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Blindsided (The Sisters Series Book 1) by Mortimer, Holly (5)



Chapter Seven

I got ready for bed after spending a couple of hours finally nailing down the chapter that had been stumping me for weeks.  I was emotionally and physically exhausted, but I still needed to finish one last research project.  Finn Lowry.  I entered his name and the floodgates opened and I discovered he wasn’t exaggerating when he said he was kinda famous. 

I felt my stomach do a massive dive.  Oh God, why me?  He was serious famous.  Like paparazzi everywhere, screaming fans, and lots of nearly naked pictures of him all over the web famous.  Jeez Louise, he was a movie star and television star.  Right now he was in the middle of filming his third season of a show called Marked.  Shit, shit, shit.  I felt a panic attack coming on.

I forced the anxiety back and started to click through and found some fascinating stuff out about him.  I could hardly keep my eyes open an hour later, but I couldn’t resist the last link.  It was an article focusing on his childhood and younger days.  There were some cute pics of him as a child and then things took a left turn into sad town.  The poor guy had been raised by a single mom, who turned to drugs and prostitution to make ends meet.  Except it seemed that ends didn’t meet and Finn was responsible for feeding and clothing them.  He finally left home after endless cycles of poverty when he was seventeen and hadn’t looked back.  My heart cracked open just a tiny bit farther when I thought of all he had been through.

I copied some of the web addresses and emailed them to Sam and Frankie.  I shut down my computer and turned my phone to silent and set the alarm.  It took a while to fall asleep but when I finally did, it was a long and fitful night.

I woke the next day with the urgent desire to throw my alarm clock across the room.  My eyes were crusted over with sleep and I wasn’t sure how I was going to meet with my editor today and survive.  He was brutal and on no sleep, he was probably going to make me cry.

I threw back the covers and stumbled into the bathroom and got ready for the day.  Once in the shower, the warm water slowly started to revive me and I started to remember why I had slept so poorly.

Finn Lowry.  Damn.  What was I going to do about him?  Nothing.  That’s what.  I didn’t need to get involved with anyone and especially with an actor.  Nothing good ever came from that.  

I was in a hurry and didn’t notice my cell blinking its annoying red light.  I also didn’t notice the alert that said I had received numerous texts and emails last night.  I just got dressed, grabbed said phone, shoved it in my purse and took off.  The only thing on my mind was coffee and my editor.  Get coffee, survive editor.  Repeat.

Five hours later I escaped out into the warm LA sun.  God, that had been awful but finally had my publishing team off my back for another month.  I fished my phone out of my purse and saw I had five new voice mails and twenty-five missed texts.  My eyes bugged out.  Never in my entire life did I have that many missed messages and texts. 

I dialed into my voice mail first.  Right off the bat, there was a screeching cry of my name and then Sam’s voice. “George, Oh My God!  Finn Lowry!  Why did you not tell me?  Oh My God.  Call me!”

Frankie was next and it went along the same lines.  Repeat twice.  Then voice mail number five stopped me in my tracks.

“Hey George.  It’s me, Finn.  Um, just ah, wanted to say thanks for a great night last night.  It’s ah, 10 am, I’m gonna hit the gym and then thought maybe I could call you or whatever.  See what you were up to?  I have another night shoot tonight, but”

Damn, the message ran out of time.

“You have no new messages.”  Double damn.  He hadn’t called back.

I flipped over to the text inbox.

They were all from my friends, but again, the last one was from a number I didn’t recognize.  I pulled it up and read while my mouth started catching flies.

Hey, it’s Finn.  Just gonna finish what I was saying when I was so rudely cut off by your voice mail.  I’m working tonight.  Thought maybe you might want to come and meet me there?  Maybe hang for a bit to get me through the absolute boredom of a night shoot?  I know you said you weren’t a night owl, but maybe you could just come for a bit?  Text me back and let me know.  Ltr. 

