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F*cking Shattered by K.B. Andrews (19)

Also by K.B. Andrews

Mason knew where his life was going, until it was all taken away from him. Left with bitterness and resentment, he forces himself to live the life he never wanted.

Lennox came blowing into town looking for a new start. She had big dreams and would do anything to make them come true.

Lennox was just what Mason didn’t know he needed.

But what happens when Lennox is offered her dream?

Will Mason let his life walk away from him a second time, or will he fight to keep her? !

Lennox finally gets her dream of being a famous country music artist, but everything isn’t going as planned. When she finds herself in trouble, she comes running back to a town and a man she never really wanted to leave.

Giving up hope that the love of his life will ever return, Mason is forced to leave her in the past. When he finally moves forward with someone else, Lennox comes blowing her way back into town, shattering Mason’s world once again.

When trouble follows Lennox home, Mason is determined to save her. With problems arising all around them, they fight to restore the love they once had.

Will Mason and Lennox get a second chance at forever or will everything their fighting against separate them for good?

Overcoming everything that was meant to tear them apart, Mason and Lennox thought they had it all. Their lives blend together seamlessly as they work to rebuild the shop and plan their perfect wedding. It seems like they might get their chance at forever after all.

But forever is never within reach when someone is trying to steal it all away from you. Chris will stop at nothing to get his hands on Lennox. He’s tired of the game they’ve been playing and he’s playing to win. Even Mason’s overprotective ways can’t save Lennox this time.

Will Chris finally take Lennox away from Mason once and for all or will someone be lost trying to escape the dangers that await them?

Riley knew where her life was going; she had it all planned out. Jace was just trying to find the light in his world of darkness.

When Riley walked into Jace’s life, she was so pure, she was blinding. His life was filled with darkness and danger. No matter how hard he tried to fight his way out, he was lost and only her light could bring him back.

Riley knew that she should stay away from Jace, but his charm and good looks couldn’t be fought against. He claimed her from the minute their eyes met.

Jace wasn’t Riley’s prince charming. He was dark, mysterious, and full of secrets. Secrets that were just waiting to be revealed. He knew that once Riley found out the truth, she would be gone forever, but he didn’t have a choice.

He had to save her. How far would you go to save someone you love?

I have a secret.

A secret that chased me away from my home, my family, away from the only man I've ever loved.

I took that secret and pushed it down inside of me. So far down, that it never had a chance of coming out.

That dirty little secret was like a seed. A seed that took root and grew to become a piece of me. But what happens when that secret has finally outgrown me? When its vines climb over every wall I have in place? When it finally overfills that little spot inside of me that it's been buried in for so long now?

All secrets come out eventually.

I just hope mine doesn't destroy everyone I love.

My life was my own. That is until I met B. She was meant to be one night of fun. One night of forgetting my miserable, lonely life.

I’m a hired killer, a modern-day hero of sorts.

I’m paid well to take out the bad guys. I take the money, I do the job, no questions asked—until her beautiful face becomes my target.

B suddenly has a name. Brooklyn Warren, the president’s daughter.

The woman who I’ve thought about since the night we were together now becomes my target. She has a bull’s-eye on her head, and a large amount of money is being offered to take her out. But I don’t kill innocent people, and Brooklyn is not only innocent but highly intelligent and trying to save millions of lives.

She’s come up with the cure for cancer and pissed off the mighty pharmaceutical companies. They stand to lose billions of dollars at the hands of a sexy redhead. Her father, being the president of the United States, doesn’t dissuade them from hunting her and threatening him.

Instead of taking the contract to kill her, I rescue her. She, in turn, rescues me from my lonely life.

Keeping her safe is the only thing that matters to me. Her life will save millions, mine will save none. I will risk everything to keep her safe.

Now the hunt is on for both of us.

(Sequel coming soon!!)

I've always been the shy, quiet one.

My best friend, the fun loving, outgoing one.

When she's gone, taken away entirely way too soon,

I have to learn how to live.

And not just for me, but for her too.

I have to live for the both of us.

That means doing things I'd never do, stepping out of the shadows

to join the rest of the world- taking chances, falling in love,

and getting into a little trouble along the way.

Losing my best friend broke me.

And when a person breaks,

They f*cking shatter.