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Blindsided (The Sisters Series Book 1) by Mortimer, Holly (20)



Chapter Twenty-Two

I was dreaming of something that was just out of reach when something fuzzy came into my dream.  I couldn’t see it and kept turning around and around to find it.  It was driving me crazy, all over my face so I started swatting at it. I finally connected and bolted upright and awake when I heard a loud “ow” that scared the shit out of me.

My eyes flew open and it took me a minute to adjust to the lighting in the room.  I must have slept a lot longer than I wanted to and now it looked like the sun was setting.  It was then I realized there was someone else in bed with me and that someone was rolling around clutching his face and half groaning, half laughing.

I hid my face in embarrassment.  “That was cruel.“

“Cruel but hilarious.”  He snickered and got himself under control fairly quickly but still had a lingering case of the giggles.

He suddenly stilled and reached a hand out to brush some hair that had fallen over my face.  “I’m sorry I was so long today.  I had no idea it would turn into a full day.  What did you get up to?”

“It’s ok.  I had a relaxing day.  Wrote a little and then ate and then slept and that’s about it.”

He grazed his hand over my bandages.  “How are you feeling?”

“Better.  Drugs are always helpful, but I need them less and less.”

“Don’t you need to change the bandages,” he asked?

I looked at the time.  “Yes, I guess I do.  Can you help me?”

His face lit up.  “Dr. Lowry, at your service.”  He reached behind me and helped pull me up to a sitting reclined position.  “Where are your supplies?”

“In my bag.  I can get them, you don’t have to worry.”

He grabbed my hands in mid-air.  “George, stop, just stop.”  He was looking directly at me.  I could feel it, but I couldn’t bring myself to look directly at him.  This was going fast, way too fast if my brain had anything to say about it.  But apparently, my brain was on vacation.  My heart and my crotch were in full control and they said to look at him.  So, look at him I did.

Big mistake, or maybe not.  Depends on which part of my body I was talking to.

Those eyes did me in.  He was looking for trust.  I trusted few people.  He trusted less I think.  His hand came up to lock my chin in place so I couldn’t look away if I tried, or wanted to.

“Georgina Windsor, I’m here.  I’m not going anywhere and I’ll be damned if you are either.  I’m not an easy guy to be with, but I’m worth it baby, if you’d just let me into that pig headed brain of yours.  I’m not going to hurt you.  This isn’t going to go anywhere you don’t want it to.  But like it or not, someone cares about you.  This someone worries about you when you’re not with him.  Babe, I am so into you, I’m scared shitless.  I come with issues and logistics and crazy women who want to kill my girlfriend.  But we are doing this, and we are doing this right.  No secrets.  No holding back.  It won’t work if we don’t agree to trust each other.  I need you to trust me, George, but just as importantly, I need to trust you.  I need to know you are going to let yourself have a shot at what this could be.  Stop travelling around with the guilt.  And damn it, let me get the supplies and change your bandages.” 

A single tear had somehow escaped and was trickling down my cheek, just like in the movies and books I write.  I’m not into crying, but it seems that’s all I was doing since I met him.  I was trying to take his words in and let them live under my skin. He was right.  It was time to move on.  The ghost of my husband couldn’t hang around in bed with me and the man I chose to be with.  And right here, at this moment, I couldn’t imagine not choosing this guy. 

So the tear could fall, but that’s the only one that was getting out.  The only way I could think to stop the rest of them from falling was to kiss him.  I pounced on him.  Well, in my head it looked like a pounce.  In reality, it was more of a lean slash fall onto his face with my mouth.

What I did know was that I couldn’t get enough of this man.  He was all wrong for me, but made me feel alive.  Cherished.  Oh, and he did things to my body that felt a-ma-zing.

My lips found his and we began to frantically fight for who would get to control this kiss.  Of course, he won when he lowered me down to the bed and began tugging my bottom lip into his mouth.  God, that felt good.  His tongue, not at all gently, surged into my mouth and began the dance as old as time with my tongue.  He tasted delicious and man was I starving for him.

I wanted him.  I wanted him so bad and had for a long time.  It was time to let myself have him.  My hands reached down his sides and untucked his shirt. 

I needed to feel him beneath my fingers.  His skin was hot and every muscle was flexed so as to not lie on top of me.  I pulled him to the side and shifted us face to face, never letting our mouths lose contact with one another. 

