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Mr. Too Big: BWWM Hitman Romance Novella by Jamila Jasper (5)


Stockholm Syndrome.

Was that the right phrase for it, I wondered?

I had to assume that it must be.

I really, really shouldn't have been enjoying this. Once I saw who had taken me, all my fears went out the window.

But still...

I mean, for heaven's sake, I was a hostage! A prisoner! A pawn in some ludicrous game between my murderous father and his number one contract killer! Or former contract killer, if a word he said was to be believed!

So why the hell was I enjoying this so much?

I mean, okay. Maybe if I'm being one hundred percent honest, a part of me had long harbored a crush on Jay. Back in the days when he was just some guy who worked for my father, anyway.

Any hope of that being anything more than just some girlish fantasy kind of fizzled out of existence somewhere between my realization that Jay was a hitman, and Jay drugging me and taking me as his prisoner.

But now the feeling was back again, and it was stronger than ever.


Because, frankly, Jay wasn't kidding when he told me that this week would be like my own private little getaway.

For a hostage, I'd been living the sweet life for the past three days now.

Things had been, understandably, very tense between us at first. I'd showered, and Jay had made me breakfast as promised. And had admittedly been delicious- surprisingly so, for a man of his background.

He also offered to go and get any movie for me that I could possibly ever want to watch. He kept asking me if the temperature was okay. He brought me all kinds of cosmetics and toiletries, everything I would have used when I was free at home. He gave me books to read. Said he would go get any food I asked for.

And sure. There was the fact that he locked my bedroom door at night whenever we were both asleep so that I had to knock on the wall or something in the event that I had to go to the bathroom. This, of course, was to ensure that I didn't try any funny business and try to escape in the middle of the night. Slip the key to the padlocked door off of his neck or something like that.

And I really didn't need to be reminded that my situation was about as far from an ideal one as you could possibly get. That I needed to get out of here as fast as I possibly could or get help or something.

But by the second day, I was already starting to have conversations with Jay like he was just some Joe Anybody, and by that night we were laughing together like old friends, telling stories, sharing things about ourselves that seemed surprisingly intimate and detailed.

And I know.

I know, I know, I know, just how messed up what I'm about to say is going to sound.

But I think, I really believe, I was starting to see in Jay what I had been unable to find in every other man who'd come into my life. Protection. Security. A willingness to actually get to know me, or to at least pretend to.

I kept reminding myself that I needed to be on my guard about all of this. That I couldn't let emotion get the better of me. That if I lost sight of how things really were, and let my emotions get the better of me, this would end badly.

I was going to end up heartbroken. Or dead. Or any number of other unpleasant, unwanted fates, if I let myself be swayed by what was so transparently an act on Jay's part.

Or was it an act? I honestly couldn't even say anymore. It surely must have been.

But how did it feel so real? How was it so convincing, when I thought I knew with such certainty how blatantly he was putting forth the effort to manipulate me?

And then?

That third evening came.

God, that night...

Jay was showering. The hot water billowing out into the main room of the safe house, the door to the bathroom not even completely shut. I bit my lip, and let my mind wander into places it had no business wandering.

I imagined that solid body pressed up against me. That tattooed flesh covering me like a blanket. His rugged white flesh practically glowing against my skin, his stubble grazing against my neck while he took me from behind...

And that was when an idea struck me.

I was going to seduce my captor...

I knew that I had motivations beyond what was simply practical. But I still tried to justify it. To make it seem like it all actually made quite a bit of sense.

Look, I thought. Jay has the key, right? The only possible way for me to get out of him. He wears it around his neck, constantly, at all hours of the day. And I need to get close to him if I want to stand a chance of escaping.

He'd let me. I knew he would. I saw the way he stared at me, watching my thighs squeezed together on the couch or watching the way my breasts spilled out of my top.

So, put two and two together, and what do you get? It's simple, right?

Never mind the fact that my thighs had been burning to be spread by him since the day of my abduction, the space between them filled up nice and tight and hard by all the cargo he was packing in those jeans of his.

Call it an escape plan, or call it Stockholm Syndrome if you want to.

Whatever you call it, at that moment I was dead set on believing that this was the best, nay the only solution. I had to get that key, and I had to have that man's body all over me, and this idea would bring me the best of both worlds.

