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Love Like This by Melissa Brayden (10)

Chapter Nine


Spencer arrived at the hospital cafeteria and immediately spotted Kendra wearing her pink scrubs with the kittens on them at a booth in the back. She dodged the traditional scene of doctors and nurses and hospital staff all crisscrossing the space with their varied lunch trays. “Excuse me. Excuse me, sir. Oops, sorry about that. Excuse me.” Kendra only had forty-five minutes for lunch, so Spencer had no problem coming to her for their occasional lunch date to capitalize on their one-on-one time. Plus, for cafeteria food, this place had it together. She slid into the booth and didn’t even wait for a hello, accepting the cheeseburger and fries that Kendra slid her way.

She tossed her bag into the seat next to her and leveled Kendra with a desperate stare. “Thank God you were free today.”

Kendra slowly bit into a fry and studied her. “You’re moving at a different pace today, Adair. There’s a buzzing to your energy. What’s with that? I’m unsettled.”

“You noticed that, too?” Spencer nodded, realizing she was vibrating as she sat there. “You aren’t wrong. I’m feeling…” She didn’t have the word. Instead, with her palms she made large circles around the sides of her head, hoping that the chaotic gesture would communicate it all.

“Mm-hmm,” Kendra said, squinting. “I see we’re going the charades route. Princess Leia!” she said pointing, as if a lightbulb had shot to life above her head.


“Princess Leia got lucky last night,” she said, with a wider smile and danced to a groove in her head.

“Yes. Yes, she did.” Spencer sighed, and took the bun off her cheeseburger for proper ketchup application.

“Spence, time’s ticking. The babies upstairs need me, and I need them. We had two born just this morning. Spill your guts and stop being a weird-ass.”

Spencer nodded, and found her footing. “Fine. I’m sounding an alert. That’s what’s up. She’s not who she claims to be, Ken.”

“Who? Hadley? She’s not an assistant manager white lady who works on Rodeo Drive?”

“No, that part is true. But she’s sweet and nice and unassuming. You think that’s who you’re dealing with and you can handle it. But then, then, you find out she’s a total tiger in the bedroom. It’s mind blowing.”

“Well, well, well,” Kendra said and laughed, stealing back the ketchup. She lowered her voice. “Sounds like you might have stumbled onto the jackpot with this one. A lot of people would kill for that combo, Spence. Stop the stressin’.”

“I can’t even wrap my mind around it,” Spencer said, slapping her palm across half her face and holding it there. “She’s so many things. And I have everyone figured out. You know this about me. It’s my gift.” She shook her finger. “But I didn’t see her coming. I still don’t and now I’m in my head about it. My concentration is at fifty percent, and I’m falling behind on my work.”

“Oh, my effing stars.” Kendra fanned herself in amusement. “Spencer Adair is on her heels at long last. She’s met her match, ladies and gentleman.” The tables around them nodded in amusement and went back to their meals. “Lord Jesus. Oh, yes. I’m loving every second of this. For once, I’m not the lovestruck idiot in this duo.” She did another shoulder dance to celebrate.

Spencer scoffed. “No one said anything about lovestruck, all right? I’m just…intrigued and now preoccupied. Let’s not get crazy.”

“Sure. You’re not mooning over this woman and I’m not a sucker for Idris Elba with his shirt off, and oiled up, and caressing a woman’s face, preferably mine, and—”

“You’re stealing from my crisis with a straight girl fantasy.”

“I’m using it as a stepping stool to Idris.”

Spencer smiled at Kendra being Kendra but moved beyond it. “Maybe I should stop seeing her.”

Kendra pulled her face back and studied the tables around them as if to say “did you just hear this woman?”

“I’m serious, Ken. I don’t like feeling like my brain is all over the place, and besides that, we have very different beliefs about love and marriage and the grand scheme. I’d probably be a letdown for her in the long run. Those are big issues one shouldn’t ignore.”

“Oh, are we back on your fear of marriage because your parents’ didn’t work? That old chestnut?” She rolled her eyes as if the subject was a tired one.

“You’re minimizing my whole ideology, but yes, it’s a factor.”

“Let me help you unfactor that nonsense, because I work with families bringing little ones into the world every day, and that love is purer than anything you can toss forth in an argument. So, you need to check yourself, Spencer, before you blow something that could, in the end, be your mother-effing everything.”

“I always know you’re serious when you almost swear.”

“Good, because that’s now. Eat your burger. We’re not just here for Dr. Phil time, Lil Miss. You need nourishment or your mama would kill me.”

Obediently, Spencer took a bite of her burger and then a couple more, because hospital food had never been this good. Seriously? Where did they hire their chefs? “What about you?” she asked around three fries. “Staying away from Tucker, right?”

“Away is such a general definition.”

Spencer shook her head. “You’re going out with his ass again? Speaking of mamas killing their kids, it’s my job to stand in for yours since she can’t be here. Don’t be an idiot. Don’t.”

Kendra shrugged and pulled a pathetic face. “He says he’s sorry and only wants to be with me from now on.”

“Are you stupid? Were you dropped on your head? Those are the only explanations I can summon in this moment.”

Kendra waved her off. “Don’t go getting all worked up. I get it, okay?” She tapped her chest several times with force. “I know he’s a player now, and what to watch out for. Knowledge is power.”

“What a pair we are, sitting here,” Spencer said. “You running around with a no-good dog, and me chasing a—”

“A starry-eyed white woman with moves,” Kendra said, laughing.

“What am I gonna do with you?” Spencer asked.

“More like what am I gonna do with you? Eat your burger, Spencer Spice, and don’t forget the tomato. It’s good for you.” A pause. “When do you see her again?”

“As soon as humanly possible,” Spencer said, with a very guilty smile.


* * *


Janika and her co-captain, Roger Raines, were running out of air. They’d managed to cram themselves into a small pod before the spaceship lost all power, careening to Earth where it would undoubtedly burst into flames. Gah! Hadley swallowed and turned the page, her heart rate out of control, and why wouldn’t it be? This mission was crazy! The move had been a risky one, but somehow Janika and Roger had made it out of there in time. Now it was a matter of finding the space station before the pod itself became a death chamber from which they’d never escape!

