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House Rules by Lyssa Cole (17)



Buzzzzz. Buzzzzz.

I sit up straight, the early morning light streaming in through the big bay windows. What is that buzzing sound?

It goes off again. I look around and notice my phone vibrating on the table.

The memories of the night before roll through my head and I fall back onto Sarah's couch. I ignore the phone. It's driving me crazy.

My head throbs along with my back. I pull the blanket over me to block out the sun. I'm not ready to get up and face the day.

The need to pee hits me with a sudden urgency and I groan. Fuck.

I throw the blanket off and head to the bathroom. On the counter is a glass of water with an ibuprofen and a note that reads

I'm sure you'll need this in the morning. I wish I had something stronger. Love S.

I gulp down the pill and water. I'm lucky to have Sarah. I'd be lost without her.

I finish in the bathroom and tiptoe down the hall to her bedroom. The door is cracked; the room pitch black from her room-darkening shades.

She's on one side of the bed, the covers over her head, and I hear her soft breathing. I sneak in and slide beside her. We used to sleep together during our many sleepovers.

Right now, I need the comfort of a warm body.

I snuggle in, the heat from her bed and the darkness of the room making me sleepy.

I'll close my eyes for ten more minutes

"Em?" A hand nudges my shoulder. "Em, you in there?"

I moan as I roll over, pulling the covers around me tighter.

"Em, hun, someone by the name of Jane is on your phone. She says she's Knox's sister?"

I bolt upright as I tear the covers off my face. I rub my face and smooth down my hair.

"She called my phone?"

"Yeah," Sarah hands me my phone. She points to the mute button, letting me know she pressed it. "She's calling from the police station. Something about Knox's statement. I'm sorry I answered it, but when I googled the number and it popped up Providence Police, I figured it was important."

"Thanks." I take a deep breath. "I guess it's time to deal with the shit."

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." Sarah stands and leaves.

I unmute the phone. "Hello?"

"Emma? It's Jane, Knox's sister."

"Uh, hi." I hit the speaker button and place the phone on the bed. I wring my hands together as I brace myself.

"I know, it's weird I called you when we haven't met before, but I came down to the police station and I'm trying to bail Knox out but the police want you to vouch for him before he can be released."

"Vouch for him? What do you mean?"

"Basically, confirm what he's saying is true. Max and Sharon are telling a completely different story and the police are ready to book Knox in now. I don't want him held in there until court. He didn't hit that scheming little bitch. I'm sure of it. This is the shit she's always pulled on him. Do you mind coming down here to help?"

Hit her? Sharon is saying Knox hit her? I find that hard to believe. Knox doesn't have a violent bone in his body. Not that I know of anyway. There're layers to people we don't always see...

I got Knox into this situation and I will help him out of it, whether he's guilty or not.

"Of course I can. Give me about twenty minutes?"

"Thank you, thank you. I'm sorry to call you but I had no other choice."

"I know. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be in this mess."

"Don't blame yourself. It was that brother-sister psycho tag team. Man, in all the time Knox was with Sharon, I never had a clue she had a brother. I don't think he did either."

"Yeah, that makes three of us. Max never mentioned a sister himself."

Jane whistles low. "What a fucked up situation."

"You're telling me. I'll see you soon."

We hang up and Sarah tiptoes in.

She carries two mugs of coffee, offering one to me. The steam rises and I take a sip as I close my eyes.

 Mmmm, she always did make a perfect cup of coffee.

"Do you mind driving me down to the police station?" I sip my coffee, the hot liquid warming my insides.

"Of course, what's going on?"

"Apparently, the police need a statement from me to back up Knox's statement. Otherwise, they want to hold him until he's due in court."

"What? Why in the hell would they do that? He can't get out on bail?"

I shrug. "I guess Sharon and Max have a pretty convincing story going on. One that's completely different."

"Shocker. I always knew Max was evil. I'm not surprised he has an evil sister too. It's crazy how Knox went out with her."

"No shit. I'm still trying to make sense of it all."

Last night, I filled Sarah in on what went down. We both got teary as we talked about what could've happened if Knox hadn't been there.

"So, are you going to back him up? What's their story?"

"Sharon is claiming Knox hit her."

"You're fucking joking, right?"

"I wish I were."

"You don't think he did, do you?" Sarah whispers.

