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Fate Loves (Twist of Fate Book 3) by Tina Saxon (21)

Chapter twenty-one


I suck in a deep breath when I exit my building. I love the smell of rain. It’s the cleansing of the air, washing away the grime and stink that usually wafts around the city. After last night’s rain, I’m surprised that New York City is still above sea level. I’m glad my apartment isn’t on the ground level, just in case it ever floods.

My feet pound the wet pavement, moving to the song “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons. I needed this run especially after all the crap I’ve been eating. My dress comes in tomorrow, and I hope it fits. I’m still not feeling one hundred percent from being sick a few weeks ago. Maybe the fresh air filling my lungs will make me feel better. Aiden’s back at the apartment with Lexi. Sunday mornings are officially their time to hang out. She looks forward to it every week.

I run around the Reservoir at Central Park, my favorite path. The spring air has brought everyone out this morning. Finishing my run, I take the East Drive path so it’ll take me by the Boathouse. I can’t believe I’ll be getting married there in two weeks. The last seven months have gone by so fast. Jaxon called the other day, telling us we were able to move up our court date for Lexi’s adoption to this week. We’re hoping to have it official by the time we get married. We have it all planned how we are going to tell her.

I’m running behind a group of guys who are training for a marathon. I overhear them talking about it. You will never find me running twenty-six miles. Six, maybe. They slow down, and I run around them. I’m almost finished, and I’m already feeling better. The Boathouse comes into my view, and I smile to myself. I’m so glad Ava booked the wedding there. As I get closer, I narrow my eyes at a huge sign hanging across the front of the restaurant.

“What the hell?” I mutter. Looking at the sign, I’m not paying attention to where I’m going. “Shit!” I yell on my way to the ground. My foot catches on something and my ankle twists. Then I fall. My hands break my fall, and I roll on my side, grunting.

“Are you okay?” I look up and the group of guys that I passed has stopped. Pain shoots through my ankle.

I groan, trying not to beat my hand against the cement like I want to. I look at the sidewalk where I tripped and there’s a crack in the cement with an inch lip sticking up. I try to stand, but my ankle won’t hold my weight. I shrink back down.

“Here, let me help you,” one guy says. He reaches a hand out. I study him for a second and he looks innocent. So did Marco. I don’t have a choice if I want to get off the ground, though. I stick out my hand, and he pulls me up, letting me lean against him as he puts his arm around my waist. He walks and I hop on one foot over to a bench. I look down at my ankle and it’s already starting to swell. No, no, no. This can’t be happening.

“Thanks,” I say to the guy. Another bends down and picks my ankle up. I hiss out in pain. What is he doing?

“I’m an orthopedic surgeon, I promise,” he adds when I narrow my eyes at him. He touches a couple spots and I flinch. “Does this hurt?”

“Yes,” I cry out. It fucking hurts, is what I want to say.

He sighs and looks up at me. “You definitely sprained it. You might want to go to a doctor to get an X-ray to make sure it’s not broken.” I look up to the blue sky and groan.

“Do you need help getting somewhere?” Dr. Ortho asks. I think about the phone that is lying on my kitchen table because I decided not to bring it with me, thinking I wouldn’t need it. I can see the top of my apartment building from here.

I sigh. “Can I borrow your phone?” He pulls it out of his arm band and hands it to me. I try to call Aiden, but it goes to voicemail. Sydney is too far away to get here anytime soon. I stare down at the phone. Dammit. I don’t know anyone else’s phone number by heart.

“If you need help getting somewhere, I don’t mind helping you,” he says when I hand him his phone.

“No, I think I’ll be okay,” I say, pushing myself off the bench. I blow out a breath. I can do this. It doesn’t hurt that bad. “Ow, ow, ow.” I wince, sitting back down to take pressure of my ankle.

“Look, here’s my card so you know I’m not lying,” Dr. Ortho says, pulling out a business card from his armband. “I’m Jake.” He hands me the card.

I glance at the card and hold it up with an eyebrow raised. “Carry these just in case?”

He shrugs. “You never know when you’re going to need to hand one out.” He motions to my ankle. “You really shouldn’t put weight on it if it hurts. How far away are you?”

I point to my building. “Just right over there.”

“Nice! I wish I lived this close to Central Park. Let me help you walk there. I swear, I’m a good guy,” he says, holding his hands up in the air.

“I’m pretty sure that’s what they all say.”

His friends all vouch for him. It’s just a block away. I look up at him and say, “Okay, but just so you know…my fiancé is FBI and I work for NYPD.”