“Hurry, Janika,” Hadley murmured. She was tempted to look ahead to be sure they made it out in one piece, but that would be cheating and Hadley wouldn’t be able to live with herself if that’s who she became. A knock at the door. She glanced up but couldn’t stop reading. Not yet. She flipped the page. Roger suggested they take turns breathing, to which Hadley wanted to scream, “That’s not practical, Roger. Hurry! That’s what you need to do!” Another knock. “Oh, dear goodness,” Hadley said, closing the book and scurrying to her front door. She found Larry Herman there, their interesting and sometimes tightly wound landlord. She happened to have a soft spot for him.

“Hey, Larry,” Hadley said, smiling. “What can I do for you?”

“I’m here to report that Gia Malone is officially sick. I’m filling in tonight.”

Hadley watched him shuffle nervously, and push his plastic-framed glasses farther up on his nose. “You’re filling in for babysitting? With me?”

“Well, she certainly shouldn’t be around children with the multiplicity factor of germs. Consider the likely outcomes, Ms. Cooper.”

Hadley glanced outside and to the right for any sign of Gia near her own apartment. Nothing. “Are you…certain she’s not well?”

“Do I look certain?” He seemed to make a show of pursing his lips and tightening his eyebrows, which really just reminded Hadley of Bert from Sesame Street, but she let it go, deciding to seek out Gia instead. Larry followed, hot on her heels, to Gia’s apartment door, which was opened promptly before she could knock.

“Hey,” Gia said, brightening. “Was just coming to see what time we’re scheduled for at Autumn’s tonight.” But something was different about Gia. Her voice was lower and her nose looked red. Her normally bright brown eyes carried a dull, dim quality. Oh, no! Poor Gia.

“I’m filling in for you, remember?” Larry Herman said. “We decided. The young lady you carry on with decided along with me.”

“Elle’s just being overly cautious. I told you guys I could do it.”

“Elle thinks you shouldn’t babysit?” Hadley asked. “She might be right. Look at you. Do you have a fever?” Hadley ushered Gia back inside and Larry followed them in. “Sit,” she instructed, and placed the back of her hand on Gia’s forehead. “You do. You have a slight elevation.”

“That decides it!” Larry crowed. “I’m in and you’re out.”

Gia stared at him. “You just want to spend time with Hadley, and you know it.” It was true that Larry did seem to carry a bit of a torch for her. While she tried not to encourage the crush, she couldn’t help but be nice to him. He tried so hard, and always came up so…awkward.

“What I’m most interested in doing is making sure that the Carpenter infants are cared for and not exposed to the plague.” He scowled at Gia.

“I don’t have the plague,” Gia said. But it sounded a lot more like “I don hab the plague” due to her very noticeable cold.

“It’s okay, G,” Hadley said, rounding the kitchen island and pouring Gia a glass of orange juice from the fridge. She also grabbed a couple Tylenol for good measure. “I want you to rest right here on this couch tonight. Here.” She dropped the Tylenol into Gia’s hand and smoothed her hair back affectionately. “Take those and drink every drop of that juice, you poor sick person. Where’s Elle?”

“She had a meeting with her sponsor rep tonight. A dinner thing.”

“Gotcha. In that case, I will check on you soon. You need someone to say things like ‘Poor baby, Gia’ around every ninety minutes or so. It’s part of the healing process.”

“I’m probably okay without that.”

“You are not. Accept your fate.” She turned to Larry. “It looks like it’s you and me tonight, Larry. You sure you’re up for it?”

He rubbed his hands together with an intensity that said he meant business. “I’ve already googled the multitude of swaddling techniques and practiced in my car with my revolutionary flag. I’m more than prepared.”

“War reenactment this week?”

“Tomorrow morning. I’ve been cast as colonial militia, probably for being too ambitious in past battles where I was featured. I tend to steal focus.”

“Well, you have star quality.” She patted him on the back of his shoulder. “Let’s head over to Chez Carpenter. Go, team!”

They made their way down the stairs and across the courtyard in duty mode. Hadley prepared to make this night work if it killed her. She paused mid-thought because she spotted Spencer entering through the wrought iron gate. Well, then. Things had certainly taken a turn. Hadley couldn’t hold back the grin if she wanted to. They hadn’t seen each other in three days due to their conflicting schedules, yet here she stood, all sleek and shiny and sigh-worthy, which Hadley executed on cue. “What in the world?” Hadley said, abandoning Larry and making her way to Spencer.

“I’m sorry to just show up,” she said, dipping her head and catching Hadley’s gaze. “I was in the mood for some killer coffee, and since I was so close, I thought I might pop over and see if you were around.”

“Killer coffee can make a person drive.”

“That’s a total and complete lie I just told,” Spencer said. “I love the coffee next door, but I made that up just to see you. I can’t stop thinking about you, us, the other night. It’s an ongoing battle and I’ve now surrendered.”

Hadley warmed from her hairline down and gave her toes a good wiggle. “You don’t have to make up an excuse to see me, ya know.”

“I do now, and I will never forget it again. You free?”

Hadley glanced behind her. “Not exactly. But how do you feel about babies?”

Spencer shrugged. “I’m a fan. My best friend’s pretty much a baby whisperer and has taught me a few tricks to use on my little cousins here and there.”

Hadley turned around. “Larry, I think you just might be off the hook.”

“I am not,” he said staunchly, and stood at attention. “I have a duty to sit with the children so the Carpenters can go out in the world. I do not shirk my duties.”

Hadley laughed at what she should have expected to be his response and walked Spencer over to Larry. “Spencer, meet my landlord and friend, Larry Herman. He agreed to babysit the twins with me tonight when Gia caught a cold. But since you’ve been so kind to offer, I’m sure he has preparations to tend to for the Battle of Monmouth.”

“Sorry?” Spencer asked, looking confused. She held out her hand anyway. “Nice to meet you.”

