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Donovan's by CC Strix (7)

Chapter Seven

Wyatt still had a small smile on his face when he walked through the back of the restaurant. Shit might have been weighing him down, but that short conversation with bright eyes had sent a level of peace through him that he'd not felt in a long ass time. Not that he should linger on it. The chances of running into the man again were slim to none in a town as active as Las Vegas. Plus, there was the probability that Rhonan wasn't even into guys. Sure, he was friendly and a little flirty with the lingering glances, but maybe that was for another trying to get information others wouldn't get. That was more than likely the case the longer Wyatt thought about it and that thought alone had his smile faltering. It still felt nice for that brief moment, almost like he mattered. The remainder of his smile was wiped off his face the moment he saw Sarah walking towards him with a police officer Wyatt didn't recognize at her side. He was around Wyatt's height of six foot, a little bulkier, and quite a few years older if the lines around his face were any indication.

"Wyatt, this is Detective Jones. He brought a warrant to search the premises, they already have officers waiting outside."

Wyatt frowned as he reached out to shake the detective's hand before he took the warrant and read it over. "I have no problem letting you look around. We have nothing to hide." He hesitated a moment, "Do you have any idea how much time you're going to need to do your search and whatever else it is you need to do? We have reservations and I'll need to make arrangements if we won't be able to open on time."

The detective shook his head. He looked weary, not that Wyatt could blame him. "It'll depend on what we find. It's likely going to be a few hours at least. We'll try not to disturb too much," he looked around the restaurant, "as long as everyone stays out of our way."

Wyatt worried his bottom lip between his teeth for a few moments, "I'll start calling our staff and guests to cancel for tonight. I just gotta figure out something to offer to make up for the inconvenience."

Detective Jones gave Wyatt an appraising look and then nodded, "That might be for the best. That way we can be thorough and not rush through anything." He radioed to the waiting officers to inform them what was going on, then turned back to Sarah and Wyatt. "Could I get a list of the staff on duty last night? Also, since you are pretty much a reservation only restaurant, I would also like to get a copy of the guest list for last night."

Wyatt raised a brow to Sarah then rubbed a thumb over his bottom lip, "I can get you the staff list, but why would you need a list of all the guests? I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable handing that information over since it has phone numbers and other personal information. Sometimes reservations are made for others for one reason or another and we have their credit cards on file to cover the bill."

"Mr. Palmer, we could expand the scope of the warrant to extend beyond the search of the premises and security footage to include access to all of your paperwork and detailed files, if you prefer. Though I'm sure that could take a while, might even keep you opening for a few days at the very least."

"Give me a moment, please, Detective. I want to cooperate but I also have a reputation to protect."

Wyatt stepped away, remaining close enough to still be in the detective's line of sight, then pulled out his phone to call the restaurant's attorney. Wyatt explained the situation and waited for several minutes as he listened to the woman on the other end of the line before he hung up and walked back to where Sarah and the detective were waiting. "You can view the footage in the office as well as the list of guests after I have a chance to edit the credit card information from the records, but if you want to take either from the premises, then you will need to talk to our attorney and get an amended warrant. I understand you're trying to do your job, but you have to understand I am too."

The detective nodded, albeit reluctantly, "I suppose that will have to do for now. I will call in for that amended warrant, just in case we need it. My people are waiting to be let in so they can begin. We will keep a few uniforms on the door to keep anyone out, but it's easier at this point to keep them unlocked."

Sarah turned to Wyatt and flashed a small smile, "I'll let the officers in and stick around in case they have questions or whatever. You can kill two birds and put the footage on for him while you call the guests."

Her smile grew brighter and Wyatt narrowed his eyes at her. He could already imagine the mess and disorganization that was going to happen. The thought made his skin crawl. Even more than the thought of handing over his customers' private information. "I think you should handle the calls and let me stay out here. Then I can keep track of what needs to be properly cleaned and make sure everything gets put back into its proper place."

Sarah laughed and Wyatt knew he'd been had when she batted her big blue eyes up at the detective, "If you'll follow me, I'll show you to the office and get the footage loaded up for you, as well as the lists you requested."

