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Destined Hearts (A Stolen Melody Duet Book 2) by K.K. Allen (20)


Lyric has not only come out of her shell, she’s ripped it apart and stomped on the pieces that once sheltered her. I love everything about this side of her. Happy, free, and exposed to the world. At least, she will be when Mitch Cassidy is done destroying Destiny Lane.

It’s late in the afternoon and we’re about to head back into the recording booth when Lyric bursts into Studio Gold, a trail of girls behind her. Misty, Terese, Melanie.

They all look eager about something, but it’s Lyric who I’m focused on. She’s holding her phone and I notice her hand trembling slightly. But it’s the expression on her face that quiets us immediately. Just the sight of her flushed cheeks and wide eyes, and the sound of her fast, heavy breathing make my heart flip and then flop in my chest.

“This just came in from my dad,” she says. She takes a deep breath and reads off the message on her phone. “Record label is in agreement. Destiny Lane is toast when she gets to their office. She arrives tonight, and they are ready for her.”

I can’t describe the relief and happiness that rushes through me the moment I realize the battle is over. Lyric’s songs are safe, and Destiny can’t touch her. My smile stretches so wide, the corners of my mouth ache. The room explodes in celebration.

I lift Lyric into the air and swing her around before pulling her close and crushing her mouth to mine. This is how things should be. The music. The love. The friendships. This is our family. As dysfunctional as it might be, it’s perfect.

The afternoon recording session is flawless and full of energy. We put the final touches on “Dangerous Heart,” and I’m so happy Lyric is there to witness it. She’s humble, but I know her well enough to recognize the pride in the moisture glistening around the rims of her eyes.

We wrap with a half dozen bottles of Ace of Spades champagne, a gift Mitch left behind, knowing he was going to miss this. Vana passes champagne flutes around the room as Lorraine pops the cork like a badass, howling as the stopper shoots across the room, almost hitting Hedge in the head. He ducks just in time and howls along with her. Liquid spills down her hands, so she does what any respectable musician would do and laps it up with her tongue, not wanting to waste a single drop.

Lyric is laughing, wrapped in my arms right where she belongs while we toast. The only person missing in this perfect moment is Mitch.

“We’re done a day early! Fuck yeah!” Hedge offers in his usual overly confident tone. He’s got an arm around Melanie, rattling her a little as she chugs back her flute. When a drop of liquid falls down her chin, she glares at Hedge and smacks his stomach with the back of her hand.

I roll my eyes and feel the need to remind everyone that there’s still more work to be done before we can officially call this week in the studio wrapped. “We’re a wrap until we get the rough cut back. We might have to come back in for some cleanup.”

Hedge makes a face. “Sounds like we’re wrapped to me.” He raises his arms. “Party all day tomorrow, you got that, assholes? Invite everyone.”

This time I chuckle and cheer with the rest of them, tossing back my glass. Derrick is there to refill it with a wink. I wink back and take the bottle from him, filling Lyric’s flute too.

“I love you, babe,” she says softly.

I swallow, leaning into her ear. “I love you, too. So fucking much.”

She laughs lightly at our favorite phrase and then tugs my shirt to pull me down for a kiss. Pressing my hand into the dip in her back, I deepen our lip-lock. I can almost forget that the room is filled with chaotic celebration—almost. I groan. Sliding my lips to her ear, I brush a strand of hair away and whisper. “Why don’t you and Terese go home and start getting dressed for tonight?”

She leans back with amusement and question in her eyes. She knows Derrick and I are taking her and Terese out, but she has no clue where. Suddenly, celebration shifts to anticipation and I couldn’t be more fucking excited.

“Why?” she questions.

I slap her ass and wrap my fingers around her wrists before pulling her arms away. “No questions. Just go get dressed. Something I can slip off easily later.”

She grins and presses her body into me so I can feel her firm breasts just under my chest. I lean in a little so she can speak into my ear, feeling the rush of goosebumps spread across my skin. “Panties on or off?”


“Off. Definitely off.”



When Terese and Lyric strut out into the foyer where Derrick and I are waiting, I swear I forget to breathe. I only glance at the silver fabric of Terese’s short dress for a second because the moment Lyric comes into view, my eyes are glued on her.

Her off-white tube dress is snug on top and flowy at the skirt, revealing every perfect curve of her sexy body. No doubt Lyric will make more than a few heads turn tonight. Her legs are long, shiny, and smooth, especially with the sexy leopard print heels strapped to her feet.