Larry didn’t budge. Instead he eyed Spencer like one would a pesky fly. “I certainly do not need to make preparations. I did that last week and the week prior to that.”

“Okay,” Hadley said, doing her best to pacify him and still capitalize on this opportunity to spend time with Spencer, even if it was in between diaper changes and feedings. “Spencer can back us up, then.” She turned to Spencer for approval.

“I’m an excellent backup babysitter.”

“I’ve never heard of a backup babysitter,” Larry said suspiciously. “It feels made up.”

“It is made up,” Stephanie, their all-black-wearing neighbor said, as she crossed behind them through the courtyard.

Hadley ignored her. “We’re all constantly learning, aren’t we, Larry? Just today I learned that escape pods shouldn’t accommodate more than one person, as the air supply will grow dangerously low. Shall we?”

With Hadley leading the way, the three of them made their way to Autumn and Kate’s doorstep. When Kate answered, she studied their three faces. “Hi, Had. Larry.” She paused when she came to Spencer. “I don’t think we’ve met. Kate Carpenter.”

“Spencer Adair. I’m the babysitting backup.”

“Great. Nice to meet you,” Kate said, with mild hesitation, because of course she’d be wary of leaving her children with a complete stranger.

“I can vouch for Spencer,” Hadley said. “She’s to be trusted.”

Kate relaxed. “The more the merrier, then. These babies could use the backup, if you ask me. They take turns wreaking havoc. Currently, Will’s up to bat.”

“You just hand that little numbskull over to me,” Hadley said, eager to get her hands on him. “Did you get the newsboy cap I had shipped?”

“He wore it all day yesterday,” Kate said. “You’re spoiling them rotten.”

“Did I hear the name Spencer?” Autumn’s voice said excitedly, from somewhere in the apartment.

“You guys should come in,” Kate said, as if forgetting herself.

Moments later Autumn appeared in the living room looking as happy as a bride on her wedding day. She was going out on an actual date and getting to lay eyes on the much-talked-about Spencer, something she’d been asking to do for days now. It was like her version of Christmas morning, and she glowed. “Hi, Spencer! I’m Autumn from the coffee shop next door.”

“Big fan of yours, then,” Spencer said. “Killer brew.”

Autumn studied her. “Oh, yes. You’re very cute. Just as I remembered.”

“Autumn,” Hadley said, quietly and gave her head a subtle shake.

“I’m sorry, but she is. You are,” she said, turning back to Spencer.

“Ms. Primm-Carpenter, we’re here to babysit the little ones,” Larry said, in an authoritative voice—surely his way of getting them back on track and off the subject of Spencer’s good looks.

“So, no Gia-Pet tonight?” Autumn asked.

“She’s down for the count with a cold / flu thing. I’ll check on her later, but I thought it best she not be around the babies. Larry volunteered to sub in and we ran into Spencer unexpectedly in the courtyard.”

Spencer winced. “I’m crashing.”

“You are most certainly not,” Autumn said, forcefully, taking Spencer by the arm and ushering her to the couch. “Please make yourself at home and eat all the food you find. Oh!” She scooped up Carrie from the baby swing and handed her to Spencer. “Meet Carrie. She’s our favorite this hour. It rotates.”

Spencer smiled down at tiny Carrie, who stared up at her with sleepy eyes. The image of the two of them about melted Hadley’s heart into a pile of wonderful goo.

“Hi, baby girl,” Spencer said in a low voice, and rocked her softly.

“You know where everything is, yes?” Autumn asked Hadley.

“I do! We got this. You two crazy kids get outta here and have a much-needed fun night out.”

Kate and Autumn exchanged a flirtatious glance that prompted Hadley to roll her shoulders for all the cute in the room.

“We’ll be home in a couple of hours,” Kate said, and nodded gratefully.

“No reason to hurry,” Larry told them. “Ms. Cooper and I have this under control. Where is the boy child?”

Kate pointed to the playpen. “Under the mobile, there. He seems to be calming down, which is good news for you all.”

Larry nodded and offered a small salute as he headed in Will’s direction.

Autumn looked from Spencer to Larry and back to Spencer. “This is going to be quite the evening.”

She wasn’t wrong.

Spencer took custody of Carrie and occupied her with funny faces, while Larry spent the better part of an hour explaining to Will that there had been many complications on America’s growth to becoming the country we know today.

Hadley ran back and forth between the parties, offering burp cloths, warmed bottles and soft, soothing words as needed. “I think she’s really taken to you,” Hadley told Spencer.

“Well, Carrie and I have gotten to know each other a bit. She prefers a quiet voice and only the gentlest of rocking. Anything more sets her off and she gives you what for.”

“What for?” Hadley asked.

“It’s a technical term.”

Carrie, who’d fussed a bit when her mommies left, seemed to have found her rhythm in Spencer’s arms. Her eyes drifted closed and Spencer leaned back so Carrie could sleep uninterrupted on the warmth of her chest, a spot Hadley knew from personal experience was a great place for sleeping.

“Hey,” Spencer said quietly over Carrie. “I’m not sure your friend Larry likes me very much.”

Hadley wasn’t sure where to begin in order to explain Larry and all of his idiosyncrasies, including his affinity for her. “I think he’s just a little wary of you stealing his thunder tonight.”

“He has thunder?” She glanced over at him surreptitiously. “I’m not seeing the thunder on that dude.”

Hadley considered how she might explain it another way. “He likes to spend time with me.”

A pause. “He has the hots for you?” Spencer asked, and grinned. “Okay, got it. Guy after my own heart. Can’t fault him at all.”

“I wouldn’t go that far. But yes, he carries a unique torch for me.”

“And I’ve totally blocked him tonight. That’s what’s going on here. Now I feel bad for the man.”

Hadley tossed a glance over her shoulder to make sure Larry was occupied before continuing the conversation. “Don’t. I’ve been waiting to see you again.”

Spencer closed her eyes and smiled. “On the drive over, I changed my mind about twelve times before forcing myself to just bite the bullet and show up. That’s not like me.”

