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Mechanic with Benefits by Mickey Miller (18)

Chapter Eighteen


Haley and I stop at a truck stop and buy a couple of sleeping bags.

Personally, I think we’ll be good with one tonight. But even in the summer, the outdoors get cold in a tent.

After a solid three hour drive through the Iowa and Nebraska countryside, we see the sign that says Chadron State Park.

Haley pays the overnight stay-fee and I grab some firewood from the little corner shop.

“Three dollars, buddy.” The grey haired man at the counter tells me.

“Thanks buddy. Y’all have any hunting grounds here, by the way?”

“Fishing, yes. Hunting, no.”

“Aw, that’s alright. Anyone else come through here today?”

The guy shrugs. “Had an interesting couple come through here. The guy asked me if he could buy gasoline to start a fire! I said ‘Naw, but you can buy some damn matches!’ We’re not trying to burn down the whole damn forest now are we?”

He laughs heartily and I smile along with him. I don’t know what Jade’s up to, but I wish she’d just concentrate on her own damn marriage now that she’s, you know, married. Personally, I think it’s pretty weird that she’s not going straight to her honeymoon. Something really is starting to seem funky with her and her husband, but I still can’t put my finger on it.

After Haley and I set up a tent we rented, we head out on the lake. We spend the day fishing, chatting, smiling, joking, and surprisingly, not fucking.

Today, something happens with us that moves me, and I try to put my finger on it. It’s seeing her in the sunlight. It’s her laugh. Throwing back a few beers on a boat over looking pristine waters.

Maybe it’s the fresh air. Or maybe I’m just little messed up in the head. But after what—four or five days?--I’m starting to fall for this broad.

She’s crazy, a little impulsive, and sure as shit, she has a dirtier mouth than I do at times.

But damned if she’s not the sexiest dirty ass girl from New York I’ve ever met in my life. And if she’s crazy, I’m certified insane.

It might be fucked up, and I’m sure a psychologist would have a field day with us, but she’s the crazy yin to my insane yang.

I want to tell her what’s really going through my mind. I want to nonchalantly mention that my buddy Mason is a bartender at the hottest bar in Blackwell, and we can easily get her a job as a cocktail waitress there.

I stop myself short, because we’ve only known each other for five days. Five.

And city girls don’t just up and move to the middle of nowhere, Blackwell, rural USA.


* * *

The sun sets as we walk back with a haul of fish. We caught some catfish, trout, and walleye, not a bad haul for the day.

“Holy shit, you guys actually caught fish?” Is the first thing Jack says to me when we get into camp. “We were out there all day and caught nothing.”

Haley rubs my back. “He’s basically Mr. Wilderness.”

“I grew up close to a creek,” I retort. “It’s natural.”

“Oh wow. Well the family is just really lucky to have you. Aren’t we, you guys?”

I stare hard at Jack. Something’s not been sitting right with me concerning him, either. The guy weirds me out, and I also wonder why he’s even here. Although he is the best man, it’s not like this is his family.

Not to mention that shit he pulled with Haley. She is so damn patient.

We share our haul with the other campers, who are all quite happy since the only things they’ve brought to eat are hot dogs to cook on a stick and buns. Oh, and of course the S'mores.

City folk camping, I tell ya.

Later in the evening, the sun starts to go down and the temperature chills just a little, enough that I have to loan Haley a flannel shirt I brought.

I start a fire with just a couple of matches, and before we know it the thing is blazing, enough that we’ve got to push back our stump seats around the fire.

Jack, Zack, Jade, and Haley’s parents join us around the fire, and for the first while, they’re relatively silent. We just enjoy the fact that we’re staring into flames, have no cell phone connection, and the air is fresh.

I turn to my left and stare at Haley for a moment. She’s got on jeans, a tank top, and my flannel over it. Her hair falls long behind her head, the red locks sparkling in the firelight. For a minute, she doesn’t notice me staring at her, and I take advantage of that fact, leering at her like a creep.

How the hell did we get here, I wonder. Just this past Sunday night, she was just a hot piece of ass I fucked like there was no tomorrow.

Like literally. No tomorrow. I never thought I’d see her again after that night.

