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Getting Rowdy by Lori Foster (1)


AVERY FELT THE drowsiness pull at her, but she didn’t quite tumble into slumber. Without even realizing it, she stroked her fingertips over the back of Rowdy’s hand that rested on her stomach. Fingers opened, he covered her from hip bone to hip bone.

Such a large man, so solid and strong, and so amazing.

What he’d done today, the compassion he’d felt for Marcus, the outrage he’d shown against abuse...

She closed her eyes, seeing again those awful scars on his back. A small burn, round like a cigarette. A square cut, like that from a belt buckle.

Outrage blurred her vision, made her eyes glisten and tried to close her throat. If she could, she’d find his parents and destroy them. Unfortunately, they’d escaped any real retribution by dying a quick death in a car wreck.

Angst squeezed her heart until she had to fight the urge to turn to Rowdy, to hold him close and cry for him since he would never cry for himself.

Little by little, she better understood him and how he ticked. Sex, as he’d said, was quick and easy comfort.

But, God, she wanted to be more than that to him. She wanted to somehow make his life better. Not that Rowdy couldn’t manage that on his own. Single-handedly, he’d protected his sister, built a safe life for them both and once his sister’s future was secured, he’d taken over a profligate business and made it not only reputable, but profitable and popular, as well.

She thought of his inventive solution to tone down Ella’s over-the-top sensual wardrobe, how he always lent a hand to Jones, the cook.

How he made his desire for her plain without ever trying to force the issue. He was only at his pushiest when trying to protect her. Even as his breathing evened into sleep, he kept her close.

Slowly, she turned to her back. Rowdy’s hand just naturally slid to her hip. He made a small sound, shifted a little and sank back into oblivion.

It appeared exhaustion had finally claimed him. She was so glad. His warm breath and the weight of his muscled arm crossing her body tried to lull her to sleep, too, but her mind continued to churn. With everything that had happened, she’d almost forgotten about the phone call.

Now the possible ramifications of it came crashing back over her. She had reason to worry.

But no way would she burden Rowdy with her problems, not when he’d already spent his life dealing with so much. Maybe she could talk to Logan or Reese without Rowdy knowing.

She turned her head to look at him. So sinfully gorgeous, he took her breath away. Even dead to the world, he didn’t look entirely relaxed.

Was Fisher Holloway after her? Again?

She couldn’t make any other assumption, not after the way their last confrontation had ended—a circumstance that had sent her, literally, packing. She’d been away from home ever since. At first, she’d missed her mother, her old life, the convenience of financial security.

Now... Well, she still missed her mom sometimes, but she’d resigned herself to how their relationship had changed. She’d gotten used to everything else and she didn’t really want to return. Ever.

An hour later, Rowdy made a low sound that was part anger, part agony. Alarmed, Avery touched his shoulder hoping to soothe him. His breathing came faster; he shifted again. Was it his back? Should she wake him for more aspirin?

She had just started to sit up when suddenly he clutched at her, dragging her tight to his chest in a hold filled with desperation.

Making shushing sounds, Avery kissed his throat, his chest and shoulder.

He eased, his grip relaxing as he again faded away.

“I’m here,” she whispered, and because she couldn’t help herself, she kissed his throat again. His weakness—something he’d hide if he was awake—drew her in. She felt so many things: emotionally protective of the boy he’d once been, devastated that he still suffered nightmares, awed by his strength of character and, against all odds, the man he’d become.

She also felt a little turned on.

What woman wouldn’t be? Rowdy wasn’t hard now, but they faced each other in bed, as close as two people could be without actual intercourse, so her awareness of him—all of him—rose to a keen level. He’d hugged her up to his lightly furred chest so that with every breath his delicious scent filled her head. One of his thighs now rested between hers, pinning her in place, yet somehow making her feel cherished instead of trapped.

Fisher was the last man to touch her like that, and her reaction hadn’t been the same.

But then, that time with Fisher hadn’t been by choice.

Physically, Fisher Holloway was attractive enough. Just shy of six feet, thick brown hair, shrewd blue eyes, built like an athlete... The memory of his heavy body, his unyielding strength, sent a shudder through her.

She tucked her face closer to Rowdy’s chest.

To those who knew Fisher, he was a thirty-four-year-old CEO of a very successful company. A philanthropist who supported many charities. A financial guru generous with those he employed. Her stepfather respected him; her mother adored him. They ran in the same circles, often attending the same affairs.

Everyone thought he’d make the ideal husband for Avery.