“No. You’re not the tentative type,” Hadley said.

“Until you.”

A beat as they stared at each other over the sleeping baby. “Are you free after babysitting, per chance?” Hadley asked.

Spencer opened her mouth to answer but was beaten to the punch by Larry, who stood over them, holding a crying Will as far from his body as possible. All down the front of his shirt and pants was an orangey-looking spit-up. “I’m in need of assistance,” Larry said. “Backup person, would you mind doing your job instead of fraternizing?”

“I got him,” Hadley said, scooping up Will and holding him close. “Someone had a little too much to eat.” She studied Larry. Honestly, his entire outfit was ruined. Completely unwearable. “Tell you what, Larry. Why don’t we see if Autumn has anything you can change into?” The only problem was that Larry was over six feet tall with large limbs and Autumn and Kate’s clothes were not likely to fit. Oh! Unless…

“Perfect!” Hadley said five minutes later when Larry emerged in black leggings that were too short to extend beyond his mid-calves and a purple maternity shirt with bright yellow flowers all over it. “Maternity clothes rock and stretch in fantastic ways. I think we’ve solved our problem.”

“I’m uncomfortable with this,” he said stoically.

“Well, you shouldn’t be,” Hadley told him. “You look great, and Autumn won’t mind at all. I’ve got your clothes already going in the washing machine.”

“Dear Lord in heaven,” Spencer murmured, studying him. “He’s like the Incredible Pregnant-Hulk.”

“Actually, that’s not a bad comparison,” Hadley said, smothering a smile. “Just trying to keep him happy.”

“You’re a smart woman. And about later?” Spencer asked, once Larry excused himself to check on his clothes. “I do happen to be free.”

“Great. Me, too. Well, I have a few things I need to take care of, and then I’m all yours.” Spencer’s eyes darkened and Hadley felt the warmth gather in her stomach. “Don’t look at me like that until later. There are children in the room.”

“As if I can control it. Have you seen yourself?” Spencer asked. She dropped her voice to a whisper. “And now that I’ve seen you naked, it’s just worse.”

Hadley felt the blush hit her cheeks and warmth prickle up her spine and settle behind her neck. Oh, dear goodness. Yep, blatant and undeniable lust had arrived right on schedule. “Later,” she said, with what she hoped was an effective smolder. She knew it probably wasn’t. She wasn’t the smoldering type. Spencer’s amused laughter only confirmed her status as smolder impaired. She’d work on it.

“You’re adorable,” Spencer whispered. “And ridiculously hot. I don’t know that I can wait for you.”

Hadley’s eyes widened. “There are childlike ears about.”

Spencer glanced down at Carrie. “This little mama is my wing woman and an exceptional one at that. Skills beyond her years. You have no idea.” Will fussed in Hadley’s arms. “Boys are always a little slower to mature,” Spencer said with a wink. “Why don’t we switch?”

Hadley pulled her face back and let her mouth fall open. “Is that a challenge? You think he’ll calm down for you?”

Spencer grinned. “I know he will. Let me show you.”

Hadley obliged and handed Will to Spencer, placing him in her free hand, and scooped up Caroline gently, so as not to disturb her peaceful slumber. The little girl stirred for a moment, opened her eyes, and peered up at Hadley. Realizing all was well, she sighed and went back to sleep with the back of her fist to her mouth, stealing Hadley’s heart for the eighty billionth time. When she glanced up, she was shocked to see that not only had Will ceased his fussing but was enamored of Spencer’s face looming over him. The twins were old enough now where they were capable of authentic smiles and she was pretty sure Will was showing off that skill now. “I think he has a girlfriend,” Hadley said, mystified. “Look at that.”

“He just needs a slower vibe is all.”

“That’s what you’ve done? You’ve slowed your vibe? How do I do that?” Hadley offered her smolder of earlier as an attempt. “Like this?”

“Are you doing Elvis? I don’t think Will knows him.” Spencer stared down at the little guy and talked to him in that soothing low voice, the same voice that had struck Hadley as so melodic the day she’d met Spencer. “He just needs to know that he can relax. Isn’t that right, little Will? We’ll take care of all the rest. You just take some chill time.”

He blinked back at her heavily, clearly not long for the land of the conscious.

“Wow,” Hadley said. “I’m not kidding when I say that you’re the baby whisperer. You talk to him in your sexy voice, and he’s done for.”

“My sexy voice?” Spencer said, emphasizing the smooth quality. “That’s what you call it?”

“Is there another term for it?” Hadley asked. “I’m going to have you read me the phone book each night now if that’s how quickly you snag results.”

Spencer laughed quietly as she rocked Will. “Putting you to sleep is not always going to be in my best interests.”

Hadley shimmied her shoulders. “There you go again with the perfect saucy line.”

“Where’s William?” Larry asked, stalking through the living room in his maternity shirt and short leggings.

“Shhh,” Hadley said. “Spencer got him to sleep.”

Larry glared at her suspiciously. “How did you do that?”

“Just my own little brand of mojo.”

“You’re the backup babysitter.” It was a firm reminder, which Spencer took in stride.

“And I won’t ever forget that, Lar. Can I call you Lar?”


“Okay.” They stared at each other.

“Hey, why don’t you take Carrie,” Hadley said to Larry. He seemed to soften as Hadley approached him.

“No, no. You have her content and cry-free. I’ll just sit over there until there’s a crisis.” On that last word, he shot daggers in Spencer’s direction, making it very clear where said crisis would likely emerge.

An hour later and the door to the apartment opened slowly and two very smiley mothers entered the space, holding hands. “How’s everything in here?” Autumn asked quietly, glancing around the room. She took in Carrie sleeping against Hadley’s chest, Will curled up in Spencer’s arms, and Larry working a crossword puzzle in the Wall Street Journal he’d brought with him. “What in hell happened to Larry? That’s my shirt!”

“Your shirt is unharmed,” Hadley said calmly, with a we-did-what-had-to-be-done look. “Larry is taking good care of it.”

