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Help Wanted by Allison B Hanson (8)

Chapter 8
Zane hadn’t been sure he was going to give her his stupid gift, but he had to do something quickly. She’d been staring at his lips as if she wanted to lick the glaze off him. And he wanted her to. He wanted to throw her over her desk and lick her as well.
His jeans fit uncomfortably as he waited for her to take the box. He was getting used to it by now. It had become a near-constant situation when he was around her.
“It’s to say thank you,” he explained, feeling stupid.
“Really?” Her voice squeaked as she took the box and opened it. “Oh wow!”
He loved her reaction to his gift. She didn’t seem to think it was creepy. She appeared genuinely pleased.
“This is so nice. It’s beautiful.” She was still smiling. “You didn’t have to do this. I was just doing my job.”
“See, I thought about that, but you do more than your job. You act like this is your company, too, and you treat every decision as if it directly affects you. That isn’t your job, but I really appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome. My dad says I have loyalitis: an inflammation of loyalty.” She laughed and shook her head. “This is really beautiful.”
She looked down at the necklace again. The charm he’d seen at the hotel gift shop was a knot pattern. He didn’t have a large selection to choose from once anything romantic was taken out of the mix, but when he saw the knot he thought it was perfect. It symbolized the way she kept all the loose ends tied up.
He smiled as she freed the necklace from the box and put it on. Seeing his gift settle against her collarbone made his heart twitch, and maybe some of his other parts as well. But that was getting easier to ignore.
* * *
His relationship with Kenley shifted significantly over the next few days. While they never mentioned the kiss, or moved to make it happen again, he could feel the tension growing. They flirted. Casual, friendly flirting. Nothing overtly sexual or inappropriate, just fun. But occasionally he saw her staring at him as if she wanted to take his clothes off. And the few times when she stared at his mouth while licking her lips was almost enough to ruin him and their tentative friendship.
He liked her.
He’d though she was beautiful from the moment he met her. It was the reason he’d tried to keep his distance. He remembered how he’d acted around Courtney. Like a junkie, eager for any bit of attention she would turn his way. But this was different. He knew Kenley as a person. He knew her heart and her mind. And every new thing he learned just made her more perfect.
She was also a kick-ass assistant. He would be lost without her. Everything ran smoothly and his entire workforce was less stressed. As much as he appreciated Sidney and everything she’d done to get his business started, he realized how much tension there used to be, now that it was gone. The constant bickering and struggle for power had worn everyone down. Including them.
One of his happier employees walked in and sat at the bar on Tuesday night.
“So you’re still taking her away on your boat?” Paul asked with a smirk.
“Yes.” Zane hesitated for a second, debating whether or not to talk to them about his issues. Josh was obviously waiting for an explanation. What the hell, why not tell them?
“I’m taking the new girl to a boat show. A work thing.”
“Ah. The new girl,” Josh said with a knowing smile. Zane glanced over at Paul, who was making an effort not to laugh.
“What?” Paul said, knowing exactly what.
“The ocean is magical. Be prepared,” Josh warned as he took a sip of his beer.
“I can’t be fooling around with my employees.” He frowned. “Right?” he added when neither of them responded.
“Bree helps me with my business. It’s nice being able to share everything, and for her to understand what I do for a living,” Josh said.
“But you were married before you started your business. Kenley is my employee. What if something goes wrong? It could ruin everything.”
“What if it doesn’t go wrong? It could be great.” Josh was not helping.
“I think she’s into you,” Paul said. “Go for it.”
“You’re supposed to talk me out of doing something stupid,” he scolded them.
“Did you just meet us today?” Paul frowned and shook his head while Josh laughed.
“It won’t matter what you decide,” Josh said. “When you get her alone on the ocean you won’t be able to help yourself.”
Right. The magic. He decided he didn’t want to leave things up to magic. He liked Kenley, and he was definitely getting signals that she liked him too.
Instead of tiptoeing around the issue and hoping for the best, he thought it might be better to address it straight out.
He had a plan when he walked into the office Wednesday morning. It was a big step, but one he felt he was ready to take. He took a deep breath, gathering his courage as he walked down the hall to see her.
