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Keeping Her Warm by Riley, Alexa (6)



I’m wrapped in warmth. A comfort like I’ve never felt before tingles all over my body. My eyes feel heavy as I slowly open them to see my head is resting on a man.

My breath hitches for a moment as the night before floods through my mind.

Sheriff Bannon.

That’s who saved me. A man I’ve been avoiding like the plague. Now I’m wrapped around him tightly and I don’t want to let go. He feels too good. I feel safe in this moment and I don’t want it to end.

I let my eyes fall back closed, breathing him in. I’ve had a crush on Cole Bannon since he came back to town. I don’t remember him from when I was younger and he was in school here, but we are ten years apart in age. By the time I was old enough to start noticing boys he was gone and in the army, but I still heard people talk about him.

The town’s golden boy. The town practically had a parade when he’d come back and it wasn’t long after he took over as sheriff. Which scared the heck out of me.

The last sheriff didn’t give me much mind, but I had a feeling Bannon wouldn’t be the same way. He followed the rules and was strait-laced. Or so I’d heard.

You hear a lot of things when you don’t do a lot of talking. After a while people pretty much don’t even notice you anymore. You’re almost invisible, which was what I wanted to be. Slide under the radar. No one to catch on that I was a sixteen-year-old girl living on her own. Stealing her father’s checks to make ends meet.

I let his warm, earthy smell fill my lungs. He smells like a man, and I want to be even closer to him. Keeping my eyes closed I slide over him a little more, even though I’ve already got one leg thrown over him. When my chest rubs against the hairs on his I realize that I’m naked, which wakes me up more.

Bannon grunts. His hands go to my hips. His rough fingers dig into my hips and a muttered “fuck” leaves his lips. I keep my eyes closed, pretending to sleep, but I can’t get my breathing to even out. I rock my hips a little and feel his hardness rub between my legs. A delicious chill runs through my body.

I freeze for a moment. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Maybe that’s because part of me thinks this really can’t be happening. There is no way I’m naked on top of Sheriff Cole Bannon. It doesn't seem possible. Maybe I died out in the snow storm and this is my heaven. It’s too good to be true and I want to steal this moment.

I rock myself again, wanting that sweet chill to roll through my body, and it does.

“Catherine, baby. You’re killing me.” My breath hitches when he calls me that. Once again the night before flutters through my mind. He called me that then, too. Maybe he calls everyone baby? I thought baby was a term of endearment for a lover.

I let my eyes open and brush my nose against the stubble on his neck, before I place a soft kiss there. It isn't enough. I need to know what he tastes like. I kiss him there again, only this time I let my tongue dart out a little. His cock jerks against me and I have to fight back a moan.

I’ve turned him on. It makes me feel like a woman that I’ve gotten this rise out of him. Almost powerful. I’m not used to feeling that way.

“You’re going to kill me,” he growls. The sound vibrates through his chest and against mine. I have to hold back a giggle.

I let my hand slide up the side of his chest, feeling the hairs there against my fingertips. His chest is hard like the rest of him. I run my fingers up but stop when rough scars greet the tips. I want to pull back to see what is marking his skin, but before I can move I’m flipped. My back hits the soft blankets, and Bannon looms over me with a look I’ve never seen on his face.

No, every time I’ve seen him in town he’s had soft smiles and warmth to him. The things people said about him rang true. I only got quick glances of him before I slipped away, trying to stay off his radar. I didn’t want to draw his attention to me because Bannon tries to know everyone in town. He takes his job as sheriff seriously. I wonder if he’ll arrest me when he finds out what I’ve been doing.

I stare into his deep gray eyes. I never knew what color his eyes were. I’ve never been close enough to get a look. I didn’t think eyes this color were real. It’s hard to focus on the hard look on his face when all I can do is get lost in his eyes.

“Hi.” It’s all I can think to say. His face doesn't change and he still doesn't say a word. His eyes are still locked on mine. He shifts a little and my legs open a little more, letting him slide deeper into me. His eyes closed as if he’s in pain.

I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, scared he’s going to pull away from me. I don’t know how I’m so bold. Maybe because this feels right. Or maybe because so much has been taken from me I don’t want this taken, too. I’m latching on and not letting go.

I’m worried of what he’s going to say or what he might ask me, and that fear of him pushes me away. I just want to lie back down, fall asleep on him and not think about anything.

He opens his eyes and he looks a little more in control. He takes a deep breath and his face softens. “How are you feeling?” he asks. His words come out gruff, and I don’t know why, but my cheeks pinken.