“The boy child vomited.” He glanced down at his ensemble. “Emergency measures were called for.” He stood. “You’re home now. I’ll take my leave. Ms. Cooper,” he said, nodding politely to Hadley as he passed. “Backup,” he bit out to Spencer. “Good night, both Mrs. Carpenters.”

Kate knocked him on the shoulder. “Thanks for your help, Larry. Because of you, Autumn and I got to have a nice dinner out. I think we needed it.”

“Yeah, thanks, Larry,” Autumn said with a warm smile.

Larry’s entire demeanor shifted, inspiring him to soften and appear sheepish and sweet. You didn’t see that side of Larry too often, but Hadley had always understood that’s who he really was underneath all the odd, intense bravado. “Just wanted to do the noble thing.”

“Well, we couldn’t have done it without you,” Hadley said. “I mean that.”

He nodded to her chivalrously and now seemed embarrassed and beet red. “Good night, all.”

“Wait, Larry,” Autumn called after him. “Your clothes.”

But he was already around the corner and on his way, escaping the perceived limelight. They looked at each other.

“Well…it is Venice,” Hadley offered. “He’ll blend.”

“So how about ten dollars an hour?” Kate asked, thumbing through her cash.

Hadley placed her free hand over her wounded heart. “How dare you offer me money for the care of my honorary niece and nephew, even if you’re coming from a very good place because you’re Kate. I refuse any and all monetary gestures!”

“Are you sure?” Kate asked. She gestured with the money to Spencer, who shook her head and held up a hand.

Autumn waved off Hadley’s theatrics. “Free labor. Don’t argue.” She turned her attention to the babies, racing over to Carrie and pulling her gently into her arms. “It was so strange to be out in the world and not here with them. It’s like some sort of parallel universe out there. How did they do?”

“Luckily, we had Spencer the baby whisperer along for the ride. They’ve been asleep for the past hour.”

Autumn’s eyebrows rose and she turned in appreciation to Spencer. “What are you doing tomorrow? I don’t know what very successful designers make by way of salary, but I’m willing to try and match it.”

“Don’t you try and poach her from me!” Hadley stepped between them. “We have big plans for Spencer at Silhouette, and she can’t moonlight as a babysitter and keep a clear head.”

“It’s not awful to be fought over,” Spencer said quietly, to Will.

“Let me steal him from you,” Kate said, gently taking the sleeping boy in her arms. “You’re off the clock. Big plans tonight?”

Hadley exchanged a look with Spencer. “Not sure yet.”

Autumn shook her head vehemently as if that answer were not at all acceptable. “It’s still early. Get out there and cause trouble, dammit. Dance on tables and wave your shirts over your heads. You have no children. Live, for God’s sake.” She looked from Hadley to Spencer in desperation. “Promise me.”

“We promise,” Spencer said solemnly. It’s possible she was afraid.

“Already on it,” Hadley said, pulling Autumn into a hug. This was a transitional time in Autumn’s life and she needed all the support she could get. “Did you have fun tonight?” she asked her quietly.

The undisputable smile that hit and grew did all the talking for Autumn. “The best time. It was like we were dating all over again. We kissed at the car. For a really long time, too. I owe you one, Had.”

“Anytime. And I mean that.” She gave Autumn’s hand a squeeze, pulled Kate into a hug, and then with Spencer at her side, left the new little family to the rest of their evening.

“That was fun,” Spencer said, once they hit the courtyard. “But I don’t think Larry and I will be reprising our partnership.”

Hadley scrunched an eye in apology. “He’s jealous.”

“I can completely see why,” Spencer said, taking her hand. “And because I just promised a woman that I would live, for God’s sake, I have to do this.” Hadley grinned as Spencer closed the distance between them and caught Hadley’s mouth with hers. She’d been longing to kiss Spencer all night and the reality was every bit as gratifying as she’d hoped. In fact, it knocked her out of the socks she wasn’t wearing. The crackle, the sizzle, the chemistry did not let her down. Her spirits soared even as she tried to maintain control. It wasn’t just the kiss itself that had shepherded her to this inarguable high. It was everything leading up to it, their give and take, the fashion overlap that left them so much to talk about, the amazing night they’d spent together, and the domesticity of the last two hours. She was losing custody of her own heart and it was thrilling and terrifying like a roller coaster you didn’t want to get off. She was on a path to something big.

“We’re more than a big bang kiss,” she murmured when they came up for air. She hadn’t intended to say it out loud, but it was as if the words flew from her lips, refusing to be suppressed.

“Is that good?” Spencer asked, dreamy-eyed and gorgeous. Hadley would never tire of looking at her, kissing her, or talking to her.

Hadley nodded, too trepidatious to explain any further. Spencer didn’t buy into forever, so how would she possibly understand Hadley’s childhood fantasy come to life? And how was Hadley supposed to reconcile the fact that Spencer might never share in the sentiment, no matter how strong her feelings for Hadley might grow? Nope. She wasn’t doing this tonight. They’d agreed to keep open minds, and that was exactly the plan she would stick to. Plus, she wasn’t willing to do anything that would put a damper on her big bang realization. She would tuck it away and keep it safe.

Spencer took her hand. “What now?”

“Chicken soup,” Hadley blurted.

“You’re hungry?” Spencer asked. “If you’re hungry, girl, I will happily feed you.”

Hadley laughed, and gave Spencer’s arm a tug. “No. I need to pick up some chicken soup for Gia at this little deli. They’re known for miles for their delicious, not to mention comfort-inspiring soup, and Gia isn’t feeling so great, so she needs the best soup possible, posthaste. She needs to be comfort inspired.”

“Posthaste sounds important.” Spencer tugged back. “So, let me get this straight. You just spent two hours babysitting infants for one friend, and now you want to head out into the night for soup for another without so much as being asked?”

“Well, yeah. I can’t let Gia feel awful without a helpful remedy. Soup will make her feel better, at least temporarily while she’s eating it. We should probably pick up some Nyquil, too. I don’t know if she has any.”