Wyatt shook his head and bit back his laugh, "If you need me, just holler. I'll let the officers in and let them get started."

Detective Jones and Sarah turned to the large managers' office while Wyatt went to the front door. He fought the urge to tug the strings on the blinds to close out the gawkers that seemed to be multiplying, not that they could see anything more than shadows moving inside the restaurant. The restaurant, like many others in the area, had windows that were nearly impossible to see in while allowing those inside to see clearly out. No one wanted to be stared at while they paid out the nose for a meal. It would only be when he got to the door that he'd truly be exposed, but there was little he could do about that. He took a deep breath, then turned the double barreled bolt and lifted the steel rod that drove into the floor before he opened the door. "Officers, this way, please." He stepped back and watched as they filed in while two officers stood guard at the door to keep anyone else out. Wyatt was just going to turn when he heard a voice he really should have expected, but hoped he would never would, not here at least.

"Wyatt! It's Mitch, c'mon. Let me in and I can help you."

Wyatt shuddered and then leaned towards the officer at the door. A moment later, the officer was pushing through the crowd. Wyatt didn't hear what was said, but Mitch's voice carried the indignation he felt as he was strongly urged to leave the premises. Wyatt's shoulders slumped as he thanked the other officer, then he stepped back into the restaurant. He directed the team to the dining area where the man had died, then showed them the rest of the restaurants varied entrances and exits, every cubby and area that was accessible by any employee or guest. He watched with trepidation as they began to rifle through the shelves, moving things here and there with no particular rhyme or rhythm that he could see. Wyatt swore he could feel his blood pressure increasing as seasonings, pots, pans, dishes, and other various items were misplaced or knocked over, cross contaminating several of his unique spice blends. He took several shaky breaths and grabbed a notebook to start jotting down the areas that would need extensive work. He would know regardless of the notes, but writing everything down helped him focus and calm down. After an hour of watching his hard work come undone, Wyatt popped into the office briefly and had to bite back another laugh at how close Sarah was sitting to Detective Jones. "While you're calling the guests, I'll call the staff and tell them not to come in tonight. Some might be on their way already, but I'd like to avoid them having to make a wasted trip if possible."

He was about to turn away when the detective stopped him, "If any of them were scheduled last night, can you ask them to come in anyway, or we can schedule them for the station."

Wyatt shook his head, his voice hard with the growing frustration, "I'm not having them waste their time coming in. You have the list of staff who were here last night, do your job and call them yourself."

Detective Jones narrowed his eyes and Sarah stared slack-jawed at him. Wyatt didn't budge and kept his eyes trained on both. "They've been through enough. Those who were here gave their statements to the officers last night. Beyond that, you can schedule them and allow them a chance to get lawyers if they choose."

Wyatt turned to head back to the kitchen when the detective cleared his throat, "Mr. Palmer, can you come here a moment before you go? I think we have something and I want to know if you recognize anyone or have an explanation."

Wyatt walked around the desk and stood behind Sarah and Detective Jones who rewound the clip and played it in slow motion. Someone bumped into the victim, nearly falling into his lap. The slender man had used the victim's body to right himself and they watched as a piece of paper suddenly appeared in the victim's breast pocket, then he was reaching up to rub at his neck while the person walked away. The man walking away glanced at the camera for all of a hot second. Anger and hatred were etched on his face. Something in that brief moment sent a deadly chill down Wyatt's spine.

Wyatt swallowed hard and Detective Jones turned to face him. "Does he look familiar? Even slightly?'

Wyatt shook his head as did Sarah.

"What about the victim? Does the restaurant, you, or any of the employees, that you know of, do business with First Mountain National Bank? Our victim was an employee there."

Wyatt and Sarah shook their heads again and Jones gave a dejected sigh, "If you think of anyone or anything, call us. I think we just found our killer. I'm going to expedite that warrant now, we'll need to take that video with us."

