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GRAY Wolf Mate: League Of Gallize Shifters by Dianna Love (25)


From the opposite side of the road, Cole shadowed the van as he moved with stealth along the dark sidewalk. He moved fast through the downpour. He thanked the heavy rain for covering his actions in this stretch.

He’d just gotten back to Spartanburg when Justin sent an emergency text. He and Rory had been watching Tess.

She’d been grabbed.

Cole left his vehicle with them and tracked her van, which was thankfully trying to leave quietly and unnoticed.

When he saw his opportunity, Cole called up his Gallize power, forcing the surge of energy into his right fist as the van slowed to make a turn.

He shot out of the dark, aiming for the driver’s side.

At the last second, the jackal shifter driving the van turned toward him. His senses kicked in too late.

Cole dove forward, smashing the driver’s window and slamming the jackal’s head across both seats.

The shock reverberated all the way to Cole’s neck.

A gun flashed up.

Cole snatched it away as the gun boomed, practically blowing out his eardrums. Fuck, that hurt. He ripped the door open and snapped the jackal’s neck, then yanked him out of the way.

When he turned to dive into the rear area, he crashed into another jackal shifter in human form.

Fists slammed his head, chest and side. Cole couldn’t get past the console to get equal footing in the back.

Tess gave a strangled cry, then shut down.

He couldn’t divide his attention to check on her yet.

A third kidnapper had escaped out the rear door and was speeding away into the darkness, disappearing into the heavy rain. Cole needed this last shifter alive for interrogation.

That meant he had to stay in human form. Gray Wolf would rip the jackal to pieces for harming Tess.

Cole agreed with the wolf, but he couldn’t allow it.

Fighting turned into a blur of vicious hits. Jackals lived for battle. The bloodier, the better.

Cole beat the kidnapper back with rapid hits, waiting for an opening.

He got it and slammed his pumped-up right fist into the jackal’s throat, crushing his windpipe. The guy fell back, choking. When the kidnapper reached for his throat, Cole saw part of a tattoo on the jackal’s left wrist. A known group of vicious mercs who handled snatch and kill orders.

The jackal’s eyes turned wild.

Yeah, you lose, asshole.

The jackal shifter looked over at Tess curled up on the van floor.

Snarling, the shifter’s face and jaw elongated as he rolled toward her. He was going to bite her.

Cole had a half second to land with all his weight on the jackal’s half-changed head with both heavy boots.

Skull bones crunched. Blood splattered in an arch.

That piece of shit would have infected her.

When Cole could think past how close Tess had just come to being turned into a jackal, he cursed under his breath. Damn jackals. The fighters refused to die without taking someone down with them, even a child, as long as someone else suffered.

His hands were shaking.

Facing a swarm of terrorists coming at him with automatic weapons hadn’t scared him as much as almost losing Tess. She would lose her mind if she’d been turned into a jackal shifter.

Any shifter.

Her whimpering shook Cole from his adrenaline-swamped state.

Rain splashed against the open rear door. That runner would be harder to track the farther away he got in this downpour.

For a half second, Cole considered chasing him but he wouldn’t leave Tess alone.

She was too still.

He shoved the mangled body aside and dropped to his knees next to her. He touched her shoulder.

She jerked away with a muffled scream.

“Shhh ... it’s me, Cole.”

She quieted long enough for him to cut the ties at her wrist and ankles, then snatch the hood off and jerk the rag from her mouth.

She launched herself into his arms, shaking and rambling. “They grabbed me ... it was fast ... they were jackals, but I don’t know who ... what ...”

He held her and stroked her hair. “You’re okay.”  Finally, his chest eased from the fear he would be too late or that the jackals had more than he’d estimated inside the van. He cupped her head, holding her to him.

Even Gray Wolf calmed down.

Their mate was safe.

Only with us, Gray Wolf huffed.

Cole was too exhausted from expending that much energy at one time, particularly calling up his Gallize magic, to argue with his wolf.

Gray Wolf functioned on instinct alone. His rules were simple. Protect what was his and kill at will when challenged.

Touching another shifter’s mate was a death challenge.

Cole had a similar philosophy, but he had to balance shifter laws with human laws.

Stupid laws.

Not the first time Cole had heard that opinion from his wolf.

When Tess calmed enough to pull back a little, her gaze went to the front before he could turn her away.

“Don’t look, baby.”

She gagged and shoved her head into his shoulder. “His head is ... backwards.”

“I know. Let’s get out of here.”

“We have to call the police.”

“No, that’s the last thing we need to do.”

“Cole, they tried to kidnap me and they’re ... dead.”

“I know, but if we call in law enforcement, the police will go after shifters. These weren’t local shifters. Remember what I told you about jackals? This particular group is rumored to enjoy the protection of someone with significant power and influence.”

