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Don't You Know Who I Am? by Marie Easton (20)

Chapter 20

The next few weeks dragged by, a test of patience as we waited for our appointment to present our design plan. Steven and I saw each other regularly which made me happy more often than not.

“Honey-bunches, Antonio wants you come to the studio to be measured for your dress tonight.”

“Okay, I'll go after work.”


“So what?”

“I can’t help but notice you’re spending a lot of time with snuff-a-hunk-a-less.”


“That’s what I said, didn’t I? Please tell me you are not letting that go to waste?”

“I am not letting that go to waste.” I felt my face burn, red-hot.

“Oh, my, my, my, he must be good if you look like that, just thinking about it.”

I laughed. Only Rafael made me blush like that.

“How are you going to present the proposal together?” Rafael asked, changing the subject.

“He wants me to pitch it. He’ll be there in case there are construction questions but otherwise it’s mine.”

“Why is that?”

“He says I am better looking.” I smirked, when I said it.

“Mmk, I am not sure about that, honey.”

“Hey now.”

“Just kidding. You know I think you’re hot for a girl.”

~ ~ ~

Rafael went with me to get measured for my dress. The wedding wasn’t feeling like such a burden lately. I guess with my newfound interest in Steven, the sting of what was lost had begun to fade. Maybe, I’d ask him to attend the wedding with me. That’d give my parents something to talk about and it’d make them happy, now wouldn’t it?

No, I can’t do that to Steven. He’s too good a man to have to deal with my jacked-up family. Besides, nothing I do will ever please them.

Steven and I met for dinner after my fitting and we went to his house for the night. If this was going to be a regular occurrence, I should get on some birth control. I’d tell Steven after the deed was done. I wanted to be closer to him by taking this step.

I left early the next morning so I’d have time to go home, shower and change before going to work. At my place, I called the doctor and was lucky enough to get an appointment that afternoon. At lunchtime, I told Rafael I’d be taking a longer break than usual.

“Please say he hasn’t knocked you up already.”

“Quite the opposite. I need to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“Good girl. Hump like bunnies, but don’t breed like them.”

“You have a way with words, Rafael. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

“Take the day off, we're all caught up.”

“I just may do that. Thanks.”

“Have fun.”

I rolled my eyes at him as I left. As I sat waiting to see the doctor, I realized this was the first time that I’d sought birth control. Twenty-four years old and I’d never needed it until now. What was wrong with that picture? It felt liberating to finally be out from under the absolute rule of my father. He’d have locked me up if he saw that kind of prescription charge coming across his medical insurance statements.

I left the office an hour later with my prescription and stopped to get it filled on the way home. I hoped I didn’t feel sick when I started taking the pills. I didn’t want to be green at the presentation next week. I needed to land this deal for us.

~ ~ ~

Steven came over on the weekend and we watched movies and ate pizza. I relaxed as I sat between his legs watching the movie from the floor. The film had an intense love scene and I felt him squirm behind me.

I turned around and climbed onto his lap. I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him. It didn’t take much encouragement because we were naked in no time. Steven reached around behind him, looking for his pants and a condom.

“Don’t worry about it,” I told him. He looked at me, confused for a minute. “Don’t worry about it anymore. I took care of it last week.”

“You did? I mean are you sure you don’t want me to still wear a condom?” Steven looked at me with such a deep look of love that it melted my heart.

“No. I want to feel you with me, Steven. Please.”

The tender look in his eyes filled my heart with joy as I felt Steven slowly give himself to me. I was filled with emotion as our bodies came together, tender and gentle as the heat of our lovemaking spilled over with intense passion.

~ ~ ~

I put on my black suit with a pinstripe button-up shirt. I pinned up my hair in a French twist for added professionalism. Today was the day. I’d practiced my presentation at least six times this week. I was ready and I hoped tonight Steven and I’d celebrate landing this deal.

Rafael and Steven planned to meet me there since we were presenting mid-morning. I ate breakfast and grabbed my briefcase as I walked out the door. I drove to downtown Phoenix where the corporate offices of JVF Automotive were located. I parked in the garage and made my way up to the thirteenth floor.

Lucky thirteen. Don’t they usually skip the number thirteen in skyscrapers?

I got off the elevator and met Rafael and Steven in the lobby.

Rafael came up and took my briefcase. He kissed my cheek. He looked handsome in his black suit, white shirt, and blue tie. “Good morning, Sunshine. You look gorgeous.”

“Good morning and thank you.”

Steven walked up and hugged me. “He beat me to it. You look amazing.”

“Thank you. You look pretty amazing yourself.”

He smiled at me and I saw happiness in his hazel eyes. “Are you ready for this?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Rafael let the receptionist know we’d arrived for our appointment.

I took in the style of the reception area as we waited, impressed by the quality of the lush surroundings. One wall was entirely covered by a water feature giving the space a tranquil feel. The furniture was a mix of soft leather sofas and contemporary armchairs. The reception desk was a deep cherry wood and gave the room warmth.

A few minutes later the receptionist returned. “Please follow me.”

We all followed her. I was in the lead, Rafael and Steven behind me. I walked through the door to the front of the room and set up my laptop. Steven helped me make all of the connections and we tested the slide-show, while Rafael placed the printed sketches on the easels. Afterwards, we stood waiting for the JVF Automotive executives.

The doors opened. Three people entered the room. They filed in and sat at the table.

Then a young, Latino man walked into the conference room. Striking to look at with jet-black hair and deep dark eyes, he carried himself with confidence. His black suit was impeccable and looked to be custom-fitted. I couldn’t help but think as he walked toward me that he reminded me of—

No, it couldn’t be. It’s impossible.

He walked up to me, a grin on his face and extended his hand. “Javier Fuentes. Thank you for coming.”