Everyone except Avery herself. Whenever they were alone, Fisher was too condescending: ordering her food, critiquing her wardrobe, disdaining her friends.

Her stepfather said he was invested in her well-being.

Her mother said he was attentive to her needs.

Avery hadn’t liked it one bit. During a fundraiser, when Fisher persisted in pursuing her, she’d made her disinterest clear.

God, he’d been so cunning, setting her up for the greatest fall of her life...

She jumped when Rowdy’s hand went to her backside, squeezing for a minute before going limp again. Wow, even in his sleep he stayed revved up. Or was he playing possum?

Avery no sooner had the thought than Rowdy started a soft snore. She smiled, as much at herself as at the sound he made.

Looked like she’d be the one with insomnia that night. But she didn’t mind. It gave her more time to enjoy Rowdy without the risk of him realizing the truth—that she’d already gone head over heels for him.

If he knew she’d started falling in love with him almost from the start, what would he do?

Given his track record with women, she didn’t want to find out.

* * *

ROWDY WOKE DISORIENTED, his brain sluggish, his limbs utterly lax. Sunlight spilled through the tall wall of windows, making him squint. It took him a second to realize that he’d slept like the dead.

Jesus, he never passed out like that. All kinds of shit could have happened without him knowing it. A little alarmed, he rose up on an elbow. The discomfort in his back would have taken precedence—except that he found Avery right there, her head propped on a fist, her tumbled red hair spilling all over the bed, her blue eyes lazy with interest as she watched him.

She said, all husky and sexual-like, “Good morning.”

That particular expression of hers was too damn soft, almost dreamy. “Why are you smiling like that?”

Her gaze went to his mouth, then back up to his eyes. “Because I realized last night I’m a pervert.”

Whoa. Rowdy made a show of lifting the sheet and looking down at himself.

“What are you doing?”

“Checking that my boxers are still in place.”

Her teasing laugh went over him like a slow lick. “Did you think I took advantage of you without you waking?”

“I was half hoping.” Something was different this morning. While he’d been dead to the world, she’d come to some conclusions. Now if only he could keep that progress going when awake. “Obviously you didn’t have your way with me, so what perverted things did you do?”

“I checked out your body.”

“You’ve done that before, babe. I know because I’ve seen you doing it.”

“This time, I didn’t hurry or try to be subtle. I just soaked up the breathtaking sight of you.”

Breathtaking? He tried not to feel self-conscious with the over-the-top compliment. “Anytime you want a repeat showing, let me know.”

“I also enjoyed hearing you snore.”

He snorted. “I don’t.”

She leaned in. “You do.” She kissed his chin. “And it was sexy.”

Had he awakened into a new dimension? Was he still dreaming? Whatever it was, he liked it, so he nodded and agreed, “That is a little perverted.”

The way she smiled was something he hadn’t seen from her before. “I loved watching you sleep.” She smoothed his hair off his brow, her touch a little too mothering for comfort. “I’m glad you could.”

He frowned. “I never sleep.”

“Well, you did last night.”

And she planned to take credit for that? Maybe she had reason. He only just now realized that he had one leg between her soft, slender thighs, their pelvises aligned.

He needed to clear out the cobwebs, and fast.

With a hand at her waist to keep her right there, he gave in to suspicion. “You stayed here?” He remembered getting comfortable, being turned on...then nothing after that. “All night?”

“Yes.” Her hand went from his hair to the side of his neck, then down over his chest. “Snuggled close.”

And he’d missed it. Damn it.

“You look cross.” Her heavy eyes shied away. “Did I overstay my welcome?”

“No.” I’m glad you’re here. He looked beyond her at the clock. Still early, thank God. “We have a lot to talk about today.”


Rowdy nodded, but he didn’t go there just yet. His brain was, for a change, blessedly relaxed. He wanted to keep it that way for a while longer. “And Cannon, your car, that phone call.”

Her gaze shot up to his. She withdrew her hand, but said only, “What about Cannon?”

Evasive? Now what was that about? For the moment, Rowdy chose to play along. “Depending on how things went last night, he might be staying on.”

“To do what?”

“We’ll have to see, won’t we?” He deliberately included her in the decision.

As he’d hoped, she relaxed again. “So what are you thinking?”

It was kind of nice, lying in bed in the morning and talking with Avery. It’d be better if she lost the shirt and panties, and if he knew this was a prelude to sex, but even so, he still enjoyed it.

Like a good night’s sleep, enjoying morning-after banter was not the norm. “Among other things, maybe he could give you a break every so often.”

“You give me breaks.”