She does a little turn to show off the back of the dress, which gives me an instant hard-on. The fabric lands softly against the curve of her ass, and those sexy-as-fuck heels raise her up a couple inches, just enough to reveal the definition of her calves.

But my God. When Lyric faces me, I can’t get enough of her. How the fuck did someone like me wind up with her? Every natural inch of her is beyond gorgeous. And her hair is just the way I like it. Loose, long, and wavy, just brushing the rise of her breasts.

Even with all that beauty in front of me, all I can think of is her question earlier.

“Panties on or off?”

Looking between her legs, I almost have a panic attack. One wrong step and her pussy will be all over the internet. I narrow my eyes, and she laughs. She knows exactly what I’m thinking.

My heart almost jumps out of my throat when she struts to me, her dress swaying slightly with her movements. “What’s wrong, Wolf?” she teases.

My eyes move to her face, my teeth clenching as I take her in. “That dress safe tonight?” I run my finger in a line from her thigh, up past her waist, all the way to the fabric hugging her chest. When she takes in a stuttered breath, my lips curl upwards. I love how my touch affects her.

“It’s secure.” She blushes.

Her face is extra sexy when pink stains her cheeks. I brush a finger across her lips, considering what I want to do to them later. “You look beautiful, Lyric. Almost too beautiful, if I’m being honest.”

She smiles, pleased. “Honesty is good.”

“Just—” I cringe before I speak again. “Don’t bend over or anything. No sudden movements.”

She gives me a playful smile. “You said to wear something sexy.”

I lean in because I can’t help myself and kiss her on the cheek. I let my hand slide up her arm until I’m holding the back of her neck, my mouth poised at her ear. “You don’t even have to try. You are sexy. And beautiful. And mine.”

I kiss her hard, waiting for her lips to part so I can slip her some tongue, and leave her dizzy when I finally break away. She recovers with a slow flutter of her lashes. I grin.

Tonight will be fun.

“No fair,” she pouts. “I was supposed to do that to you.”

I chuckle. “I think you know what you do to me, babe.” I pull her into me so she can feel what I mean. We haven’t even left the house and I already can’t wait to have my girl alone.

My mouth grazes her ear. I need to know. “Are you—” I rub my hand against her lower back, slyly feeling around for material under her dress.

She just smirks and pulls away. “You’ll find out later tonight.”

“What?” I can’t help the gruff tone of my voice. I could throw her over my shoulder and drag her to the bedroom right now, demand to see what’s under that little dress. “When?”

“When I say so.”

The look she gives me. She owns me, and she knows it. With a sly smile, she meets Terese in the middle of the living room while Derrick and I assess them from the front door. They have no idea what we have planned for them. After the end of tonight, we’ll see who owns who.

Derrick meets my eye, probably thinking something similar, and then he winks to confirm my suspicion. “Ladies, the car is waiting,” he announces.

Lyric’s smile grows bright. “We’re ready to be schmoozed.”

I weave my fingers through hers when she approaches me. “Oh, I’ll schmooze you.” I squeeze our hands together and lean into her ear. “If you don’t drive me crazy tonight first.”

She winks. “That’s the plan.”



Fusion sits on top of the Grand American Hotel in downtown Miami. The restaurant has a modern elegance we thought the girls would appreciate. Their specialty: American tapas. Lyric’s favorite. And from what I hear, the wait to get a table at this place is months long.

This is one of those times I’m not ashamed to admit that it’s nice to be a household name. Not only did Derrick and I have no problem getting a reservation tonight, but we were able to make special accommodations that we hope will impress the girls.

We’re escorted to a private event room that takes up a quarter of the entire top floor. The large windows are wide open, overlooking the city. It’s still light out, but the Miami city lights are already beginning to make their vibrant appearance.

We’ve hired an acoustic guitarist to set the mood, and he’s already mid-song when we arrive. The bartender approaches immediately, so we order our first round.

While the girls take their drinks and snack on sample appetizers from various trays situated around the room, they scope out the modern canvas art and the unusual décor made out of recycled materials. Derrick and I keep our eyes on the girls as we toss around stories about early years with the band.

“A few months ago, we’d be at the bar every single night. What happened to us?” Derrick jokes.

I smile at the girls, who are giggling as they sip from their champagne glasses and stand in front of a bicycle made from recycled trash. “The most beautiful women ever.”

