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Brother's Keeper II: Liam by Stephanie St. Klaire (2)



“What the hell, Felicity?” He asked, gripping his battered jaw, covered in day old scruff. Liam was as clean cut and ironed jeans as they came. If he hadn’t shaved, it was because he had been deep in the innerwebs, pulling long nights or even all-nighters in an attempt to keep the world safe, one computer hack at a time. He spent most of his time behind a wall of screens, hugging a keyboard. It was easier than facing real life – for Liam.

Still rattled from the encounter and what she thought was impending death, Felicity struggled to respond with anything but truth. A truth she wasn’t willing to share – at least not yet.

“Wh-what the hell to you, Liam?” She fired back, cringing at her own awkward rebuttal.

Liam’s brow raised in a furrow of confusion, finding her response just as floundering as she had, “Seriously? What are you doing out here this late? Alone?”

Straightening her shoulders, she tossed her long blond hair over her shoulder and raised her chin in a faux confidence. “Wh-why were you following me? That’s what I would like to know. Are you stalking me?”

Her attempt at offense was lacking. He could tell she was reeling, trying to spin the tables on him. “Because it’s after midnight, and you’re sneaking out to venture to the – the wrong side of the tracks. Why?”

“Wrong side of the tracks?” she questioned with a guffaw. “A bit judgy there, wouldn’t you say?”

“Why are you answering all of my questions with a question, Felicity?”

“Why are you asking so many questions, Liam?”

“Because you have been sneaking out late at night, getting into the office late in the mornings, and you’re acting…weird,” he said.

“Acting weird? Really? Says the guy who is clearly watching my every move. What did I have for breakfast, Detective Do-right?”

“A scone. From Wired. You also had your usual – a fluffy coffee that’s more sugar than coffee.” His stance fell wide as his arms crossed his broad chest, the brief wince on his face giving her satisfaction.

“That’s…very specific.”

“I’m a details guy, Felicity.” His smug look pissed her off.

“You’re also creepy. How’d you even find me? Or do you just hide outside my front door?”

Smug grin still intact, Liam extended his wrist, rolling the face of his smart watch toward her, “Same way I track everyone.”

“Jesus, O’Reilly! Now I really mean it…creepy.”

With a roll of his eyes, he was determined to stay on track and get to the bottom of what she was up to, despite her attempts to derail his back-alley interrogation. “I track the whole team. In our line of work, you can never be too careful. You know that.”

“I didn’t realize you tracked us on personal time too.”

“When late night notifications come through more often than usual, and the recipient is coming and going in response – red flags go up, especially when it’s out of character,” he said. “You have access to sensitive information and help care for my daughter. Of course, I want to know what you’re up to.”

“Even if it’s a date? A late night…booty call?”

Liam looked around and snorted. “You’re not dating anyone, and surely this isn’t a booty call.”

Oh, how this man infuriated her. Felicity narrowed the space between them as she shot him down with her threatening, narrowed stare. “You couldn’t possibly know that, or does your little watch track my love life too?”

Taking a step closer himself, he came toe to toe with her, so close their body heat radiated off each other. He looked her in the eye and called her bluff. “First, you whispered booty call. You can barely say it, much less act on it. Also, look around. I think your standards are a bit higher than a guy living in an alley in the worst neighborhood in town.”

“Well, you don’t know me as well as you think, Liam O’Reilly.”

“No, I know you better.” At just over six-feet tall, he towered a good foot over her. He dipped his head closer to hers, adding fire to the mood between them.

Felicity’s chest heaved with heavy breaths, her spine straightening as her eyes became heavy, his close proximity and concern seducing her. “You…you don’t.”

Liam tucked a single lock of hair behind her ear, clearing it from her face before lowering his voice in a calm and steady tone. “This isn’t like you. It’s late and dangerous. You’re careful, too smart and cautious. Why, Felicity? What brought you out here?”

Tilting her head, awareness coursed through her when he brought out the famous O’Reilly charm. He wasn’t seducing her; it was Liam for God sake. He was still grilling her. Two can play at that game, she thought.

Lightly brushing her chest to his, earning a raised brow, she tilted her head as she rested her hand on his already swelling cheek. Swiping beads of what she assumed was pain induced sweat with the pad of her thumb, she said in a soft sultry voice, “Why do you care so much, Liam?”

Overwhelmed by the intimacy of her intoxicating touch and inviting tone, Liam was quick to remind himself where they were and why they were there. With a simple touch, she had him entranced, wanting and needing even though he knew it wasn’t right. It spooked him. This wasn’t why he was here looking for her.