I could have a tryst with an undateable hitman and get my way out. I didn't need Daddy to save me...

I stood up from the sofa, my heart hammering away in my chest, and slowly I began to undress. Like he was right there in the room with me, and I was stripping for him. I let my clothes fall to the ground, and I slid out of my bra and panties. I stood completely naked in the middle of the room, turned on like hell by that simple act alone, wet, and burning, and ready for him in spite of my anxiety.

“Here goes nothing,” I muttered under my breath, and I stepped to the bathroom, ready to take the plunge.

His back was turned to me as I opened the door to the room. I could barely make out his form through the glass door of the shower, and the thick white fog that was clouding up the room. Just for the hell of it, I let my attention fall to his clothes piled there on the floor. Just on the remote, minute chance that he might have taken the key off with his clothes.

I hoped not- I really wanted to get close to him.

But I checked anyway.

I looked through his things, not finding much of any interest until I chanced upon the handgun in his pocket.

Shit, I thought, my throat tensing up.

This wasn't what I wanted to find at all.

It was, to be fair, the perfect escape mechanism. This one small carelessness on his part was enough for me to be out of there and gone within the hour, nay, within the next ten minutes.

How the hell had he let himself be so neglectful?

I imagined myself pointing the gun at him, and demanding the key from around his neck, and then running out of the safe house like a mad woman, getting to safety as fast and as furiously as I could.

I didn't honestly think it would be that difficult. Realistically, it seemed like my best chance for escape.

But I talked myself out of it.

Maybe it was the Stockholm syndrome again, telling me that I didn't really want to go anywhere. But I convinced myself that it was too scary. Too risky. Like Jay would actually do anything to hurt me if I tried it.

I put it out of my head, though.

I let the gun settle back into place in his pants like I'd never even seen it there. I kept on going and pushed open the door of the shower as silently as a phantom. I stepped inside. I closed the door behind me.

The heat was sweltering. The steam, choking.

I stared at Jay, still facing the wall. I watched the hot water racing along his spine, twisting through the sinewy ropes of his back muscles. It made me tremble to see the liquid hit his skin and evaporate up off of him at the moment contact. Trailing down, down, down to that perfect ass of his, chiseled and delectable, almost making me want to cry from the perfection of its beauty.

I held my breath. For the first time, it seemed absurd that I was doing this. Any of this.

And yet I was in too deep to turn back now. Physically, and emotionally.

I wanted this man. Like I'd never wanted any man before in my life.

I needed him inside me.

I was going to have him.

I gasped, very slightly, at the hint of movement. He turned toward me, and his expression barely registered surprise at the sight of me, standing there naked behind him, flecks of water from the shower head beginning to pepper my breasts and my stomach.

Jay just stared at me, and I stared back at him, the two of us taking one another in. I could feel his eyes on me, admiring my curves. Staring intently at my dark nipples, and the perfect little fleck of my navel and the dark triangle between my legs cushioned between two thick, sumptuous thighs. It was like he was comparing me, the real me, to the picture he'd had in his head.

And what could I say?

At that moment, I was guilty of doing the exact same thing.

His black hair shimmered as the water rained down on him from above. His blue eyes glistened at me, and his angular face seemed almost inhuman, framed by so much running hot water, his lips slightly parted, making my throat hurt to look at. His broad pecs heaved beneath the steam, his nipples small and perfect, his shoulders lightly raised to emphasize how staggeringly broad he was.

His chest was positively covered in inky black tattoos, so many of them so densely packed onto his flesh that I couldn't tell where one design ended and the next began. I followed them as they climbed down the wicked rungs of his six-pack abs, their wetness making me a little bit faint as my eyes kept going down and down, practically licking my lips as I made it to the sweeping V of his Adonis' muscles, and the succulent treasure that lay beyond.

I held my breath. He started out limp, but only for a moment. Even then, his size was impressive. I'd never seen anything so large in my life. The dormant shaft hanging pendulously from his body, his considerable sack swinging between his legs as the water spilled off of it. As soon as he started looking at me, though, things began to shift and to rearrange.

