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Castaways by Claire Thompson (10)

Chapter 10





“You did the right thing,” Sam agreed as he peered down into the heron’s nest. The three little eggs remained intact, their mother for the moment gone, though probably not too far. For an instant Sam imagined the hot gooey yolk of an egg served over easy, sopped up with fresh crusty bread. His mouth watered and his shrunken belly gurgled. He forced the image away.

“I wonder when they’ll hatch.” He touched one with his finger, tracing the curve of the warm oval with wonderment. It was so delicate. If he pressed too hard, the shell would crack, spilling out the precious contents, ending a little bird’s chance at life.

They hadn’t talked about last night, but there was definitely something different between them. Every exchange seemed ripe with sensual possibility. Several times Sam caught himself about to say, “I love you,” but each time he stopped himself. He didn’t want to press the shell, to crack it, to ruin things by moving too fast with his new little chick…

Sam looked over at Donovan, now sprawled out beneath the shade of a coconut tree on the blanket they’d brought with them from the encampment. They were both tired from the day’s foraging. They still had more wood to collect, having used most of their stash for the bonfire the night before. Amazing how much time it took each day just to provide basic food and shelter for themselves. He would never again take for granted the ease of a modern lifestyle if they got back.

When they got back, he admonished himself.

Squatting on the rock, he stuck his hands into the rushing waterfall, letting them fill with water. He drank what he managed to cup, repeated the process and then splashed some water on his face. The sky was overcast though it was still warm.

So far, they’d been incredibly lucky regarding the weather, with only light showers during the late afternoon, except for that one deluge. But was the rainy season coming? Would they be able to continue to provide themselves with adequate shelter?

He climbed down to sit next to Donovan and leaned back against the narrow tree trunk. As he brought up his knees, the hole in the denim tore even more, so his entire right knee was exposed. He surveyed his jeans—full of little tears, frayed at the hems and faded nearly to white from the salt and sun. Donovan’s had fared little better. Their T-shirts, his once red, Donovan’s once white, were pale pink and gray respectively, and covered with stains, despite their efforts to wash them.

Donovan opened his eyes at the sound of the denim ripping. Sam extended his legs and patted his thigh. “Want a pillow?” Donovan scooted over, resting his head on Sam’s offered leg. Sam stroked Donovan’s bristly cheek and tucked his dark hair behind an ear.

Donovan smiled, his eyes fluttering closed as he passively accepted Sam’s touch. Sam traced the hollow beneath his cheekbone and moved his fingers down over Donovan’s mouth. Donovan’s lips parted and he licked the tip of Sam’s finger. Then he caught the finger lightly with his teeth and sucked at it, pulling it into his mouth. The gesture was supremely sensual, and Sam’s cock began to harden.

When Donovan let his finger go, he opened his eyes and said softly, “I want to learn. Teach me.”

“To learn?” Sam asked, his pulse quickening. He knew what Donovan was asking. He wanted to hear him say it.

“Yes,” Donovan nodded, rolling toward Sam so his face was level with Sam’s crotch, his nose nearly touching Sam’s fly.

Sam stroked Donovan’s head and said softly, “Tell me, Donovan. What is it you want to learn?”

Speaking in nearly a whisper, his face suffused with a charming blush, Donovan said, “To kiss you. To suck your cock like you do mine. Teach me.”

Taking Donovan at his word, Sam got to his feet. He unzipped his jeans and shucked them off, along with his underwear.

Donovan sat up, staring wide-eyed at Sam’s cock, which was inflating like a balloon beneath his gaze. Sam was dizzy with desire. He resisted his impulse to grab Donovan’s head and pull him onto his shaft. Instead, he said, “The key is to relax. You don’t need to focus on mechanics. Your focus should be on pleasing your partner. The rest will simply flow.”

“Easy for you to say,” Donovan grinned, cupping the bulge at his own crotch.

Sam smiled back. “Maybe. But I’ve been doing it a lot longer than you.” He shrugged, still smiling. “You know what they say. All things worth doing take work. So, the first thing I want you to do is to get in the proper mood. Get out of those nasty old jeans. I want to see you naked.”