Without makeup, her face bathed in harsh sunlight, she still looked so damned pretty that he had to fight the urge to reach for her. “I want to spend some time with you when we both aren’t on the clock.”

“Oh.” Her tentative smile could melt a man. “I’d like that, too.”

No woman had a right to be so appealing first thing in the morning. Even her tangled hair looked sexy as hell. “When you’re working, Cannon could help out in other ways.”

“You know I don’t want a barback.”

She’d just have to get over that. “Yesterday, seeing you manhandled by that—”

“He didn’t hurt me,” she rushed to say.

Rowdy lifted her wrist, looking at a small bruise that had been left behind. He kissed the mark, then kept her hand close. “Thank God Ella had the good sense to come and get me.” Even if he hadn’t been personally interested in her, as his employee, Rowdy was accountable for her safety. “I’ll feel better knowing a bouncer is nearby, someone I trust to defend you in case I’m not close enough to protect you myself.”

“I don’t want to be another of your many responsibilities.”

She already felt like the most important one. “I’m the boss, so I get to make the rules.” To soften that, he added, “Look at it this way. If Cannon works out, he can do the heavy lifting, fetch stuff when you need it, even answer the phone so you don’t have to.”

At the mention of the phone, her gaze darted away again. “I guess that would be nice.”

Ah, so it was the phone call that made her jumpy. Rowdy wasn’t dense; he studied her averted face, made note of her new tension and decided to ease into things. “Yesterday, you said you drove to work.”


“Where was your car?”

“In the side lot.” She tipped her head. “Don’t you want some aspirin? Maybe some coffee, too?”

“In a minute.” If she hoped to distract him, she’d do better by taking off the T-shirt. “So what do you drive?”

Her nose wrinkled. “We really need to talk about this?”

“Is there a reason we shouldn’t?”

“I guess not.” Then half under her breath, she mumbled, “Infiniti.”

“Yeah?” Nice car. Rowdy watched her. “What kind?”

Lower still, she said, “G37 convertible.” She tacked on, “It’s two years old.”

He had to muffle a laugh. “That old, huh?” To him that’d still be a new car. She’d told him she came from money. Now Rowdy wanted to know why it embarrassed her. “What color?”

Dropping to her back, she sighed. “Cherry red.”

“Sounds sweet.”

“Yeah.” She turned her head to face him. “I haven’t driven it in a while, but I, um, decided you were right, that walking home from the bus stop might not be... Well, it was dumb, I guess.”

And somehow he just knew this all tied in together. “You can show it to me later before we start work. And speaking of work—I meant to ask you about that phone call you got last night.” He said it casually while taking in every nuance of her expression. “Just a customer?”

If she said yes, he’d know she was lying. And then what? He wanted her to trust him—and he wanted to be able to trust in return.

He literally saw her gird herself. “It was no one.”

“No one important, you mean?”

“I mean I answered, but there wasn’t anyone there.” Keeping the sheet tucked in around her bare legs, she sat up. “How is your back? Do you need help into the bathroom?”

No way would he let her start babying him. He believed her about the call, but she had a suspicion about who it might’ve been. He wanted to know it all.

Rowdy reached for her—and a knock sounded on his door.

They both went still.

“Company?” she whispered.

“Hell, I don’t know.” Very few people knew he lived here. “A few of the women in the building have been coming by to borrow stuff. Could be one of them.”

Avery’s shoulders bunched up. “Seriously?”

With an effort, he sat up, too. Jesus, the skin of his back pulled and burned and his muscles tried to cramp. He rubbed his bristly jaw and thought how nice a hot shower would feel—especially if he could get Avery to join him.

The knock sounded again.

“I thought you said no other women had been here?”

“They haven’t.” He watched her leave the bed and mourned the lost moment. “I don’t let them past the door.”

As she shoved her legs into her jeans, she said with suggested menace, “Want me to get it for you?”

If she wanted to scare off his neighbors, well, hey, it’d give her something to do besides pamper him. “Sure, thanks. Just tell whoever it is to get lost.”

“What if it’s something important?” She lifted the hem of the big T-shirt long enough to fasten the snap on her jeans.

That small peek of her belly made him reconsider the idea of getting pampered. Maybe he could say he needed help in the shower, which, judging how he felt right now, wouldn’t be a stretch. “If it’s Reese or Logan, let him in.” One of them could have word on Marcus.

“And if it’s one of your pushy neighbors?”

He grinned at her challenge. “Tell her whatever you want.”