His shaft began to emerge. I couldn't help but gasp. He was longer than any man I'd ever seen and thicker too. I couldn't help but stare mesmerized at him. The head swelled forward and the whole of his cock standing up for me, growing, hardening, lengthening. His nuts pulled up in his sack, tightening toward his body from his arousal, and I found myself biting my lip, loving the effect I had on him, which was exactly what I'd been hoping for and so much more.

He was just so fucking big. Tremendous. Too big, I almost thought, but then I shook the thought.

I had to have him now, if for no other reason than to prove that I could handle a man with such impressive girth.

“Keisha,” he said calmly, masking the surprise that I knew he felt. “What are you doing in here?”

“What do you think?” I asked, my voice low, soft, and as inviting as I could make it.

He studied me. I could tell that he didn't know how to react to any of this. That as well-trained and as disciplined as he was, as well-crafted as his plan had seemed to him, he hadn't counted on this particular element being thrown into the mix. And now he simply didn't know what the hell he should do with it.

“You shouldn't be in here,” he said, and I noticed the key glinting around his neck, catching the light from the shower above. The moment I laid eyes on that wet, naked body of his, however, and seen that cock pushing out into the water for me, any thoughts of escaping instantly fluttered from my mind.

“I'm exactly where I need to be,” I said, and I meant that one hundred percent.

I reached out, and I placed my hand tentatively against his chest, slow enough that he could pull away, or stop me if he was going to.

He didn't.

I slid my palm over the surface of his chest, loving the hardness, the solidity of his muscles beneath me. I could tell from the racing of his heart every time I passed over it that he loved it too, and that his halfhearted protestations were little more than a formality. A way for him to justify what he was already craving so badly to do to me.

“Keisha. This isn't right. This isn't why I brought you here. I never meant to make you think-”

“Oh. You aren't turned on by this?”

I gave him a pouty look. I let my hand fall, slowly, down, down, down along to his heaving stomach, stopping just short of his cock, so that he shivered at the touch of my hand against him.

“I'm turned on like fucking hell,” he seethed through his teeth, already starting to lose his composure.

“Are you sure about this, though? I know there are no clear lines to this situation right now. But I don't want to put you in a situation where-”

“I want you,” I pleaded with him, growing desperate. This wasn't an act anymore. A ploy to get the key and escape. This was me, being totally and completely honest with him.

“I've wanted you for years. I always told myself I was being ridiculous. That there was never any way for us to be together. But look. Here we are. Together, at last. And if this is what it took, so be it.”

I finally let my hand go. I slid my fingers down around the shaft of his cock. I wrapped my grip around him, and I felt him tense, and harden, and pulse in my hand, gratifying me beyond words. He took in a deep breath, and it encouraged me to stroke him further and further, pushing the flesh back, loving the way it practically it melted around the rock-hard core of his shaft.

“I want you to fuck me so bad,” I said, my voice pleading, desperate. “I want you to bend me over, and fuck me, and fill me up with your hot cum. I've wanted it for so long. And now you're here. And I can't stand it anymore...”

The intensity in his blue eyes kept growing and growing, the flames heating up with every second that passed.

Then, suddenly, I felt his hands on me. I gasped, flashing back to the moment in the alley when he first brought me here. He pulled me in by the small of the back, and pushed my face toward him, holding my open mouth mere inches from his own.

“If you want this, you'll need to do things my way,” he whispered into my ear, his breath somehow even warmer against me than the pounding of the water on my skin.

"Yes, sir," I nodded, desperate to have him conquer me.

We couldn't stand the waiting any longer.

Our faces flew together as though drawn by magnetism. Our lips dissolved, and his tongue pushed into my mouth, sliding around my cheeks. It was like the wall of the dam had been straining to its limits until now, and finally, the waters were racing, flooding forward in endless torrents, no holds barred as he did every last thing he wanted to me, and I surrendered only too happy to let him do it.

I gasped and felt his weight bearing down on me, backing me up, pushing me hard against the far wall. The water rained down on the two of us, and he hiked my leg up around his side, bringing me even closer to him as his cock slid up against my stomach, making me moan.

Once he had me right where he wanted me, he pinned my arms up over my head and kissed me even deeper, subjecting me to his full and total control, exactly the way I needed him to.

