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His Mafioso Princess by Terri Anne Browning (6)

Chapter 5





The afterglow of an orgasm that might have fried my brain was still clinging to me. Adrian had fallen on top of me after he had succumbed to his own, his weight an added pleasure. I loved the feel of him pressed against me, his body molding over mine in a way that was protective and loving.

His breathing was slowly starting to return to normal. I dreaded the moment he would shift off me.

I stroked my nails over his sweat dampened back, silently praying we could stay like this forever, but I knew that was impossible. I had to return to the compound, or Papa and Cristiano were going to lose their shit. Besides, Adrian probably had things that would eventually need his attention. He was an important man, a powerful man.

If we were that hot just playing around, what would we be like when he finally fucked me?

I shivered at the delicious thought, bringing his attention back to me. He lifted his head, his eyes half-closed but full of just as much fire as they had been when he had been touching me so intimately only minutes before.

“Are you cold, kotyonok?”

There was a low, dark timbre to his voice now, full of the satisfaction he had found with me. I loved that I had made him lose control the way he had. It gave me a heady, powerful feeling that I could make this man forget about everything long enough to become mine, even if it had only been for a short time.

I smiled up at him, feeling like the kitten he continued to call me. As content as I was right then, I nearly purred for him. “No. Just thinking about how good it will be when you finally make me yours.”

The flames in his eyes shot higher. “You are already mine, Victoria. In every way that matters, you are now and forever mine.”

I pressed my left hand to his scruffy cheek. “When you say things like that, I don’t want to leave you.”

He turned his face into my palm, kissing me. “I don’t want you to leave me, ever.”

“But I have to go,” I whispered.

“I know,” he muttered, his jaw tensing.

I stroked my thumb over his bottom lip, aching to kiss him, yet knowing if I did, I wasn’t going to be leaving his apartment that night. “Will you call me a cab?”

Every muscle in his body seemed to tense, his eyes turning feral. “No cab,” he gritted out. “I’ll drive you.”

I didn’t object. If he took me, that was over half an hour I would still get to be with him. And I could show him the spot where I was able to sneak in and out of the compound. Even after three years away, I still knew the guards’ schedules. Even the dogs that ran freely on the grounds were foreseeable. My father was ruthless and held so much influence over a great number of people, yet him and his men were so predictable it was almost funny.

With a groan, Adrian pushed himself up until he was sitting on his knees between my bare thighs. The coolness of the air-conditioned room brushed over my naked lower body and the thick liquid of his come that he had shot onto my belly. I touched my fingers to it, massaging it into my skin.

He watched me with hooded eyes, his nose flaring as his body hardened. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

I bit into my bottom lip as pleasure washed over me.

With a heavy sigh, he stood, readjusted his clothes, and then offered me a hand to assist me up. “Let me change, kotyonok, and then I will drive you home.” He touched his mouth to mine in a slow, heartbreakingly sweet kiss. “You will have to go without your panties, though,” he said with a wink as he stepped back.

Bending, he picked up the ruined underwear he had torn apart in his haste to touch me. Stuffing them into his pocket, he winked again then left me there to go change.

Alone in the living room now, I felt oddly giddy, and it had nothing to do with my diabetes. I loved what we had just done together, wanted to do so much more with him.

It wasn’t just what he had made me feel when we were lost in the heat of the moment. I had never felt like this about another person in my life, this overwhelming need to constantly be with him. As if I might lose part of myself if I went even a minute without him. It was devastating and kind of scary, but at the same time, it was exhilarating and perfect.

A person could easily get addicted to this kind of thing. I couldn’t help wondering if it was what Scarlett felt for Ciro.

Was this … love?

It couldn’t be. I had only known Adrian a few days. Hell, less than that. No one could fall in love that quickly.

I was still mentally milling that over when Adrian came back, dressed in a plain black T-shirt and jeans that fit his thighs and hips as if they had been made especially for him. He paused halfway to me, his eyes skimming over my body, and I realized that I hadn’t fixed my dress yet.

“I’m about to say fuck it and carry you to bed, kotyonok.”

Grinning, I fixed my dress, feeling sensual without my panties on, while he stood there, watching me. “Next time?”

He crossed to me and pulled me in close before lowering his head, his lips touching the tip of my nose then my lips. I couldn’t contain my soft gasp of pleasure, or the soft mewling sound I didn’t even realize I was making until it had already left my lips.

“Next time, I’m keeping you.”

My heart gave a happy jump in my chest.

I pressed against him, wanting to become one entity with him. “Promise?”

“I swear it on my soul.”





The drive back to the compound was over far too soon.

After showing Adrian where to stop so I could sneak back in, he circled around then parked a few yards past my secret entrance. Turning the car off, he reached out and undid my seatbelt. In the next heartbeat, he was pulling me into his arms, his mouth hungrily devouring mine.

