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House Of Dragons by Rain, Amira, Shifters, Simply (13)



  Not ten minutes after Mason and Alex had stepped inside my apartment, I was flat on my back in my bed, completely naked, with my legs spread wide apart. The two of them were also completely naked, with their lightly tanned skin glowing in the low, golden light of two lamps, which I’d specifically requested be left on.

            Mason was between my legs, or at least his impossibly handsome face was anyway. He was flicking his tongue across my throbbing clit, making me moan loudly as I clutched at the bedsheets, sweating a little even though the room wasn’t overly warm. Across from my bed to my right, watching the scene intently, Alex sat in a wingback chair, gripping the wooden arms of it so hard that his knuckles were white. As if this alone wasn’t enough to show me that he was very interested and engaged in the erotic scene he was witnessing, his thick cock stood ramrod straight, so erect it looked like it was straining against thin air.

            After a while, I began tangling my fingers in Mason’s thick, dark hair, pulling him and his rapidly flicking tongue closer against my clit. Seeming to appreciate my undisguised sexual greed, he groaned and began moving his tongue even faster.

            Speaking in an incredibly husky voice, Alex soon asked me a pretty obvious question, which was if I liked what Mason was doing to me.

            With a quiet moan, I nodded with my gaze on Alex. “Yes. I love it. His tongue feels so good moving across my clit.”

            Groaning, Alex clenched his jaw and wrapped a hand around his cock, clearly even further aroused by what I’d just said. Mason also seemed to appreciate what I’d just said, if him increasing the pace of his stroking tongue was any indication.

            Breathing hard, I soon glanced over at Alex again and saw that he was now slowly stroking his rock-hard shaft with a fist, grunting while he did so. It was this erotic image, combined with that very masculine sound, even more than the feel of what Mason was doing to me with his tongue, that sent me tumbling over the edge of ecstasy, crying out in complete rapture.

            Not a second after the last spasm of my climax had passed, Mason pulled me down to the edge of the bed, flipped me over onto my stomach, and then entered me from behind so fast and powerfully that I yelped loudly, clutching a handful of bedsheets. What he’d just done to me might have seemed a little bit rude, to say the least, except that earlier, I’d specifically asked him to do this in a very detailed and very graphic sort of way. “I want to feel a little violated when you put your cock inside of me,” I’d actually said. “I want you to do it in a sudden, rough sort of way that makes me gasp or cry out.”

            To my complete satisfaction, he’d certainly done that.

            Once he began thrusting, I glanced over at Alex, who was now stroking his beyond-erect cock fast and furiously, with his breathing becoming increasingly ragged.

            Wanting to tease him a little and get him worked up further still, I moaned, closing my eyes. “Oh, God, Mason. Please don’t stop. You feel so good filling my pussy like that.”

            What I’d said hadn’t been just for Alex’s benefit. Mason’s big granite-hard pole did feel incredibly good sliding in and out of my slickness. It felt so incredibly good, in fact, that within just a few short minutes, I felt myself approaching another powerful orgasm. While it rolled over me in waves so intense that each one brought a hoarse cry from my lips, I looked over at Alex, who was now breathing as fast as if he were sprinting full-out. The moment Mason pulled himself away from me after groaning out a powerful climax of his own, Alex was behind me. He then slid his rock-hard cock inside of me just as fast and forcefully as Mason had done, and maybe even a little more so. Loving the sensation of sudden violation just as much as when Mason had done it, I moaned out the word yes, arching my back in pleasure.

            Before the evening’s sexual activities were over, I’d had no fewer than three climaxes, each one more mind-blowing and powerful than the last. While Alex had been bringing me to my third, my legs had actually begun shaking a little, something that had almost amused me. However, at the same time, I’d found this almost unspeakably erotic as well, just to be clearly displaying a sign of just what an intense sexual “workout” I was getting.

            When the grandfather clock out in the living room struck eleven o’ clock, the three of us were in bed just resting together, with Alex at my back with an arm around me, and Mason at my front, also with an arm around me.

            With his free hand, Mason began playing with a stray lock of my hair. “God…your hair is so, so beautiful, but not just your hair. All of you is so, so beautiful. Every single part of you, from the top of your head right down to the tips of your pretty little feet.”

            Amused, I snorted. “You mean my size ten, unusually wide, disproportionately large feet? That’s nice of you to say, but they’re definitely not ‘little,’ and I’m not quite so sure they’re very ‘pretty.’”

            Mason snorted, smiling. “All I can say is that you’re wrong. When I said that every part of you is beautiful, I meant it…even your feet.”

            Seeing sincerity in his eyes, I smiled. “Well, I’m glad you at least think so highly of them, because I have to admit, I’ve never been a big fan. But, hey…having large, wide feet is better than having no feet, or having feet so big I’d have to special order huge, embarrassing-looking clown shoes, right? I guess I have to count my blessings.”