Yet she stuck around, and now, when we fuck, especially that last time, there’s no denying the emotional connection I feel to her. So what if we’ve only known each other a few days?

I want her for longer. Maybe it’s a sight too soon for marriage. Maybe this is just the honeymoon period and tomorrow, we’ll hate each other.

But I decide right here and now, I have a new goal:

Bring Haley back to Blackwell with me. Show her my friends and family, like she’s let me into hers. Did she say something about starting a diner? Hell, I’ve been saving some money.

I take a deep breath and look around at the other souls surrounding the campfire. Her parents have no clue about our real story. They think I live in New York. I’ve never been to New York, and, truth be told, I hate the goddamn big city. I don’t think I would last two months there.

Haley’s in a trance, staring into the blue-orange flames. And I’m in a trance staring at her. She fills out that flannel and her jeans so perfectly. Maybe I can make a small town girl out of her yet.

“What are you thinking about?” I say softly, breaking the silence at the fire.

She pauses, glances at the ground, and looks up at me. “Nothing.” She whispers.

I lick my lips, never more curious in my life to know what’s running through a person’s mind.

Her father speaks up, finally breaking the tension. “Hey, y’all want some whisky?” He drawls, pulling out a big bottle of Wild Turkey.

“I sure as hell won’t pass that offer up.” I say. “And Sir, did you just say ‘y’all?’” Aren’t you from New York?”

He smiles a little and chuckles. “Liam, didn’t I tell you I was raised in the mountains of North Carolina? Hell, I guess being out here in the wilderness and all, and hell, maybe being around you, has me speaking like I’m back to my roots.”

I nod. “Fill ‘er up.” I say, and he gets a solo cup with some whisky and some coke for me. His little ‘y’all’ anecdote, while it might seem innocuous, suddenly gives me a shot of hope for Haley to come to Blackwell.

Maybe she does have small town in her blood after all. I just wonder if she’d change her city lifestyle just for a shot at love with some crazy mechanic who lives in the middle of nowhere.

“I really do appreciate you all coming here and camping out with us.” Haley’s mom says. “Especially Jade and Zack, taking a day before your honeymoon to hang out with us. And Jack, sorry your date couldn’t make it.”

We all nod as she passes each of us a cup filled with some drink.

“And you’re probably curious why we were so insistent that you all come.”

Zack nods. “You’re right about that. I mean, I don’t mind coming out. But we did push back our flight to Hawaii.”

“Well, you all know that love works in funny ways.” Haley’s mom nods. “And we just thought it was best to wait until after the wedding, so we didn’t steal any thunder. But we’re getting back together.”

All of the jaws around the campfire drop, mine included.

“And to be honest.” Haley’s dad says, “We weren’t even sure we wanted to do this. Until we saw how happy you two are together, Jade and Zack. And then we saw Haley and Liam and how head over heels they are, and we just knew. We have to get back together.”

Haley and I lock eyes. Suddenly, I don’t feel so good about the fact that I am fake engaged to her. Our fake engagement is having real social consequences.

“So raise your glasses everyone!” Jack interjects. “Let’s have a cheers! Mr. and Mrs. Rosebaum. Getting back together. Here here!”

We clink our plastic solo cups together and all take a sip. There’s something about being out in nature that really makes whisky taste better.

“Well Mom and Dad...” Jade speaks, and my stomach curls a little. She wouldn’t tell them the truth, would she? “We do know that love comes at mysterious times of your life. It comes and goes. Hey, I have an idea. Let’s play a game of ‘never have I ever.’”

“Yes! Sounds like fun!” Zack adds.

My heart sinks just a little when Jade shoots me a sly smile, reminding me I need to come clean with Haley. It was so many years ago that Jade and I were together. But something tells me if I’m thinking about bringing her back to Blackwell, I had better fill her in.

Jade explains to Haley’s parents how the game works. We go around in a circle, saying things we’ve never done, but that we think other people have done. If you’ve done the thing, you drink.

“I’ll start,” Haley says. “Never have I ever gotten married!”

Haley’s parents, Jade, and Zack drink.

And the game is off to a furious start.