“A Power Baron?” Tess sounded dumbfounded at that possibility, but while she knew about Power Barons, she didn’t really know the preternatural world as Cole did.

“Could be or it might just be a lone mage. These jackals are paid to kidnap, kill or both. I promise you this has to do with your investigation on the Black River pack, but proving that is going to be tough. My people will deal with this and find what they can—”


“You have to believe me on this, Tess. Your people will have nothing on record for these guys. No government will. Even the jackal shifters working with SCIS are not in this league. Even if SCIS could bring these guys in, which they can’t, the Black River pack would send an assassin who would get to them. This is going to be a bloodbath before it gets better. Let my people process all of this and I’ll share what they find out. Fair enough?”

She took a long time answering. So long he was starting to think she’d say no, which wouldn’t matter since he had plans for her that did not include going anywhere near SCIS.

Tess asked, “If I agree, will you tell me who your people are?”

He couldn’t do that, not even for her. “Don’t ask me to betray people who have fought alongside me. They’re the reason I even knew where you were tonight. If not for them keeping an eye on you for me, you’d be gone and ... no one would have been able to find you. This is bad stuff.”

She stared at him with eyes wide in shock.

Even though she worked around shifters, this was a lot to take in and he doubted she’d ever been around this type of merc.

Leaning in, he kissed her forehead and saw headlights on an SUV pull up with a BEAR IT BABY tag on the front.

Justin’s ride.

Helping Tess up, Cole walked her out the back of the van, keeping his body between her and the smashed head. He held his hand up for Justin to wait in the vehicle.

Cole was already putting his own life in jeopardy, but he would not put theirs at risk.

A low rumble announced the approach of his personal SUV, which pulled up on the other side of the street along the curb. Leaving it running, a figure all in black with his head covered got out and crossed to the van.

That’d be Rory.

Cole said, “Thanks,” on his way to the car and Rory lifted a glove-covered hand in response.

He put Tess in the passenger side, glad to feel heat pouring through the still-running car. Pulling out, he drove past the van where Rory had the engine cranked. They’d take the van to where they could process it properly. Cole would have to find time in the next few hours to send them what he knew.

He could smell the anxiety wafting off Tess even if he hadn’t noticed her shivering.

Full-blown shock was setting in.

He’d driven ten miles before she looked around. “Where are we going? This isn’t the city. My apartment is back the other way.”

“We’re not going there.”


“Because one of the kidnappers escaped. The minute he informs his contact that he lost you, they’ll send a backup team. Those jackals will send however many they need to get a job done, no matter the body count.”

“That’s insane. How much money can someone pay for that?”

“A lot, but that’s not the reason. In the paranormal underworld, it’s all about reputation. They can afford to take a financial loss on a job, but not to undermine their street cred. That would cost them ten or twenty jobs.”

Cole had somewhere to take her that wouldn’t cause the team to blow a gasket over him exposing their safe zones. He’d been taking more breaks from the team over the past few weeks, getting away to where he could shift without putting anyone in danger. He’d run his wolf hard and fast.

Gray Wolf didn’t wear out easily, but it took the edge off his wolf’s desire to kill any living thing that hit his radar as even a potential enemy.

Right now his wolf had settled down until he was barely noticeable. When was the last time the wolf had remained present and attentive, but quiet?

To be honest, other than when he’d been near Tess, Cole couldn’t pick a time Gray Wolf had behaved this way and he doubted it was due to the mating curse.

It was obvious that having Tess close was influencing his beast.

If only that would last, Cole would curl up at her feet and stay there for as long as she’d let him.

Tess moved a little then curled up on the seat and gave into the crash that came after a shit load of adrenaline shot through a body.

He drove quietly, merging onto the interstate and enjoying the absolute silence inside and out of his body. His wolf would eventually wear on him until Cole gave up more and more control.

If he believed the wolf had a goal of killing him, Cole would hate his animal, but they’d managed to rock along for years without much trouble. His wolf had taken so long to get under control, Cole hadn’t realized that wasn’t normal until a non-Gallize wolf shifter told Cole that he and his wolf were almost like one. A partnership where they shared a body.

Not Gray Wolf.

The only reason that wolf didn’t burst out of Cole’s body at will had to do with the magic that Cole had as a Gallize shifter. On the other hand, his wolf was a beast because it was a Gallize animal.

The shifters who inherited their animal genetically had their problems, but Cole doubted any of them would trade with him once they got a look at Gray Wolf on a rampage.

Blood and guts would fly.

Time passed faster than he’d expected as he traveled south of Spartanburg. The next thing Cole knew, he had exited the interstate and driven twelve miles into the country. He took a left onto an unmarked dirt road. The surface was packed firmly enough that the recent rain had created only a few mud holes, which his SUV handled easily.

