decide to take my time and get ready. So I lean over and place a kiss on Dylan’s cheek, cover him up and quietly head to the bathroom.

A nice warm shower has me wishing that we could just lie around all day and do nothing. We haven’t had a day yet to do just that in a while. It’s not like we haven’t tried either, it’s just that there is always something to do or places Dylan wants to take me to. Whether it’s to the movies, a restaurant, or even his Aunt and Uncles place, we just always seem to stay busy together.

With my hair still up in a towel I dry off, throw some comfy clothes on and go make some coffee. While it’s brewing I decide to mix up some eggs and put on some bacon. Within minutes the smell begins to fill the air, plus the mix of coffee along with the bacon will probably have Dylan up and moving around any minute now. Then to be on top of things I set out the headache medicine as well. “I know he’s going to need it.” I say to myself as I put it next to his empty coffee cup.

When I turn towards the stove to fix my plate I hear him yawn and come up behind me. “I only need you baby.” He mumbles as he squeezes me. “Well, you may need some of that too.” I point to the coffee and headache pills. “Damn Lils, you’re amazing. You know that!” He kisses my head and goes about getting his morning fix ready as I take my seat on the bar stool at the kitchen island.

I begin to eat and watch him move around the kitchen in his boxer briefs. “Mmm, I get breakfast and a show, I’m so lucky!” I say with a light teasing laugh. He turns to look at me with his messy hair and sleepy eyes. Even though he just woke up and undoubtedly has a hangover, he is still the sexiest man I’ve ever laid my eyes on. “I’ll show you anything you want to see sweetheart.” His groggy tone still holds humor as he pulls down his boxers to show me his ass before pulling them back up and winks at me causing me to laugh some more.

Taking a seat next to me he sips his hot coffee and takes a bite of toast. “I’m going to have to run back to my place and get fresh clothes for work today. You can come with me if you want but I’m guessing that we should probably go in separate.” He tells me. “Yeah, I have to stay here and finish getting ready anyway.” Dylan puts his fork down and shakes his head. “I fucking hate this. I seriously want to fucking hurt whoever this is.” “Well, did anyone talk to you in the bar last night?” “The bar was packed actually and women were buying us drinks. Your brother kept telling them that he couldn’t leave Maddox and me but they still kept throwing drink chips our way, so we just said fuck it and used them up. None of them seemed like the person who could be taking pictures and stalking us anyway.” I huff out a laugh because what woman wouldn’t try to talk up Dylan, Shane or Maddox. It happens all the time actually even if Jen and I were there with them. “At least you had fun.” I tell him. “Yeah, but I’d rather you be there with me.”

He manages to make me feel wanted no matter the situation, and that’s something I’ve never had before.

After we eat and clean up Dylan goes to the couch and turns on the TV. “I’m going to run out to my Jeep, I think I left my purse in there last night.” I tell him and he nods.

Still in my comfy clothes and with my hair a little wet I go outside. It’s a beautiful morning as the sun shines off of all the dew that covers everything. The wind is easy but still holds a bit of a chill, for me anyways, I do tend to get cold quicker than most. So I hit the unlock and open my door, on the passenger side floor lays my purse so I jump in and reach over. I glance around and notice that nothing was touched. Thankfully. On my way back in I see mail sticking up out of my mailbox, and since I don’t remember grabbing it yesterday I pick it up and head inside. I set my purse down along with the mail and head back to my room to dry my hair.

“Hey Lils.” I shut off my dryer to listen as he stands by the bed getting dressed. “I’m going to run home and get cleaned up. I can literally smell myself.” I laugh as he gestures to himself with a look of disgust. “Okay, I’ll see you soon.” I tell him as he comes over to see me before he leaves. “Thank you for breakfast.” He tells me as his hands slide down to my ass and he pulls me against him. “And for being here.” He says in my neck before he bites on my shoulder playfully. “And for answering your door last night.” I look at him and silently wonder just how much he remembers about last night and a ping of nervousness settles in my heart in case he heard me tell him that I loved him. He beams a smile down at me and leans in for a quick kiss before stepping back. “I’ll toss these in the wash before I head out.” He grabs the sheets off the bed and holds them at his side as I just stare at him with a loss for words.

He only pauses a moment before he turns away and walks out the door. Oh shit, my heart begins to beat at a fast pace. He knows… holy shit…he knows! And the worst part is that he didn’t say anything back. I’m so embarrassed. I pace the room as I try to find clothes to wear. Trying my best to stay positive. Maybe he didn’t hear me and he just wanted to be nice about washing the sheets. Yeah, that’s gotta be it. He would have said something if he heard me.

With many deep breaths and positive thinking I’m now dressed and ready for the day. It’s Halloween and things are bound to be crazy at work today. Thankfully we close early so we can keep cars off the main street for the kids and trick or treating.

So I’ll just be normal today and see what happens with Dylan. I swear I feel the butterflies in my stomach like I did at the beginning just waiting to hear if he admits whether or not he heard me.

I go to grab my stuff off the counter and I decide to check the mail since I’ve been waiting for a few things to come. When I flip through I see an envelope that hasn’t been through the post office but it has my name written in black marker across the front.

My hands begin to shake and I feel a sick feeling take over my stomach as I open it. Pictures of Dylan at the bar last night come falling out into my hand and a small note along with them.

“Off the beaten path we lie. While you sit here and wait to die.”

I don’t believe what I’m looking at, so I read it over and again a few more times. I feel the lack of oxygen give me the urge to suck in some much needed air as my hands continue to shake even harder. I look around as if someone’s watching me and instantly I feel the walls close in. I blink to try to focus on the pictures, maybe they show something. Flipping through I see nothing no clues, just Dylan, my brother, and Maddox laughing at the bar with the women he told me about that were buying them drinks. In one of the pictures I can see a woman with her hand on Dylan’s shoulder but the expression on his face tells the truth. He doesn’t want her as he is backing away. If this person only knew that I trust Dylan, that I love him. That these attempts and picture mean nothing, but the threat that’s written has me terrified. I need Dylan, and then I need the police.

Stumbling through my purse I grab my phone and dial the number. No answer, he’s probably in the shower. “Fuck!” I decide that I just need to go to him; I need to get out of here. He is my safe place, my home. I hurry in such a rush to get all my stuff together it’s as if I’m in auto pilot and fear is steering the wheel. When I close my apartment door this time I double check to see if it’s locked. I have to be more cautious.