“I’m naked,” pops out of my mouth, and my cheeks heat even more.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I needed to get you warm, and the hospital was too far away, so I brought you home.” He delves a hand into my hair. He softly brushes some of it away from my face and strokes it. “You look like a little doll. Your cheeks are still pink. Are you cold still?”

I shake my head. My cheeks aren’t pink from the cold. In fact, I’m quite warm at the moment. I don’t know if it's because of his body heat or the feelings that are coursing through me in this moment. I’ve never felt like this before.

“Hungry?” At the mention of food, my stomach growls and Bannon smiles.

I close my eyes in embarrassment. Of everything—my nakedness, our closeness, my pawing at him... I feel him chuckle against me.

“How about you take a nice warm shower and I’ll make us something to eat?” I nod my head in agreement. “Open your eyes, baby. I like seeing them.”

I do as he commands. Something inside me wants to please him. “You’re safe here with me. I’m the sheriff,” he tells me.

“I know who you are, Sheriff Bannan.”

“Cole,” he corrects. “Call me Cole, sweetheart.”

“Okay, Cole,” I agree.

“How is it you know who I am but I’ve never seen you before?” he asks.

“Everyone knows who you are, sheriff.” His eyes narrow on me. “Cole,” I amend.

“I don’t think I would forget seeing you. Your eyes...” He stares at them. My eyes are a deep green like my father’s. In the light they change to a softer green, but I know right now they are dark. I bite my lip, unsure what to say, but he pushes. “How have I not seen you?”

“I made sure you didn't,” I finally admit after a beat, knowing he isn't going to let it go. “Am I in trouble now?”

“No,” he snaps. “If anyone is in trouble it’s me.” He mumbles the last part so low I almost don’t hear it. I start to ask what he means, but he’s pulling me to my feet before I can get the words out. My knees give out a little and he catches me before I can crumple to the floor. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly, scared I’m going to fall. Scared that I’ll never get to be this close to this man again. Scared to lose all these things he’s making me feel.

He pulls me into him, lifting me a little. Instinctively I wrap my legs around him. It's hard to get my legs all the way around, but he slides one of his hands under my ass to keep me in place. I feel a soft squeeze on my bare cheek, reminding me once again I’m naked. I bury my face in his neck.

“I’ll help you into the shower,” he tells me before kissing my temple. Then we are moving through the house and down a hallway. We enter a room with a giant bed in the center of the floor. The place is beautifully furnished, with two nightstands and a dresser with a TV mounted over it. Everything is clean but simple. No color really touches anything. Everything is in tones of black, brown and white.

We enter a bathroom and I expect him to put me down, so I hold him tighter in a silent plea. I don’t know why I’m latching on so hard to this man, but I know I don't want to let go. I can’t.

“I’ve got you,” he reassures me. I hear the water come on, then we step in. Warm water greets my back, and I let out a relieved sigh at the feeling. “Feet down.”

I slowly let my feet drop and toeing off the socks he put on me. I slide down his body until my feet touch the floor of the shower. One of his arms stays locked around my waist as he reaches for a bottle of body wash. He squeezes a little into a loofah ball. The fresh smell of the soap reminds me of him.

He starts to rub the loofah all over me. I let my eyes fall closed, enjoying being taken care of for once. He starts with my shoulders, working his way down. The loofah brushes across my nipples, making them harder. I hear him moan and mutter my name. I want to open my eyes but I don’t. I’m too shy to bring myself to do it.

I feel the loofah drop to the floor, then his hand is there.

“Tell me to stop,” he says in a low gruff whisper that almost sounds pained.

“Hmm,” is all I utter. I love the feel of his hands on me. I can’t remember the last time someone even touched me, let alone held me close. I’ll never tell him to stop. If I could speak right now I would likely ask for more. It feels too good to want it to stop.

I push into him, silently encouraging him. He slides his hand down my stomach. My breath hitches when it slides between my legs. I part them for him, wanting him to touch me there, too. My whole body is throbbing with a need I can’t place. I wiggle against him and let out a little desperate cry.

“I got you. I know what you need and I’ll take care of it. Take care of you.” My heart starts to pound at his words.

I want him to promise me that.

“I promise,” he tells me with so much sincerity in his voice it makes me realize I said the words out loud. My eyes finally open to meet his as his finger slides across my clit, making me gasp. He steals the moment to take my mouth in a deep, hungry kiss.

His tongue sweeps into my mouth. I fall into him, letting him take what he wants and soaking it all in. He sucks and nips at my lips. “Kiss me back. Show me that you want this,” he growls against my lips before taking them again. I part my lips for him, and when his tongue sweeps into my mouth this time I slide mine to meet his.

