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Foreplay: A Bad Boy's Baby Romance by Rye Hart (8)


I ran my fingers through my hair hoping to make it behave, but it was no use. I had let it get to the point of needing a haircut and knew I’d not be able to go more than another week unless I wanted to look like a bum. I made a mental note to get in to the barber soon.

I heard the door open and someone come in, figuring it was my sister.

“It’s me.” Her familiar voice called out when I entered the living room. “I got all the way to my house to get a few things, and she’s still at it. I swear I think the girl’s running a business.”

“We’ll get the rest of your things together. I’ll go over there with you tomorrow. I’d go tonight, but I already made plans.”

“You must have lady plans because you smell good.”

“Didn’t realize I was in the habit of stinking.” I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and broke the seal before taking a swig.

“You know what I mean. Who are you seeing? Is it one of those girls from the site or are you giving Terri one more chance?” She rolled her eyes.

“You know I don’t believe in second chances. This is the girl from the site; the pretty photographer. We had a conversation, and I didn’t scare her off. She’s going to meet me for coffee and maybe dinner.”

“Well, I’m coming back here tonight, so you can’t be a pervert and bring her home.”

“If I wanted to be a pervert, as you say, I can always afford a hotel room.” I wagged my brows at her as she watched me put the bottle back on the other side of the counter.

“You’re horrible. It’s the first date.”

“No offense sis, but I’ve got this under control.”

“I’m just saying, you should probably give this a different approach than your norm. She seems like a nice girl, and if she’s using a dating site, maybe it’s because she’s leery and has been hurt before. The site is set up like a huge screening room, so some women use it that way.”

My sister had a point. Although, the reality of the matter was I had a short period of time to meet the requirements of my inheritance.

“I’ll take things as they come, but I’m not making any promises. I like this girl, so far. If we hit it off, I’m going to let things run their natural course, and if we end up in bed tonight, whether it’s her place or a hotel, that’s my business.”

She gave me a scolding glare that was so much like my mother’s it gave me chills. She really was becoming a clone, but I’d never tell her that. “Just promise me you’ll be careful with your own heart and I’ll shut up.”

“I’ll be careful.” I grabbed my wallet and keys off the bar and gave my sister a kiss on the forehead. “Don’t wait up.”

My sister knew about the clause in my trust that said I needed to be settled and have a kid before I could get the rest of the money. She teased me about it constantly, especially since my father hadn’t suggested my grandmother do the same for her. We both knew she wanted to see me settled. Then she could stop worrying about me.

I headed out to the car and was soon on my way across town to the coffee shop. The Loving Cup was a local gem, and it brought back memories.

I parked my Jeep up front and fought the urge to check my hair in the mirror. She could take me or leave me as I was.

I walked in and found her already sitting at a small table to the side. It had to be the best sight I’d seen in a while. She was sitting there alone waiting for me. The spot she chose was perfect for privacy, and I glanced around at the other patrons and was thankful it was a quiet crowd.

Her eyes sparkled, and her cheeks turned red as she greeted me with a smile on my way over. She got up and greeted me with a handshake, and I took the time to feel how soft the skin on the back of her hand was. “It’s nice to see you in the flesh.”

I pulled out my chair and took a seat across from her. “Likewise. Have you been waiting long? My sister showed up, and I got held up in traffic.”

“Not long at all, I just sat down. I thought I’d check work my schedule while I was here.”

I nodded and took in the sight of her. She’d let her hair down, and it fell to shoulders in soft waves, the chestnut color complementing her green eyes and alabaster skin. She was a real beauty, natural with a wholesome look, but there was a gleam in her eye that told me she had a slight wild streak in her just begging to come out.

“I haven’t ordered yet, I didn’t know what I wanted, and I thought I’d let you choose something for me.”

“Wow, you trust me with that big of a decision? I’ll see what I can do, but I will admit, it’s been a while since I had a cup.”

“Well, I work here, so I like it all. I’ve tried every combination on the menu, and my favorites include caramel.”