He grins and looks me up and down. “You don’t look like a cop.”

“That’s because I’m not. I’m CSI,” I reply.

“Wow. I bet you two have a lot of interesting bedtime stories.”

I smirk. “You could say that.”

Jake bends over, helps me up, and wraps his arm around my waist. We start slow as I bounce on one foot. He’s around six foot with a slender build but muscular. When his friends take off, my anxiety begins to simmer, my heartbeat quickening. It’s just us and I’m not very mobile right now, but it’s daylight and there are people everywhere. I let out a long breath, calming my nerves.

“I’m Addison, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Addison. Do you run here a lot?” I turn and stare at him. “Just small talk. I’m not stupid enough to try and pick up an FBI’s girlfriend.” I smile and return to concentrating on each hop. My thigh is starting to burn on my jumping leg and we’re not even half way there. Jake must feel my body tense. “Alright, Addison, this isn’t working. It’d be easier if I just carried you.” He doesn’t give me time to answer before he swoops up my legs with his other arm. I grab ahold of his neck in surprise.

“You could have given me a little warning, Jake.”

“I had a feeling you were going to say no.” You think?

He carries me with ease as we walk down the street. I ask him questions about being a doctor just to make this awkward situation go by faster. When we get to the front lobby of my apartment, he softly puts me down. The security guard sees me and rushes over.

“Ms. Mason, do you need help?”

“Is Aiden back?”

“Yes, Agent Roberts and little Lulu got here about five minutes ago. Do you want me to have him come down here?”

“Please,” I respond. He walks off to his desk and calls upstairs. There are a few chairs in the lobby, so I ask Jake to take me over to one. As soon as I sit down, Aiden and Lexi come running out of the elevator. Lexi rushes over and gives me a big hug. When she pulls away her eyes are concerned.

“Addison, what happened?” Aiden asks.

“I fell and twisted my ankle.” He looks at Jake and then back to me with a questioning look.

“I’m Jake.” He holds out his hand. “Me and my friends were behind her when she went down. She took a pretty hard fall. I think it’s just a sprain, but she might want to get it X-rayed.”

“Aiden,” he says, shaking his hand. “So, is that your professional opinion?” Aiden asks sarcastically. Knock it off, jealous man. I hit him in the leg.

I glare at Aiden. “Jake is actually an orthopedic surgeon.”

Jake nervously laughs. “No worries. Addison told me all about her FBI fiancé. I was just helping her get home because she couldn’t walk.” Aiden’s demeanor softens, and he smiles down at me.

When he glances back at Jake, he smirks. “Sorry. Thanks for helping her get back here.”

“Like I said, no worries.” He looks down at my ankle and then me. “If you need an orthopedic doctor, I know a really good one. I can probably get you in for an X-ray tomorrow.”

“You have to go to the doctor,” Lexi asks.

“It looks like it,” I sigh.

“If you could get her in tomorrow, that’d be great. I’ll bring her in.” I jerk my head in Aiden’s direction, surprised he’s not demanding that I find a different doctor—one who didn’t carry me home in his arms.

“Sounds good. You have my card,” he says, motioning to my hand. I hold it up. “Just call my office in about a half an hour and they’ll confirm your appointment.”

“Thank you for all your help,” I say. He flashes me a smile and nods. He tells me to ice it and keep it elevated until tomorrow and not to put any weight on it until they find out how bad it is.

Aiden thanks him again, and they shake hands one last time before Jake leaves. My ankle is propped up on a chair, and Aiden squats down to inspect it. His lips twist as he looks at me. “Am I going to have to roll you down the aisle?”

I gasp and grab Aiden’s arm. “Give me your phone,” I demand. I hold out my hand, and he stares at me, motionless. “Now!” He takes out his phone and slowly puts it in my hand then pulls back quickly like he’s afraid I’m going to bite him. I scroll through his contacts to Ava’s number and hit send. I squeeze my eyes shut. Please be wrong. Each ring that she doesn’t answer I feel my heart skip a beat. On the fourth ring, she answers.

“Hi, Aiden.”

“It’s Addison. Please, please, tell me it’s wrong,” I plead. Aiden looks at me with his brows furrowed.

“I guess you heard,” she murmurs into the phone. I drop my head into my hand. This can’t be happening. Not now. “Addison, I’m working on getting it booked somewhere else. I will fix this.”