His tongue slid around in my cheeks. His body heaved and spasmed against me.

He started rubbing his wet, hard cock up against me, and it was like it had been his idea to do this, instead of mine, the way he took charge and gave me exactly what he wanted, and so, so much more.

“I need you,” I whispered into his mouth, whenever the two of us were apart for a fraction of a second. He responded by pressing his erection against me harder and letting his hands fall to my breasts, giving them a nice, hard squeeze like he'd been longing to do so for as long as I'd been craving him.

The sensations surged through my chest, my nipples hardening, his fingers pulling back around them, making the flesh tingle.

“Yes... Yes,” I begged him, and he began to kiss the side of my neck, pulling back on the flesh, pulling back with his teeth, biting down on me. My nostrils flared, and I tilted my head back, straining to control how bad I wanted it, and then realizing that I didn't have to.

I moaned. I cried. I shrieked.

He pushed my breasts across my chest, kneading them slowly up in his hands like dough, cherishing them, the way they needed to be cherished. Gradually, his hands began to drift. They wandered out to the sides of my body, and his fingers danced and shimmied along my sides, making it hard for me to retain my composure as the sensations danced through my flesh.

My jaw tensed, and my toes curled against his own.

He stared into my half open eyes until I looked back at him. Then, he bowed down to my chest, and opened his mouth, and started sucking on my breasts. I gasped, and shook, and giggled as his lips melted around my left nipple, soaking in around me, his teeth coming down and pushing into me, and then his face pulling back, filling me with sensation.

Something primitive rose up from inside me. A desire to scream out to the world, and let it now the full extent of the pleasure racing through me. The agony of so much sweet sensation. The brilliant struggle of trying to keep my composure as Jay touched me.

And even then, the struggle was only just beginning.

I was just starting to get used to what he was doing to me, when all of the sudden I felt the pressure of his hand between my legs, pushing up between my thighs. My knees pushed together, pulling him in further, and he slid his fingers up inside me, penetrating the floral folds of my pussy in a way that left me crying out for more.

He pushed in deep and began to rub me. He worked through the folds, and he caressed my insides and left me so weak at the knees that I thought for certain I would collapse.

“Fuck! Yes! Yes! Yes!” I said, as sparks of sensation kept going off inside me, white-hot spurts of orgasm, making my stomach jolt with pleasure, making my ass tighten, and my heart race.

And soon, as the intensity grew, I felt it was only right for me to return the favor.

I reached back again and grabbed Jay's cock, realizing how much I'd missed it in the moments I'd been away from it. I started stroking it hard and deep, pumping my wrist, slamming it against his body, loving his grunts of pleasure as he stiffened and lengthened in the palm of my hand.

Before either of us knew it, we were shifting around, switching places, so that Jay's back was against the wall, and I was pressed on top of him, pinning him in place. I gave him a last, deep kiss, my nostrils flaring at him, and then I lowered myself down onto my knees, the shower left pelting the front of his perfect body as I knelt before him in subservience.

I slowly worked the flesh of his cock a few more times, loving the way the water beaded along its surface and dripped down off of him. I stared up at him with innocent eyes, and then I licked my lips, letting him know just how badly I was craving it- as if he really couldn't tell already.

Then, pulling the flesh of his shaft back, I knelt down, and I pressed the tip of my tongue to his balls. He shivered, and the sack tightened, and I loved the sensation up against me. I rolled my mouth slowly up along him, letting my tongue slide along the seam of his scrotum, and then up along the center of his hard shaft, up toward his tip, and then back down again.

I made several long, hungry movements back and forth, coating him with my saliva. Then, I came back up around his engorged head, still holding the skin back tight against his body. I opened my mouth wide, holding my breath, and I swallowed him up.

He lowed, a contented groan escaped from his lips.

I pushed in around him.

I swallowed his hard cock, taking down every last inch of him. Loving the way he filled up my throat. The way he reacted to me, shivering, seemingly surprised as I managed to fit so much of him into me like he wasn't used to being contained with quite this level of expertise, much less this level of enthusiasm.

But I was loving every second of it.

I craved the sensation of his tip touching back against my throat. I loved being so full of him, so packed tight with that amazing cock that I was left breathing through my flaring nostrils, my senses all piqued as the streams of the water cascaded around us.