            Mason smiled, still toying with my hair. We both fell silent, just looking into each other's eyes, and several long yet comfortable moments went by before I spoke again.

            “Hey. Even though you weren’t the one I went off on, I still want to apologize to you for ruining our dinner by getting drunk the other night. That was pretty rude of me.”

             With his pale blue eyes radiating sympathy, Mason let my lock of hair slip through his fingers. “No…please don't be sorry. In fact, if anyone should be apologizing, it’s me. I wasn’t really thinking, and I kept refilling your wineglass time and again, without realizing that you might have had a completely empty stomach. That definitely wasn’t very thoughtful or chivalrous of me, and I’m really sorry for that. I just want to let you know that I’m going to be more considerate of your needs in the future, and I promise you that.”

            At that moment, my stomach growled, and loudly enough to leave me completely mortified.

            Mason just smiled at the sound. “Hm. What was that? Did I just hear a need?”

            I smiled in spite of my profound embarrassment. “Yes, I’m afraid you did. I’d be lying if I said that a big turkey sandwich wouldn’t hit the spot right about now. I can go get it myself, though, and if you and Alex are hungry, too, I’ll make sandwiches for us all. I’ll just go make them and bring them right back to bed here.”

            Mason said no way. “Not a chance. I’ll go make a few sandwiches myself. What else besides turkey do you want on yours? Peanut butter and maybe a little honey?”

            Not sure if he was joking or not, I remained speechless for a few moments, just looking for signs of mirth in his face and not seeing any. “Um…I guess I’ve never heard of that combination before. Does anyone really like peanut butter and honey on a turkey sandwich? Or are you just joking with me?”

            Mason frowned, furrowing his dark brows. “Sorry. I just assumed that you’d heard of the official sandwich of New Detroit. Obviously, you haven’t, and now I feel like a complete idiot for even suggesting it.”

            Now feeling like a complete idiot myself, I was quick to apologize. “Oh, Mason…I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to imply that you said anything stupid or that I didn’t appreciate your suggestion for my sandwich. It was just that that particular combination on a turkey sandwich isn’t something I’m familiar with, but I never meant to make you feel like ‘a complete idiot,’ as you said.”

            “Oh, boy, I really had you going.” Grinning, he just looked at me for a moment. “That was so unbelievably easy. Peanut butter and honey on a turkey sandwich. How disgusting, but you fell for that hook, line, and-”

            “Oh, you jerk!”

            Feeling a little bit genuinely angry, I swatted at him a few times; however, I found myself also trying to stifle laughter at the same time.

            Laughing, Mason didn’t even bother to shield his shoulder and arms from my feeble blows. “Oh, you’re too easy, Kira. Peanut butter, honey, and turkey as the official sandwich of New Detroit? What kind of a show do you think we’re running in this city?”

            I gave his arm one final blow, and I made this one an actual punch, and not a feather-light one either. “You’re really a complete jerk. You honestly made me feel terrible for a second.”

            “Well, would a ham-and-banana sandwich on flatbread make you feel any better?”

            Now, I really couldn’t hold back my laughter, and I let it loose with my face pressed against his hard chest. “You’ve got to stop with all this disgustingness. You’re beginning to ruin my appetite.”

            Mason spoke with clear amusement present in his voice. “Well, then I’d better go make your sandwich before you lose your appetite completely. What would you really like besides turkey?”

            With my laughter subsiding, I sighed after a few more chuckles. “Swiss cheese, please…and tomato, lettuce, and a little mayonnaise. Oh, and now you made me want something else along with my sandwich, too.”

            “I’ll make anything else you want. Just name it.”

            “Well, it’s something pretty simple. Could you please bring me maybe a half-dozen saltine crackers topped with banana slices?”

            Mason scoffed. “Well, who’s into the weird combinations now, Kira?”

            I began laughing again, snuggling even closer to him. “Yeah, yeah, I know. It is a little weird. But ‘banana crackers,’ as I used to call them, are something I used to eat as a little kid, and they’re actually really good. They’re sweet and just a little salty at the same time, which is a delicious combination. In fact, now that you made fun of it, I think I’m going to force you to try a ‘banana cracker.’”           

            Mason heaved a sigh. “All right. Now you’re getting mean…threatening to torture me with your weird cracker things. I think I’d better hop out of bed now before you get any meaner.”

            I giggled, and he pressed a kiss to my forehead before getting out of bed. “Just sit tight. I’ll be back with your turkey sandwich and your weird cracker things as fast as I can. Keep your pretty little feet nice and toasty under the blankets until I come back, okay?”

            With his sensuous lips twitching, he leaned over and gave me another kiss, this one on my mouth, before pulling on his underwear and leaving the room. Watching him go, I had the thought that I might be falling in love with him. My only problem was that I wasn’t sure where this left Alex.