My hands began their urgent exploration of his body, not able to feel enough of him fast enough.  They ran up his muscled back and dipped down beneath his pants to cup his perfect ass.  Yes, I was an ass girl and this fine specimen was going to make me come just holding it.

He pushed free of our grip, breathing as heavy as I was.  “Are you sure?  Aren’t you in pain?”

“Yes, it hurts, but it’s fine.  It’s a dull ache, Finn.  My meds are kicking in and I want this. “

He looked conflicted.  His eyes were a series of turbulent collisions.  Desire, fear, hope, anguish all battled for supremacy.  Desire must have won as he lowered his mouth to a hair’s breadth from mine.  “You promise to stop me the minute you can’t bear it?”  He gave me the evil eye. 


He slowly lowered his lips to brush against mine, very slowly, deliberately making me squirm.  And again, agonizingly slow.  Back and forth until he caught my lower lip in his again.  As he was tugging on my lip, he was lowering me down into the bed.  He slipped his tongue inside and there was no way I could go back to the woman I was before. 

I could feel his apprehension but decided the best way to combat that was to take some control.  I pushed back inside his mouth with my tongue and at the same time, let my hands travel the length of his body, urgently pulling his shirt up and over his head.

I gazed up at his naked, hard chest and nearly fainted.  This was beyond amazing.  Hard, muscled chest.  Defined abs, shaping into that V that all women loved.  Just enough hair to run my fingers through and to provide the map to the treasures held below the belt.

For his part, Finn was on the move as well.  His hands had travelled under my t-shirt and were exploring my body with light caresses.  They found their way to my breasts and began to relentlessly tease my nipples.  The light pinching, combined with the hot and heavy make out session were almost enough to send me over the edge.  I was feeling things that had lain dormant for years.  Yes, years.  A little nipple pinching was all I needed but he decided maybe I needed a little bit more.

One hand left my breast and travelled and tickled its’ way down to the edge of my lace panties that I was glad that Sam had the fore site to launder and lay out for me.  He slowly slipped his hand in and I nearly exploded as he slipped a finger inside of me.

“Jesus, George.  So ready for me.”

A soft moan escaped my lips before I could stop it.  That was something else that was new for me.  I wasn’t a moaner, but damn, nothing had felt like this before.  He flicked his thumb over my clit while pinching my nipple while sucking my tongue while giving me the most unbelievable, fastest orgasm I had ever had.  Ever.  I moaned like, a lot. 

I opened my eyes to find him grinning his huge smug smile this time.  “Hi,” I whispered.  I could feel a blush creeping up my face. 

He grabbed my chin and forced my eyes up to his.  “Trust me?”

I looked at him and knew I did.  I nodded, still unable to speak.

“George, our bed is a place of trust.  We’ll never do something you don’t want to do.  I’m not into kinky shit, but babe, I gotta say, that moan nearly made me come in my pants.  It was hot.  So, stop blushing and start trusting.  Got it?”

I just nodded again.  I could do that.  I hadn’t had that before, but it sure felt amazing to be offered it. 

He lowered down for a loving kiss that lingered.  My hand started travelling down to reach beneath his jeans.  He grabbed it.  “What?”

“Not tonight.  We’ll pick back up there the next time.  For now, let’s just ease into this?”

“Oh no, you don’t get to call the shots, mister famous guy.  We’re not gonna ease into anything tonight.  I’m fine.”  He was slipping into stubborn, pig headed man territory again.

He regarded me for a minute not saying anything, just looking at me. Then he leaned over the end of the bed and started crawling his way up the bed.  Slowly, bit by bit making me squirm in a most delicious way. 

 “Baby, I want you more than you can know right now, but it’s not going to happen.  But mark my words, it’s going to happen very soon.  And I am going to take great pleasure making you squirm and a little begging could go a long way too.”  He dove in for a quick kiss before rolling off of me and off the bed before I could get a word in or let’s be real, just form a coherent thought.

“For now, let’s just be together, lying beside each other, learning to be with each other?  Okay?”

At this point, I hadn’t been able to get a word in edgewise.  I picked my jaw back up and prepared to let him have it.

“Yes, I can see that you are about to engage me in some sort of debate on the merits of me getting off tonight, and trust me, no one more than I would like to see that happen, but it’s just not going to.  So save your ire and adrenalin for when it really does happen.  ‘Cause, babe, you’re going to need all the adrenalin you can find.”

He promptly turned and gave me a preview of things to come with his fantastic rear assets on display as he walked away.