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Billion Dollar Baby by Imani King, Cherie Love (4)

Chapter 3


I escorted the girls to the parking lot, one arm around Adele’s shoulders. It was an instinct — protecting her — even though it had been so many years since I’d seen her.

“Are you two alright?” I asked once we were beyond the blare of music. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

Adele shook her head, causing her dark curls to bounce along her shoulders. She looked at me with her wide-set, deep brown eyes. There were a few hints at lines at the edges of her eyes, but apart from that, she looked exactly like she did when she was eighteen. She was just as beautiful as I remembered, maybe even more so.

“Good, because if he had, I would need to march back in there and kill him.”

Dahlia started to chuckle, and then she laughed — hard.

“What?” Adele snapped.

“Nothing. I just find it cute that Braden still wants to play the knight in shining armor for you. It’s sweet.”

“Old habits die hard, I suppose.” I wrapped my arm tighter around Adele’s shoulders, pulling her tight against my chest.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at me. Seeing those soft, full lips once again, I nearly lost it. All I wanted to do was lean down and kiss her and make up for all the lost time.

Suddenly, she pushed away. “If you don’t want to drive us home, then we’ll just call an Uber.” She paused. “I mean — I know it’s late. And you’re doing whatever you’re doing these days. Ranching or — I’m not really sure.”

“Fighting fires,” Dahlia interjected, but I didn’t pay any attention to her. My eyes were locked on Adele.

“Nonsense.” I unlocked my car, opening the door for her. “After you.”

She ducked inside. I waited for her to settle herself before I closed the door.

“Don’t let her go this time around,” Dahlia whispered, a hand on my chest. “She won’t forgive you twice.”

I mulled over her words, trying to make sense of them. Did this mean that Adele had finally forgiven me? The thought inspired me with a burning hope deep within my chest. Maybe I still had a chance to make things work.

With this thought in mind, I rounded the car, jumping into the driver’s seat.

“What happened to your motorcycle?” Adele asked, refusing to look at me. Instead, she peered out the window, staring off into the distance.

“I had to sell it.”

A look of confusion washed over her. “But, you loved that thing.”

I shrugged.

She turned to look at me as if the answer was written on my face or something.

“Do you mind telling me the way to your house, Dahlia?” I glanced in the rearview mirror. She had this amused look on her face. When we were younger, she thought Adele and I were the cutest couple on the planet. She always pined for a relationship like ours. I bet she never thought it would end the way it did.

Why did I do it?

“Sure!” She leaned forward. “You’re going to take Route 2 all the way down to Mulberry Street. From there, it’s about a mile, and then you’ll turn left into Whitechapel. It’s the bright blue house on the right.”

I nodded. “Not far from my ranch.”

As silence settled in the car, I turned on the radio. Soft rock spilled from the speakers, reminding me of the first-ever slow dance I had with Adele. It was at homecoming, sophomore year. I was incredibly nervous—so nervous that I was sweating through my shirt. Still, I mustered up the courage to ask the prettiest girl in school to dance with me. Through some miracle, she said yes. It was from that day forward that we started dating. Best two years of my life.

It wasn’t long before we arrived at the bright blue house. Dahlia quickly scampered out of the car and waved at us. Subtly, she winked at her sister, thinking I wouldn’t notice. I did.

“So, I’m guessing you want me to take you home now…” I trailed off, hoping she would say anything but yes.’

“Did you have something else in mind?”

“Well, my ranch is just up the road. We could have a few drinks, and I promise not to hit on you. Much.”

She laughed. The same bubbly laughter that I remembered so well.

“Is that a yes?”

“I mean, I don’t have anything better to do. I haven’t started my new job yet,” she said, her voice a bit tentative. “Or school. I don’t have any obligations…”

“I’ll take it.” With a wild grin on my face, I put the car into gear and sped down the road. The world passed us by, the town giving way to the wide open fields and the mountains beyond.

“So, what’s the real reason you got rid of your bike, Braden?”

I sighed. I didn’t want to tell her about my ex-wife, but at the same time, dishonesty is what got me into trouble the first time. I didn’t need history to repeat itself. I wet my lips, carefully choosing my words. I didn’t want to say the wrong thing and push her away yet again.


“My ex-wife made me sell it.”

Adele didn’t say a word. Her fingers were tugging on a loose thread on her jeans. Her eyes were downcast, making it impossible for me to read her impression.

“So, you got married then?”

“Yeah…” I frowned. “I only

“You don’t have to explain yourself.” She held up her hand to keep me from talking. “It’s not like anything we said back in high school was real. That was a long time ago.” There was a hint of something in her voice — something unsure, or hurt, or maybe a tiny bit sad.

My lips pressed together, unsure of what to say or do. The air in the car became thick. I drove a little faster, eager to get back to the ranch. Maybe once I was on home turf, things would go my way.

We rode in silence the rest of the way, but soon, I couldn’t take it anymore. “What about you?” The question came flying out of my mouth like a bullet.

“What about me?”

“Are you married? Seeing anyone?”

“I was at a dive bar, alone, with my sister. What do you think?”

“That’s a good point.”

“So, you didn’t find anyone when you were away?”