Hearing her voice slowed his steps. He didn’t want to bust in there if she had a visitor.
“…none of your business. It was great and of course I’d like to go out with him, but if things don’t work out I’ll end up depressed and eating way too many cookies, like the last time. No, I definitely need to take things slow.” He heard her say. When he didn’t hear a response, he realized she was on the phone.
She was dating someone? And she wanted to take it slow with them? Zane looked down at the silly flowers in his hand. What had he been thinking? His stupid plan was to walk in there, hand over the flowers, tell her he had feelings for her and kiss her until she felt the same way. Get everything out in the open and hope it wouldn’t end up wrecking his business. Instead, he left, throwing the flowers in the dumpster as he went to his truck and backed out.
It was for the best. Nothing good could come from him dating his employee. If something went wrong, she might quit and then were would he be? Yes, this was better.
Not having anywhere else to go, he went to visit his sister. That was a testimony to how desperate he was to stay out of the office.
“I’m glad you stopped by for breakfast, and now lunch, but don’t you have a company to run?” Sidney asked as she put the dishes in the sink and came to sit next to him. She put her feet up as her doctor-husband had ordered.
“I own the company, so I can spend the day with my sister whenever I want to.”
“Please.” She flipped her hand at him, not buying it for a second. “What’s going on?”
He hung his head, knowing if he told her the truth one of two things would happen. She would either give him some wise advice that would help, or she would make fun of him. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was that she would do both things. Making fun of him was a definite either way.
“Kenley is dating someone.”
She was silent for a very long time. So long that he had to look up to see her expression. She was biting the inside of her cheek and looking at the ceiling.
Contemplation. Good. She hadn’t gone right for making fun of him at least.
“I’m going to assume when you say she’s dating someone, you don’t mean she’s dating you since you haven’t grown a set of balls and asked her out.”
Right for the jugular.
“She’s my employee. It would be unprofessional to ask her out.”
“Yes, because hiding out at your sister’s house to avoid her is the epitome of professionalism.”
“What should I do?” He decided to put it out there in the hopes she would cut to the chase.
“Grow some balls and ask her out.”
“Other than that?”
“Let me ask you this: What is the worst possible scenario if you were to ask her out? Like your deepest, darkest nightmare?” She leaned closer, giving his answer her full attention.
“My deepest, darkest nightmare would be if her skin shed off and underneath she was really that clown from It with the teeth.” He mock shivered.
“Okay, so the chances of that happening are slim. What’s the next level?”
“Skin shedding off and she’s Jabba the Hutt?”
“Let’s say her skin stays on and she’s not going to morph into something from an old movie. What are you truly afraid of?”
He took a deep breath.
“The worst thing would be if she said no, and was then so uncomfortable she had to quit and I never saw her again.” He shook his head. “And then her replacement turned out to be Pennywise the Clown.”
Sidney let out a sigh and crossed her arms over her enormous stomach. One thing about his sister, underneath all the ridicule and teasing she did actually take the time to think a problem through and offer valuable insight.
“It’s a risk, Zane. The question is: Is she worth it? You used to watch Courtney from the sidelines and never did anything about it. Are you content to just watch from the sidelines with Kenley?”
“No.” Just the idea of seeing some other guy pick her up to go off on a date made his skin crawl. “But I have no right. I’m her boss.”
“Do you think you’re the first people in the history of the world to have a workplace romance?” She sniffed and shook her head. “It happens all the time.”
“What if I’m reading her wrong and she freaks out that her boss is hitting on her?”
“Do you think she’s into you?”
Zane remembered back to the kiss. She had definitely kissed him back. She had been clinging to him. “And what happens when the workplace romance ends?”
“Who says it has to end?”
He gave her a skeptical look and held out his hands.
“Just because all your other relationships ended doesn’t mean this one will. You’re both adults. Talk to her. Make sure you agree to keep things separate.”
“That sounds great, but I’m already struggling to keep things separate.”
“Then you’re going to have to do something.”
He did need to do something. Get his act together and be her boss. She was seeing someone else. Time to move on and let it go.