Power and joy surged through Sam like a shot of whiskey as Donovan obeyed, stripping bare. His strong, tan body was beautiful, his cock lengthening and engorging, his face flushed, blue eyes shining.

Sam lowered himself to the blanket. “I’ll lie down. It’s easier that way for you to practice.”

Donovan crouched next to him, biting his lip, trepidation clear in his eyes.

“Hey,” Sam said gently. “Let’s just have fun. I don’t require an expert, I assure you. I just want you.”

Donovan smiled, albeit nervously. Gingerly he touched Sam’s cock, hard just from being near his naked lover.

“It’s not made of china,” Sam encouraged, touching Donovan’s muscular thigh. “Just do what feels right.”

Donovan’s hand wrapped around the base of Sam’s shaft, the pressure delicious. Sam moaned and closed his eyes. He felt Donovan’s hot mouth cup the head, his tongue swirling in a circle around it.

Donovan lowered his head, taking about half the shaft into his mouth. He bobbed up and down a few times, taking it deeper. Then, as before, he reared back, spluttering and gagging. “Shit,” he said, “I can’t do it.”

“Sure you can. Go a little slower. You totally have the technique down, trust me. Just take your time. Don’t try to take it so deep. You can use your hand along with your mouth. It feels just as good, I promise.

“Okay,” Donovan said, looking adorably determined. He curled his fingers around the base of Sam’s shaft as he took the head again into his mouth. As he moved down over it, he gagged again and withdrew, his expression pained.

“Fuck,” he said. “Now it’s even worse.”

Sam shifted into a sitting position and reached for Donovan’s hand. “You need to relax. Your gag reflex is heightened because you’re worried about performing instead of just having fun, giving pleasure.” Sam paused, thinking. “I have an idea. It’s an exercise, and you have to obey me exactly, okay?”

“I need you to trust me for this to work,” Sam said.

Donovan sobered. “I do. With my life.”

Sam’s heart melted at Donovan’s words, tenderness now warring with lust. Lust won out. He got to his feet and leaned against the tree trunk. “Kneel up in front of me,” he commanded. As Donovan moved into position, he continued, “I want you to leave your arms at your sides. Don’t try to help out in any way.” He waited while Donovan obeyed. “Now, take just the head of my cock into your mouth. Don’t move forward, don’t try to take any more in. Just let the head rest lightly in your mouth.”

Donovan wrapped his perfect lips around the head of Sam’s cock. Sam resisted the returning impulse to grab the back of Donovan’s head and thrust himself down his throat. Instead he said, “While we do these exercises, I want you to play with your cock. Take it in your hand and keep it hard. But make sure you keep my cock in your mouth the whole time.”

He watched as Donovan fisted his thick, long cock and began to pump it. For a moment Sam was mesmerized by the sexy action but he forced himself to concentrate.

As Donovan aroused himself, he started to move forward on Sam’s shaft with his mouth, as Sam had anticipated he would.

“No,” Sam admonished, putting his hand on Donovan’s shoulder. “Don’t take it deeper. You stay exactly there until I tell you, got it?”

Donovan stilled, his eyes opening to look up at Sam, his lips still wrapped around the head of Sam’s cock. Sam felt a surge of fierce tenderness for this sweet, sexy man. At the same time, he was aching with desire. Swallowing his lust, he said, “Okay, take it into your mouth just a little more. Just an inch or so.”

Donovan obeyed, his hand still on his cock. The sensation was heavenly.

“Good. Keep touching yourself. Otherwise don’t move.”

Donovan moaned quietly against Sam’s cock, his hand moving rapidly up and down his own shaft. Gently Sam touched the back of his head, applying the lightest pressure. “Okay, a little more. Just a little.” As Donovan slid down along Sam’s cock, Sam stopped him. “No, no. Not too far. Pull back a bit. Yes. That’s it. Stay like that.”