Derrick nods. I know my friend well. He’s never been a douchebag, scoring chicks every night like the rest of us, but he’s also never found someone he wanted to attach himself to like Terese. Often times I felt like Derrick was afraid of relationships because of our time on the road. He’s one to want to give his all with things, and I don’t see that being any different with a relationship.

Maybe Terese makes him want to take a risk. I may be consumed with Lyric lately, but I can see that my best friend has got it bad. It’s good for him.

“Is Terese coming with us to Europe? Have you talked to her about that yet?”

Derrick’s smile immediately turns down and I cringe, realizing this could be a sensitive subject. I’m just lucky that my girlfriend tours with the band. Terese has a job in San Diego and was barely able to get time off to vacation with us in Florida. Now I’m full of regret, wishing I never asked the question.

“No. I’m not done working on her, though.”

“What’s the problem? Her job?”

Derrick nods. “The company is already on edge because of what happened with you and Lyric, but that’s not all. She’s worried if she leaves her job, she won’t have one to return to when things don’t work out between us.”

“Ouch,” I say. My face twists as if I’ve been hit. “She said that shit?”

Derrick rolls his eyes and shifts his stance. “Yeah, dude, but I get it. We just started up and we’re into each other, but it’s a lot to ask her to pick up and quit her life to have a fun few months in Europe. Anything could happen, I guess, and she loves her job.”

“We could give her a job,” I suggest, the idea just now coming to me. “If that’s something you want. She’d love working with the crew, and she could still be employed by Perform Live.”

Derrick puts on his thinking face and tilts his head. “Shit. Not bad, dude. Maybe she’d go for that. You think Perform Live would let her tour?”

“Ask her if she’s into it. I can handle the rest. Shouldn’t be a problem since she’s been hanging out with the band so much. We’ll say she helped out a lot this week and we could use her on the tour.” I shrug. “They won’t say no. Trust me.”

A smile lights up Derrick’s face, and for the first time, my chest feels lighter for someone other than Lyric. All seems to be heading in the right direction.

“You and Lyric seem to be good now. Glad to see it, bro.”

I nod, knowing there’s more to his comment than he’ll ever say. Derrick and I have always been the closest out of all my bandmates. He’s seen me through my worst. My rock bottom after my mom died. He never judged. Never let me stew in my misery for long. He was always there, reminding me why we needed to keep going. To move forward. And I’m forever grateful for it. For him.

Just then, tiny arms wrap around my waist and a head snakes under my arm. I look down to see Lyric gazing up at me with a smile on her face.

“Am I on this date with Terese or my hot rock star boyfriend?”

I wink at her. “Me, babe. What do you think?” I gesture around the room with my head.

“It’s beautiful up here.”

“You’re beautiful up here.”

Her cheeks turn pink. “Okay, charmer.”

“I mean it. You make this place look good.”

Lyric slaps my chest and laughs. “You’re on a roll.” With a smirk, she grabs my hand and pulls me toward the small square floor in front of the stage. “Dance with me.”

Derrick and Terese follow, finding space to dance several feet away. Lyric’s in my arms and I’m leaning down, touching her nose to mine before she flattens a cheek on my chest and sighs deeply. I place a hand at the dip in her lower back and bask in the feel of my girl in my arms.

It’s amazing how someone can feel like they’re made for you. Like nothing could ever feel better than holding them.

Lyric shifts to peer up at me, a smile pushing up her cheeks. “You want to do some writing tomorrow? Before the big party?”

I chuckle. “If Hedge has anything to do with it, the party will start before we even wake up. But we can hide out for a while if you want to write.” I tuck a strand of loose hair behind her ear, brushing my thumb across her cheek. “Or we could write at the piano.”

My expression must reveal the hope radiating from my chest because Lyric looks hesitant at first. I don’t want to lose this moment with her, so I change the subject. “We need to get you a new songbook,” I say.

She wrinkles her nose. “My dad should get my book back from Destiny, right?”

I shrug. “I don’t know what his plan is. I assumed he would just have the label mail it or something so he doesn’t run into Destiny. He’s supposed to meet with them tonight. We can call him in the morning.”

She smiles and nods “Okay.”

“I like you like this.” My thumb moves to her lips, and I trace them softly. “Happy. Carefree. Relaxed.” I smooth my free hand along her ass and squeeze. I practically groan when I realize there’s no panty line. My thorough search confirms it.