“Fine. I will.” Barefoot, the T-shirt swallowing her small frame, Avery marched across the floor and up to the landing. She opened the locks and pulled the door just wide enough to say, “Hello.”

Rowdy sat on the side bed and gingerly flexed his shoulders. Yeah, he needed something, but he didn’t want any mind-blurring pain meds like what the doc had prescribed. Now that he had Avery hanging around, he had to stay on his toes.

He didn’t hear the voice of the visitor, but he assumed it was a woman when Avery said, “Yes, he lives here, but he’s not up to visiting.”

Pushing to his feet, Rowdy tried to stay quiet until Avery got rid of the unwanted guest. He pulled the sheet around his waist and finger combed his hair away from his face.

Avery said, “I’m his bartender, that’s who I am.”

He smiled at her bossy tone. Cute. On another woman he might not have thought so, but on Avery, he liked this take-charge persona.

Hell, he liked everything about her.

Barring the door, Avery nodded and replied to something he couldn’t hear. “As a matter of fact, I do speak for him. He specifically told me to—”

She ended on a gasp when the door swung open hard and Pepper came shoving her way through.

Oh, shit.


Avery had the good sense to get out of his sister’s way when she forged down the steps and into the living area.

Rowdy took one look at her face and started forward, the aching in his back forgotten. “What’s the matter? What’s wrong?”

Long blond hair hanging free, her eyes red, Pepper spotted him and strode forward. “You were hurt, that’s what!” She opened her arms.

He braced for her impact, but Avery said, “His back.”

Catching herself, Pepper drew up short.

Instead of slamming into him headlong, she ducked around behind him, then gasped so loud he felt it on the back of his neck.

“Oh, my God.” Her hands muffled the appalled words.

“It’s not that bad.”

She stopped him from turning. “Rowdy?” Her fingertips touched his shoulder near a very old scar, and almost stopped his heart.

Locking eyes with Avery, he jerked the sheet up and over his shoulders so Pepper couldn’t see a thing. For most of their lives, he’d managed to insulate Pepper from the worst of his parents’ anger. She didn’t know half of what they’d done—and he very much wanted it to stay at that way.

* * *

AVERYS LIPS PARTED as if she suddenly understood. She shot forward. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you were his sister.”

Ignoring her, Pepper tugged at the sheet. “I stayed away as long as I could, but God, Rowdy, it wasn’t easy.”

“Stop that.” Shrugging the sheet into place, Rowdy stepped away and turned to tower over her. “It’s fine, kiddo. Quit fussing.”

Avery gave an exaggerated roll of her eyes, no doubt for Pepper’s benefit. “He really does rebel against any coddling at all.” She leaned in as if confiding a secret. “He even refused to stop last night to get his prescribed meds. We came straight back here.”

Pepper looked more than a little devastated, and definitely confused. “Who are you, again?”

In stepped Logan. “I already told you—she’s the bartender.” He lifted a big bag of pastries in one hand, a cup holder with four large coffees in the other and used his foot to nudge the door shut. “We stopped for breakfast, but Pepper refused to wait with me while I parked.” His gaze slid over to Avery. “Sleep well?”

“Shut up, Logan.” Rowdy wanted a shower, food and Avery—not necessarily in that order. He did not want a social call. But never would he do anything to hurt his sister; not on purpose, anyway.

Hands on her hips, Pepper scrutinized Avery. “I’ve never seen her at the bar.”

“You,” Rowdy said, “haven’t been in during hours of operation.”

“You don’t want me there!”

“Pepper.” Logan strode the rest of the way into the room. “The bar is great, but it’s not a place for you to go alone. If you want, we’ll both go visit soon.”

“I was there when all the work was being done.”

“So was I,” Avery said. “I pitched in where I could, but we must have missed each other.”

“Maybe,” Pepper conceded, her tone filled with suspicion.

Rowdy held the sheet with one hand and rubbed the back of his neck with the other. The movement pulled at his back, reminding him just how wretched yesterday had been. “Why don’t you guys go grab a seat at the table? We just woke up, so give us a minute.”

Pepper opened her mouth, but Logan stepped in front of her. “Take your time.” He nudged Pepper along toward the kitchen area, saying sotto voce, “Give the guy a break, honey.”

Yeah, more and more each day Rowdy appreciated his new brother-in-law.

“Come on.” He snagged Avery’s hand and tugged her with him right into the bathroom.

Scandalized, she gasped, “What are you doing?”

“This.” He closed the door, backed her into it and kissed her before she could protest. And damn, she tasted good, a hell of a sight better than coffee or pastries.