Donovan’s eyes were closed, his chest beginning to heave as he masturbated. Again, Sam applied light pressure to the back of his head, indicating Donovan should take more of Sam’s cock into his mouth. He did so, gliding forward until he had taken the full length. Instead of gagging, Donovan was moaning, his hand flying over his cock in a blur as he took Sam fully into his throat, the muscles completely relaxed.

Slowly, Sam began to move his pelvis, thrusting very gently forward and pulling back. He put his hands on either side of Donovan’s head as he guided himself in and out of that hot, sweet mouth. Donovan’s tongue began to dance along Sam’s shaft. Sam closed his eyes, forgetting about the lesson, forgetting he was the teacher and Donovan the pupil, forgetting everything except the exquisite pleasure of the moment.

Donovan’s hand came up to cup his balls, squeezing lightly as his mouth continued to move up and down Sam’s shaft. “Oh god, oh god,” Sam heard himself gasp. Grabbing the back of Donovan’s head, he thrust himself against him, unable to restrain himself. He came in hot, fast spurts down Donovan’s throat. When Donovan pulled back, Sam let him go, his heart pounding, his legs nearly buckling beneath him.

Donovan sat back on his haunches, his own cock still bobbing fully erect below his belly, a wide, proud grin on his face.


They’d been stranded on the island for twenty-nine days now. The strenuous monotony of finding and collecting food and wood filled much of their time. The rest was spent swimming, resting and talking about their lives. They focused on the past, their childhoods, their first loves, their memories of school, the pain of growing up. Neither spoke of the future any longer. Neither talked of when the rescuers would come.

For Donovan, the unspoken fear and the exhausting business of survival were made livable by the thrill of their continued sexual exploration. He had been delighted with Sam’s cock sucking exercise, and now had no trouble relaxing his throat. He felt like a teenager, his lust insatiable. He didn’t know if the intensity of the experience was due to its forbidden nature or because they were stranded and alone, and he didn’t care. He had come to crave the constant pleasure of orgasm as well as the powerful aphrodisiac of pleasing his partner. He knew Sam was in love with him. He had strong feelings toward Sam as well, though he was afraid to define them, not sure how these feelings defined him.

Instead he focused on the pleasure and the thrill of their play. He was ready for more. He wanted to experience all there was to offer at the hands of his sexy male lover. One afternoon as he sat on the beach, watching Sam use the signal mirror while they scanned the horizon more from habit than expectation, Donovan found the courage to say, “I want more, Sam. I want to try something new.”

Sam lowered his arm, turning toward Donovan. “Like adding coffee grounds to the fish and boiling it in seawater? I don’t think it would be very tasty, to tell you the truth.”

“Ha ha. You know what I mean. With you. Sexually.”

“Something new…” Sam said slowly. “What might that be, young man?” His voice was teasing.

“Come on. You know. You know what I mean. I want to…” Donovan paused, not sure how to put it without coming right out with it.

“Go on, Donovan. I want to hear you say it.”

Sam liked to do that. To make him articulate what he wanted. Donovan understood it was a power thing. Though Donovan didn’t consider himself submissive, he had to admit, when Sam was totally in control, it turned him on. He liked having Sam be the alpha male. Not that Sam lorded it over him or dominated him in a way that made him uncomfortable or made him feel feminized—it wasn’t like that. It was more a surrender. A sensual surrender to a very sexy man who knew what he wanted and knew how to take it in a way that thrilled Donovan. Nothing he’d ever experienced with a woman could compare.

“I want you to—to”—his voice was barely audible as he finished the sentence—“fuck me.”

“Ah.” Sam nodded, his eyes flashing, the tip of his tongue appearing between his lips. “You’re sure that’s what you want? You don’t want to fuck me?”

Donovan ran his hand over his face, suddenly shy. “I just know I want more. I think I want that too. I don’t know. I’m scared but I want it. I want to experience all of it.”

Sam touched his shoulder, squeezing gently. “It’s understandable you might be a little scared at first. Just remember—it’s me. Just like before, we’ll go as slow as we need to.” He crouched down in the sand so they were eye to eye. “I would love to go to the next level with you, Donovan. Anal sex can be very intense and deeply pleasurable. But you have to be careful—it’s not like sex with a woman, whose body is designed to accept a man’s cock.”