He rounded a curve and found the dirt driveway through large hardwoods. At the end of it, the woods opened up to a one-story summer home. Just a frame house with a basement a couple had built thirty or forty years ago. They’d passed away and their three grown kids turned the property over to a rental company so they wouldn’t have to sell it. They used it during the summer, but Cole had it for another eighteen days.

He’d rented it two years back for the woods and stream running through it, where he fished. When his team was sent to South Carolina to shut down the Black River pack, he’d rented it again with hopes of spending a few days here, maybe even with Sammy, before ... time ran out for both of them.

Once he parked and turned off the engine, he circled the truck and slowly opened the passenger door so she didn’t fall out.

Tess jerked and sat up. “Get away!

He stood still to let her get her bearings. “It’s me.”

“Oh, damn, I’m sorry.” She raked a handful of black hair off her face, looking like a beautiful urchin.

“Don’t apologize for anything. You’ve been through hell tonight. You’re allowed some room to snap at me.”  He smiled and when she lifted her gaze she gave him a crooked smile in return.

She’d be okay once he got her inside and in something clean. He offered his hand. “Ready?”

Struggling to unfold, she twisted around and shoved her feet out and reached for his hand.

Smothering a curse, he pulled her up and scooped her into his arms.

Giving him a wry look, she said, “Do I look like some freaking damsel in distress?”

He chuckled. There was the Tess he knew from years back. “If I let you walk barefoot to the house, you’ll cut your foot on something. I’m too tired to bandage you up tonight.”

“Oh, I get it. This is all about you.”


She shook her head, then laid it on his shoulder.

His protective instincts had been in overdrive since he found out she’d met her father for dinner and had left on foot. Seeing her wiped out and vulnerable only doubled his need to care for her.

Up on the small porch, he put her down and opened the door, leading her inside where he flipped on a lamp for light. Taking a look around the small structure, he nodded and said, “Give me a minute and I’ll show you where everything is when I get back. I need to get my bag out of the truck.”

She looked at him like he was an idiot. “Did someone leave this place unlocked?”

“Yes. Me.”

Same look this time, only darker. “Aren’t you worried about a serial killer waiting in here?

“I would have smelled a human or a shifter the second I opened the door. No one has been here since I left.”

Using his shifter speed, he got the bag from the car and returned in thirty seconds.

Tess was giving him yet another look, one filled with questions she was reluctant to ask.

He’d prepared himself for the what-kind-of-freak-are-you reaction. Not that he’d try to convince her he was just Cole in spite of being a shifter, but a small part of him wanted her to be happy to be around him right now.

The nine days he’d spent here before meeting up with the team had been the hardest he’d spent alone. Every day was another step toward the mating curse oblivion. Every day he saw his future slide further out of his grasp.

“What were they going to do to me?” she asked, throwing him way off.

“The kidnappers?”

She nodded, standing there with her shoulders tense but still upright. He didn’t want to rush her to do anything, but he wanted her wrapped up in a thick blanket ... in his arms.

Protect mate. Gray Wolf had roused, but wasn’t trying to rip out of Cole.

I will if you go back to sleep, Cole said silently.

Tess needed an answer, but Cole wasn’t about to give her more fodder for nightmares. “My guess is the kidnappers wanted you for ransom money. Even if that group isn’t working for the Black River pack, they find high-profile targets to fund operations in different countries that way.” Huge lie. Those jackals did not give up a live body unless a lot of parts were missing, but he felt justified in sugar coating it when her shoulders relaxed and she nodded.

“I need ... I —” She couldn’t finish her sentence.

He gave up standing back and moved in, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in close, whispering. “Anything you need is yours.”

She swallowed hard and moved her head, letting him know she understood, but seeing the fallout in her face from tonight’s attack ripped him up.

He would find who had done this and they would pay. Not tonight, but soon.

She wasn’t bonded to him, couldn’t be unless she accepted the mating bond, but he’d taken her as his mate the day he decided to marry her. He just hadn’t realized back then all that he knew now. If she had died tonight, he’d have had no way to stop Gray Wolf from breaking free to avenge their mate.

If he was telling the truth, Cole had to admit that he would have been right there with his wolf.

The Guardian would have put him down immediately, as was his duty, but not until Cole had completed his own duty to Tess.

He stroked Tess up and down her back. She would never know he’d chosen her as his mate all those years ago, but she didn’t need to know as long as he kept her safe.

We keep her safe.

Yes, Gray Wolf.

When she moved to leave, Cole opened his arms.

She looked around, searching. “I’m going to take a shower. I have to...” She took a deep breath, trembled once and said, “Get their nasty hand prints off me.”