Feelings such as those, both vulnerable and primal, didn’t belong in their relationship. She was a pain in the ass – an employee of his family business and sometimes caretaker of his daughter. Besides, he was married – or had been. This wasn’t going to happen. Not today – not ever.

Her question lingered between them. Why did he care? He let those words wash over him a moment too long before he settled with, “I don’t care, Felicity.”

Though she should be used to the cold demeanor and constant reminder that she wasn’t and never would be anything to him, his words still cut through her like a dull, rusted knife. Stalling briefly, her eyes narrowed before she walked around him in a huff, not saying a word. Her abrupt departure said it all.

Liam followed her all the way to her car, several blocks, despite the limp in his step and ache in his ribs with every step. Sure, he didn’t care, but he also wasn’t an ass and willing to let her walk alone in a dodgy part of town – alone. Just like he hadn’t let her come here unattended, even if it was under the radar, initially.

As they approached her car, he said, “I’m several blocks down and this leg you kindly cracked is killing me. Can you…”

Before he could finish asking for a lift, Felicity slammed her car door shut. She didn’t even look at him before starting her car and pulling away from the curb. She just took off. Nope, he wasn’t getting a ride anywhere.



Who the hell does he think he is, Felicity asked herself. That man makes me absolutely crazy. One minute he’s concerned and caring; the next he’s a bulldozing. Jerk! Felicity didn’t lose her cool. She had the patience of a saint – most of the time.

It wasn’t lost on her that Liam was still mourning the loss of his wife though it had been years. Her passing had changed him and not for the better. He lost his smile, he lost his spark. Liam had grown cold and scornful. Understandably so, to an extent, but he still had so much to live for. He just didn’t…live.

Then there were nights like tonight when Felicity didn’t have it in her to nurture his emotional deficit and offer grace. Tonight was too much. He shouldn’t have followed her, and for all she knew, he brought harm to all of them by intercepting whatever was supposed to go down.

Messages had been coming through for weeks – voicemail, email, you name it. Fear kept her at a distance, only following through with the requests from a distance, trying to gauge just how serious her circumstance was. But, she never saw him or whoever was threatening them. Tonight, she wasn’t going to stand in the shadows. Tonight, she was going to face her past head-on and find out why it was haunting her all these years later. Until Liam showed up.

She’d never been so confident and scared at one time. A whirlwind of emotions settled over her as she played the night’s highlight reel back in her mind. Liam was right. She was out of her league. It was foolish to go alone, but she couldn’t tell anyone, not yet.

As she passed the dark alley where she met her would be assailant, Liam, she noticed a man in a dark hood, leaning against a tree that lined the sidewalk. There were a lot of shady people around that area, hiding under hoods and hats, but something stood out with this guy. His face was hidden, but she felt his stare, watching her drive by.

Great, now she was paranoid, and everyone along that road was out to get her. Thanks, Liam. She didn’t understand him. If he didn’t care, why was he watching her? And following her? He was so disconnected on every single level – as a brother, a son, friend, and father. Sure, he was serious by nature, a true computer nerd at heart, a hot one.

Felicity cursed herself for seeing and thinking of him that way. He wasn’t hot. He’s a jerk with a giant stick up his ass. That’s what he was. Finally, he reached out with an ounce of concern and seemed to give a crap about something, and he shut it down before they could explore it. Liam O’Reilly was as frustrating as they came.

Like his brothers, Liam loved fiercely, fought fiercely, albeit from behind a screen and keyboard, and left ladies fanning themselves. That’s where the similarities ended though. Where they were bold, fighters, and total diehards, Liam was gentle, soft spoken, and reserved. His greatest quality was also his worst.

When times were tough, or tragedy struck, his brothers forged on, turned their disappointment into motivation and fought harder, shooting their weapons and blowing stuff up, taking down bad guys. Liam shut down, unsure what to do with his feelings, and retreated within. He was emotionally broken – heartbroken – and neither he nor anyone else had the key to fixing it.

Like tonight. He worried about Felicity and had been concerned to the point he took her beating rather than stop her sooner. But the moment it seemed he was going to let her in, he shut down. He’d do anything to keep her at arm’s length, including acting like a first-class ass.

“Why are you watching me, Liam O’Reilly? Why? You don’t care my ass,” she said in a huff. “Great, and now you have me swearing and talking to myself.”



Liam hobbled his way on a throbbing knee back to his car. It wasn’t all that far, but the sharp pain and pulsating aches, coursing through him with every step, made it feel like miles. Karma was a selective bitch, and he seemed to be her number one client because when he finally reached his vehicle, there was a drunken man pissing all over the side of his car.

