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Donovan's by CC Strix (18)

Chapter Eighteen

Rhonan leaned in further and brushed his lips against Wyatt's, "If I get hurt, it won't be because of you. It'll be because of the assholes who didn't have the decency to crawl in the sewers with the rest of the parasites. They've taken enough from you, don't you think? It's time for you to take back your life."

Rhonan bit his lip to keep from saying the rest of what was on his mind, how he wanted to be part of that, to see how far they could go. He knew it was too soon. They had only known each other for a few days. Sure, they had wild sex along with an insane connection but that didn't mean anything. After a few more fucks, they might decide to go their separate ways. Hell, maybe Wyatt's thought about reporters being trash would come barreling back to the surface once this was done. Rhonan wouldn't allow his heart to go down that road and his brain would just have to keep that logic in place. It was hard though, especially being this close to Wyatt. Rhonan's dick was already hardening, just with one kiss, and as he pressed closer, he could feel a similar reaction in Wyatt. Sex was good. It was easy and they could forget everything for the moment. No one would find them, no one could threaten them or take away this moment.

Rhonan slid his fingers into Wyatt's hair and tightened his hold as he pressed flush against Wyatt's body. Fuck the pain in his ribs, fuck his bleeding arm, fuck logic and all things they should be focusing on. This was good. This was real. He kissed Wyatt again, more possessively this time, teasing the seam of Wyatt's mouth with his tongue. Rhonan wanted to taste him, to devour him, then he wanted Wyatt to toss him on the bed and fuck him until he couldn't see straight. Rhonan's brain shut off as the rush of his heartbeat filled his ears. He wanted Wyatt in the worst damn way. Maybe it was because of the attack or the threats, but whatever it was, Rhonan wanted—no needed, to feel alive. He wound his other arm around Wyatt's waist, losing himself in the man because fuck the rest of the problems around them. Pain seared Rhonan's bottom lip. He let out a low gasp and went wide eyed as he looked up at Wyatt.

"You didn't hear a word I said, did you?" Wyatt grinned and traced his thumb over Rhonan's bitten lip. "I needed to do something to get your attention. You were zoned out pretty hard." Wyatt leaned in and kissed Rhonan's bitten lip before stepping back, "You're still injured and need to eat so you can heal up. I'm thinking we should order room service, then maybe we can come up with an idea or two to get out of this situation." He went straight to the menus on the table, not even bothering to hide the fact he had to readjust his erection before he took a seat in one of the arm chairs. "Whatcha in the mood for? It looks like they have some salad crap, pizzas, and a small seafood selection. Or we could try to find a place that delivers."

Rhonan leaned against the wall and stared at Wyatt with his mouth still open. Hurt etched his face as his thoughts went a mile a minute. He waved a hand towards Wyatt's groin then back up to his face, "What the hell? Why did you stop? I thought we had..."

"I stopped because you're still hurt and I won't make it worse. I refuse to take advantage of you like that. I actually feel like we could be more than just sex and I'd like to find out. This seems like as good a time as any to find out, don't you think?" Wyatt raised a brow and motioned to the chair opposite him with a small smirk on his face.

Rhonan looked slightly shame faced as he slowly walked over and sat down, groaning loudly as he tried to situate himself so his ribs didn't throb now that the adrenaline rush was fading. His emotions bounced all over the place. On one hand, it was considerate of Wyatt to be mindful of Rhonan's injuries, but on the other hand, he still wanted Wyatt to fling him to the mattress and fuck the pain away. The fact Wyatt thought there was more to it than just sex though only fanned Rhonan's desire for him. They needed to figure this shit out first so they could figure out the rest. That's all there was to it. "I thought I was supposed to be the voice of reason, dammit." Rhonan flashed a sheepish grin as he grabbed the menu and gave it a quick once over. After he decided then found out what Wyatt wanted, he placed the order and then they sat back to wait. While they were there, Rhonan grabbed the complimentary pad of paper and a pen from the desk so he could start working on the timeline of what they knew. Sometimes seeing something in writing or listening to things in a different order made things become clearer. There were question marks put next to the death at the restaurant and then a cross through the fire since they knew Wyatt was not responsible and it was unrelated to anything. That left the notes, the phone calls, and the attack on Rhonan. What they seemed to be missing was an acceleration point from the notes to abuse. It made no sense to go that extreme all of a sudden, to drag an innocent party in just to make a point. Maybe they saw the two of them together and thought there was more to the relationship than there was?

Wyatt chewed his cheek and then got up to pace once again while he ran his fingers through his hair. They had to be missing something. Likely it was something right in front of them too. That's how it usually went. At the same time as the knock came to the door, Wyatt's burner phone rang. He held up a finger to Rhonan for him to keep still and quiet then reached for his phone as he walked to the door. His brows pinched tightly since no one had this number, but then let out a soft breath, "It's probably just Sarah. I'll call her back later." Wyatt let the phone go to the generic voicemail with the intent to call her back as soon as he took care of the food.

He went to the door and cracked it open, leaving the deadbolt in place as he peeked through. He signed the slip and asked the guy to just leave the cart there, then after he walked away and the hallway was clear, Wyatt opened the door and brought the food inside. He closed the door with his hip then balanced the tray as he re-locked the door. Wyatt placed the tray on the table and then sat down opposite Rhonan to eat. The phone chirped again just as Wyatt brought the greasy burger to his lips. "Fuck."

Rhonan flashed a grin as Wyatt wiped his greasy hands on his pants and pulled the phone out of his pocket. He tapped the screen to pull up the voicemail and let it play over the speaker.

~Wyatt, I need you to call me. You can't just disappear like this. We have things to discuss. Time is running out.~`