I moan into his mouth. His lips are softer than I thought they would be. All thoughts leave my mind when his fingers between my legs move faster. I cling to him as I rock my hips a little. I hate that he still has on his boxers. I want us to be completely skin to skin. I want to feel every part of him as I come undone.

The pleasure is building. I forget about the kiss and throw my head back in bliss. He moves his mouth to my neck and sucks and kisses me there, taking little bites as his fingers bring me closer and closer to release.

“Cole,” I moan.

“Let go, baby. I got you. Cum for me.” And I do. My body jerks against him as I cry out his name. My body goes lax as the most intense pleasure washes through me. His arm around me keeps me from falling as he holds me tight, still giving soft strokes to my clit, getting every bit of the orgasm out of me.

Slowly he turns me until my back is to his chest. I feel him move around, then one of his hands is in my hair as he washes it. We’re both quiet. I moan again as he massages the shampoo into my hair. He washes it out and follows it with conditioner. I feel taken care of and I almost want to cry.

All too soon the water is turned off. He wraps a towel around me and I finally open my eyes again. His face is unreadable and I begin to feel uneasiness creep up my spine. He lifts me into his arms and carries me to the giant bed, where he pulls back the covers and lays me down before covering me back up.

“I’ll make you something to eat.” He turns away from me and walks over to his dresser. I watch as he pulls down his wet boxers, tossing them into a hamper, before pulling out a pair of flannel sleep pants and putting them on. I curse them for blocking my view of his firm ass that I only got to see for a moment. He turns to look at me. My eyes goes to the scar over his shoulder and he mutters something I can’t hear before walking into his closet. When he comes back out he has a tight black shirt on that covers up the scars.

I want to say something, but no words will leave my mouth. I’m used to that. Normally it doesn't bother me, but right now it does. I want to say something. I want to know what he’s thinking.

“Eggs and bacon okay? All I can really make without burning the house down.” He gives a shrug, his face still not giving anything away.

I just nod at him. He gives me one last look before turning to leave the bedroom. When he disappears out of sight the emptiness I’m used to settles inside of me, loneliness I hadn't even noticed had been gone since waking up in Cole’s home.

I slide from the bed and hop down. I use a towel to dry my hair and go to his closet to find a shirt I can wear. I grab a gray one that reads Army across the chest, slipping it on over my head. It falls almost to my knees.

Making my way out of the room, I head down the hallway looking for the kitchen. I pause in the living room when I hear him on the phone.

“Hey, Lauren, I just got your message.” There is a long pause. “Yeah, I can check into it. Is it not normal for some of the girls to shower at the school?”

My stomach knots at his words and I know that reality is now crashing in. I glance over to the window and see the snow has stopped. The sky is still gray, but I can tell it’s early morning. I don’t want to have this talk with Cole or admit all the things I’ve been doing. I know he said I wasn't in trouble, but I don’t think he knows all I’ve done.

I don’t want him to look at me differently. He made me feel desired. Wanted. Even if I can’t have him I want to protect this morning. Not have it crushed. I need to get out of here, but I have no idea where I’ll go. Maybe I should try the church. I start looking around the living room for my jeans. I see my coat, backpack and hat but nothing else.

“Let me call you back,” I hear said behind me. I turn to see Cole staring at me.

“Where’s my stuff?” I blurt out in a rush.

“Why do you need it?” he questions, taking a step toward me. I take a step back.

“I should go,” I tell him. I try to raise my chin, putting some force behind my words.

“Fuck!” he yells, making me jump, as he runs his hands through his messy dark hair. With the lights on in the living room now he looks even fiercer. You'd think being pressed against him I would have felt how big he really is, but standing back and taking him all in, I realize just how much bigger than me he is. He’s a bit more than a foot taller than me.

It's clear he hasn't let up from his workouts since leaving the Rangers. Every part of him is hard muscle and angles. His mouth is set in a firm line. The usual easy smile he has when I see him in town is long gone. I wonder if he's pissed about the phone call. Pissed about learning more about who I really am.

I turn and half run down the hallway. My eyes start to fill with tears. My nose burns. Before I make it to the bedroom, where I plan to lock myself inside to get myself under control, Cole is on me, pinning me to the wall.

His big hands and arms cage me in. His breathing is heavy. He drops his forehead down to mine. “I’m sorry. I shouldn't have touched you. You were vulnerable and I took advantage. I don’t know what came over me. I don’t seem to be myself around you,” he says, completely misunderstanding why I’m upset.




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