Wyatt had wanted to believe they were wrong, that the actual poisoning or whatever it was hadn't happened at the restaurant. That it was just unfortunate timing. The video obliterated that notion though. It was right there in black and white. While he didn't recognize the guy in the video, he knew that look and that terrified him. Wyatt stood back up and stepped back, "I'll get the backup video for you to take with you." He pulled his keys out and went to the back office wall, moving a photo out of place, he used the key and punched in a combination that caused a panel to pop open. He pulled the small memory card and replaced it with a new one, then turned to the officer, "That paper...that wasn't in the guy's pocket before the other dude fell on him, was it?"

Detective Jones paused for a moment, then pulled out his phone. He punched at some buttons on the screen, then turned the phone to face Wyatt. "They should have told you this last night, but here."

Wyatt let his eyes run over the screen, 'Youll never be free, Palmer. Cant wait till you scream like the others’. The room began to spin and Wyatt grabbed for the chair, his heartbeat rushing loudly in his ears. He barely noticed as Sarah leaned over, trying to read the screen. He heard words being spoken but they sounded like gibberish to him as the words floated in his vision. His world tipped on its axis and Wyatt's head bounced off the laminate tile floor.


"Mr. Palmer?"

"Detective, we're...shit, what happened?"



Wyatt groaned and reached up, pulling the ice cold, wet towel off his forehead as he slowly opened his eyes to find Sarah, Detective Jones, and several other officers standing around. Sarah combed his hair back and offered a small smile. "Welcome back, Wy. You gave us quite a fright, you know that?"

Wyatt blinked and shook his head, groaning as a wave of nausea hit him. He swallowed hard and breathed through his nose for several long pulls. "I dunno what happened. I must have...over tired or passed out or something."

"Or something sounds about right, Mr. Palmer. Did that threat mean something to you?"

Wyatt pushed himself into a sitting position, moving at just above a snail's pace as to not end up on his back again. A million and one responses rolled through his brain. He couldn't tell them the truth, not without approval and not without consequences. But how far did he stretch it? If it did come out later, that could bite him in the ass and he knew all about that. He let his gaze run over Sarah who was looking at him with curiosity and concern, then to each of the officers standing around who wore a mix of looks ranging from suspicion to concern. He almost brought up the calls and the notes, but then thought better of it. He took another breath and then turned his full attention to Detective Jones. "I'm not sure what to make of it. I mean, seeing someone threaten your life in black and white like that, it kinda messes with your head. Especially when you're already running on a few hours sleep and then you find out cops kept it from you makes it all that much more awesome."

"Are you telling me you have no idea who could have done that? Who would hate you enough to not only leave such a threat but to kill someone else to get a message across?"

Wyatt noticed Sarah's expression switch from starry eyes at the officer to a scowl that would send a lesser man quivering. "You just showed him something that essentially says someone wants to kill him and you're treating him like a suspect? He didn't plant the note, as the video plainly shows, Detective."

The final word dripped with scorn and Detective Jones stepped back whether he meant to or not. "I am simply trying to figure out who could have done this. It's a vague threat, but it's just enough to raise some flags. I would suggest you watch your back, Mr. Palmer. It's obvious someone is either trying to scare you or worse." He looked at the other officers and nodded discreetly, "We're just about done here. Nothing turned up in the search. I suggest remaining closed for a few days, change your pattern just in case you are being watched. We'll be in touch and if you hear or see anything, don't hesitate to call."

Sarah settled a hand on Wyatt's back, "I'll walk them out, don't move, okay?"

Wyatt gave a barely discernible nod then watched as they all left the office. In his mind he was already making plans to get everything put back into order and opening as soon as they could. He got to his feet and reorganized his desk, lining up the schedule book on the left corner, edge to edge, the reservations book was lined up on the right side, three pens, red, blue, and black, placed perpendicular to the laptop stand, and then the sticky notes set kitty corner to the large desktop calendar in the center of the desk. Order restored on the desk, his pulse eased slightly. He pushed back from the desk and placed the chair back where it belonged. He gave one more look over everything to see if anything else needed to be straightened up before he left, nearly running into Sarah as she returned from locking the front doors.