The glimmer in her eyes gives her away. “What are you looking for, rock star?”

I lean in, my thickening cock making me bite my lip to keep from yanking her to the floor and ripping off her clothes.

“Are you wet?”

I can just imagine the slickness between her thighs. Her pink lips begging for my finger to push its way inside as I delicately torture her nipples with my—

Damn. I was on my best behavior. But now…

She lets out a whispering laugh straight into my ear, then bites the outer rim. I have to take a deep breath to keep my shit together. Fuck.

“You are, aren’t you? You imagining my mouth down there?” I pull her close so she can feel me.

She shifts, her expression matching my desire. I can’t wait to get this girl home, but I need to be careful. Tonight is about wooing her. Showing her I’m a gentleman and that I love her for more than what comes after dinner. I pull away to put some space between us, and then I lean in to kiss her cheek. “Need another drink?”

She nods and I take her hand, spinning her around before leading her to our table. Derrick and Terese join us, and soon we’re chatting about Europe. Derrick has let Terese in on our discussion, but she’s not as optimistic that Perform Live will agree to transfer her. Not after what happened with Lyric and me a few days ago.

“Does your boss know you’re dating Derrick?”

She shrugs. “Possibly. I haven’t said anything to her directly, but the girls I work with know.” A flush spreads across her cheeks and she darts a look at Derrick, who sits back with a smug look.

“Talking about me at work, darlin’?” he teases.

She smacks his chest with the back of her hand, and we all laugh.

“I’m sure it will all work out.” I wink at Derrick. “I’ll make a few phone calls tomorrow.”

I can tell Lyric’s hopeful. It must be nice for her to have a close friend again. One that won’t try to sleep with her boyfriend. Not that I’d ever pull that shit on Lyric. Tony is a grade-A ass, but whatever happened that led Lyric to me, I’m selfishly grateful for it.

We work our way through our five-course meal. By the time we get to the tiramisu, the girls are struggling. I, for one, love watching Lyric eat. The way she savors every bite as if the food is melting in her mouth. But we’re all groaning from overeating when it’s time to finally leave the private dining room. I wrap an arm around Lyric’s waist to guide her to the elevator.

The girls think we’re going home, but Derrick and I have other plans. Instead of taking the elevator down to the lobby, Derrick pushes the button that will bring us to the roof. The girls are oblivious as they lean on each other and complain about all the incredible food they managed to stuff into their tiny bodies.

The door to the elevator opens, revealing the rooftop. It’s loud and windy from the helicopter that sits on its pad in the middle of the roof. The girls’ eyes go wide at the sight.

“You’re shitting me,” Terese says. She’s the first one to step out onto the roof. I turn slightly to find Lyric’s eyes lingering on mine, something I’ve never seen before settling in them. Before I can ask or try to figure it out myself, she smiles and steps out behind Terese.

We lead the girls to a man in a black suit who stands at the edge of the pad. His cheeks lift as he greets Lyric and Terese. And then he turns to Derrick and me.

“Mr. Chapman. Mr. Kennedy.” He shakes our hand. “I’m Benjamin Stahl, your pilot for the evening. Are you ready for your tour of the city?”

I’m still focused on Lyric, who is nodding with excitement. Her hair whips around her viciously, and she laughs through it. The skirt of her cream dress tightens around her as wind from the propeller promises everyone a show, but she reaches for it just in time. Now I’m laughing. Thank God Derrick takes care of the talking.

Derrick helps Terese in first, and then it’s Lyric’s turn. She gives me that look again, the new, different one that makes my heart beat like a stampede of wild horses in my chest.

“Well played, Mr. Chapman.”

“This is only the beginning, babe.” I help her into the helicopter, careful to keep her dress down as she slides into the seat, and then I hop in behind her.

After Benjamin straps us in, I nudge Lyric’s side to get her attention. She smiles.


Her eyelashes flutter slightly, and she nods. “You’ve never stopped surprising me, Wolf.”

“I’m surprising myself, to tell you the truth.”

This makes her laugh, and I catch some of the sound in my mouth when my lips touch hers. “I love you.”

“I love you,” she says against my lips.

The pilot announces that we’re taking off, so we put on our headsets and I grab hold of Lyric’s hand. She squeezes.

“Ready to see Miami, girls?” Derrick calls out into the headsets.

“Hell yeah!” they cheer.

And we’re off.