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Hard Rock Sin: A Rock Star Romance by Athena Wright (25)

Chapter Twenty-Five

"It was crazy hard trying to coordinate everyone's schedules," Jen told me over the phone one night. She had finally set a date for my welcome home party.

"Who's everyone?"

I had assumed it would be Jen, my brother's band, and me. I didn't know anyone else. I was friendly enough with my classmates, but I wouldn't have called them friends.

Cameron was the closest thing to a friend I had.

"That's sad," Jen said when I told her as much. "You need to get to know more people. That's why I've invited everyone."

"Again, I have to ask, who is everyone?"

"The guys, obviously, and Ian's girlfriend and her sister. And my friends and their boyfriends. And those boyfriend's friends, and their girlfriends. And my one friend's boyfriend's childhood friend and maybe some of her friends. That's all."

"Just how many people are going to be at this party?"

"Enough to have an awesome time."

I could hear her grin through the phone. It was almost enough to make me nervous. Was this going to get as wild as Cameron's parties? Still, I was excited and couldn't wait.

On the evening of the party, Cameron called us a taxi.

"So we can get wasted and not worry about driving home," he said.

"I've never been wasted in my life," I reminded him.

"No time like the present." He gave me a saucy wink.

"Can we talk about—" I hesitated to bring it up, but I had to make sure Cameron and I were on the same page, "—about how we're going to act at the party?"

His brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"When we're together," I clarified.

"Oh." His lips turned down into a frown. "You mean you want to make sure we only act like friends and not a couple. Right?"

I hated hearing that note of hurt in his voice. But no one knew about the two of us yet. And it had to stay that way. At least for now.

"I'm sorry," I said honestly. "It's not like I want to keep us a secret or anything."

"Except that's exactly what you want to do." The corners of his mouth twitched, threatened to curve down. He gave me a rueful smile instead. "I get it. No worries."

"I just don't want Noah—"

"I said it's cool," he interrupted. Cameron wrapped an arm around my waist and tugged me to his side. "It'll be our little secret for now."

I wanted to feel relief, but my heart sank instead. Those were the same words Cameron used when he talked about his parents. About how they didn't want anyone to know about him.

But this was a completely different situation. I wasn't embarrassed of Cameron. This was for his own good. Until I could figure out a way to tell Noah about us… until I could figure out a way to make sure Noah didn't freak out…

I mused on that thought on the drive to the party. Cameron held my hand in the backseat of the taxi, brushing his thumb against the back of my hand. That small touch was a comfort. Maybe Cameron really wasn't upset.

I hoped.

When we arrived at the venue, I saw Jen had rented out the intimate back room of a tiny venue just for the group of us. It would have fit fifty comfortably. As it was, about half that number jumped out to surprise me with streamers, banners, and whistleblowers the moment I walked in.

"Welcome home!" the group cheered.

"You're only supposed to jump out when it's a surprise party," I said with a laugh.

"But it's more fun this way." Cameron smirked at my side, keeping a few feet between us. He must have known what they had planned.

With the floor covered with confetti and streamers, Noah and Jen immediately pulled me into a dual hug.

"Thank you for putting this whole thing together," I told her.

"I'm sorry it took this long," Jen said. "But, well…" she gestured to the crowd behind her. "As you can see, lots of schedules to work around."

"Let me guess," I said, taking in the greater than normal amount of black leather, black mesh, black eyeliner, and black nail polish. "They're all in rock bands?"

"Not all of them," Jen stressed. "Half are significant others or friends."

I took a head count, trying to see if I recognized anyone. One guy with blond waves falling over his forehead and talking very loudly looked vaguely familiar, but the rest were all unknowns to me.

"I want to see August and the twins," I said. "It's been way too long." I hadn't seen them when I scanned the room.

"Over there." Jen pointed behind me.

I turned to find the three of them coming out of a side door. The twins held a chocolate cake with a lit sparkler between their hands. August held a dark purple gift bag, complete with tissue paper and bow.

"Welcome home, Lily." August's low tones were as familiar as the soft look in his ice blue eyes.

"You better eat this now or I'm going to eat it for you." One of the twins lifted the cake to his face and mimed taking a huge bite.

August placed the bag in my hands. "I hope you like it."

I gingerly pushed away the tissue paper to uncover the gift.

Inside was a picture frame with a photo of all of us, taken backstage at the very last concert I'd been to before moving away.

