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Loved by The Alpha Wolf (The Lone Wolf Book 1) by K.T Stryker (24)

Chapter Twenty-Four


Connor had walked back to the truck, before driving them back to Rockshore, although the journey was quiet. Ross could see the distrustful glances Conner kept throwing at their passenger, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.

“Will you stop?” he said quietly. “I know you don’t like having her here, but there’s not a choice in this. We have to find out what she knows and where her brother might be.”

“Why couldn’t Luke and the East River pack do that?” Connor asked, his lips thin. “Why did we have to take her?”

Inwardly sighing, Ross shook his head. “We didn’t have to, but I made that call because Jenny needs closure—and because she might be the best one to get through to her.”

Connor snorted. “Yeah, right.”

A growl rattled in Ross’s chest. “She’s done an amazing job so far, Connor. Don’t start getting rude now just because you’re upset.” Ross was surprised to see just how much Connor had changed in the last day. Instead of the easy grin and ready quips, he’d become frustrated and angry, glowering at everyone. “On top of that, Luke’s got enough to manage with his own pack.”

Letting out a long breath, Connor tried to calm his angry features. "Look, I'm just not happy about this but I get it. You're the pack leader, she's your mate—it's understandable."

Something thudded into Ross’s chest. “You know she’s my mate?”

Connor let out a harsh laugh. "If you've not realized that yet, Ross, then I can't help you."

"No, it's not that," Ross replied, turning his head to look at Jenny who was sleeping soundly. "I just didn't realize it was quite that obvious."

“Well, it is,” Connor replied without even a hint of a smile. “Thomas and Sarah will be thrilled, I’m sure.”

Ross didn't know how to respond, unable to tell if his brother was being serious or completely ironic. Whatever had happened, Beth had really got to Connor, even though he hadn't been badly hurt. Ross didn't know what it was that was going on with his brother and wasn't going to pry any longer either. The was going to be up to Connor to sort out himself. Looking out of the window, Ross felt happiness fill his chest. When he'd left Rockshore, he'd been sure he didn't want a mate and certainly wasn't looking for one. Now he’d come back with his heart full of Jenny. He couldn’t think about what life would be like without her now, and he certainly didn’t want to go back to how things had been. She made his life better.

“You’re back!”

Ross allowed Sarah to pull him into a brief hug before shaking Thomas’s hand. “You guys have been invaluable.” Ash grinned as he shook Ross’s hand.

“I feel like I’ve missed out on all the excitement. Staring at a computer screen hasn’t exactly been fun.”

Ross chuckled, his eyes on Jenny and Sarah as they hugged, already talking between themselves. He was glad they already seemed to get on well. Sarah had been the only female in his pack for a long time, and he’d always known she hoped that would change one day.

"We've got coffee and snacks waiting," Sarah said over her shoulder as she walked in with Jenny.

Ross nodded. "Thanks, we'll be in shortly." He waited until Sarah and Jenny had gone inside before turning to Thomas, Connor, and Ash. "We need to decide what to do with Beth, but for the meantime, let's just keep her with us. I don't mind her overhearing our conversations since she's not exactly going anywhere, and I don't particularly want her out of my sight right now."

Connor snorted. “She’s got a broken arm, Ross. She’s not able to shift. It’s not like she’s going to try and run away or something.”

Slightly ruffled over his tone, Ross turned to Connor with a light smile on his face. “Good. I’m glad you think so. She’s your responsibility for the next few days, OK?”

Connor’s mouth dropped open. “What are you talking about?”

Ross couldn’t help his grin. “I think you’d be best to keep an eye on her, Connor.” Turning his attention back to Thomas and Ash, who were both chuckling quietly, he grinned at them both. “Right, let’s get to that coffee.”

“Is something the matter with Connor?” Ash asked. “He didn’t seem exactly pleased to have her dropped in his lap, but he hasn’t smiled once since he arrived.”

Ross shook his head at Ash’s question, not sure how to answer. “She’s getting to him—Beth, that is—but I don’t know why. They had a long fight, and I think she surprised him with how strong she was.”

Ash turned his head to glance at Connor, who was walking with his hand on Beth’s shoulder, leading her toward their house. “It’s not like him to be so…sullen.”

“He’s not making any bones about the fact he doesn’t want her here,” Ross continued, running a hand through his hair in exasperation. “Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to get him to look after her, but I’ve just been getting so fed up.”