Tears start to burn my eyes. Words escape me. When Aiden asks me what’s wrong, I just shake my head. He grabs the phone from my hand and puts it to his ear.

“Ava, what’s going on?” I can’t hear what she’s saying, but I know. I saw it. That’s why I tripped. The Boathouse is closed. I knew something like this would happen.

“Okay, let us know what you find out. I’ll make a few calls, too.” They hang up and Aiden stands over me, running his hand through my hair.

“Sweetheart, we’ll find a different place.” I look up at him with tear-filled eyes.

“It’s two weeks away,” I whisper. My voice shudders. Aiden bends down and puts his hand on my thigh. “And now this…” I point to my foot.

“It’ll be okay, Addie. I’ll go get you some ice,” Lexi says, hopping out of my lap and being extra careful not to hit my leg.

“That’s a good idea, Tater Tot. Let’s take Addie upstairs.” He picks me up the same way Jake did and carries me to my apartment, setting me down on my couch. Lexi runs to the kitchen and fills up a bag with ice. She brings it to me and her bottom lip is out, pouting.

“I’m sorry you got hurt, Addie. I can kiss it and make it better,” she says. I chuckle.

“Thanks, sweet girl, but I’m all dirty. How about you just give me a kiss. It’ll still make me feel better.”

She leans over, kisses me on the cheek, and then hops up on the couch next to me, snuggling close. Aiden pulls the coffee table closer to the couch and props my foot on a pillow on top of it. When he puts the ice on it, I jerk at the coldness.

“Shit. That’s cold,” I snap. I feel Lexi giggle next to me.

“It’s okay…you’re hurt,” she says. Aiden and I laugh. She’s getting more lenient with the swear jar the longer she’s here. She’d never let me have a hall pass before.

“What did Ava say happened?” I look up to Aiden.

“The storm last night made the roof collapse. They’ll be closed for at least a month.” I lean back against the cushions and wonder how the hell we’re going to change everything last minute.

I squeeze my eyes shut. “Maybe we should postpone the wedding.” My stomach twists saying it, and I don’t want to open my eyes to see Aiden’s reaction.

“Hannah, can Lexi come over?” My eyes fly open when I hear Aiden’s voice. He’s obviously not talking to me. “Thanks,” he says and ends the call.

“Hey, Tater Tot. I need to talk to Addie. Hannah is going to come get you. I’ll come over and get you in a little bit.”

Her little lips twist, worrying about me. “Are you going to be okay, Addie?”

“I am, Lulu. You go have fun with Hannah. I’ll be here on the couch all day, so we can hang out later, okay?”

Her smile brightens and she jumps off the couch. She loves hanging out with Hannah, especially when they play makeup and hair. A knock at the door has Lexi running toward it. She hops on each foot, waiting for Aiden to open the door. As soon as she leaves, Aiden comes and sits on the couch where Lexi was.

“Do you trust me?”

I dart my head in his direction. “Of course, I do.”

He picks up my hand and traces his finger on the inside of my palm, remaining silent for a few moments. It tickles so I squeeze my hand into a fist around his finger. His gaze meets mine and his expression turns serious. “We’re getting married on April 29, Addison.”

I chew the inside of my cheek. “But—”

He puts his finger on my lips. “Trust me?” I nod. “Don’t worry about anything except getting that ankle better.” My chest rises with my deep inhale. I lean back and deflate, blowing it out.

Stupid ankle. Stupid rain.

“Is that why you tripped? You saw the Boathouse.”

“Yes.” I sigh.

“Why couldn’t you have tripped in front of a group of women?” I glare at him, shaking my head. He belts out a laugh and stands up. “I’m kidding. Jake seemed nice.”

“He was. Can you call the office and get my appointment? Oh, and I need some Advil. Badly.”

“Shall I get you a bell, too, madam?” he asks in a British accent, taking a bow.

My eyebrows shoot up and my mouth hangs open. I huff. Is he insinuating that I’m acting like a Queen? “That’s okay, I’ll do it myself.” I pick my foot off the pillow and swallow the pain that shoots through it as soon as I put it on the floor.

“Stubborn ass woman, I was kidding.” He pushes me back on the couch and elevates my foot. He puts his hand on the couch to the side of my head and leans over. His lips sweep over mine. “I like taking care of you,” he murmurs against my lips. When he pulls back and stares into my eyes, the warmth of his breath hits my check. “Now, sit your ass down and don’t move. If you need to go to the bathroom, let me know.” He taps my nose with his finger and stands up. I watch him walk into my bedroom.