“Oh,” Donovan said nervously, “Maybe we shouldn’t…”

Sam laughed. “No, no. You’re not going to get out of it that easily.” Playfully he punched Donovan’s shoulder. Donovan grinned weakly, but at the same time, his cock hardened.

“It’s too bad they didn’t include a tube of KY in the emergency supply kit,” Sam added with a grin. But people have been having anal sex for centuries without the benefit of a personal lubricant. And since we don’t have condoms to hassle with, it’s less of an issue.”

Donovan nodded, wondering for a moment if it was safe to have unprotected anal sex with a gay man. He had to laugh at himself at the thought. If anyone should be worried, it was Sam. He had told Donovan he always practiced safe sex, while Donovan, typical macho asshole that he used to be, had categorically refused to use condoms back in his prior life.

“How about let’s take a dip in the pool first?” Sam suggested, pulling him back to the present.

Donovan agreed and together they moved toward the waterfall, stopping along the way to grab a blanket. They shucked their clothing by the pool, neither in the least self-conscious now as they waded into the cool water. As they washed and swam, Donovan’s gut tightened with nervous anticipation, his cock tingling at the thought of what they were about to do.

They lay down side by side on the blanket under the swaying coconut trees, the sunlight filtering through the fronds and dappling their nude bodies as the warm breeze dried them. They leaned toward one another for a kiss. When their lips met, Donovan forgot to be nervous or afraid. He reached for Sam, and they moved into each other’s arms as they kissed.

Sam eventually pulled away. He shifted on the blanket, positioning himself so his mouth was poised at Donovan’s cock, his own cock tantalizingly close to Donovan’s lips. They took each other into their mouths, sucking and licking until they were both moaning and gasping. But before they could come, Sam pulled away, his voice husky and low as he said, “Get on your hands and knees. I’m going to fuck you.”

Donovan obeyed, forcing himself back from the edge of climax. His heart was pounding as he rested his forehead on the blanket while Sam crouched behind him. It was embarrassing to think Sam might be staring right at his asshole, and he was glad he could hide his face. Yet despite his embarrassment, his cock remained rigid, his balls tight with yearning.

“Just relax,” Sam crooned softly, leaning up over Donovan’s back. He felt Sam’s hands reaching around for his cock and balls, catching them in a gentle caress. Donovan groaned with pleasure as Sam massaged his cock, again feeling the rise of a near climax.

“Hold on,” Sam laughed softly. “Not yet.” The hands were withdrawn and he felt Sam positioning himself behind him.

He jumped when the head of Sam’s cock pushed between his ass cheeks.

“Shh,” Sam said softly. “Don’t worry. This won’t happen until you’re ready. If that isn’t today, that’s okay too. We’re just experimenting now. Taking our time with our pleasure.”

“Yeah. Okay,” Donovan agreed, breathless with excitement and nerves.

This time when the head of Sam’s cock touched Donovan’s ass, he didn’t pull away. Sam pressed very gently, just a nudge against the tight hole before he again withdrew. Then Donovan felt Sam’s finger, wet with his saliva, delicately probing the nether entrance.

Donovan tensed and the finger was also withdrawn. He felt Sam’s hands smoothing over his ass and lower back, and he relaxed a little, enjoying Sam’s touch. After a time, Sam reached down between Donovan’s legs, cupping his balls as his other hand again moved toward Donovan’s little hole. Gently he probed again, whispering, “Relax. You’re doing great.”

Donovan took a deep breath and willed himself to relax. He wanted this. He longed for it. Gathering his courage, he pressed back against Sam’s finger. It slipped easily inside. Sam moved his finger slowly, as gentle as a kiss. Eventually, the finger was replaced with the head of Sam’s cock, wet with saliva. “Relax. You’re doing great. You are so hot right now, you have no idea.” Sam’s voice was edged with lust, soft with yearning.

Donovan willed himself to relax. Sam placed his hands on Donovan’s ass, gently spreading his cheeks as he pressed slowly forward.

