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F*cking Shattered by K.B. Andrews (5)

Chapter Five

He practically pushes me up to the bar and onto a barstool before motioning for the bartender.

I make myself comfortable, hanging my purse on the hook under the bar, as he orders us a drink.

He takes the seat next to me and I look over at him, trying to figure him out and what he wants with me.

“What are you staring at?” he asks, seeing me out of the corner of his bright blue eyes.

“I’m trying to figure out what your deal is.”

He turns his body to face me. “Why do I have to have a ‘deal’?”

I shrug as the bartender places our drinks in front of us. I pick up the glass and take a sip as he slides over some cash. “I don’t know. We met under these really weird circumstances, and then we had a random hook up. I never expected to see you again.”

He sits his drink down and trains his eyes on me. “Let me ask you this, why did you kiss me yesterday?”

I turn to look at myself in the mirror hanging behind the bar. I don’t want him to see me, see that I’m lying. “As a thank you for the drink.” The lie leaves my lips smoothly. I almost buy it myself.

“Bullshit. What’s the real reason?”

I turn to him suddenly with my mouth hanging open from him calling me out. “It’s none of your business.”

He laughs. “It’s none of my business why you felt the need to sexually assault me?” He leans back, amusement written all over his perfectly sculpted face. His eyes shine bright, even under the dim lights of the bar.

Now it’s my turn to laugh. “Sexual assault? I don’t think that’s what it was.” I pick up my drink and take another swig, enjoying the burn it brings and the numbness that accompanies it.

“Did I give you the impression that I wanted you to kiss me?”

I squint my eyes at him. What is he getting at? “No.”

“Then why did you do it?” His eyes hold a gleam of wicked amusement. He likes challenging me.

I let out a deep breath. “A friend of mine made me this summer bucket list,” I admit a little breathless.

He nods like he understands. “And this list said ‘kiss River’?” His voice is dead serious, but the expression on his face is nothing short of sarcastic.

“No. It said ‘kiss a stranger’,” I say, annoyance consuming me as I push my dark hair behind my ear.

He holds his arms up at his sides. “So why me? What made you decided that I was the stranger you should kiss?”

God he annoys me so much! “I don’t know. You were there, the list popped into my head. I figured, why not? I had never seen you before in my life and I figured I never would again.”

“Ahh, so you took this bucket list challenge, but you decided to play it the safe way.”

“What do you mean the safe way?” I want to get up and leave because he pushes these buttons inside of me that make me want to pull my hair out. It’s like he’s a child that just lives to annoy me. But something inside of me won’t let me walk away that easy. It’s like I’m a glutton for punishment, and just have to see what he will say next.

He pulls his barstool a bit closer, causing his legs to be on either side of mine. Our legs are almost touching and it causes a tingle to take over. “Okay, this list, I’m assuming, was meant to get you out of your element, to make you do things you’d never do, and to learn to live with what comes out of it instead of always playing it safe, right?” His jaw flexes as he waits for the answer.

I nod. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Well, you’re not playing right.”

A puff of air leaves me in a rush. “There are no rules!”

He holds up his finger. “That’s where you’re wrong. Why bother with the list if you’re not going to do it right? You thought you could cross things off without having to deal with the consequences. Meaning, you kissed me because you thought you wouldn’t have to mess with the awkwardness of having to run into me.”

I bite the inside of my cheek while I think it over. But I can’t come up with an argument because he’s right. I’m not doing this right. I need to put myself out there and learn what it’s like to be truly vulnerable.

I pick up my glass and finish it off.

River, apparently happy with the inner turmoil he’s caused in me, leans back, smiling like a Cheshire cat. I want to reach over and smack that smug look right off his face.

After a good, long minute of silence, I turn to him. “So what should I do then? Just go up to a random stranger in here and kiss them?”

He looks around, surveying the small pub. “Yeah, go kiss that one.” He nods towards the back corner.

I turn to look and see only a couple sitting over in the direction he’d indicated. The guy is looking around the bar, looking completely uninterested in his date, and the girl is leaning in close, talking his ear off.

I look back at River. “Um, they look like they are on a date.”

His wicked smile comes back. “I know.”

I smack his arm. “Are you trying to get me beat up?”

He scoffs. “She won’t beat you up. She’d be too worried about breaking a nail. She might slap him though.”

I turn to face the bartender, showing him my empty glass. “No way. I’m not doing that.” I’m shaking my head vigorously.

He nudges me with his shoulder. “There you go playing it safe again.”

I spin to him in anger. “What good could come out of doing that?”

“You would learn to be free, to take what you want. To fuck up, and deal with the consequences. To take a fucking risk, Jovi.” He shakes his head like he’s getting angry with me.

The bartender hands me another drink and I look at River to pay. He seems taken back.

“Hey, you dragged me in here. So to me, that means you’re buying.”

He sighs and hands over the money.