Spencer went soft. “You put nuns to shame. Do you realize that?”

Hadley grinned. “I like nuns, so I’m going to embrace that comparison. I just feel it’s important to look out for the people I care about. I always make sure I do that. Always.”

“That’s an honorable trait. Don’t ever change it.”

“You’re on, because I’m not sure I’m capable.”

Spencer stole another kiss. “All right, then. I’m in. Take me to the soup,” Spencer said. “A sick woman needs us.”

Hadley grinned and tugged on Spencer’s hand once again. “Follow me.”



* * *


Hadley hadn’t been lying. The soup in question came from a tiny unassuming deli in Franklin Village, about fifteen miles from Venice, but took way longer to reach in LA traffic. The small shop had a green neon sign in front that let everyone know they were open until midnight, and that was a good plan, because there were four people in line when they arrived at just after ten. The little man behind the counter couldn’t be less than seventy years old, and he smiled and nodded to them when they entered the closet-sized shop. There were exactly seven items on the menu board that hung over the register: four different sandwiches and three kinds of soup: vegetable barley, cream of broccoli, and as promised, chicken noodle.

“Slim offerings,” Spencer whispered.

Hadley shrugged off the comment. “No, no. Nothing slim about this place. You’ll see. That’s Saul, and he puts care into everything he does. There’s love in those soups and sandwiches, and you can’t dilute love just to have more menu offerings. It’s not worth the trade.”

Spencer shook her head. “I wouldn’t want Saul to dilute the love.”

“Me neither.” She said it as if it would be the most dire of consequences ever. Just thinking about it brought a melancholy expression to Hadley’s face. “Good thing that’s not our reality.”

“Agreed,” Spencer said, as they stepped forward in line, and more customers filled in behind them, keeping the room fairly tight.

When it was their turn, Saul smiled at them warmly. “Hello again!” he said to Hadley, as if they were long lost friends. “I never forget a face. You have a pretty one.”

“Thanks, Saul. We’ve met once or twice before. My name is Hadley and we’ll need a large chicken soup to go. A friend of mine is sick, and she needs it to get better.” He pointed in question at Spencer. “Oh, no. This is my friend Spencer. She’s well.”

“Hello! I’m glad you’re feeling okay,” Saul said, and offered her the same warm smile.

“Thank you. Me, too, Saul.”

He rang up the soup and packaged it up in a nice sturdy container with a bag full of homemade crackers to go with it. Impressive, and all made with love, apparently. She could get behind that kind of extra service.

“See you soon, Hadley!” he said, handing her a receipt with a wave.

They headed to the door, and Spencer noted that the line now had even more patrons than when they’d arrived. Apparently, lots of people knew about love-filled soup and demanded it. Where had she been?

“You take care of yourself, Saul! Good to see you,” Hadley called, waving happily back at him from the door.

This so wasn’t behavior she was used to, but at the same time, she was compelled to wave at him herself. And did! What the hell was going on here? “I think you’re sucking me into your warm and happy vortex.”

Hadley stared at her, her eyes darkening. “That sounds sexy. We should get out of here.” And just like that Hadley tossed Spencer onto her head once again. Happy do-gooder one moment and sex vixen the next. She had to learn to prepare for that duality more, realizing Hadley could change it up at any moment.

Spencer swallowed. “Then hurry we shall.”

Gia, Hadley’s sick friend, opened the door to her apartment with bleary eyes and a red nose. “Hey,” she said with that “I have a cold” voice people got. “What’s going on?”

Hadley pushed past her and gestured with her head for Spencer to follow. “I brought you some soup and some NyQuil. Oh, and Spencer. Feel like you could eat? You should eat.”

Gia took a seat on the couch. “I think maybe I could. You didn’t have to go all the way to the deli, though. Hi, I’m Gia. I’d shake your hand, but then you’d get the plague.”

“Spencer Adair,” she said, with a smile. “Sorry about the plague.”

Gia shrugged. “Happens.”

“Yes, I did have to go to the deli.” Hadley began assembling a bowl for Gia, moving around her kitchen like she owned it. “You need your strength, and this soup will do that. Is Elle staying with you tonight?”

“She is,” a voice from behind Spencer said. She turned to see a familiar, radiant blonde enter the apartment and move immediately to Gia. “You don’t look so hot.” She felt her forehead with one side of her hand and then the other. “Yeah, you have a little fever going.”

“She’s worse than a few hours ago,” Hadley called from across the kitchen counter. “I brought soup!”

“You’re a doll, Hadley,” Elle said. She turned to see Spencer standing there. “Spence!”

“Hey, Elle. How are you?” she asked, and accepted Elle’s hug as it all came together in her brain. Aha! So Gia was the friend of Hadley’s who was dating Elle. She was also the other woman from the corn chip billboard on the 405.

“I’m sorry I bypassed you on the way in,” Elle explained apologetically. “I was worried about this one. She tries to act tough when she should really just be a crumpled mess on the floor.”

“So true,” Hadley said, tag-teaming. “She does that exact thing.”

Gia looked at Elle and shrugged. “Not letting it take me down is all.”

“I’m the same way,” Spencer said. “Sometimes when you give into it, it feels like you lose control.”

“Yes!” Gia pointed at her. “Thank you for getting it.” She turned to Hadley. “I think I like her.”

Hadley grinned and studied Spencer. “Yeah, well, who doesn’t? She’s a good egg. And a fantastic kisser.” Spencer felt the embarrassed blush descend. Elle nodded enthusiastically. Gia laughed. “What?” Hadley asked. “I can’t not say so. It’s true. You’re a kissing genius.”

Spencer shoved her hands into her pocket. “Cat’s out of the bag now. That’s what they call me.” She shook her head and grinned, hoping they understood she was joking.

Hadley delivered a bowl full of soup and crackers to Gia and handed the NyQuil off to Elle. “Passing the nursemaid baton.”

Elle held up the medicine like a trophy. “Baton accepted. You guys go enjoy yourselves. I’ll deal with the less than ideal patient. I heard she enjoys having her hair played with.”