* * *
Vanessa wasn’t giving up on getting details about her weekend plans with Zane.
“I told you, it’s business,” she clarified.
“But you’ve waited so long. He’s kissed you, and bought you jewelry. You should just jump him as soon as you get him alone. Let the last time count as your first date so you can get to the good stuff this time. You want to get to the good stuff with him, don’t you?”
“Like I said, I’m taking it slow.”
“You’ve been taking it slow for forever. Come on. This is your chance to live a little.”
“I don’t want to mess it up. He’s my boss. This job is too important to me to throw it all away because my boss is…” She couldn’t think of the right word. Yes, sexy came to mind, but he was other things too. He was kind and sweet. She touched the necklace he’d bought her and remembered the most important thing he was—an employer who valued her. She’d never had that before, and she wasn’t going to risk losing that.
“Fine. But you’d better tell me everything when it finally happens.”
“I’ll spill every detail. I promise,” she said, knowing it wasn’t going to happen. She’d crossed her fingers before she said it. She may be an adult, but it still counted.
When she finally got off the phone, she decided she was going to put an end to all her anxieties. She was going to ask Zane out for dinner so they could talk about the kiss she had yet to forget. They’d been flirting and having fun, maybe he would tell her he felt the same way. Maybe she could have both things: the perfect job with a pleasant boss during the day, and a man who rocked her world at night.
But Zane wasn’t there and when he finally showed up, he seemed to be in a bad mood the rest of the afternoon. She didn’t say anything or ask him over for dinner. The flirty, happy Zane was gone, replaced by the miserable Zane who had hired her.
* * *
The next morning she looked at herself in the mirror and gave her reflection a determined nod.
“We’re going to handle this today. We can’t go on like this. It’s too tense. It will all work out.” She wasn’t so sure about that last part.
She left an extra button open on her blouse and put on lipstick. Surely taking these extra measures would be a game changer for her love life.
Zane wasn’t in the office when she got in. She checked her email to find one from him saying he would be out most of the day.
She pouted at the screen and buttoned up the extra button before starting coffee for the guys and getting to work.
One of her duties was reconciling Zane’s credit card, and she pulled up the bank’s website with the pile of receipts in front of her. She wanted to be caught up before they left on their trip the next day.
One by one she coded each item and verified the amounts.
She paused on one of the last transactions on the screen. A transaction she had no receipt for.
“Meadow’s Floral Shop?” she said with her head cocked to the side. She only deliberated for a few moments before she picked up the phone and called the shop.
“Meadow’s Floral,” the cheery woman said.
“Hi. This is Kenley calling from New Haven Custom Boats. I have a charge on our credit card from yesterday, and I need a detailed receipt.”
“Sure. No problem.” The woman helpfully offered to email the document to her without hesitation.
Two minutes later, Kenley was staring at a receipt for a dozen roses purchased the day before. She gazed at Zane’s signature, unmistakably scribbled on the bottom line.
Her mind quickly mapped out a scenario. He had been moody the afternoon before, then bought flowers and wasn’t at work today. Clearly he’d gotten into an argument with a girlfriend. Since he wasn’t going to be in today, the flowers must have done the trick.
She sighed and picked up the phone to call Vanessa, hoping she could make her feel better.
“He has a girlfriend,” she said right away.
“No way!”
“Yes. He bought her flowers yesterday.”
“Are you sure? I thought his sister said he was available.”
“Maybe he lied to her. He doesn’t like her in his business.”
“Maybe the flowers were for his sister or his mom’s birthday or something.”
“A dozen red roses? You don’t take red roses to your mother on her birthday. Besides his mother lives in Florida.”
“He’s not here today. They’re probably off somewhere having all-day make-up sex.” Kenley hadn’t had the chance to have all-day make-up sex yet, but Vanessa and Rachel always made it sound wonderful.
“There are plenty of other fish in the sea.”
She didn’t want the other fish.
“This is for the best. It was a stupid idea to get involved with my boss. I need this job.”
“Come on, Kenley. Work with me a little. We need to get you a man. Any man.”