“No. A war zone isn’t the best place for that, you know?”

“Right,” I said. “I thought about you a lot, out there. How was it?”

“It was good. Humbling, but good.”

I just nodded. When I found out Adele had enlisted as an army medic, I had marched to her home with the intent of stopping her, but I had gotten there too late. Her mother simply turned me away at the door. That day, I felt like I had lost a piece of my heart. My chances at rekindling what once was, felt like they had been lost forever.

But, now she was back, and I wasn’t going to let that happen again.

I pulled into the driveway and looked at her, rubbing my hands against the rough fabric of my jeans. It felt like my heart would burst out of my chest at any moment. “Adele?”

Before I knew what was happening, she cupped my face, pulling me toward her side of the car. Our eyes locked, forehead to forehead. Her soft breath caressed my lips, making me shiver with desire. Electricity sparked through the air as my hands fell to her hips, squeezing her tender flesh. Oh, how I had dreamed of this moment.

Without hesitation, I leaned forward and kissed her. Our lips locked together like two puzzle pieces, finally coming together to complete a long-awaited puzzle. Fiery passion spilled out of my soul as I pulled her closer, practically dragging her onto my lap.

A deep, carnal desire overwhelmed me. I wanted this woman.


I needed her.

Desperate to taste her, my tongue darted into her mouth, tangling with hers. They started their erotic dance as my right hand slid down her body, creeping between her legs. She spread them for me, her body naturally giving itself up to mine.

Neither one of us could wait any longer. This moment was years in the making.

But, just when things were starting to get good, she pulled away. She was breathing hard and the corners of her lips twitched like she was just about to smile, but instead, she shook her head and got out of the car.

I sighed and took a second to calm myself down. I was rushing into this – trying to run a marathon when I should have been taking a stroll. I took a deep breath, waiting for my erection to quell in size before I got out, joining her on the porch.

“Sorry about that,” she said, her voice soft.

“Don’t apologize, Adele.”


I opened the door.

We stepped inside, and for a moment, I imagined what it would feel like to live with this woman. To start a family with her. A nagging thought buzzed around in my head.

After all, I did need an heir.

I pushed the thought away and headed for the kitchen. There, I turned on the lights.

“What would you like to drink?”

“Just a water would be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

Adele nodded.

It was probably for the best. Neither one of us were very good drunks.

So, I grabbed two water bottles before heading out to the porch. I plopped down onto one of the rocking chairs and motioned for her to sit on the other.

“This is a pretty nice place you got here.”

I shrugged. “It has never felt like much of a home.”


“I don’t know. It’s just that Chelsea was always away on business trips. She left this place feeling pretty lonely.”

Adele nodded as if she understood the feeling.

“But, it’s nice. I have a farm down the road a bit. You should come check it out sometime. I’d be happy to give you some fresh produce. I have a good stock of squash this year, and I know how much you love squash soup.”

“Mmm,” she murmured. “Don’t tempt me.”

“I think that’s exactly what I’m trying to do.”

She looked at me, studying my face for the second time that night. I wondered what she was searching for. Had I changed so much that she no longer recognized me? Or, was it something else? Something more?

“Do you ever think about why we

This time, it was my turn to cut her off. I shook my head, placing my finger on her lips. “Let’s just enjoy our time together,” I whispered. “Watch the stars like we used to.”

It took a moment, but eventually, she eased into her seat, gently rocking back and forth. Together, we gazed at the nighttime sky, admiring its beauty. The stars twinkled brightly, like pearls scattered along a blanket of black velvet. The moon, the biggest of them all, shone brightly, casting everything in a soft, silvery light.

As the minutes crept by, it became harder and harder for me to keep my eyes off Adele. Subtly, I glanced at her, hoping she wouldn’t notice.

But, of course, she did. She was staring right at me.

“What are you looking at, Braden?”

“Nothing.” I shrugged. “Just how lovely you still are.”

I reached out and touched them, my thumb caressing her silky, dark brown skin. Years of pent-up passion bubbled inside of me, threatening to overwhelm me. I didn’t know how much longer I could fight these urges.

She leaned forward, her deep russet eyes shining brighter than any star.

“Braden,” she murmured. The sound of my name escaping her lips was too much for me to handle.

Without thinking, I tilted her head towards mine, pulled her close and kissed her once more. The kiss quickly became fiery as we both gave into our desires.

I folded her into my arms as I got up. Our hips locked together as our tongues wrestled with each other. Already, my cock was coming to life, struggling against the tight fabric of my jeans.

She pulled on my shirt, tugging it upwards. I broke away from the kiss, just long enough for her to pull it off. When our lips met again, I slammed her into the nearby wall. She gasped, her back arching at the impact. Her eyes widened and her head rolled back ever so slightly.

I took my chance. My teeth attacked her neck, leaving behind love bites from her ear to her collarbone. Once I reached her sweet spot, I sucked on it gently, listening to her moans float across the air. I sucked a little harder, hoping to elicit a sweet symphony from her lips.

Her fingers tangled into my hair, pulling on it.

I looked up at her from under my eyelashes, a smirk splayed across my face.

Her eyes burned with lust.