With a little persuasion, her mouth opened under his. When he prodded gently with his tongue, she reciprocated, and things went steamy hot in a heartbeat.

She curled her hands over his shoulders, pressed closer and let him have his way—for about thirty seconds.

Easing away, she licked her lips. “Mmm. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Lashes lifting, she stared up at him. “Your sister and brother-in-law are really close by.”

“Believe me, I know.” He nuzzled her neck. “Want to shower with me anyway?”

“Absolutely not.” She sucked in a big, fortifying breath, then sidled out of his hold and went to his medicine cabinet to get out the aspirin. “Take these.” Her hand trembled as she held the pills out to him.

He tossed them back and then bent to the sink to drink straight from the faucet.

“Now step out and give me two minutes. After that I’ll take off the bandages so you can grab a quick shower, quick being the operative word.”

Insane, but he even liked seeing her this way, trembling with need but still refusing him. “Afraid I’ll leave you alone with Pepper and Logan?”

“Not at all. They both seem really nice.” She smoothed a hand over his chest, down to his ribs and down farther to his abs. After a soft groan, she dropped her hand. “I’m afraid you’ll go against doctor’s orders and linger too long.”

He let the sheet drop. “Tell you what, honey. I’ll shower at the speed of light if you’ll promise me something.”

She didn’t even try to keep her attention on his face. “What’s that?”

“Soon as I get doctor’s clearance, you’ll shower with me, and we’ll both linger.”

She shocked the hell out of him when she cupped a hand under his testicles, caressed him once then trailed the backs of her fingers up the length of his instant boner.

While he stood there stunned silent and on fire, she turned the doorknob and gave a tug.

Rowdy moved forward. He tried to figure out what to say, but nothing witty came to mind.

“I need two minutes, remember?”

Ah, hell. He hoped his sister and Logan were in the damn kitchen because he sported major wood.

As he started out, Avery handed him the sheet, smiled up at him and whispered, “I promise.”

Rowdy found himself staring at a closed door, a lopsided grin on his face. She’d as good as said they’d be having sex, and soon. Diabolical. And a serious turn-on.

Might as well use the two minutes to get together some clothes—and work on calming down the old John Henry. He’d just returned to the bathroom door with clean boxers and jeans when Avery stepped out.

She made sure they were alone. “Since you said it was okay, I did use your toothbrush. Thank you.”

Her whisper amused him. He put his forehead to hers. “I don’t care if they hear us.”

“I do.” She gave him a quick kiss, then led him in, turned him and carefully removed the bandages from his back. She took forever doing it, saying repeatedly, “I’m sorry if I’m hurting you.”

And he repeatedly assured her, “You’re not.”

When she finished, she brushed her cool fingertips over his skin. He heard her swallow, and her barely audible whisper when she said, “You could have been killed.”

“Not a chance. Not by those two yahoos.”

“Being cocky does not make you invincible.” She came around to the front of him, tears in her eyes.

“Don’t do that, babe. You’ve held it together this long. If you start now, it’ll push Pepper right over the edge and she’ll be out on her damned white horse, trying to avenge me.”

As he’d hoped, she smiled and wiped at her eyes. “No crying, I promise. It’s awkward enough knowing what they’re thinking without me going typically female.”

He snorted. “Trust me, you don’t have a clue what either of them are thinking, so don’t worry about it.” He lifted her chin and kissed her. “Ten minutes tops. Now go make nice with my sister. If she growls at you, understand that she’s worried and out of sorts.”

Nodding agreement, Avery said, “And she loves you very much.”

“That, too.” The mention of Pepper’s love reminded him. “I’d prefer that you not say anything to her about...” How should he mention something that he didn’t want to discuss with Avery, either?

The tears welled in her eyes again, but she nodded with grave sincerity. “Your old scars, I know. You’ve protected her this long, so of course I won’t say a word.” She smoothed her hair and straightened the dark T-shirt she still wore. “How do I look?”

She looked like his, like she belonged with him. Not just today, but maybe... Rowdy shook his head, disturbed that he kept thinking about forever-type commitments. He was honest enough with himself to know he was out of his element. Way the hell out.

He wanted to lighten the mood with a joke, maybe say, You look totally fuckable, because, hey, she really did.

But he couldn’t be that mocking. Not to Avery.

“You look like a fantasy, honey.” My fantasy. He finally admitted the truth, saying, “I’m glad you’re here.”

Before he got any sappier, Rowdy closed the door. Avery Mullins was the whole package.

And for the first time in his life, he was starting to want it all.