"No, I don't. But people can be surprising sometimes."

"You can say that again."

"Besides, I owe him one. I feel like it's my fault he's in there."

"Em, it's not your fault. Shit happens. He saved you from that creep."

"You're right. Let's go bust him out." I climb out of bed as Sarah scampers around for clothes.

Here's hoping today is a better day than yesterday.

* * *

Thirty minutes later, we pull into the police station. I jiggle both legs as the butterflies have a dance party in my belly.

"It'll be okay, Em. Deep breaths."

Sarah slides into a spot near the door and kills the engine.

"Ready?" She asks as she double checks her face in the mirror.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

We walk up the sidewalk to the main door. A young woman paces in front of the building as her fingers fly across her phone.

"Shit!" She mutters as she throws down a lit cigarette and smashes it with her toe.

Sarah grabs the door and the woman rushes inside while tossing us a small smile. Once inside, we head straight to the main check in area.

"Can I help you miss?"

"Hi. I'm here to give a statement regarding Knox Rothwell." I rub my hands together and glance at Sarah. She nods her head and rubs my shoulder.

"Emma? Is that you?" The same woman from outside appears beside Sarah. I scan her face, noting it looks familiar. "I'm Jane. Nice to meet you." She pulls me in for a hug and my nose fills with a mixture of lavender and cigarette smoke.

I hug her back before I pull away. It's awkward and I'm not sure what to say.

"Miss?" The guy behind the desk raps his fingers on the hard wood.

"I'll take her to the room." Jane interrupts. She gives me a warm smile and the tension eases. Sarah and I follow her to a room in the back where an officer sits.

He stands when we enter the room. "Morning, ladies. Coffee or water anyone?" He points to a back table where we can help ourselves.

I pour a cup of water and sit at the table.

"Emma, let's begin." The officer gesture to me. "I'll be asking a few questions. Some may be hard to answer. Are you okay with Jane and your friend to be in the room?"

I nod my head and clasp my hands together. A bead of sweat trickles down my back.

"Can you tell me what happened, in your words?"

I rehash the events to the best of my memory. Sarah squeezes my hand several times. I choke out the last part as the tears threaten to spill over.

The officer hands me a tissue and I dab my tears, swallowing down the rest.

"At any point, did you see Knox hit Sharon?"

I shake my head. "No, I didn't. He was trying to save me. Max was trying to kidnap me and Knox got him away from me."

The officer nods his head as he jots down notes. "He only punched Max to your knowledge?"

"Yes. Max is... well, he's quite disturbed. Check the records. I've had restraining orders against him in the past."

"That's true officer. Check back about six years ago. Max and Emma have history." Sarah juts in.

"And, Knox has had restraining orders against Sharon. None of us knew they were brother and sister until yesterday. Hell, none of us even knew the other had a sibling. Those two are nut jobs." Jane crosses her arms. Her bottom lip sticks out and her eyes burn holes into the officer.

"Ok, ok. I'll make sure all of this history is checked out. I don't have any further questions at this time. I'm going to call the bondsman to come down and we can release Knox." He stands and shuffles his papers. "I'll be back. Sit tight ladies."

I breathe a sigh of relief as soon as he exits the room.

"Thank God." Jane leans her head back and blows out a gush of air towards the ceiling. She turns to look at me. "And, thank you, Emma." She pulls me in for another hug.

What's with this girl and hugs?

"My brother is crazy to not be with you." Jane whispers in my ear before she pulls away.

My mouth drops open. What does she know?

Before I can ask any questions, the officer is back.

"We're in luck ladies. The bondsman was already here. Let's go."


I stare at the hard floor of the cell. It's cold and uninviting, the entire area made of cement. My shoulders slump forward, my head hanging low.

I rub my scabbed knuckles, wondering if I need a few stitches. The asshole who threw me in here didn't care and only got me a wet paper towel to clean my hand.

So much for being the hero. I save the day and get thrown in jail.

Fuck. I thought I was free of Sharon.

Instead, she's back and fucking up my life again.

Emma must think I'm a monster. The way I bashed in Max's face... I'm ashamed of myself.

I couldn't help myself. He was running off with her and I couldn't stand the thought of his hands on her. Taking her away to do things she doesn't want to do or hell, even worse. Who knows what those two are capable of.