I wasn’t about to disappoint her.

With a flick of my wrist, I tore her blouse open. A few of the buttons went flying across the porch. As soon as I peeled the shirt off her body and exposed her shoulders, I kissed them gently, distracting her as my hand crept up her back. My fingers tightened around the strap of her bra. I tugged on it, teasing her slightly before I unclasped it with ease.

Her lovely bosom greeted me. I took her hardening nipples between my fingers, rolling them back and forth until they were stiff and sensitive.

She simply watched me as I leaned down, taking her into my mouth. My tongue swirled all around the hard, little nub until she was bucking her hips, her body silently asking for more.

Wanting to please her, to drive her wild, I slipped my hand into her pants. My fingers were met with the silky material of her panties. Carefully, they tiptoed around, finding a tiny bow. I grabbed and pulled on it slightly, causing the fabric to dig into her sweet, sweet folds.

She moaned louder than ever, her fingers tightening around my hair.

My cock was dying for release.

I growled playfully before I hoisted her into my arms, my hands firmly squeezing her ass.

Her legs hooked around my waist as she kissed me, her lips hungry for mine. I could feel the heat radiating from her body, almost as if she had a fire burning inside of her. I was determined to kindle that fire until it turned into a white-hot blaze.

I carried her all the way to the bedroom, tossing her onto the mattress. Seconds later, I pounced on her, pinning her wrists above her head. I stared into her gorgeous, deep eyes before kissing her. Our bodies melded together as we got a feel for one another. We had never actually done this before.

Slowly, I covered her body with kisses, moving down until I was situated between her legs. Carefully, I unbuttoned her pants. She lifted her ass into the air so I could tug them off. As soon as they were off, I attacked her panties. With a flick of my wrist, I tore them right off her body, letting them fly across the room.

Then, with her bare legs now in my hands, I slung them over my shoulder, letting my hands roam her silky flesh. As my hands approached her thighs, she offered me entrance, her pussy now on full display.

I smirked, letting my fingers outline her well-groomed mound, but not yet touching her sensitive folds. Instead, I moved my hands back to her thighs, rubbing them slowly, winding her up. I wanted to drive her crazy with desire to the point of no return — to the point where she would have no choice but to beg me to pleasure her.

Slowly, I began kissing her right leg, starting at the ankle and moving all the way down. Again, I skipped her pussy, knowing it would drive her insane. She groaned, thrusting her hips into the air, trying to persuade me, but I wasn’t done having my fun just yet.

My lips lingered on her stomach, tickling her.

“Braden,” she whimpered. Please…”

I smirked. “What is it? Do you want me to stop?”


I chuckled. “Oh, then what do you want me to do?”

She bit her bottom lip and groaned even louder. “You can’t do this to me.”

“Do what…?” As I asked, my thumb found her clit, flicking it back and forth.

She howled in pleasure.

I didn’t stop. My thumb continued to rub circles into her sensitive clit as my middle finger ran along her tight, little entrance. She was already wet. So very wet.

Before she could compose herself, I quickly leaned down and lapped at her juices like an addict. I teased her at first, but soon, I pushed inside of her, letting my tongue twist this way and that.

Her moans grew louder and louder, turning me on even further. My balls were already tight and I knew that it wouldn’t take long for me to climb over the edge.

Adele started to shake, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

I stopped.

She whimpered. “Why did you…?” She looked at me, but as soon as she did, her eyes grew wide, mesmerized by the little show I was giving her.

I pushed my pants down my hips, inch by inch, revealing the sexy V I had developed from my years as a fireman.

She practically licked her lips before she rushed up and pounced on me, kissing me hard. I rolled us over, taking control. I growled before nipping at her neck.

“You’re all mine.”

A fury overtook me as I tore at my clothes, desperate to feel her warm flesh all around me. She didn’t hesitate to help, her hands all over my body, tugging on my boxers as if her life depended on it.

Our eyes locked for a moment before I rolled on a condom and took the plunge.

My whole body exploded with pleasure as her tight pussy wrapped around me like a glove. At first, I didn’t move. I allowed us a second to accommodate, to enjoy the feeling.

Then, I started at a slow, steady rhythm, toying with her.

Her nails dug into my arms as she begged for more.

I gave her just that.

I pumped my hips hard and fast, picking up the pace until the bed started to rock. Our moans filled the room as we melted into each other, lost in our bliss.

My balls slapped against her ass as I held her by the hips for a better angle, going deeper and deeper.

Soon enough, however, the pleasure built up to an impossible level. My balls felt like they were going to explode. Adele was shaking like a leaf. She moaned my name, her nails clawing at my back.

She screamed.

Her juices flowed like a river, throwing me over the edge. I growled, biting the side of her neck as I climaxed deep inside of her.

Panting, I collapsed beside her, holding her tight in my arms. Somehow, that had felt better than I ever could have imagined. My head felt airy like I was high – floating on cloud nine.

She smiled and kissed me gently, but didn’t say a word.

In that moment, all I wanted to do was hold her forever. In the back of my mind, I thought about what we had just done.

If only I had forgotten about the condom… Maybe my dreams of starting a family with this woman would finally come true.




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