I stared at the text for a minute, unsure just how to respond.  He had texted over an hour ago so I wouldn’t look desperate texting back, but aside from that I wasn’t sure I was going to pursue this relationship.  What his intention was, I had no idea.  What I did know was it was probably for the best for me to just walk away at this point.

I pulled out of my parking spot and voice commanded the phone to dial Sam.   She was the easiest to get during the day and usually had great judgement.

She picked up on the first ring, screeching into the phone.  I turned down the volume in the car and let her get it all out. 

“Sam, calm down.  You’re going to break my ears.”

“Where have you been?  I have been calling and texting all day?”

“I know.  I was in meetings.  Listen, I need your help.”

“George, Finn Lowry.  Why didn’t you tell me you had a date with one of the hottest guys on the planet?” 

“Because I didn’t know, Sammy.”

“How could you not know?  How could you not mention how hot your potential date was?  You said he was ugly.”

“I did not.  And besides, I didn’t know who he was,” I whined.  “Ok?  You know I’m not very good with famous people.  So, I kinda need your advice.  You know me and you know the baggage I come with.  He wants to see me again.”

At this point, I nearly muted the phone the scream was so loud.  “Where are you?  Meet me at the coffee shop.”

“Sam, focus please.  I don’t have time to stop for coffee.”

“I am focusing.  And you always have time to stop for coffee.  Meet me there in ten.”  And then she just hung up.  So, I did what Sam knew I would do, because I always will stop for coffee and met her at our favourite coffee shop.

I walked in and saw she was already there, and already had my coffee waiting.  I set my phone on the table and excused myself to head to the bathroom, followed by Sam’s evil eye the whole time.  When I got back, Sam just picked up right where we had left off.  “Do you know half the women in America just fell over from jealousy?  He wants to see you again?  Jesus, this is fucking amazing!”

“Yes, now, about my problem.”

“What is your problem anyway?”

“I don’t know whether or not to go meet him today.”

“And still waiting for the problem.”

“Well, you know me and you know my past.  He‘s famous and I am a train wreck just waiting to happen.  He doesn’t need my shit dragging him down.  Plus, I’m terrified.  This is huge for me.”

“Please.  Excuses.  George, give me a break.  Five years ago you went under.  It’s not going to make a difference to him.  It’s time.  You need to give yourself permission to get on with your life.  You know Connor wouldn’t want this for you.  Honey, you aren’t marrying him, just going on date number two.  Give the guy a chance and give yourself a chance to see who’s out there.  Live out one of your books for yourself for a change.  What have you got to lose?”

“My dignity for a start?  Sam, he can have any girl out there.”

“Dignity’s overrated.  I left mine on a casting couch years ago.  And he doesn’t want any girl out there, he appears to want you, so why not let yourself go for a while and see where this takes you?”

I lost myself in thought.  “I’ll let you know what I decide.  I’m going to get going.  Can you call Frankie?  I don’t think I have the brain capacity to safely operate a motorized vehicle and go over this again and arrive at my house safely.”

“Yeah, sure.  Talk soon?  I’ll be waiting with baited breath you know!”

I stared at my phone like it had the plague.  I needed to text him back.  How would I be able to let him down easily?  I just wasn’t dating material.  Especially for a guy like Finn.  This would save us both a lot of time and effort.

As I was walking in the house, my phone beeped yet again.  I opened it up and saw it was from him.  “Nuts.”  It was do or die time. 

George, haven’t heard from you yet.  Not taking no for an answer.  Give me a chance to prove to you all actors aren’t evil beings.  Still think so at the end of the night, you’re off the hook. Deal?

I smiled.  He drove a hard bargain.  I only half-heartedly wrestled with myself and figured I would let him do his best to convince me that not all actors should be painted with the same brush.  I texted back.

I will give you one chance to convince me.  Where and when?

I hopped in the shower and wondered what the hell I had gotten into and what exactly did one wear to not impress a super famous actor?