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House Of Dragons by Rain, Amira, Shifters, Simply (8)



While Mason made different slightly-dirty allusions to things that two or three people could do in bed together, I began sipping my wine quickly in an effort to cool my quickly-warming face. Then, once I’d finished my wine, I got to laughing at different things that Mason was joking about. However, unlike the previous couple of times he’d made me laugh, I laughed longer than just a few seconds, because for some reason, it was just starting to feel really good to just let loose after the shock and tension of the day before. It almost felt soothing or hypnotizing in a strange way.

            Once my laughter had subsided, I looked at Alex while Mason refilled my wine glass. “Well, what about you? Don’t you know any jokes about threesome situations?”

            I just wanted him to speak, to join the conversation in any way.

            With his stern expression not changing in the least, Alex took a sip of his whiskey before responding. “Sorry. I might have known a few sexual jokes around age twelve, but since becoming a grown man, I’ve tried to forget them all. See, some of us grown men like to live our lives with a bit of maturity and dignity.”

            Immediately sober, at least as far as my laughter was concerned, I fought irritation at Alex’s serious, somber answer to my question, while at the same time, I was actually a bit pleased that he’d spoken more than a few words. Wanting to encourage him to keep talking so that he would maybe loosen up a little, I asked him if he was absolutely positive that he didn’t remember any sexual jokes. I said this kind of smiling a bit, trying to be flirty in an attempt to finally break down his wall.

            However, his response was brief and to-the-point. “Yes. I’m sure that I don’t remember any sexual jokes.”

            Mason snorted. “Sorry, Kira. See, Alex is only a year-and-a-half older than me, but in some ways, he’s already an old man, if you get what I mean. In fact, if we had a lawn here at the Towers, he’s the type that would constantly be yelling at kids to stay off it.”

            I knew that some brothers joked with each other, even getting pretty rude sometimes; however, I was beginning to pick up on some real possible malice between Alex and Mason. At any rate, it was clear that they had some sort of rivalry, and I wondered if their relationship had always been this way, or if knowing that one of them would soon be chosen as their grandfather’s successor had stirred up some new and sudden resentment.

            Deciding that I might try to investigate all this later, I soon went back to drinking my wine and laughing with Mason, beginning to really feel the effects of the wine and really liking them.

            It wasn’t long before I realized that I’d somehow finished my third glass of wine without really even being aware that that’s what I was doing. Wanting to stay “on guard” emotionally, I certainly hadn’t meant to drink so much or so fast.

            My head was really beginning to swim, although in a very pleasant sort of way, a way that was drawing my focus to Alex and Mason’s handsome, strong-jawed faces, their broad shoulders, and their hard, well-muscled chests. Suddenly, I almost couldn’t stop thinking about how I wanted to touch their hard, well-muscled chests, maybe while one of them kissed me.

            Maybe Mason could tell that I’d become pretty intoxicated. Or maybe he just couldn’t wait any longer to kiss me. At any rate, the next time he made me laugh about something, he then swiftly pulled me out of my chair and onto his lap while I was still laughing. Surprised but not displeased, I didn’t resist. I again didn’t resist when he then lowered his mouth to mine and began kissing me. In fact, I sighed, running a hand across the chiseled planes of his chest, just like I’d been wanting to do. I didn’t even care that Alex was just sitting right next to us, just watching the whole scene. In fact, this was actually more than a bit thrilling to me, no big surprise since one of the biggest turn-ons of my threesome fantasy was spending a while having one man simply “watching the proceedings” while the other brought me pleasure.

            It wasn’t long before I felt my nipples begin to stiffen in response to a few caresses from Mason over my thin dress while he continued kissing me, playfully nipping at my lips every so often. Beneath my leg, I could feel that I wasn’t the only one quickly becoming aroused. I could feel that Mason was large like Alex, and from what I could tell, it felt like he was already rock-hard. Because of this, my sighs quickly turned to moans, and when Mason slid a hand beneath my dress and bra and began toying with one of my hardened nipples, I broke our kiss involuntarily, moaning the loudest I had yet.

            “Please, Mason. Keep doing that. Just please don’t stop.”

            He didn’t, and he spoke in a husky voice near my ear while he continued his heavenly-feeling caresses. “Why don’t I carry you into your bedroom now and start on those other kisses I promised you yesterday? I’ll start those kisses from your delicate, pretty little hand and wrist, all the way up to your gorgeous, pouty lips. Then, I’ll trail the kisses downward and eventually visit a certain little spot…a very sensitive little spot…and I promise that I’ll give that sensitive little spot all the slow and careful attention it deserves.”

            Nearly dizzy with desire, I exhaled a fluttery little breath, unable to resist teasing him a little. “Oh, yeah? Are you sure you even know where a woman’s ‘sensitive little spot’ is?”

            Wearing a sexy half-grin, Mason nibbled one of my ears briefly before responding. “Oh, I’m pretty sure I do. Here’s the thing, though. It seems that every woman likes her sensitive little spot to be ‘kissed’ and touched differently, so that’s where I think you might have to guide me a bit. Do you think you can do that, Kira?”

            After exhaling another fluttery little breath, I said I was pretty sure. “Although, for some reason, I just don’t think you’re going to need a whole lot of guiding.”

            For some reason, regardless of individual preferences with how different women liked to be touched, I could just tell that Mason would likely have the “magic touch” when it came to me personally.

            The moment he’d said what he had, about his kisses eventually reaching “a certain sensitive spot,” a certain sensitive spot between my now-slick pussy lips had begun tingling in anticipation; I realized that, despite having never jumped into bed with a man so quickly, I was just going to give in, and I was going to like it. I was probably even going to love it. Particularly if Mason was skilled enough at full-body “kissing” to bring me to one of those powerful orgasms he’d been talking about the day before.

            Having made up my mind, I smiled at Mason, wrapping my arms around his neck. “All right. Go ahead and take me to my bedroom.” Right after saying this, I giggled, realizing how comically slurred my speech had become. “Whoa. I guess that might have come out in a tongue-tied sort of way. Just in case you didn’t get that, I just want to make it clear that I was asking you to take me to my bedroom.”

            My speech was actually becoming further slurred the more I spoke, as all the wine I’d had continued to enter my bloodstream.

            Grinning in response to my clarification, Mason rose from his chair with me in his arms. “Whatever you want, baby. Let’s go to your bedroom. Come on, Alex.”

            I giggled again, this time not because of my intoxication, but in anticipation of what was soon to come.