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Cocky Director: Max Cocker (Cocker Brothers, The Cocky Series Book 15) by Faleena Hopkins (107)


With our hair damp from the shower, I’m lying on Gabriel’s chest in the King Size bed of this beautiful, five star hotel suite, blankets and six-hundred-count sheets bunched to the side, away from our naked bodies. He’s playing with a lock of my hair as I tell him about my brother, the Al-Anon meetings, my mother and her history. The questions he’s asked have been thoughtful but not overly concerned about how this impacts him.

“A lot of people would be shocked by what I’m telling you.”

He smiles, “Musicians see a lot of dark things, Beautiful. Nothing you’re saying is worse than what I’ve seen on the road. And the dark side of life inspires my music. Can’t sing about rainbows and happiness all day. Nobody would listen to it because life isn’t like that.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“We’ll get along better if you memorize that sentence.”

I stare at him a second and start laughing. “Oh no, I will be the one who is right in all arguments from here on out.”

He chuckles, “So you left even though you don’t know where he is? From what you told me that seems like a big step. Should I be flattered?”

I smile at his making light of it, and trace one of his nipples, giving it a quick kiss before I lay my head on his warm chest. “Bobby has to make a decision. He needs to ask for help. I can’t let him hurt me anymore.” Meeting Gabriel’s eyes I say, “This last time, you know what he said? That he was going to the gym. When he didn’t come back I checked my jewelry box for the millionth time and my fears finally came true.”

“Your brother stole from you?”

“Yeah.” I lay my head back down, finding comfort in the steady, quiet thumping of his heartbeat. “That’s when I knew he wasn’t coming back soon, if ever. That he’d stooped that low meant he was really gone. Wouldn’t be able to face me until he could pay me back and that won’t happen while he gambles.”

Stroking my head, Gabriel murmurs, “I’m sorry.”

Mustering up courage I rise up on my elbow. “I have to tell you something.”

“What is it?” he frowns.

“It might be the ending of us.”

Gabriel laughs, “And we’ve only just begun.”

“I’m serious. When I came here I didn’t know you were thinking long-term things, and…well, I didn’t know what you wanted when we talked on the phone yesterday. Everything happened so quickly and I had just told Ben I wasn’t interested. So my head wasn’t clear. I didn’t remember until in the car after you picked me up at the airport.”

“Okay, go ahead. It can’t be that bad. As long as you didn’t lie about not hooking up with my cousin.”

“No! It’s not that! I haven’t lied.”

“Then what is it?”

“Your father knows about my brother. I met him. Ben called him to find out where illegal poker games were taking place.”

A frown springs to Gabriel’s face. “What?”

“I guess he has connections with the police department and they know about these things but let them slide as long as they’re contained.”

“No, I’m aware of how he knew where to look. Was he there?”

“Yes, he and Ben helped extricate Bobby from the game, and get his money back.”

Gabriel rakes his fingers through his hair, pushing it up on the pillow. “Shit.”

“I should have told you when I remembered, but I didn’t know how. Especially with Elijah there and then when you told me about Olivia and we attacked each other…”

“No, it’s fine. We’ll deal with it but…” Gabriel closes his eyes, wincing. “I can’t believe that’s how you first met him. That’s how he sees you.”

I rise up and bring my knees to my chest.

Gabriel sits up, too. “He hates addiction, Paige. My Uncle Jason, his twin, was infatuated with this ex-model named Bernie when he was younger. She was a big cokehead. Dad watched his brother almost go down with her.”

“Oh no,” I whisper.

Gabriel rubs his face. “Yeah, uphill battle already. Fuck.” I move out of his way so he can throw his legs over the side of the bed and walk to the bathroom, shutting the door as my heart closes in on itself. I’m not so good with abandonment. I want to chase him and knock on that door.

Pulling the covers over me I lie down and wait for him to return. It’s taking forever and my knuckles are white.

When he finally walks back he’s still naked, which to me is better than if he’d reemerged with a towel on. That would have felt closed off. But his eyes are shadowy as he glances my way several times as he paces.

Crawling on all fours he returns to me and pulls the blanket and sheet back. “No no no, I need you naked,” he murmurs before kissing and laying on top of me, his soft hair hanging down and blocking the view of anything but him. Deep and troubled he explains, “I’m trying to think of how to handle this. The problem is I’m sort of the black sheep of the family. Hannah kind of led the way in our house and Elijah and I tagged along, kind of. But Elijah…he’s the golden boy now that he’s following Dad’s path. They have that in common. And Dad’s really close to Hannah because of what happened when she was a kid. That leaves me on the outside.”

“You don’t feel you have his ear or patience.”

Gabriel relaxes, “You get it. Thank you.”

“I wish my brother wasn’t an addict, or my mom, but I can’t change it. If you want to take back what you said, I understand.”

“Shhh, don’t get upset. It’s all good. If anything we can travel the world together and never have to see my Dad or your brother.” He makes a funny face that makes me smile. “That’s better. We’ll figure it out.” Flipping us over so that I’m on him again he closes his eyes and caresses my shoulder as he whispers, “Have to get some sleep. I’m glad you’re with me. This bed needed you.”

Pulling up the covers I nuzzle into him. “If you change your mind and can’t do this because of your Dad I will forgive you.”

Gabriel’s finger and thumb cups my chin to make me look at him. “Paige, I’m keeping you with me, and if he doesn’t like it, that’s tough.” He kisses me tenderly, holding my body to his. We settle back to cuddling, him on his back and my head tucked into him.

“If I wake up in Atlanta tomorrow, I won’t be surprised.”

Gabriel’s sleepy voice is fading fast. “If this is a dream then that would be the nightmare.”

Smiling I murmur, “This is why you write songs and I don’t.”

His chest rumbles on a tired chuckle. A second later his breathing shifts and I know he’s sleeping. How he can do that after we’ve talked about something so serious is a mystery I long to unravel. And I spend over an hour trying to figure it out.