For the first few rounds, we sit around the fire trading innocuous little details about our lives. The mood is jovial and everyone keeps it cool, saying things that are silly but not boundary pushing.

Never have I ever been to California.

Never have I ever milked a cow.

You know. Silly stuff.

As we take more sips of our whisky coke, the mood gets more revealing.

“Never have I ever been to Blackwell.” Jack says when it’s his turn, shooting me a mean look.

Haley starts to take a drink, and I stop her, but it’s too obvious, and Jade calls us out.

“Liam, looks like Haley wanted to drink on that one. Why’d you stop her?” She’s baiting me. Because she knows. That woman and her damn sixth sense.

Haley’s totally forgotten the white lie we’ve told the wedding party about how we met: when her car broke down on the Brooklyn bridge.

“Okay well, Haley never said this.” I backtrack. “But she came and visited me at one point when we started dating, in Blackwell.”

Visited you?” Mr. Rosebaum retorts. “But I thought you were living in New York?”

“Oh,” I clear my throat. Fuck. I’m backtracking again. “I mean, we went and visited my roots. You know.”

I can feel everyone’s eyes on me, searing through me. I need to get my story straight.

“Never have I ever had a sister!” I say, trying to change the subject.

Everyone drinks. Except me.

“Well then, I think you’ve got to tell us a story!” Haley’s mom says. “That’s how the rules work, right? If you’re the only one who doesn’t drink you tell a story?”

I nod, and take a big pull of my drink, even though that’s not part of the rules. “Sure. I’ll tell you. I have one brother. He’s older. He’s a billionaire. He’s also kind of a dick.”

Zack spits out his drink. “Did you just say he’s a billionaire?”

I nod. “Did I stutter?”

“So why don’t you just have him set you up?” Jack quips. “Why even work as a mechanic?”

I give Harvard boy the dirtiest scowl I currently have available. “I ain’t taking no handouts. Even if my older brother is the billionaire bossman of Blackwell.”

“Ha! That’s a lot of B’s!” Haley chimes in. “I had no idea.”

“You didn’t even know Liam had a brother?” Jade asks. “And you’re engaged.”

Her tone is disdainful. Haley’s parents give us both a funny look.

Motherfucker. We’ve all got a good buzz rolling now, and it’s getting harder and harder to think before we speak.

Personally, I just want to take Haley to the tent and have my way with her. But the family’s having a fun time with the game. So I’ve got to play the part of the good fiancé.

“Like I said, my brother’s kind of a dick. So I don’t like talking about him a lot.”

“Fine, my turn.” Jade interjects, and I see a devilish look in her eyes.

The look worries me, I’m not going to lie. Calling on painful memories, I realize it’s the same damn look I saw in her eyes before she cheated on me years ago.

All eyes on Jade, she speaks, glaring at me. “Never have I ever been in love with Jade Rosebaum.”

Zack drinks. I don’t. Fuck the integrity of the game. Besides, I’m more sure than ever right now, that what I felt for Jade wasn’t love. Infatuation, maybe. Definitely not real, true love.

Jade keeps staring right at me.

Please, someone, jump right back in.

Haley smiles at me and puts her hand on my knee. She has no idea what’s going on, she’s totally in the dark on the glances Jade and I are exchanging. So is everyone else at the fire, I think. Maybe Zack knows, but he doesn’t look like the type to start shit.

I swallow. I want to tell Haley all about my past. Anything she wants to know.

But not here. Not now.

Zack starts to speak to take his turn, but Jade overrides him.

“Um, sorry Zack, I’m gonna have to stop you for the moment. I think we have a cheater.”

He recoils. “Oh yeah that’s right. You told me you used to...well I’ll let him explain.”

“Yes,” she says, her voice like daggers. “Liam, care to tell us why you didn’t drink? I mean, I assume since you are engaged, you’ve told Haley all about your past. A good couple shares everything, you know.”

Haley’s jaw drops and she pulls her hand away.

“Liam? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

My chest wells up with rage. Regret. And a melting pot of emotions I don’t understand.

“Dammit, Jade.” I sneer. “I wasn’t in love with you!”

“Liam!” Haley voice is panicked. “Do you mind telling me what the hell you’re talking about?”




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