I pray Jane got ahold of Emma so I can get the fuck out of here.

I can't believe Sharon said what she did. I'd never hit a woman. Never.

No matter how much she pissed me off. All of the times Sharon made me see red, I never laid a finger on her. I have too much respect for women to do such a thing. My mother taught me well.

"All right, you're free." A voice rumbles as keys jingle.

I look up and see an officer unlocking the door.

Thank the fucking stars.

I stand and wobble a bit, my body sore. My knuckles throb like a bitch and sitting on this hard bed all night has my back aching.

I follow the officer out and see my sister standing in the hallway along with Emma and another woman. Jane runs up to me and throws her arms around me. I hug her back, grateful to be out of there. "Thanks for breaking me out, sis."

She rubs my back as she pulls away. "Of course, Knox... I know you'd do the same for me. Emma saved the day, though."

I find Emma's eyes, the light in them dimmer, her skin pale, trails of tears staining her cheeks. My heart picks up speed. I hate seeing her sad. This whole situation is fucked up.

I walk over to her and hear her sharp intake of breath. Without thinking, I pull her in for a hug, pressing her head to my chest. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jane take the other woman's hand and point towards the door.

 I kiss the top of Emma's head and whisper my thanks. I lean back and cup her face with both hands as I force her to look up at me. "I'm sorry, Em. I'm sorry for everything."

Again, without thinking, I lean down and press my lips to hers as I feel her body melt into mine.

Suddenly, everything seems right again.

* * *

Jane drives me home, the car ride quiet. My mom and Jane got my truck earlier, and now Mom is waiting back at my apartment. I told Emma I'd call her later. We can talk things over. Right now, I need some food, a hot shower, and my bed. I feel like I've been awake for days.

"Emma seems like a nice woman." Jane says and I crack a smile. Here she goes.

"Yeah, she is one of a kind."

Jane cocks an eyebrow at me as she turns into my driveway. "One of a kind, huh?"

I nod and exit the car before she asks me anything else.

Our mother rushes out of the apartment as she runs towards me. "Knox! My baby. I was worried sick about you." She crushes me in one of those mom hugs.

"I'm okay Mom, really. I'm lucky to have you and Jane. Thanks."

Jane wraps her arms around me and my mom, and the three of us bask in the comfort of each other.

 "Come on, let's get you inside."

Once inside, I make a beeline for the bathroom. I can't wait to strip and hop in the shower. After drowning my sorrows and all the nasty prison dirt, I put on my comfiest pajamas and make my way to the kitchen.

Jane says her goodbyes as she has a deadline to meet.

My mom makes me dish after dish of food and by the last one, I'm turning away food. She's an amazing cook and loves to keep me fed well.

"Are you sure you'll be fine alone?"

"Yes, Mom. I love you. I'll call you in the morning, okay?"

She nods and pulls me in for another hug. Jane and her love to give them on the regular and now I'm used to it.

"Love you, too, my boy. Sweet dreams." She rubs my cheek and turns for the door.

She's gone a moment later and I'm left in silence.

I shuffle to my bed, the exhaustion wearing me down. Once under the covers, I roll onto my back and will my eyes to close.

It's no use. I'm wide awake.

My phone chirps with a text and I grab it off my nightstand.

<I'm sry Knox. Ty for saving me.>

My stomach clenches. I would've killed that bastard if he hurt her.

The thought of his hands on her gnaws at me. I can't push it out of my head.

<Yw. I wouldn't have let anything happen to u.>

<Aww. You're sweet.>

My heart pounds as the blood rushes to my ears. I need to see her. I don't want to be alone tonight. Her, here with me. That's what I want. Hell, I'd go to her.

<R u ok?>

<Yah, I'm hanging in there. Don't want to be alone.>

<Where r u staying?>


I should be the one protecting her. Emma should be with me tonight.

<Come here. Spend the night w me. I'll pick u up.>

A few minutes go by before she responds. I sit on pins and needles while I await her reply. I can't help myself, this strong desire for her clouds my head.

I've stayed away. As hard as it was, I made myself.

My control lessens each day. When I see her, my control is gone.

Finally, she responds.

<Ok. 576 West Shore Rd in Warwick.>

<I know it well. See u soon.>

I hurry out of bed, not bothering to change.

All I care about is picking her up and getting her in my bed.




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