I took her hint and minutes later returned with two caramel mocha lattes and two biscotti.

“Great choice. Thank you.”

“They didn’t let me pay since I was with you and said it was in the house.” I slid into my seat and dunked my biscotti.

“Yeah, one of the many perks of knowing a Loving Cup employee. I can also get you tickets to and UT game, so if you bleed orange, there’s that.”

“Nice. I love UT.”

“You were saying you do astral photography. I’ve always wanted to try that. I love Orion, and it would be nice to capture that for my apartment.”

I was surprised she knew anything about it. “Many people are fascinated with his belt, but I’ve always preferred the shoulder stars.”

She stirred her latte and nodded. “Betelgeuse and Bellatrix. I know that because I had two cats named Castor and Pollux.”

“The Gemini twins?” I wondered how the two were related.

“Yes! I was going to name them Betelgeuse and Bellatrix, but my dad said that was too hard to spell, so we went with Castor and Pollux instead. My dad loves astronomy and used to take me to the observatory to see the stars all the time. It was like our thing, you know. He’d always take me out for ice cream and then to the observatory.”

“That’s awesome. I can’t believe you know about the stars.” There weren’t too many people around that have a passion for astronomy.

She waved her hand. “Well, I don’t know much, really. Just a little. But it’s something I’d love to learn more about. It’s fascinating, especially how you’re able to capture them on camera.”

“Maybe you’d like to go camping with me sometime, and I’ll show you how to do it. You can even take a few shots using my camera if you want.” I thought of having her in my tent, all to myself and my body even responded to the idea. My cock grew in my pants, and I couldn’t help watching her mouth as she talked. Her pouty lips were amazing, and I knew just what I wanted to do with them. With any luck, I’d get a kiss from them before the night was done.

“I used to go camping some when I was younger, but I haven’t been in years. It seems like I haven’t done much of anything lately but work.”

I wanted to steer her away from the topic of work if possible because I couldn’t tell her what kind of work I did for Hazen’s company, but sure enough, it was the next thing she asked.

“Do you work as a photographer or something else?”

“I do photography mostly these days, but I work for a friend’s company here and there.” I held my breath and hoped she wouldn’t ask me to specify.

“That’s great. Where do you go camping?”

“There’s a place up in the hills that’s a bit closer, but caught light pollution in the last image, so I have to find a place further west. I need someplace dark.”

“I don’t know that I’d like to be all alone in the pitch dark,” she said.

“What if you weren’t all alone?” I asked boldly, looking into her emerald eyes.

She cleared her throat and a blush rose to her cheeks.

I asked my next question, trying to lighten the conversation. “The latte is good, but I’m feeling like a steak. Do you eat steak?”

“I love a good steak. I can’t remember the last time I had one. Aunt Helen makes smothered pork chops that are out of this world.”

“Aunt Helen?” I wondered if she lived with her aunt. That could pose a problem if we wanted privacy. With Megan living at my place, we couldn’t go there.

“She’s not my aunt; she’s my friend Rain’s. I live in their garage apartment. Both of my parents moved a few years ago, and they took me in. I’ve got my own space, but my best friend is right next door, so it’s the best of both worlds.”

“That sounds great.” Really great, in fact, no nosy aunt just down the hall. “So what do you say to dinner?” I asked her again.

“I’m in. Where are you taking me?” I caught her glance over across the room and turned to see her make eye contact with a girl across the room with jet black and purple hair.

When I glanced back at Kami, her cheeks were redder. “That’s my friend Rain. She’s trying to be discreet about keeping her eye on me, but she was afraid you were going to be a pervert.”

“Well the night is still young,” I said in an over-the-top way that said I was joking. But was I? She laughed, took my hand, and led me across the room to her friend’s table.

“Hey, Rain. This is Tate Evans. Tate, this is Rain Campbell.” Rain held out her hand.

“It’s good to meet you. I was just finishing up my coffee and about to head home. Should I wait up?”

That’s up to you.