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Donovan's by CC Strix (20)

Chapter Twenty

"Fuck. You. Rhonan. I didn't ask for this shit either. I mean seriously. Fuck. You." Wyatt spun on his heels so fast, it took him a second to get his equilibrium back before he stormed to the door. He snapped the deadbolt and whipped the door open with enough force to leave a dent in the wall before slamming it shut behind him just as fiercely. Wyatt saw a large group of people by the bank of elevators and didn't want to bother waiting, instead he turned towards the stairwell and took them two at a time to the ground floor. The second he hit the fresh air, he was pulling the pack of cigarettes from his pocket and putting one to his lips. The lighter was like an extension of his fingers with the quickness that it flared the tip to life. He inhaled deeply and watched the first half inch glow orange before turning to ash. That first hit helped wash away some of the tension and Wyatt felt his shoulders relaxing as he made his way through the parking garage and then down the side road that led to the strip. There wasn't much to the left so Wyatt turned to the right. The hotel may have been on the complete opposite end of the city from the airport, but that didn't stop Wyatt from looking around as he walked. He kept his senses on high alert as he moved through the various clusters of people he came upon. After he finished his smoke and butted it out in one of the ashtrays lining the sidewalk, he noticed his hands were only slightly shaking as most of the anger dissipated.

He still couldn't believe that Rhonan was trying to suggest that Sarah was involved. No matter how odd she had been on the phone, how cold and calculating she sounded. There was obviously more at play. There was no way she was involved, no matter what Rhonan insinuated. They had known each other for several years and nothing happened up until recently. No threats or weird calls until the past few months, so what had changed? So what if Sarah had been weird when he was seeing Mitch. She had only been looking out for him, obviously she was right to have doubts about Mitch, despite her having never met him. He was bad news and Sarah tried to warn him. Sure, there were some odd things that happened at the restaurant over time, little things though, his car being keyed, the sensation of being watched, things missing from their designated places, but that was likely just paranoia on his part. It had nothing to do with his past or present.

Mitch had been weird over some things, then he started digging into Wyatt's past suddenly, but Wyatt chalked that up to greed as that had been shortly after the first write up about Wyatt in the trade magazines. Mitch was convinced the added fame meant he could get more money from Wyatt, then when Wyatt ended things, he tried blackmailing him. Again though, that had nothing to do with Wyatt's past other than proving he was a horrible judge of character. Especially when it came to the men in his life.

But Sarah...Sarah was good, innocent even. She checked up on Wyatt, made sure he was fed and rested, she never pushed the interviews when the press wanted to speak with him. Sure, she could be a little overbearing and pushy, that's how friends were, right? There was nothing wrong with that. She was only looking out for him. She even offered to help with the books when he was overwhelmed with everything. That was why he had named her co-manager along with him. He told her he went to management and said it was too big of a job for one person anymore, not with how the business was growing. She bought it and gladly accepted the new responsibility.

Wyatt lit another cigarette as he walked. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he knew he needed to put some distance between himself and Rhonan. He'd gotten him to safety and that was going to have to be the end of it, he was regretting not grabbing his bag at the moment though as that meant he'd have to see him at least once more. But they were just on completely different pages, hell, they hadn't even made it to discussing pages. Rhonan thought he knew best and had interjected himself right into investigating things he had no business being involved in. This was why reporters were bad news. They couldn't keep their noses out of shit that didn't concern them.

Wyatt came to a rest when he got to the boardwalk in front of Treasure Island and leaned against one of the wooden pillars. They may not run the show anymore, but the cove was still one of Wyatt's favorite stops on the Strip. The water was almost as relaxing as his smokes when he was this tense. He let his mind drift as he watched the fountains. Oftentimes that's when things became clearest when he was struggling with a problem. Instead of focusing on his past and the troubles that were closing in, Wyatt found his attention drifting back to Rhonan. Arrogant, stubborn, sensitive, pliable, sexy as fuck Rhonan. Wyatt slapped the wooden pole and let out a slew of curses. He needed to get back, to apologize for being a total dickbag. He had just walked past Treasure Island's entrance when his phone went off and for a moment Wyatt convinced himself it was Rhonan reaching out to him. Then he remembered Sarah was the only one with the new number. He pulled his phone out and hit the banner for the new text, brows pinching tight. When the photo came into view, Lucky the Clown was staring back at him. His steps faltered and he tripped over one of the wooden planks when the words came into focus.

'GPS is a wonderful thing. Hope you're enjoying the big top.'

Another text quickly followed before Wyatt could process the first.

'Tick Tock. You have four hours.'

The message came from an unknown number, but it only helped encourage Rhonan's suspicions. Wyatt's brows pinched together as he stared at the phone, frozen in the moment. Was she truly involved or did she just get caught up in the crossfire? Wyatt's brain sludge through the years as he remained standing in front of the casino. He could think of nothing that would lead him to believe anything bad about her. Though that threat was real. No matter who it came from.

"Fuck!" He blurted the explicative before he could stop himself. Thankfully the only people around were likely too drunk to notice. He needed to get back. Now. He ran as fast as he could, pushing people out of the way the entire mile and a half back to the hotel where he had left Rhonan behind. Somewhere along the way, he pitched the phone into one of the many trash bins that lined the strip so they couldn't track him anymore. Sweet hell. Could he have been more stupid? All Rhonan had wanted to do was help and Wyatt had treated him like shit...again. All because he was trying to see things from a different angle and brought up scenarios Wyatt wouldn't even consider. Wyatt was a first class idiot. That's all he could think of. He ran faster, forgetting to even look where he was going as he ran to the main entrance and then fought through the crowds of people. He ignored the indignant shouts behind him because they didn't matter as much as what was in front of him. What he hoped was still in front of him. He ran up the escalator and then took the painfully slow ride up the elevator and walked the forever long corridor before he finally came to the room where he knocked rapidly. Wyatt didn't call out Rhonan's name just in case anyone was round that might be looking for him. He knocked again pressing his ear to the door to try to listen, hoping like hell Rhonan was simply too mad at him rather than him not being in there at all.