She narrowed her eyes and glared up at Wyatt, "Don't even think about it. You are going home and getting some rest. Cheryl, Felix, Torryn, and I will come in early tomorrow. We'll call in some people to help clean and get everything set up. There's no reason for us to be closed longer than necessary." She rubbed her hand over his arm, "I do think maybe you should take a few days off, though." Before Wyatt could loosen the argument on his tongue, she shook her head. "You've not taken a day off ever since I can remember. You are here every single day we are open. You've earned a few days off. Please don't make us close the restaurant to enforce that. Others rely on their tips, remember?"

That final statement had Wyatt's shoulders slumping in defeat. He would never want to put the others in danger willingly and he certainly didn't want to cause them to lose any money on missed shifts because he was being stubborn. "Make sure those on schedule for tonight get paid, include the average amount of tips for what they will miss out on too, and I'll take a week off."

Sarah flashed him a shit eating grin and damn near bounced on her toes. "That was easier than I thought it would be. I'll have to remember that argument next time."

Wyatt groaned and shook his head, "This was a one time deal. Get your shit and meet me outside."

He didn't wait for a response before he walked out the back door, his hands immediately bringing a smoke to his lips the moment he cleared the twenty-five foot mark. With each shaky inhale and smoky exhale he felt some more of the tension melting away. He didn't know what he was going to do for a week, but it made sense to take the time off and switch his schedule around. Even if he preferred not to let Sarah know that he was fully agreeing with her, he would never hear the end of it otherwise. Once he heard the door and turned to watch her walk his way, he butted out his smoke and then walked with her to the car. After quickly looking for a note, and as subtly as he could, pulling it off the windshield and tucking it into his pocket, Wyatt let out a small breath as he slid behind the wheel. "Well this has been a super fun day. At least you got a little eye candy to keep you occupied though. Did you get his number?"

Wyatt grinned wide as his words had the desired effect and deflected any possible questions Sarah may have had if she'd seen him pull off that small piece of paper. She turned a brilliant shade of red and grew too flustered to harp on him about anything. The entire drive back to her condo, she was coming up with every excuse possible to insist Wyatt was delusional with what he thought he saw regarding her interest in the detective. When she got out, Wyatt grinned and waved his fingers, "See you in a week."

"You asshole!" She stomped her foot, "Don't think we're not going to talk about that note!"

Wyatt cackled and rolled up his window as he drove off. It only took him a few minutes to get home from Sarah's and he hoped she would take the hint that at least tonight wasn't a good night for conversation. He made his way up to his loft, intending do change and try to crash out. As he walked in, he caught a glimpse of the Vegas skyline as it was coming to life and he had other ideas. He changed from his work clothes into a pair of relaxed fit jeans, then tugged on a black 'Don't Panic' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy t-shirt. He ran his fingers through his hair and frowned slightly as the dirty blond fringe fell into his eyes. He was long overdue for a cut. Maybe this week he'd make the time to actually take care of that. For now though, he was going to do something he'd not done in a lot longer of a time since his last cut. He was going to the club to forget the shit-show of a weekend he had been having. Once he was dressed and his hair done, he slid into his checkered Vans and then tucked his wallet and keys into his pocket. He debated leaving the phone at home, but then realized he wasn't going to be driving and would need it to call for a ride. If anyone wanted to talk to him though, they'd be shit out of luck as he turned the switch to silence the phone before he called for a ride. Tonight was his and he was going to enjoy it, even if it killed him. No worrying about threatening notes or intriguing strangers with champagne eyes lurking in parking garages. It did no good to dwell on either of those things when there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

He slid into the backseat of the car and settled in while the driver led them back to the heart of the city. Wyatt was grateful for the driver's silence because he didn't want to talk current events or whatever else people did as small talk. He gave the driver five stars, tipped him the moment he was on the sidewalk, and then turned to the noise of the clubs. It had been years since he had gone clubbing and he had a moment of self doubt. He had barely been legal the last time he'd gone clubbing for fun and now he felt like an old man at the ripe old age of thirty-two. He almost turned and flagged for another car, but then heard the music and his brain calmed down to a dull roar as his hips led the way. The first club wasn't his scene. Too loud and too flashy. But the moment he stepped into the second club, he knew he had found what he was looking for.




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