“I’m fine.”
“We either find you a man or I buy you ten cats. It’s up to you.”
“I like cats. Maybe not ten. At least not all at once.”
“God! You’re unbelievable.”
“Love you too.” Kenley laughed and hung up.
She would not let this get her down. Maybe if he and this rose person had been arguing it meant she was a demanding witch Zane might want to replace with the woman who paid his bills. The woman he would be going away with the next morning.
Her stupid insecurities took that moment to chime in. Why would he want a woman whose idea of seduction was opening an extra button?
She flipped the newspaper to the pet section and began scanning for cats.
* * *
Zane’s pulse picked up when Kenley arrived five minutes early the next morning. Good looking, a brilliant mind, and punctuality all wrapped up into one amazing package. An amazing package who’d gone on a date that made her giggle.
Zane was still irritated with that information. She’d kissed him. Quite intensely, even. Of course, she was on board with his whole let’s-forget-it-happened thing. He should have known.
“Good morning,” he greeted her, trying to keep his voice pleasant. After all, it wasn’t her fault she had a boyfriend.
“Morning,” she said, sounding less than enthusiastic. She had circles under her eyes. Maybe she and the boyfriend broke up. He hated the thrill he felt over something that could cause her pain. But maybe he could help her with that pain. Make her forget what’s-his-name.
She stood there on the dock looking at his boat.
“This is yours?” she asked.
He couldn’t help the pride in his smile when he said, “Yes.”
“You have a yacht.” She let out a breath and shook her head. “Unbelievable.” Since she said that last word more to herself, he let it go.
He loaded her small bag and helped her aboard as she thanked him. Ten minutes later, the trip so far consisted of him driving while she sat in the back of the boat looking out at the ocean in silence.
“Are you okay?” he finally asked, not able to deal with it anymore.
She shrugged. Obviously she didn’t want to talk about it. The warm May day boasted perfect blue skies overhead. But with the cool breeze coming off the ocean, Kenley pulled on a sweatshirt and let out a sigh.
He told her what he was looking for in a boat. He briefed her on their plans. She pulled out her phone and typed in some notes. She seemed to be in a better mood by the time they arrived. He led her to the first boat he wanted to look at.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered. He glanced over at her, taking in her golden hair whipping in the wind. He couldn’t agree more. Except she was talking about the Trumpy yacht in front of them.
They got right to business. He gave her the lead to ask her list of questions. Even when the salesman attempted to ignore her, Zane directed the conversation back to Kenley so she had full control.
She did a wonderful job. She asked informed questions and seemed confident with her knowledge of the model. It was obvious she’d done her homework.
He’d left her alone while he went to pick up lunch, knowing she was capable of handling the salesman on her own.
When she had all her answers she shook the man’s hand. “Thank you for your time. We’ll be in touch,” she said as she turned to Zane, indicating she was ready to go.
Once again he helped her into his boat, holding out the bag of sandwiches when she was safely aboard. He started up the boat and drove them out into the water far enough to give them privacy. So far there’d been no magic. They would only have a little more time for it to kick in before he moved around the point and moored at the marina.
“What did you think of that one?” he asked as he dropped the anchor and grabbed two bottles of water from the cooler.
“It was beautiful. As far as restoration, it wouldn’t need much. The master bedroom was modernized and has an alarming number of mirrors, but other than that it’s been left in original condition.”
He’d seen the way her cheeks turned a glorious shade of pink when she’d seen the mirrors on the ceiling of the stateroom. What he wouldn’t have given to take it out for a test ride and watch her respond from numerous angles.
Damn, he needed to buy bigger jeans.
His tension only built as he watched her lick the barbeque-chip residue from her fingertips. God, that tongue and those lips.
“I don’t think it’s worth the price,” she said.
“Excuse me?” Oh. The boat. “Right. He’s asking too much. We’d have to negotiate.”
“Are you any good at it?” Her lips quirked up on the side.
“Asking for what I want?” He could only stare at her. “No. I suck at it.”