The guys all looked so much younger, their youthful energy apparent even through the camera's lens. They were softer and boyish, with punk and emo haircuts. I was young, too, and much shorter. I hadn't hit my growth spurt yet.

August's hand was on my shoulder. Noah had me tugged against his side. Damon and Ian were both making faces behind my back. Cameron was giving me bunny ears.

My heart melted a little, both at the memory and at the gesture.

"You guys…" Tears sprang to the back of my eyes.

"Aw, is little Lily Hart getting sappy on us?" the other twin teased. "What happened to our bad ass troublemaker?"

"I was never a troublemaker," I retorted with a teary laugh. "That was all you two."

"Two?" Cameron sounded affronted. "Am I not included?"

"Troublemaker is too light a word for what you got up to," August said, amused.

"Remember that time Cam jumped on an amp in the middle of the show and knocked it off the stage and nearly killed a fan?" One of the twins smacked Cameron in the stomach.

"Remember that time Damon was a dick?" Cameron grinned, smacking him back.

I was a bit startled Cameron had called one of the twins by their first name. Normally Damon and Ian went by the portmanteau Damian. Last time I'd seen them, the twins loved to plays tricks on people and pretend they were the same person.

Before I had time to ask what had changed, a young woman came up behind the other twin and took his hands in hers. She was the same girl I'd seen at Cameron's party.

"It's lovely to meet you, Lily." She was pretty, with long dark hair, slightly messed up as it fell down her back. Her big brown eyes were earnest as they met mine. "I'm Hope, Ian's girlfriend."

Ian pulled her close to his side and pressed a kiss to the side of her forehead. She smiled up at him, a sappy look on her face.

"Get a fucking room," Damon mumbled under his breath. Ian ignored him.

Ah. This was the same tension we'd seen at the party. Was that why Ian and Damon were no longer playing up the twin thing? I supposed it would be hard to continue tricking people if one of them always had his girlfriend by his side.

"The DJ is here," Hope told Jen. "He wants to know where to set up."

"I'll show him," Damon said, stalking off.

The group of us followed him with our eyes silently.

"He still doesn't like me." Hope's wide brown eyes turned sad like a kicked puppy.

"He'll get over it," Cameron said. He turned to me with a mad grin. "Let's get this party started, shall we?"

"We've got some food and drinks catered, and the DJ should start playing soon," Jen said.

With those words, a pounding beat began vibrating the walls. Wait staff brought out platters of pub food, nachos and fries and onion rings, along with the all important alcohol.

Noah and Jen took me by the arms and led me around the room, making introductions. Cameron gave me a small smile and wandered off, leaving me to my brother and his girlfriend. I mourned the loss of him at my side, but it would have been too suspicious if we spent the entire party glued to each other's hips.

Jen eagerly introduced me to her friends, a cute girl with a shy smile and a total knock-out with an aristocratic air about her.

Aristocratic, until she began speaking a mile a minute.

"It's so good to meet you, Lily! I've been a fan of your brother's band for years and everyone always wondered where you'd gone." The girl chatted on, oblivious to Noah's dark look. "It's so cool that you're back after all this time, you must be so happy to be with your brother again."

The quiet girl clapped a hand over her friend's mouth. "Natalie means welcome home."

"Thank you," I replied, nonplussed.

"Natalie and Ivy were my roommates before they moved in with their boyfriends," Jen explained. "They're both dating members of Feral Silence. Those guys are here, too."

More rock stars. It seemed I would live my life surrounded by a never-ending parade of them.

"I've heard some of their stuff. I thought they were your rival band?" I asked my brother.

"That's what the media calls it," Jen said. "They're all good friends, though."

"Tell that to August," Noah snorted. "He's still pissed Kell stole his album concept."

Sure enough, when I searched the room for August, he was frowning in the direction of the loud wavy-haired blond guy. It was the most negative expression I'd ever seen on August's face. He was normally so cool and unflappable.

"Just keep them away from each other and it'll be fine," Jen said.

"Or," Cameron came up behind Noah and threw his arms around his neck, "We pit them both against each other in a death match and see who wins."

Noah jabbed his elbow into Cameron's side. Cameron held on with a grin. Noah looked to the heavens, as if praying for patience.

"Have you made the rounds yet?" Cameron asked. "I'm putting together a game of—"

"Don't you dare say Strip Go Fish," Noah warned. "It's bad enough when Jen takes part. No way is Lily playing, too."

"There really is a Strip Go Fish?" I blurted out. "I thought you were just joking about that."