His strong hands grasped my ass and lifted me onto his lap, not once breaking our kiss. My hands were everywhere: his hair, his chest, under his shirt. I wanted to memorize every inch of his body with my hands, wanted to imprint the feel of his hard, hot muscles into my fingertips so I would know him even in the dark.

Adrian’s hands were no less idle. I felt his touch on my thighs only a second before he was massaging my bare ass under my dress. He parted my cheeks, skimming his fingers over the seam of my ass before traveling lower and teasing my entrance.

Goosebumps popped up along my entire body, my nipples hard as diamonds against the material of my dress. His titanium-hard cock throbbed against my inner thigh, flexing and straining to break free.

This was dangerous, so damn dangerous. If for whatever reason my father’s men changed their schedule even by a few minutes, they could catch us just outside the compound’s wall. But fuck, I didn’t care right then. They could have found us and dragged us both in front of a damn firing squad—or my father, which was just as bad—and I would have gone happily as long as I got to spend a little while longer in Adrian’s arms like this.

Why was it I didn’t feel completely alive unless I was with him? How could I have gone my entire life thinking I was truly happy, but just now realized it had only been a dream? This was my happiness. This man. This moment. Having him hold me, touch me, brand me as his own. This was what I had been waiting for without even realizing it.

He thrust his finger into me, going deep until the tip reached that sacred barrier I had never even thought of giving away until this man. I wanted him to break through it with that finger, to make me his in every way. When I lifted my head to beg him to do so, he shook his head, as if he knew exactly what words were going to come out of my mouth.

“This isn’t happening in a car on the side of the road where anyone and their mother could see. You will be mine, kotyonok, and soon. For now, let me make you come one more time before you have to leave me.”

He stroked his finger in and out of me so, so, so very slowly. My head felt too heavy for my neck to hold up, and it fell forward, my forehead pressing against his as I tried to hold off the quickly approaching orgasm. If I didn’t come, then I didn’t have to leave him. If I could only stop the tsunami-sized release that was starting to build deep inside my belly, making my thighs quiver and my pussy drip onto his hand, then we could stay here like this forever.

But it was building and I couldn’t stop it. Tears burned my eyes, blinding me, and I hoped he couldn’t see them in the darkness that was like a cloak protecting us from the outside world. With only a few inches separating us, though, it was impossible to hide them as one spilled over my lashes.

His entire body seemed to jerk as if I had stabbed him. His finger, so snug and deep inside me stilled, but he didn’t pull it from my body. With his free hand, he cupped the back of my neck, forcing me to hold his gaze when I would have turned my face away.

“Did I hurt you?” His voice was low, almost anguished as he tried to read me.

“N-no,” I rushed to assure him.

“Then … why?”

Even as I tried to think of the words to explain my sudden emotional overload, my body seemed to have its own agenda. My hips rocked against his hand, his finger still buried deeply. It didn’t matter that I was holding back a sob because I didn’t want to leave this man. It didn’t matter that I was probably too far gone and helplessly in love with him. All that mattered was that he brought the most consuming pleasure I had ever experienced, and my body wanted to feel it repeatedly.

“Victoria?” Adrian’s voice was full of authority now, commanding me to answer him, as concern pinched his brow.

“I think I love you, okay?” The words burst from me, far too soon, but no less true.

It was too soon, but time didn’t matter anymore. I could have known him an hour or fifty years. Whatever the case, I knew I was going to feel this way for eternity. It was too strong, going past my heart and straight to my soul.

Adrian’s frown eased, and his lips turned up in the biggest grin I had ever seen on his beloved face. “You think?”

I found myself biting my bottom lip as pink filled my cheeks. “I’m pretty sure.”

“But not one hundred percent?” he teased, flexing his finger inside my pussy, wringing a few more drops from the drenched lips.

I leaned in closer, brushing my lips softly over his. “Give me another day or two. That pretty sure will turn around.”

“I don’t like to see you cry, kotyonok.” He twisted his fingers in my hair even as he stroked my most intimate hole. “It makes me want to kill someone just thinking about it.”

“I would rather you made me come than killed some nameless idiot, Adrian,” I told him with a pout. “All that energy could be used for so much more enjoyable things than having to get rid of a body.”

He moved his finger faster, going as deeply as he could with my virginity still in his way. “How is it you get me? No one ever has before.”

“Maybe we’re soulmates.” I was panting now, too close to stop the inevitable, even if I tried. My back arched, my hair tangling around the steering wheel as convulsion after convulsion shook my body. “Fuck, Adrian, I love you.”

Adrian pulled my head to his shoulder, trailing his lips up and down my neck in a way that made me feel cherished. He stroked my body, helping to calm me after such an intense release.

I closed my eyes, savoring this for just a little longer. He hadn’t given me the words he had forced me to give him, but for now, his actions were enough.