Gia smiled lazily from the couch. “I can accept how sick I am now. Just decided. I’m very, very sick.”

Hadley rolled her eyes and grabbed Spencer’s hand. “I’ll check on you tomorrow, G. Night, Elle. You’re a saint!”

“And don’t you forget it!” she called back. “Spence, we need to catch up soon!”

“We will,” Spencer said, around the door jamb.

They didn’t make it but three feet outside Gia’s apartment before Hadley took Spencer’s face in her hands and kissed her, long and good. “I’ve waited too many hours to do that,” she said, with a proud grin.

“Maybe you should do it some more then,” Spencer said, with a shrug. “Just want you to be your happiest self.”

“You’re so thoughtful. I’ve always thought so.” Hadley leaned in and did just that.

“There you two are kissing again,” yelled a voice from the courtyard below. “Every time I see you it’s kissing central!”

“Isabel,” Hadley murmured against Spencer’s mouth, before going in for more.

“You need to enter, like, a kissing anonymous program!” Isabel shouted. “Do you want me to look one up for you?”

“Stop harassing Hadley,” a quieter, more levelheaded voice said. “She’s enjoying herself, and it’s about time.”

“Taylor, her girlfriend,” Hadley murmured again. “I’ll introduce you later. Not now. Kissing now.”

“Nothing you say registers when you’re kissing me like this anyway,” Spencer murmured back. “Just so we’re clear.”

“I’m not clear on anything either. Let’s go inside.” She glanced down over the balcony. “Night, Izzy. Go harass others now.”

“Way ahead of you, ya kissing bandit.”

Hadley let them into her apartment, which was decorated in a variety of creams and beiges, accented with subtle touches of sage. She’d gone out of her way to make the space feel elegant and worthy of being photographed. The window treatments alone must have cost her a fortune. But then Hadley put a lot of thought into everything she did. That was the last of her ruminations on the apartment, however, because when she turned back to Hadley, she found her unbuttoning her blouse very slowly, her eyes trained on Spencer. They weren’t just any eyes either, they were sexy eyes. The blue had turned noticeably darker and communicated her very clear intentions. The kissing had sent Spencer’s libido into overdrive, leaving her skin hot and her blood pumping but the display now had her in a hurry to satisfy it.

They didn’t go slow this time, the way they had at Spencer’s house. The fire lit hours earlier at Autumn’s place raged too hot for that. Clothes came off, lips came together, tongues clashed, and desperation reigned as they went at it in a haze of chaotic perfection. It was no surprise that they slammed into Hadley’s dresser (which would probably leave a bruise) as they kissed in the dark on their way to somewhere more comfortable.

“Fudge,” Hadley hissed, lifting her foot after banging the back of it against the doorframe.

Spencer pulled her face back and narrowed her eyes. “Fudge?”

“Fine,” Hadley said, and then adjusted her vocabulary selection. “Fuck.” Only she whispered it, making the word barely audible.

Spencer couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. “You’re not comfortable swearing?”

“Yes, I am,” Hadley said, in the mostly darkened room.

A long pause as Spencer waited her out.

“Okay. No, I’m not. I don’t like using swear words. I try to, but fail miserably every time.”

Spencer gestured behind her to the living room where Hadley had just seduced the hell out of her with her own version of a striptease. “You can come at me like a very confident sex vixen but you can’t say fuck?” She kissed Hadley. The dichotomy got her even hotter.

Hadley shook her head between kisses. “They’re very different.”

“If you say so.”

There weren’t many words spoken after that anyway as they undressed each other in a flurry. Soft and slow was amazing with Hadley, but fast and furious proved to be just as satisfying.

“Oh, I think there can be more,” Hadley whispered, after taking Spencer easily over the edge for her second orgasm. She reached between her legs and stroked slowly.

Spencer grasped her wrist, stopping the unyielding determination that was Hadley Cooper, but not before her hips bucked at the sensitive contact. “No. No, there can’t. You’ve wrecked me. Do you hear me? I’m wrecked and I can’t be playing with you anymore.”

“If this is wrecked, I’m keeping it.” Hadley crawled up the bed, laying partially on top of Spencer. “Your cheeks are flushed and you’re glowing. I want to not forget what you look like in this moment.” She closed her eyes and went still like a mummy, as if committing all of her energy to preserving the memory. When she opened her eyes again, she shook her head, blond hair all a sexy jumble. “I loved spending tonight with you. Just doing basic things.”

“I was not surprised to find out that we’re a good team,” Spencer said. “And I got to see more of your world, which you fit into very nicely.”

“I want to see more of yours,” Hadley told her, and traced the outline of Spencer’s breast.

“It’s not very big. I’m close with my parents and have a pretty kickass best friend.”

“Kendra, who helps you put the right moves on your dates.”

Spencer laughed and pulled Hadley in closer. She honestly couldn’t get enough of her. “Kendra knows romance. I’m still an apprentice.”

“No, you’re not. Trust me. You’ve graduated,” Hadley said, kissing along Spencer’s collar bone. “Will I get to meet your parents?” She paused, closed one eye, as if unsure she should have asked the question. “Do you think I’m jumping the gun? Just flat out say so.”

Spencer ran her hands down Hadley’s smooth back, until it flared into the subtle curve of her hips. “I don’t think you’re jumping any guns. I’m sure they’d love to have you over for dinner. My mom is a whiz in the kitchen and my dad loves to mooch off her food whenever the opportunity arises. She’s going to make a big deal over you, though. She loves people, especially nice ones.”

Hadley’s mouth fell open. “I happen to love nice people as well! What a coincidence!”

“I can only imagine the love fest,” Spencer said dryly.

“Where’s this from?” Hadley asked, running her hand over the tiny scar on Spencer’s chin.

“I crashed my bike when I was ten and jammed my chin on the handlebars when I fell. Four stitches.”

“Oh, no,” Hadley said, seemingly crushed.

“It didn’t happen yesterday,” Spencer told her.