"Why were you telling my sister about your sick games?" Noah asked.

I froze, panic hitting me. I didn't want Noah knowing about the kind of things Cameron and I talked about. I didn't even want Noah to know Cameron and I talked at all. The less Noah knew about how close Cameron and I were, the better.

But Cameron didn't seem to care.

"I can talk to Lily about whatever the hell I want," Cameron said, a stubborn expression crossing his face.

"I asked Cameron about what other kinds of games he plays at his parties," I said in a rush. "Like that scavenger hunt game. I was curious." I forcibly turned my attention to the man who I was pretending was not my boyfriend. "What game have you planned this time?"

Cameron eyed me, no doubt sensing my rising panic. "Kell wants to play a drinking game."

Jen's eyes lit up. "Is it Never Have I Ever? I've heard a lot about Feral Silence drinking games. I'm in."

"Count me out," Noah said. "I'll just watch and make sure the rest of you don't end up in a ditch somewhere by the end of the night."

Jen gave Noah a soft smile and squeezed his hand. If it hadn't been my own brother, I would have said he almost blushed.

"You in, Lily?" Cameron asked.

"How do you play?" I asked.

"We go around the circle saying something we've never done," Cameron explained. "If you have, you take a shot."

Take a shot. I'd never even been drunk before. And now I was supposed to do multiple shots in one sitting.

A small jolt of excitement went through me. If I was ever going to start drinking, at an intimate party full of family and friends was the place to do it.

"I don't know if I want you playing that game," Noah said.

I punched him lightly in the shoulder. "Remember that conversation we had? About overprotectiveness and letting me run my own life?"

"I just don't want you dying of alcohol poisoning."

"Is that likely, in a game of Never Have I Ever?"

"Depends," Cameron said with a grin. "If you've lived an exciting life, you'll get tanked."

"I'll probably stay stone cold sober, then."

"We'll be sure to get a few drinks into you by the end of the night," Cameron promised. "It's no fair if you don't get to drink at your own party."

"No getting my sister drunk," Noah warned.

"Don't worry," Cameron said. "I'm mostly in this to team up with August against Kell." He took my hand and tugged me along to a table near the back.

Jen and Noah followed. Noah took a seat and pulled Jen into his lap.

"Am I supposed to play the whole game this way?" she teased.

He tugged her closer and whispered in her ear. She blushed a thousand shades of red, but stayed perched on his knees.

August was already at the table, along with the blond, Kell I assumed, and a pretty girl with almond-shaped eyes. We almost looked similar, if her auburn hair showing black at the roots was any indication.

"Guys, this is Lily, Noah's sister," Jen introduced. "Lily, this is Emily."

Emily gave me a bright smile from across the table. "Nice to meet you."

"And this is—"

"I need no introduction," Kell declared. He stood from the table, hopping up on the bench-style seat. He thrust his chest out proudly. "I'm sure this lovely young lady already knows who I am."

"Emily's boyfriend?" I guessed playfully.

He threw his head back with a wince. "Fuck, she wounds me. I've been wounded, Emily. I don't think my ego can take this."

"Your ego's taken worse and yet, still it rages on." The girl yanked on his shirt, pulling him back down into his seat. "Sorry about this one," she told me. "He's had a few too many red bull and vodkas."

"Shit, that's the last thing he needs," Cameron said. "He's a miniature tornado to begin with. Don't get him high on caffeine."

"It's not the caffeine he needs to worry about." August's eyes were daggers, skewering Kell. It was odd, seeing such an expression on the drummer's face. He must have been really upset. I'd never seen August lose his cool at anyone.

The lead singer of Feral Silence returned the look with an evil smirk. "You still think you can drink me under the table?" he taunted.

"You're going to be hurting tomorrow, if I have anything to say about it."

"Oh really? Which one of us has the reputation for being a cheap drunk?"

"August might be in trouble," I said. "I've heard Kell Pierce can hold his liquor."

The blond turned from August to me in the blink of an eye. He hopped up on his seat again, a giddy expression on his face.

"You do know who I am!" Kell looked down at his girlfriend from his stance on top of the bench. "I told you everyone knows who I am. I'm a household name."

"Sit," Emily said with the grace and patience of a saint.

Kell obeyed and sat back down, looking more than pleased with himself.

"Is this it?" Emily asked, glancing around the table. "Only seven people?"

"Six," Noah said. "I'm not playing."

Kell made a face. "You're never any fun, Hart."