An hour later they arrived where the boat show was being held. The convention center was within walking distance. He offered to carry her bag, but she simply pulled out the handle so she could roll it behind her. Chivalry was dead, killed by modern conveniences.
“Thank you for this opportunity, Zane. I really appreciate it,” she said when they stopped outside her room.
“I really appreciate you taking the initiative. You’ve earned the opportunity. And I’ll be happy to ditch jobs on you once you’re broken in.” He winked at her, it was the same kind of flirting they’d been doing the last week, but it didn’t get the same response.
Instead she turned to unlock her door.
“I guess I’ll unpack before I meet you downstairs?”
“Sure.” And then she was gone. The door shut in his face.
* * *
Her hotel room was covered in rose wallpaper. Pink and red blooms taunted her. A reminder of the fact that somewhere out there was a woman to whom Zane had given a dozen red roses. Someone he probably loved, and had sex with.
“Damn it!” She’d had such high expectations for this trip, and it wasn’t turning out at all like she’d planned.
Sure she was enjoying her job. She liked how Zane seemed fine to let her handle things on her own. He didn’t jump in unless she asked him a question. She valued his opinion, and he was eager to listen to hers.
Now they would be going for drinks and dinner together.
She would rather stay in the overly floral room alone than go to an awkward dinner with the man she was falling for, but he would no doubt be concerned. She couldn’t avoid him.
He hopped up quickly when she stepped off the elevator in the lobby. She hadn’t changed because to do so would have implied this was a date, which it wasn’t. But she had taken her hair out of the ponytail and put on a fresh coat of lipstick.
That was the extent of her efforts for a business dinner.
“You ready?” he asked with a strained smile. He was no doubt wondering why she was so cold to him.
She smiled a genuine smile, deciding to let it go. He hadn’t done anything wrong. Okay, so maybe kissing her when he had a girlfriend wasn’t the right thing, but it was really nothing.
She made an effort to chat, but it was difficult to hear with all the people crowded into the bar area. He introduced her to a few people. He conducted business easily, and she doubted what he’d said earlier about not being a good negotiator. He seemed to be doing a fine job of telling these men what he was looking for and what he was willing to pay for it.
Kenley paid attention, trying to pick up things she could use. By the time they were moving to the dining hall, Zane had bought a boat sight unseen and had plans to look at four more. She was impressed with his skill.
She was also finished with her first drink.
“Can I get a rum and coke?” she requested when the waitress came around. Then she worried two drinks might make her seem irresponsible. Did she care what he thought of her? No, she didn’t. Kenley raised her brow at him in defiance. He couldn’t tell her what to do. Damn. Yes, he could. That was what bosses did.
“I’ll have a lager.” He raised his brow at her, mimicking her rebellious expression. “We’re grown-ups, Kenley. We can have a few drinks after work if we want.”
She let go of the tension. He’d said after work, which meant they were no longer on the clock. While under normal circumstances having dinner with a man after work would be considered a date, she didn’t allow herself to think of it that way.
He had a girlfriend. He was her boss. He was off limits.
They talked a little more about the boat they’d seen that day while they ate.
“So I was wondering,” he said after they’d placed their orders. “Would you mind going out to Ohio and setting up the new office? Taking care of the files and things? Then maybe hire someone for there?”
Her eyes went wide with excitement. “Really?”
“It’s not a big deal. You’re running the office in Connecticut like a well-oiled machine. I’d feel better if you set it up so it would be easier for someone to take over. Plus I’m told my file system sucks.”
“Sure. No problem.”
“You can go whenever works best for you. I’m hoping to have it open for summer.”
“Okay. I’ll work it into my schedule.” She almost hugged him, but played it cool.
Zane’s crab legs were quite messy, so he excused himself the bathroom when they were finished eating.
She felt alone as she watched him walk away. It was stupid. On a normal Friday night she would have been alone, or maybe hanging out with Vanessa and her brother, but she wouldn’t be with Zane.
Although, she’d never wanted anyone more than she wanted Zane.
She was in dangerous territory. She didn’t know a lot about sexual relationships, but she knew that wanting someone she couldn’t have wasn’t a good idea.




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