“Doesn’t matter.” She leaned down and kissed the scar softly. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”

Spencer laughed. “Really, it’s okay.” She looked down at the side of Hadley’s hip. “What about this one? I saw it the other night.”

“My neighbor’s dog thought I looked like his dinner.” When Spencer’s eyes went wide, she waved her off. “Just a misunderstanding. We made peace and his owners paid my medical bill. My dads were none too happy, though. Papa scolded them thoroughly for allowing Barracuda to run free. When Papa scolds anyone, it feels like the guilt will never leave. It’s a rare talent.”

“So, is Papa responsible for the light and sunny disposition?”

“Nope, that would be Dad. He sang ‘You Are My Sunshine’ to me every night of my life until I begged him to recognize that I was a teenager and didn’t need the nightly serenade anymore. At that point, he just followed me around the kitchen singing it until I couldn’t take it anymore and allowed him to finish the song.”

“Okay, yeah. It’s all starting to make sense.”

“Hey!” Hadley said, punishing Spencer with a kiss. It felt nothing like a punishment, however. She stared up at Hadley, whose features were highlighted by the gentle moonlight that slanted across the room from the solitary window. Things were happening to Spencer that she’d never experienced. It felt as though Hadley and her smile and her positivity and her whimsical-could-turn-sex-kitten disposition was slowly undoing Spencer’s carefully constructed opinions about life. She was slipping into what could only be described as Hadley Land and she was finding that she was more than okay with that reality.

“Does it bother you how different we are? You know, me, cynical and—”

“Driven,” Hadley supplied.

“And you, easygoing—”

“With her head in the clouds? That’s what you think, right?”

Spencer held her thumb and forefinger close together. “But in a good way.”

Hadley fell back onto the bed alongside Spencer and stared up at the ceiling. “I don’t know that I’d be into you if you were just another version of me. I mean, can you imagine two Hadleys, each running around in a cow costume?”

“I’m sorry. A cow costume?”

Hadley waved her off. “Details for another time. But no, it doesn’t bother me. I think you’re meant to find the person who fills in your gaps, who compensates for your weaknesses, and compliments your strengths.”

“An interesting take.” Spencer tucked her arm behind her head. “Meant to find.”

With a finger on her chin, Hadley gently turned Spencer’s face so she could see her eyes. “Yes, meant to find. Maybe one day you’ll believe it, whether it’s with me or someone down the line.”

“I’m going to meet someone I like more than you?”

Hadley laughed. “I know it’s far-fetched. I can’t imagine it either.” A pause. “Does it bother you that I’m white?”

Spencer lifted her head to fully meet Hadley’s gaze. “No. That’s just part of you. Does it bother you that I’m black?”

“What? No. Not at all.”

“Have you ever dated a woman who was of a different race than you? Just an honest question.”

“Nope,” Hadley said. “But then again, I haven’t dated a ton of women. Just here and there. Does that matter?”

Spencer thought on the question. “I don’t think it has to.”

“Good. Then it won’t. Do you know what surprised me about you the first time we were together?” Hadley asked.

Spencer nodded. “That I’m magnificent in bed? Hoping for that one.”

Hadley kissed her cheek. “That’s a given. But I was surprised how gentle you were, how patient, given how aggressive you are in business. Oh!” Hadley pushed herself up onto her elbow. “And what a snuggler you are. Who would have guessed?”

“Shhhhhhhh!” Spencer looked around to make sure no one had overheard the reputation-ruining declaration. “You can’t just say that out loud.”

“Yes, I can. I just did. You’re the best snuggler, and you don’t get tired of it and roll away. You snuggle all night. You’re like an Olympic snuggler with gold medals all over your house.”

Spencer covered her eyes. “I’m never going to live this down. But yes, I happen to like…getting close.”

“Snuggling. Say the word,” Hadley teased, circling Spencer’s nipple with her forefinger.

Her eyes fluttered closed and she took a moment to enjoy the little hits of pleasure. “Snuggling is fine. I can tolerate it.”

Hadley took that cue and cuddled up close, nestling her head in the crook of Spencer’s arm. “I will accept that watered down answer…for now.” With a heavy sigh, Hadley’s entire body seemed to relax into Spencer’s, which made sense. She’d had a long and full day.

“Had?” she asked, not believing that someone could fall asleep so quickly and completely after being in the midst of a conversation just moments prior. But again, she was wrong, because Hadley was out like a light. She kissed the side of her forehead and settled in, smiling at the night they’d shared, the kids, the soup, the friends, and God, the fast and furious sex. She tossed her free hand over her eyes and allowed herself to join Hadley in happy slumber.

“Love you,” Hadley murmured, minutes later, into her neck.

Spencer’s eyes went wide. “What?”

A long pause. “And green beans on the side. I like ’em.”

Wait, did Hadley just say what she thought she said? Panic hit. “Hadley, are you awake?” she asked quietly.

“Tomorrow is good,” she mumbled. And then more insistently, “Tomorrow!”

“Terrific,” Spencer whispered. She settled back in, but it wasn’t like she could relax now. She’d been thrown into high alert from those words. Were they moving toward love? Was that what was happening? Was Hadley’s subconscious confessing things on her behalf, or did she literally just want some green beans?

Spencer had never been in love before.

She wasn’t afraid of what that entailed, but she also knew she and Hadley were still of different mind-sets. How would that work exactly? What would Hadley demand of her and how would she handle it? Those were the questions that kept Spencer up half the night, dancing quietly in the back of her brain until the problem itself was exaggerated in a garish middle-of-the-night hallucination that had Hadley walking down the aisle in a black wedding dress, beaming the way Hadley did, only this version of Hadley looked more like a puppet with scary hair, and Spencer’s heart was beating way too fast as she contemplated whether to stick it out at the altar or run from Puppet Hadley. A trickle of sweat cascaded down her forehead as she stared at Hadley’s darkened ceiling, wondering where she could find more air.

Losing the battle, she rolled Hadley to one side of the bed, and spent the night on her own, contemplating, blinking, and wondering just what in the hell she was supposed to do now.




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