I throw my drink back and sit up straight, adjusting my shirt because suddenly, I feel very uncomfortable.

“You look fine. Just do it already.”

I look over at him and he’s smiling. But it’s not the shit eating grin like usual, the one that is always excited to start trouble. This looks like one of true happiness. Is there a reason he wants me to kiss this guy, or is he just happy to get me to try something I never would?

“Fine.” I stand and turn towards the couple. My stomach fills with butterflies as it rolls around with nerves.

The man’s eyes meet mine and he watches me curiously, but also like he wants to eat me up.

I force myself to stop thinking about what I’m doing. I mean, what if this couple is married? I could be ruining a marriage. My eyes flash to their hands.

Nope, no rings.

I approach their table and he looks up at me. The woman he’s with finally stops talking as her eyes land on me with a dirty look. I lean over, placing my hand at the base of his neck, and move my lips to his. He doesn’t stop me. In fact, he seems to enjoy it because his hand flies up to tangle into my hair, holding me to him.

I break the kiss and look into his eyes. Before turning to leave, I bite his bottom lip, tugging, until I release it with a pop. He pulls his lip between his teeth as he watches me walk slowly away.

I feel completely fucking exhilarated. “I can’t believe I did that!” I practically squeal as I get closer to River who’s been sitting in place, watching everything unfold.

He stands to celebrate with me and I leap into his arms, hugging him close. His arms wrap around me and our eyes meet. Something is happening. We’re exchanging something, but I have no idea what it is.

Suddenly, something breaks and he averts his eyes to the corner. “We should probably go.” He lets out a laugh before grabbing my purse and pushing me towards the door.

Before I step out, I hear a high pitched, “who was that, you jerk?”

We both step outside, laughing. I laugh so hard I’m holding my stomach as tears stream down my overheated cheeks.

"Did you see her face?" River asks, wiping the tears away from his eyes as we walk down the street.

I nod as my laughter dies down. We're stopped, waiting for the crosswalk sign to light up. I turn to see his eyes radiating happiness. They lock on mine as he wets his lips with his tongue. His teeth scrape against his bottom lip, and before I know what's happening, he's pulling me flush against him in a lip crushing kiss.

His lips are hot against mine and his tongue tastes like a mixture of liquor and his own sweet flavor. His right hand is cupping my cheek while the other is on my hip, holding me to him.

My stomach muscles tighten and my nipples poke against my shirt with confusion and excitement pumping through me.

With his lips on mine, I'm reminded of the previous night when he completely fucking owned me against that wall, and instantly, I want him again despite how much he bothers me.

I break the kiss and look up at him. His eyes have darkened again, and his lips are wet from our kiss.

“Why are you looking at me like that, princess?” His voice is deep and husky. Sexy.

I bite my lower lip and avert my eyes, suddenly feeling nervous.

“Just tell me what you want and it’s yours,” he says, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

I feel my face heat up as I look back up at him. “I want you to make me feel again.”

He cocks his head slightly to the side and his jaw flexes. “Where do you live?”

* * *

I unlock the door and the second it’s open, he spins me around, picking me up in his strong, muscular arms.

He walks us into my apartment and kicks the door shut with his foot while he presses me against the wall, lips moving quickly with mine. My hands thread through his blond hair as his lips slide down my neck. His teeth nip my sensitive skin, and a breathy moan leaves me.

His hands tug at my shirt until I allow him to pull it from my body. Our hands and lips are all over, wanting to explore every inch of the each other.

When his fingers unclasp my bra and it falls from my body, my face flushes. He never completely saw me the other night. We’d kept all our clothes on out in the open. But now, in the middle of the day, in my bright, white apartment with the sun openly streaming in through the windows, he’s going to see everything.

He picks up on my sudden shyness, and he leans away. “You’re fucking perfect.” His lips find my jaw before they trail down my neck. He falls to his knees before sucking my hard nipple into his mouth, taking away any doubt I had. I can’t think of anything else when he’s touching me, teasing me.

His hands are massaging my breasts, and his tongue keeps dancing around my hard nipple. My entire body is tense as a storm brews inside of me. Without his mouth leaving me, his hands fall to unbutton my jeans. He sits back on his knees and pushes them down my legs, fully taking me in.

My eyes were locked on his, but standing in front of him completely bare with everything stripped away but my insecurities, my eyes close, not being able to watch him as he looks over my body.

I feel his hand softly run up my thigh before his lips press against my stomach, causing every muscle to tense with fear and excitement. Finally, I look down at him.

His eyes are smoldering, and his jaw is flexed as he stands up in front of me. “You’re not getting all shy on me now, are you?” He leans in, nipping my bottom lip.

“This is different for me.” I can hear the nerves dripping from my words. “I don’t usually stand here and let a man study my naked body.”

The corner of his mouth turns up into a lopsided grin. “I’m not studying. I’m admiring. You’re fucking sexy, and I’m going to fucking enjoy watching you crumble in my hands.”