As the head of his cock popped past the sphincter, Donovan yelled, “Ouch,” and reflexively jerked away.

But Sam, his hands gripping Donovan’s hips, held him fast. “Don’t pull away. That was the toughest part. Just stay still while your body adjusts. Stroke your cock, but don’t come. Not yet.”

“Okay.” Donovan gripped his cock and pumped it as Sam slowly pushed inside. He grunted as Sam’s cock penetrated. After the initial pain of entrance, now he only felt full, incredibly full. It was hard to believe this was happening. Another man had his cock buried inside of him, and not just any man but Sam, the sexiest man he’d ever known.

Sam began to move slowly, in and out, until he finally pressed so deep his balls touched Donovan’s ass. “Jesus, you’re tight,” Sam moaned, his voice dripping with lust. As Sam began to move faster, Donovan had to struggle to accommodate the huge cock thrusting inside of him.

Then he felt Sam’s hands pushing his from his cock, as one hand wrapped firmly around it while the other cupped his balls. Donovan groaned with pleasure as all trace of tension finally evaporated.

Sam milked Donovan’s cock while he pummeled his ass. He was breathing hard in Donovan’s ear, and Donovan knew he was near to orgasm. Sam’s fingers flew over Donovan’s cock as he moved faster and faster inside of him. With one savage thrust, Sam orgasmed inside Donovan as he cried out his name.

Donovan could feel Sam’s heart beating against his back as Sam rested against him, his hand still curled around Donovan’s shaft. He stroked and pumped Donovan’s cock until Donovan cried out, exploding over Sam’s fingers.

As they collapsed together in a tangled, sweating heap on the blanket, Sam whispered, “I love you.”


That night they sat facing the black water, the bonfire blazing at their backs, their eyes trained on the horizon. Suddenly, Sam leaped to his feet. “Look! Look at that! See the lights?

Donovan sprang up, straining to see what Sam was talking about. “Holy shit,” he breathed, not quite trusting his eyes. “It looks like a ship. It’s moving. Slowly, but I think it’s headed this way!”

They watched in silence for several minutes. There was no question about it—it was headed their way. Suddenly coming out of their shared trance, they scrambled to the wood pile and threw every stick and twig onto the fire, fanning it with coconut fronds until the blaze was as high as they’d ever made it.

They moved back to the water’s edge, their eyes glued to the distant ship, as if by doing so they could somehow will it on a path toward them. They took turns using the signal mirror, flashing it toward the ship again and again. Perhaps an hour passed. Slowly but surely, the lights of the ship came closer. Neither dared voice his hope.

Finally, it was close enough that they could see it was a freighter of some kind—a cargo ship painted gunmetal gray. It was huge, too large to come ashore, but if they could catch someone’s attention, surely they had a smaller boat they could send out for rescue.

Hope surged like a beacon between them, and they took each other’s hand, holding tight.

As the ship came even closer, moving parallel to the island though still a good distance out to sea, both men began to shout. “We’re here! We’re here! Help! Over here!” They jumped and waved, calling out until they were hoarse, with no idea if they could be heard.

The freighter shifted its course as it moved by, slowly passing their tiny island. Despite the blazing bonfire and their frantic dance, there was no indication they had been seen. Finally, the ship moved out of sight.

Sam and Donovan turned to each other. Sam looked as stunned and exhausted as Donovan felt. In silent accord, they both fell to their knees in the sand. Sam dropped his head into his hands. His shoulders heaved with silent sobs.

Rage filled Donovan as he watched his dearest friend in the world cry like his heart was breaking. “Fucking assholes!” he cried into the air, his voice hoarse from all their hopeful shouting. He dropped back to the sand and wrapped his arms around Sam’s shoulders. “Don’t cry, baby. Please don’t cry. It’ll be okay. Maybe they’ll come back. They’ll send someone. You’ll see.”

Sam, his rock, the one who kept them both sane, continued to cry. Donovan drew on the very last vestiges of his strength and courage as he held Sam tight and gently rocked him.

When the sun burst up over the horizon a few hours later, the two men still sat huddled together, now staring silently out at the vast loneliness of the sea.




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