“Really fucking great,” he said under his breath as he stalked up next to the man.

It didn’t seem to matter that he was standing there as the vagrant just looked Liam up and down over his shoulder and continued to relieve himself.

“This your car?” the man slurred, with a little hop as he tucked himself away.

“The car you just pissed all over? Yeah,” Liam replied. The man reeked of booze and street as he swayed, eyes wide, trying to focus on Liam.

“Nice ride. Got one myself,” he said, his words garbled.

If this were Dace or Luke, the conversation would have gone an entirely different direction – no talking, just a few grunts before they did him a favor and pushed him along. They were no bullshit types – and they loved their cars like they loved their women – fast and pretty. Not pissed on.

“I’m sure you do. If you’re…done, I’d like to leave.”

“It’s in the shop,” the man said as he staggered away.

Liam stood staring at the driver’s side of his car, contemplating whether or not he should open the door. Given how his night had gone thus far, there was a good chance there was a reservoir of hobo piss in the door jam, waiting to flood the plush interior of his car.

“Why does this shit happen to me?” he said, hands in his pocket, leaning in to see if it was safe to open the door or not.

He threw his hands in the air. “Fuck it. This is what I get for making sure everyone is safe?”

Walking to the passenger side of his car, he lit up the passenger side door with his cellphone flashlight to make sure he wasn’t about to stick his hand in any bodily fluids. In this part of town, there was no telling what his car faced while he was off, saving Felicity’s ass.

Felicity was well trained. The pain from his bruised and battered face and body as he gingerly climbed across the seat of his car attested to that. He just hadn’t realized how well. This is her fault, he thought as he climbed over the center console, slipping behind the wheel.

As a police officer slowed while he passed, Liam offered a wave, earning a nod from the familiar face. “Now it looks like I’m stealing my own car. Why not get arrested? It’s the perfect ending to a shitty night. Uh, yeah. I was stalking my hot employee, and a homeless dude pissed on my rig. Sounds legit.”

“And now, I’m talking to myself. And I just called her hot. I didn’t mean hot. I meant other men probably think she’s… What the fuck am I doing?” Frustrated, he pulled his car into light traffic while he waited for his GPS to kick in and guide him to the nearest all night, do-it-yourself, coin-op car wash.

That’s exactly what he wanted to spend his night doing – washing his car in a bad neighborhood, getting mugged, watching five-dollar hand jobs and drug deals go down. Karma was on Felicity’s side tonight. They were both probably laughing at him. That woman is a handful, he thought.

What had she been up to? What could possibly drag her out at that hour to that part of town? Alone? Portland didn’t host the kind of crime most big cities did, but they had their fair share. Trafficking – humans and drugs – were at the top of the list due to the easy interstate access that ran all the way to Mexico. It wasn’t like her to gamble with statistics and become one.

If something happened to her… He couldn’t go there. Liam reminded himself that it had nothing to do with how he would feel. It was entirely about his eleven-year-old daughter Reagan. Felicity and Reagan were tight. She watched over Reagan when Liam and his brothers were out of town on missions or when he just couldn’t cope.

Liam loved his daughter, but the loss of his wife, her mother, put distance between them. That’s where Felicity came in. She helped fill the void and cover things he just couldn’t. He appreciated that, but she was nothing more. The worry he carried when he saw her leave their building, again, was for Reagan, he thought. He followed Felicity to protect his daughter.

And what was with her attitude, he wondered. She should have been grateful that it was him, looking after her, keeping her safe. But no. She was pissed and couldn’t, or wouldn’t, answer a single fucking question.

As he approached the alleyway where he had his ass handed to him, a man in a black hoodie stepped out in front of his car from the shadowy wayside. Liam slammed on his breaks and horn, stopping only inches from the man in the middle of the road. Looking directly at Liam, his stare could be felt but not seen as his face was obscured by the dimly lit street and shadow cast by the overhanging hood.

An icy chill coursed through Liam as intuition kicked in, and his gut said to stay right where he was. He sensed trouble, which was common in that part of town. With a swift movement, the man slammed his hands on the hood of Liam’s car before continuing on to the other side of the street.

This was exactly why Felicity needed to stay away. It wasn’t safe. The night life was unpredictable. And God forbid she track any of this home with her and put all of them at risk. She knew better. Something was terribly wrong – he could feel it.

“Dating someone my lily-white ass. What are you up to, Felicity Nichols, and why the hell am I still talking to myself?”




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