His lips crash into mine as his finger slides into me without warning. He pulls it out to spread my wetness around my aching sex before dipping back inside.

I lace my fingers into his hair and slightly pull, causing him to groan against my lips as he kisses me even harder.

He removes his fingers from me and cups my ass with both hands before picking me up and walking us through my apartment. He finds my bedroom, and he drops me on the bed. I lie flat, watching as he pulls off his shirt, revealing his hard, muscular chest and biceps.

God, how did I not know he was hiding all that?

I lick my lips, in desperate need to taste his gorgeous body.

“What is it, princess?” he asks, looming over me with the darkness of desire dancing in his eyes. He unbuttons his jeans and ever so fucking slowly, slides them down his muscular thighs. His large cock stands to attention, and my eyes are drawn to it.

“I want to taste you,” I nearly whisper as I get up on all fours to move to the foot of the bed.

He steps closer and I moisten my lips, opening for him. His velvety soft tip slides against my tongue, and I swirl it around him. His hands tangle in my hair as his breathing picks up. I take him as far as I can go before sliding him back out. When my lips are on his tip, I look up and see his eyes have closed and his mouth is agape.

I’ve only slid him in and out of my mouth a few times, but I can taste his arousal dripping from his tip. Suddenly, he pulls my hair until I release him. He places his finger under my chin, directing me to sit up on my knees. I do as he wants, putting my forehead at his lips. “My turn to taste you,” he says against my skin.

His lips find mine as he crawls onto the bed, urging me backward until I’m lying on my back again. When he breaks the kiss, he’s eye level with me as he holds himself off me. “Did I do this to you?” His voice is almost pained as his hand softly touches my hip.

“I didn’t notice it until this morning.”

He lowers himself to my hips, showering the bruises with kisses. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how rough I was being.”

I smile shyly at him, almost embarrassed to admit how much I enjoyed what we did. “I enjoyed every minute of last night, but I think you already knew that.”

He offers up a small grin before rolling us over. “Let me make you forget all about last night.”

His hands grab hold of my hips, rolling us over as he directs me to hover above his face. While his tongue laps me, his hands squeeze my ass.

My hands are flat against the wall in front of me, supporting myself so I don’t fall while he works me over. His tongue is hot and soft, but forceful as it flicks against my sensitive nub. Every muscle in my body is practically singing, aching for my release. As it slowly builds, he slides his fingers into me, stoking that spot that has me quivering with need.

My eyes close automatically as the waves of my orgasm wash over me stronger than ever. I’ve had sex several times, but no man has ever done this or made me feel this way.

I can feel myself convulsing around him and it only makes him move quicker. By the time my orgasm ends, my skin is covered in a sheen of sweat with my hair clinging to my sticky neck and back.

“Are you ready for me?” he asks as he slides out from under me.

The words don’t have time to leave my lips before he’s thrusting into me, filling me from behind. I clench the pillows with both hands as he slides into me, rolling his hips before pulling back out. I try to see him over my shoulder, but my hair is covering my eyes, and I don’t dare to move it out of the way. I feel like if I don’t hold on to something, I will fall right off the edge of the earth.

He pumps into me hard and fast. The sounds of our heavy breathing and our skin slapping together fills the room. We’re both completely drenched in sweat. It beads up and drips from his chin, landing on my lower back.

His hand fists in my hair, tugging my head back and to the side where our lips meet. I suck the taste of me off his tongue. This only makes him double his efforts until we’re both panting and screaming with our release.

* * *

I wake sometime later and the room is dark. The full wall of windows across from my bed is still uncovered, showing the dark clouds that loom nearby. I sit up and look around me, but River is gone.

I let out a quick chuckle. Serves me right for doing the same thing to him last night.

I stand from the bed and walk across the floor completely naked, into my bathroom to shower. I take my time, washing every inch of myself slowly while thinking over the best sex I’ve ever had in my life.

Nick, my ex-boyfriend, he never did the things that River has done to me. With Nick, it was more like a race to get off. But with River, it’s like the ride is half the fun. His release isn’t the important part for him. He likes to see how much he can turn me on before ever sliding into me.

A warmth spreads through my body when I think about him, and that scares me. I shouldn’t be having these feelings about him. I don’t know him, and something tells me River isn’t the relationship type. The relationship type doesn’t pick up a random girl in a club and fuck her in the back alley.

I’m just a fun-pass for him. And you know what, I’m okay with that. I don’t need to complicate things with a relationship right now. I don’t need these lingering feelings that happen after we have sex either. I need to learn to let things go, to have fun in the moment, and accept when it ends.

I dry myself off before pulling on an oversized t-shirt. I towel-dry my hair, but don’t bother brushing it.

All the strenuous activity I’ve done today has my stomach growling. I head towards the kitchen to find something for dinner.




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