Staring at his gorgeous backside has me biting my lip. Broad shoulders all the way down to his sexy ass. I don’t know why he would ever get jealous of another man. I may find other men good looking, but none come close to the attraction I have for Aiden. One look at him and my heart beats faster, my skin tingles. My body reacts only to him. He must see that by now.

I’m still staring at the doorway when he reappears with my Advil. Our eyes lock as he struts over. He puts two pills down on the side table with a bottle of water and leans over to me and whispers, “I love you, sweetheart, but stop looking at me like that.”

“What?” I feign innocence.

He grabs my hand, shifting it to his obvious bulge. “This is what. I told you already, I can feel when you get excited. It’s like my dick is a fucking remote control toy and your pussy is the remote.” I feel my face flush with heat. Yep, he sees it.




“Good news,” Jake says, walking into the room. He sticks an X-ray on a light box hanging from the wall. He flips the switch to on and it illuminates my X-ray. “Nothing is broken.”

I blow out a sigh of relief. Thank God!

“You have an inversion ankle sprain.” He picks up my foot and points to the outside of my ankle. “You have lateral ligaments right here that were stretched too far. Since you can walk on it a little today, that tells us it’s probably a grade-two ankle sprain.”

“Okay, Jake. I have two weeks until my wedding. I need a plan of action so I’ll be able to walk down the aisle, not on crutches. And I’d like to wear heels.”

He crosses he arms and stares down at me. I feel like a little kid sitting on the table, patiently waiting for the doctor to tell me if I can go to school or not. “Two weeks is not very long.” I laugh bitterly. You’re telling me. We don’t even know where we’re getting married at this point.

“I’ll do everything you tell me, exactly,” I say. This time Aiden chuckles. I glare at him.

“You’ve never done anything you were supposed to do exactly,” he says sarcastically.

“Shush.” I point at him and then look back at Jake. “Don’t listen to him. He’s just mad I’ve never promised that to him.” Jake chuckles. Aiden mumbles something under his breath about handcuffs. I can imagine what he’s thinking. I roll my eyes, shaking my head slightly. Can we move on?

“I’m going to give you a splint to wear. I want you to use crutches until the swelling goes down. By the end of this week, I’ll have you start physical therapy to speed up the healing process. You can do the exercises at home, but it’ll help having a therapist making sure that you’re doing them correctly.” I nod, agreeing with everything he’s saying. “I can’t promise anything. Everyone heals at their own rate. But since you’re already physically fit, I don’t see it being a long-term problem.”

Half an hour later, I’m sporting an ankle brace and hobbling out of the doctor’s office on crutches. “I need to go back to the office,” I say, trying to hold my foot up, keep the crutches under my arms, and wave down a taxi. When Aiden doesn’t say anything, I look back. He has an I told you so expression. “What? I can keep my foot up at the office, and I’ll be at my desk the rest of the day. I can’t take off the next two weeks, Aiden.”

“Remember, we have Lexi’s adoption court date tomorrow.”

My eyes widen and the hand I’m holding up in the air falls. Oh, no. Lexi. My eyes start to blur from tears. I grasp the sides of the crutches and lean on them so they’re holding me up.

“I can’t go in there like this,” I cry, pointing down to my wrapped ankle. Emotions that I can’t control bubble up inside me. “They’ll think I’m an unfit parent. They’ll take her away from us, Aiden.” The words tumble out of my mouth before I can stop them. I hear myself saying it, but I don’t recognize the desperate tone in my voice.

Aiden stares at me, dumbfounded. I wipe the tears that have escaped my eyes. “Addison,” he says slowly, “they are not going to take Lexi away from us because you’re clumsy.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Are you feeling okay? Did you by chance hit your head yesterday?” He chuckles.

“Stop, it’s not funny.” I hit him on his arm. His eyes scan the area before making it back to mine. He cocks his head, running his hand over his mouth while accessing me. “I’m fine,” I say. “You’re right, it’ll be fine. I need to get back to work.”

I hurry and wave down a taxi, so I can escape the awkward moment I just created. “Meet you at my apartment after work?” I ask. He nods and places a quick kiss on my lips before helping me into a taxi. As we drive away, I lean down into my hands.

What the hell just happened? I must be emotionally exhausted from the last couple days that I’m starting to act crazy. My phone dings. I dig for it in my purse and pull it out.

Aiden: Make sure Dr. Jekyll comes home tonight.

That’s what I’m hoping, too. Seems I’m losing control of my sanity.




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