My brother smirked and ran a hand up Jen's thigh. She squeaked. "I get up to more fun than you can imagine, Pierce."

A sly grin crossed the blond's face. "Join the game and we'll see."

"Let's get started," Jen interrupted before Noah could retort, or feel her up any further.

Emily pulled a pen from her purse and put it in the middle of the table before spinning it. The tip landed on Jen.

"Looks like Jen goes first," she said. "We'll go clockwise from her."

Jen played with the shot glass in her hand, looking thoughtful. She nodded to herself and spoke with a satisfied expression.

"Never have I ever had sex in the backseat of a car."

Kell, Emily, and August all took drinks.

Cameron looked to Noah in surprise. "You and Jen never…?"

"Long legs," Noah grunted.

"Where there's a will, there's a way." Cameron grinned.

I shifted uncomfortably, not liking to think about either my brother or Cameron's sex lives.

Kell jumped in, although he was sitting almost across from Jen.

"Never have I ever had sex in the backseat of a police car." He grinned and knocked back a shot.

Emily elbowed him, her face red. "Wait your turn." She took her own flustered sip.

I frowned. "Can you drink on your own turn?"

"When you're Kell, it's practically the point of the game," Cameron said.

"And are all the questions supposed to be about sex?"

"They don't have to be," Kell replied with a mad grin. "But where's the fun in that?"

"It's your turn August," Jen said.

"Never have I ever been a complete dickface and stolen another artist's album concept."

August's voice was cool and deadpan, but his laser stare was enough to burn a hole straight through Kell's chest.

The blond threw his hands up in surrender.

"Blame Jayce. He's the one who wanted to go all artsy and meaningful and shit. I would have been perfectly happy singing about biting the heads off bats for another album or two."

"Is that really what you sing about?" I asked.

"No." Cameron smirked. "This guy likes to think he's a hardcore metalhead, but deep down inside he's just some soft-core indie hipster."

Kell squawked. "I object to that statement!"

"I've heard your solo work." August looked his nose down at Kell. "Acoustic indie shit."

"Only some of it," he complained.

"Oh no," Emily groaned. "Are we getting into the who's-more-hard-rock argument again?"

I spoke up. "From what I've heard, both bands sound kind of the same."

The entire table went silent for a moment, before chaos broke out.

"You take that back!" Kell pointed an accusing finger at me.

"My work is leagues beyond what this one is capable of." August tried to sound unruffled, but I could see his eyebrow twitching.

"We're never going to hear the end of this," Jen moaned.

"It's Lily's turn!" Cameron declared loudly. He pounded his glass on the table, shaking it. "Shut up and let her go."

The grumbling quieted down, although Kell still had a disgruntled look on his face.

I thought quickly, trying to come up with something fast while their attention was diverted.

"Never have I ever marathoned The Hunger Games trilogy in one sitting," I said.

It was a guess, but it paid off.

"Technically there's four movies, if you want to be accurate." Cameron gave me a wink as he took a drink. He was the only one to do so. "My turn." He rubbed his hands together gleefully. "Never have I ever gone swimming in my underwear."

The entire table moaned, myself included, as we drank.

"You live in that house," Jen pointed out. "Of course you're always going to have a swimsuit ready."

Cameron arched a brow. "The point of the game is to make the others drink. I'm just following the rules."

"When did you swim in your underwear?" Noah asked me, his expression dangerous.

I fought back a wince. "Um. It was a really hot day and I hadn't gone shopping yet and I wanted a dip. It wasn't like I did it at a party or anything. I was alone."

I flickered my gaze to Cameron nervously. I'd been alone, except for him.

Noah's frown eased somewhat.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I caught Jen staring at me.

"It's Emily's turn," I said hurriedly.

"Never have I ever been tied up during sex." Emily said matter of factly.

I flinched.

"What! You're kidding me." Cameron looked to Kell with an exaggerated expression of shock. He didn't seem to realize the predicament I was in.

Kell shrugged. "Some of us are into the bondage thing, some of us aren't."

Cameron clapped him on the shoulder. "Kell, my man, you are missing out."

I sat frozen in my seat, eyes wide and locked on Cameron.

I was supposed to drink.

I sure as hell wasn't going to drink in front of my brother.

Jen was still staring at me. She followed my gaze to Cameron. She looked back to me, taking in my terrified expression.

A look of realization dawned on her face. She could tell, couldn't she?

She knew I'd been caught off guard.

Oh god.

I was in a world of trouble.




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