Ash chuckled, his grin now firmly back on his face. “Don’t worry about that, Ross. He’ll get over it soon enough. Now we just have to work out where she’s going to stay!”


Jenny sat with Sarah, a cup of fresh coffee warming her hands.

“So, how are things between you and Ross?”

Startled, Jenny turned wide eyes on Sarah. “What do you mean?”

Sarah laughed. “Come on, the bond between the two of you is obvious.”

“Oh.” Heat filled Jenny’s face as she looked away. “Well, I guess I love him.”

Sarah’s smile grew even wider. “Then you’ll be staying around?”

Jenny laughed, shaking her head. “I don’t know. We haven’t really talked about that!”

“No time like the present,” Sarah mumbled, as the rest of the pack walked in with Connor at the end leading a tired-looking Beth. Jenny heard Sarah’s low growl but didn’t respond with one of her own. Beth was struggling with something and, despite her actions, Jenny wasn’t altogether sure that Beth had done it willingly. To her surprise, Connor picked up a mug, filled it with coffee, and handed it to Beth before gesturing to the corner of the room. Jenny noticed the surprise on Beth's face as she took the mug, glancing up at Connor's set face.

“So,” Ross began, sitting down with everyone else. “We’re back.”

“Without Davidson on your tail,” Sarah interjected. “The police here are still looking for him by the way.”

“I doubt they’ll find him,” Jenny interrupted grimly. “That was a long drop.”

There was a short silence as Connor walked over to them and sat, making sure to keep Beth in his line of vision.

“And obviously we have Beth Damson, one of the shifters involved with Davidson. We don’t know where her brother is, but he’s still out there. The East River pack are alerting the other packs in the area, to widen the search. We’re going to find him.”

“What are we going to do with her?” Ash asked, his eyebrows pulling together as he glanced over at Beth. “Is she staying here?”

Ross nodded. “Yes, I think so. I’m just not sure where.” Beth wouldn’t be allowed to walk around their home freely.

A sudden idea hit Jenny, making her gaze at Ross, her face suddenly alive. He noticed at once and lifted one eyebrow, waiting for her to speak.

“I have a house,” she began slowly. The last thing she wanted was for this to be moving too fast for Ross, but it would give them a solution at least. “If you need a room for Beth, then someone could come live with me.”

“Where is your house again?” Ross asked.

“It’s only on the next street,” Jenny replied, giving him the address and trying not to feel the nerves coiling in her belly. “It’s not far.”

“And it has brand new locks,” Thomas added, nodding at her. “We changed them while you were away.”

Jenny smiled in thanks. “I have a spare room,” she continued, her words trailing off. “It’s just an idea, of course…”

Ross abruptly got to his feet, making her jump in surprise. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

Stuttering, Jenny followed him. “Sure.” She threw Sarah a slightly desperate look, but only got a wide smile in response.

Walking out of the door, she turned to face Ross, trying to smile. “Is everything OK?”

He looked at her steadily. “You’re willing to give us your house?”

She nodded. “Of course I am. I’m part of the White Fire pack, aren’t I?”

His hand caught hers. “And what if I said that I’d like to come live with you.” Jenny felt her breath hitch as he moved a fraction closer. “I know this is pretty quick and you are welcome to say no, but I’m not going to pretend that I like the idea of anyone else living with you.”

“But what about the pack?” Jenny stammered, her eyes bright. “Will you be OK to live away from them all?”

He shrugged. “It’s just a street away, and if we’re going to be together, I’d rather be with you away from everyone else. You’re my mate, Jenny. I—I love you.”

Her smile was immediate. “I love you too, Ross. You’re right that this has been quick, but I guess when you meet your mate, you just know.” Her arms snaked around his neck as his hands slid around her waist. “I can’t tell you how much I’d like to live with you.”

“Then it’s settled,” he murmured, his forehead resting against hers. “I’m sure Connor’s going to be thrilled to learn Beth’s going to have the room next to his.”

Jenny laughed softly. “Then shall we go tell the others?”

“In a minute,” he growled, his head lowering. “I’ve got something else to do first.”

Jenny met his kiss with a fierce passion of her own, her heart beating almost in time with his. Through everything that had happened, Ross had always been her one stable force, her protector, and now her mate. Finally, everything in her life was falling into place.