He gave her arm a squeeze and pointed down the short hall. “Go through that door and you’ll find a bathroom on your left.”  Bending down, he pulled out one of his long-sleeved T-shirts that would cover enough for her to be comfortable. “Take this. There’s shampoo and soap in the shower. The drawers are stocked with extra toothbrushes and ... things a woman would want.”

She lost her smile. “You need lots of extra toothbrushes?”

He inhaled without thinking why, but realized she was jealous. Big character flaw, but that made him happy. He thought she’d never want to be near him again when she found out he was a shifter, but jealousy ... that was special.

“The extra amenities are supplied by the rental company. I’ve never used any so use what you need. No one will care.”

Blush spread across her cheeks. “That was stupid of me.”

Standing, he put his hand on her soft neck. “I like it when you get all possessive. It’s sexy as hell.”

She dipped her chin, but not before he saw the twinkle in her eyes.

Holy hell. What was he thinking to flirt with her now when both of their bodies wanted release after the kidnapping?

He should not be playing with her right now, not on the heels of what she’d been through. Her emotions were in a free fall and it was his job to do the right thing.

How was he going to spend tonight and not touch her?

He had no idea, but touch her he couldn’t. She’d regret it in the morning when she started thinking about being with a shifter.

No way was he going to see the accusation and disappointment in her eyes.

She reached up to touch her hair, still disheveled from her attack. “My barrette. I lost it.”

He stopped her panic. “It’s in the car. I remember seeing it when you got in, but it must have fallen all the way out when you went to sleep.”

“Oh, thank goodness.”

“A barrette?” he asked, finding her concern a bit funny considering all that had happened.

“I know. Sounds ridiculous, but it belonged to my mother. She wore it all the time and I just ... like to have a piece of her with me.”

Oh, man. Not funny at all. “Don’t worry. I’ll find it while you shower. I know we have it.”

“Thank you.”

His voice came out gruffer than he planned. “Get going and I’ll fix you some tea.”  He never drank the stuff but he always heard women drank tea when they were upset.

Walking away, she called back over her shoulder, “Only if you put a shot of whiskey in it.”

That’s my woman. He smiled and turned to the small galley kitchen.

By the time Tess returned with damp hair falling around her shoulders and wearing the long-sleeve T-shirt he’d given her, he had a nice hot toddy of tea with whiskey, honey and even lemon for her. The best rental company ever had stocked lemon juice packets with the honey.

The whiskey was his. He couldn’t get loaded, not being a shifter, but he liked the taste.

She plopped down on one end of the sofa looking drained.

Having this moment with her struck Cole hard. He’d never let himself dream about being with Tess again. Not like this. He’d anticipated her disappointment and anger over and over until he forced himself to let it go.

To let her go.

Or so he’d thought.

He’d only managed to tuck her memory away to save and now ... he wanted her more than ever. His heart was slowly crushing under the weight of accepting that he’d never have anyone and definitely not Senator Janver’s daughter.

She looked up at him expectantly.

Brushing away his sadness, he walked over and placed the mug on the table next to where she’d curled up on the gently worn sofa. Reaching around the other end, he found a blanket and laid it over her.

“Thanks.” She sounded small even though she was trying to be strong.

Cole settled next to her and draped his arm around her shoulders. She’s mine for now.

Gray Wolf huffed softly, but didn’t interfere.

In fact, Cole couldn’t describe the calm he felt and the way Gray Wolf was at ease. It was something he and Gray Wolf had never experienced, something that felt whole and solid.

None of that made sense. Cole was at the point of taking any good moments when they came along. He wouldn’t question this one, just accept and enjoy.

Tess sipped on her toddy, making a contented sound that Cole took to mean he’d chosen well.

“You’re pretty,” Cole said, brushing his hand over her hair, which was starting to dry in the warm room.

“I’m a mess.”

“A beautiful mess,” he teased. He liked her with no makeup. She’d always been one who needed her full armor to start the day. Had to be completely put together.

Too perfect sometimes.

Her armor had fallen away and left her emotionally bare. She trusted him to see her this way and he loved it.  

Why couldn’t he have this?

Sammy had probably thought the same thing as he slowly deteriorated. Like Sammy, Cole didn’t need a lot in life to be happy. Having Tess next to him, snuggled against his side, was plenty. He closed his eyes, holding on to the feeling. Just touching her was heaven.

It didn’t take long for that incredible mind of hers to start clicking again. She took another drink, set the mug down and said, “I need to know what’s going on and who you are. I need to know the truth.”

Cole considered how little he could tell her and weighed that against how much time he had left with her.

He heard the challenge in her voice to meet her halfway and knew he had to make the right decision. Everything she wanted to know had emotional land mines ... for both of them.




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