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Captured Heart: A Second Chance Virgin Bride Romance by Lana Hartley (162)


The whole ballroom is clapping as I stand up. I look around the room, my head spinning as I realize what just happened. “Oh my God,” I whisper to myself, and only then do I start heading toward the stage. My dress flutters behind me as I walk and, as I reach the stairs, I have to focus not to step on top of my dress with my heels.

“Thank you,” I whisper to the host as he hands me the certificate. Then, I bow my head and he places the gold medal on my neck. It feels cold against my chest but, at the same time, it warms me up like nothing else can.

So, this how it feels to win a Pulitzer.

Yeah, you read that right; I won a Pulitzer Award. You see, after quitting the Gazette, I spent a few weeks doing some soul searching. Despite everything that happened, I still wanted to be a journalist and follow my dreams. Hunter and Logan supported me, and they were the ones suggesting my course of action.

And so, I spent the last few months writing an exposé about the corruption that’s running rampant in the sports industry. As a case study, I focused on the Hunter/Logan fight, and I guess that was a good call, after all, I have a gold medal around my neck. Instead of an article, I ended up writing a whole book, and it was more than well received; the people loved it, and so did the critics.

“I don’t even know what to say,” I say, grabbing the microphone in front of me with both hands. In front of the stage there are dozens of tables spaciously set, all of them filled with some of the most important people in the publishing world. But I don’t care about any of these people; the only people I care about are the ones sitting at my table, Hunter and Logan.

“I guess I have to start by saying that I wouldn’t have made it this far without Michelle. More than being my editor, she’s my closest friend. Of course, I also have to thank my two men,” I continue, trying to steady my voice as my gaze wanders toward the table where I was sitting at. “Hunter and Logan, you’re the men of my life… And it’s because of you that I’m standing here right now.”

At that, the whole room starts clapping again, a few people even going as far as whistling. I was afraid that my words would cause an awkward silence; being in a relationship with two men isn’t that usual, but I guess that most people are used to it by now. After all, the three of us have been gracing magazine covers all around the world since that fateful day at the MGM Arena.

“It’s with great honor that I accept this prize, which is more than I have ever expected. Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamt of becoming a journalist… And now here I am. I’m the luckiest woman in the world,” I finish off, and this time Hunter and Logan are the ones leading a deafening round of applause. With a smile and a polite nod, I then walk down the stage, feeling more happy than I’ve ever felt.

Sure, receiving a Pulitzer Award helps, but I’m not happy because of it. What I really am happy about is the fact that the two men I love the most in the whole world are here for me.

“The Pulitzer girl. After this, drinks are on you, girl,” Michelle tells me as I return to my seat. She’s sharing our table with us, and it couldn’t be otherwise. After all, she’s as part of my success as Hunter and Logan are. Without her help during these dark days at the Gazette, I wouldn’t have become a decent journalist. And more importantly than that, if she wasn’t there to help me stop the fight… Ah, I don’t even want to think about it. Suffice to say, Michelle’s family.

Oh, right, she’s also the Editor in Chief at the Gazette. After I exposed everyone involved in the fight, Mr. Moreau was forced to sell the newspaper. It got bought up by an investment firm, and they promptly kicked Fat Ed out and replaced him with Michelle. Not bad, uh?

It seems that all these months of suffering I went through, when I was waiting for Logan and Hunter to fight, actually paid off. I’m in a relationship with the two of them, I won a Pulitzer Prize, Michelle is the Editor in Chief of the Gazette… Oh, and Logan and Hunter have both retired from boxing.

That’s right, the two best fighters in the world decided to call it quits. Even though I stopped the fight, the whole press crowned them as the two best fighters alive, two men that towered above their competition. After a decade of working hard and winning everything there was to win, they decided it was time to hang their gloves.

Of course, they don’t spend their time burning through their hard-earned millions. No, they’ve opened a gym, one that’s owned by the two of them. I guess that even though they’re retired, boxing still runs deep in their veins. They’re training the next generation of fighters and, as long as they’re not punching each other, I’m more than fine with it. I even went in for a few lessons; can you imagine it? Scrawny Natalie, putting in some work at the gym.

“Someone’s spacing out,” Hunter laughs, pouring some champagne into my glass.

“No, she’s still here,” Logan joins in, raising his glass up in the air. Everyone at the table follows his lead, and we touch glasses. “To Natalie, the woman who won our hearts.”

“To Natalie,” everyone says, and I just close my eyes, wanting to burn this memory into my brain. Being here, with the men I love and with my best friend… What more could I ask for?