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Captured Heart: A Second Chance Virgin Bride Romance by Lana Hartley (45)


It’s been a few days—and yet, my obsession with Sienna’s growing.

After the dark things we’ve experienced together, I know there’s no going back.

She’ll be mine forever. She is mine forever.

I’m becoming possessive of her in ways I never could’ve imagined. The passion she ignites within my soul is un-fucking-believable. She sets my heart on fire and makes me calm at the same time.

How is that possible? She drives me fucking crazy. And yet, I can’t get enough.

At this point in the game, her safety is paramount. And my concern for her safety is growing.

Something’s gonna have to be done about Edison soon. I’m afraid he’ll get to her.

I know the guy well enough to know he has a plan up his sleeve.

He doesn’t act on spontaneity. He’s very calculating.

And so I need to be a step ahead of him at all times.

If history has taught me anything, it’s to not underestimate Edison Shaw. There’s a reason he has his legendary reputation as a coldhearted killer.

He’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants. He has absolutely no moral compass.

And therein lies the difference between him and me. I at least have some shred of integrity left.

Edison? He’s a shell of a man. Evil personified.

I know from personal experience that Edison will go out of his way to make people suffer. I’ve seen that firsthand. I’ve been forced into doing some of the sufferings myself.

Again, I blame this man for leaving blood on my hands and conscience.

There’s no going back.

I may never be free of the crimes I’ve had to commit, but Sienna can. As my little prisoner this entire time, she doesn’t get that I have actually been fighting for her freedom.

She just doesn’t get it, though I’ve tried to make it clear.

I have to make my move against him now before he comes after her.

Sienna’s in the apartment somewhere. My only solace is in knowing that she doesn’t understand how deep this thing really goes.

I tried to paint a picture of the danger that awaits if she tries to escape. She really has no idea what a vicious, nefarious character we’re dealing with. She has no idea about my boss.

I’m excited for the day when I won’t have to call him that.

I’m my own boss. With that in mind, I make sure James and Titus gets here ASAP.

I call them, and they agree to meet me at the penthouse in about ten minutes. That gives me enough time to go find Sienna. It doesn’t take me long.

She’s lying out by the pool, as usual. She’s an LA girl through and through. She loves the sun.

At least now, she finally has a decent swimsuit.

Although I would like the view better if she was naked. But obviously, I can’t have that happen in front of my guys.

I’ll never let anybody look at Sienna the way I do. My claim on her is strong. She’ll never get out from under my grasp.

My cock hardens even now as I watch her sun tanning in her little bikini. She’s a fucking vision. An angel.

I think how fucking lucky I am. And then the gloom sweeps in again and eclipses my happiness as I remember what kind of deplorable human being I have to deal with.

One more job, and Edison will be out of the picture.

I sit in the sumptuous living room of the penthouse. It overlooks the pool and the city. Titus and James walk in.

“What’s up, man?” James says.

“I think you guys know. The time is drawing near. We have to formalize our plans to take down Edison.”

They take a seat, but not before helping themselves to some scotch.

Only the best for me and my men.

They bring the bottle over. I pour myself a shallow drink. I don’t need much right now.

“So what’s it gonna be? We gonna kill them or send him to prison?” Titus asks.

“What’s his location?” I ask him.

“Well,” James says, “you’re not gonna like this. But he’s made his way to the city. He’s in his estate. He’s likely looking all over the place for you.”

That’s the thing about Edison. He’s like a dog with a damn bone. He won’t let go until he has what he wants.

Apparently, I’m his new target.

This would frighten any other man under the sun.

But not me. Because I know I’m stronger and better and wiser than him.

I know the old bastard has nothing on me. He doesn’t scare me. Why?

Because he created me. I know his methods better than he knows himself.

“Alright, then. The time really is drawing near. We got it put this thing to rest,” I say to them, taking a thoughtful sip of my scotch.

Don’t get me wrong—it’s no easy thing to take out Edison Shaw. He’s a man of power for a reason. But I know I have the upper hand.

I watch Sienna out by the pool. Delightful, innocent, without a care in the world except for the hole in her heart of having lost her father.

Fucking Edison.

He did this to her.

I admonish myself for not taking him out sooner. Maybe if I had been just a little bit earlier, she wouldn’t have lost her dad.

These are things I can’t consider now. I push all thoughts of guilt out of my mind. I only have the future to live for.

The least I can do for Sienna is to take out her mortal enemy. Because that’s what he is.

He’s her enemy, and he is my enemy first. There’s no way out of this except bloodshed.

“We’re gonna have to kill him,” I say.

Titus seems to have another idea.

“We could go that route, Nate. Or I have something else in mind. There are some guys in town. Some very big players. Some politicians who have connections. We can land him in prison for the rest of his life. We could go so far as to put them in solitary confinement so he’ll never be able to raise forces against you, even from within the walls of the cell. He’s really that bad of a man. They could lock him away forever.”

He says the words, and my heart feels a little bit better. If I can avoid killing a person, I’ll do that, even if it’s Edison.

“That sounds like a plan,” I say. “When do these so-called guys get into town? Or do they live here?”

“Oh, they don’t live here,” he says. “But they’re willing to come here to meet with you, Nate.”

“Then arrange it,” I say.

And with that, I know the plan is set into motion. Soon, my beloved will be safe.

I watch her tanning in the sun. Her long blonde hair and her tight little hot body are laying out on the lounger. She’s wearing sunglasses.

She looks like a beauty, Venus herself personified.

And she’s mine.