I held on him for a long time, savoring him, letting him do the same to me, almost wishing that the moment would never end. Then, very slowly, I began to pull back on him. I sucked on his shaft like a lollipop, sliding my lips back along his length, building up an enormous pressure as I ventured up and up and up, sucking on his bulbous tip, holding steady, and making him burn for me.

I snapped my lips off of him.

He cried out.

I slid him back into me the moment I was off, the hunger, the craving I felt instantly returning to me a hundredfold.

Steadily I began to go down on him. I held my hands sprawled out on his thighs at first, then I reached around, and grabbed him by his ass, my fingers sinking into him as I braced him for support.

I wanted to get him as deep inside of myself as I could. To plunge him in as far as possible. To give him exactly what he wanted, which was exactly what I wanted, and not to relent until his every last need had been satisfied.

I sucked, and I licked, and I savored him, each pass along his hard cock making me crave him more and more, to degrees far beyond what I could have imagined. Jay's fingers slid along through my soaked hair as I throated him, at first in a way that seemed grateful, appreciative what I was doing for him. And that was nice. But soon, is fingers began to tighten some. His grip became more forceful.

And that was what I really enjoyed...

Whether I was ready for it or not, he began to increase the pace. He pushed me harder, and faster. Made me go further into him, at a rate far quicker than I'd been doing. At first, I found it hard to keep up the pace, but I wasn't about to ask him to stop. I wanted to be pushed to my limits by this man.

I wanted him to take me as deep and as hard as he wanted me. I didn't want to get back up off my knees again until his every last urge had been satisfied, and I began to see the increasing speed and depth as the sweetest of challenges.

Before long, he was really going at me. Both of his hands gripped the back of my head, and he pumped my face down onto him as he throated me, thrusting into me, making me strain just to keep him in, but making me love it more and more, making me hunger for it, with every successive thrust of motion.

He started grunting, and then roaring, and then he pushed my mouth down all the way along himself, pressing me against his body, crying out as the sensations reached their apex.

“Oh God! Yes! Yes! Yes!” he shouted his muscles tensing around me, the sensation of being captivated by his grip, unlike anything I could possibly imagine.

I sucked back hard and then felt the fruits of my labor being rewarded handsomely. Jay's cock pulsed in my mouth and began to spurt and to fill me up hot and deep. Spasms of his hot cum unloaded everywhere inside me, drenching my tongue, filling up my cheeks, treating me to the delectable abundance of his molten hot sperm.

It poured from my mouth and spilled down onto my heaving breasts, and still, he kept on pulsing inside me, and pushing his body in, trying to get out every last drop, to savor me to the very last moment.

I was so full I could hardly even believe it by the time he finished, his shaft still throbbing, spasming, his orgasm so intense that it almost made me jealous.

“Fuck,” he sighed, and I felt his fingers loosening around me, his grip finally relenting. I waited until his hands were away, then slowly I peeled myself back off of him, pushing his dick from my mouth, loving the sight of it still hard, and covered in so much of his hot cum from my mouth.

I slowly tilted my head back, still breathing hard through my flaring nostrils from the exertion of so much pleasure. I opened up my mouth and showed him all the cum he'd given me. Then I very gently started pushing it out with my tongue, letting it spill along my chin, and roll down my neck, and paint my breasts with him in a way I knew he could hardly stand to witness.

He watched me, still pumping his dick in one hand, squeezing out every last drop of himself that still remained. Then he took me by the hand, and he lifted me back up to his level, somehow seeming more hungry for me than ever after just given me his load.

He pulled me up into him, and the two of us began to kiss, rolling our tongues around inside one another, his sticky lips pressed to mine as we passed his load lovingly back in forth, craving the way it spilled out onto our entwined bodies, trailing down along his chest, and between my heaving breasts.

Once again his hands were all over me, claiming me as his own, and making me his. Every touch, every caress, made me want to cry out as loud as I could. But every kiss, every sharp plunge of his tongue into my mouth prevented me from doing so.

He was hard again, in almost no time at all, and I was less surprised by this fact that I was giddy beyond description.

He turned me around, and he bent me over against the wall of the shower, my hands spread out in front of me, my legs open wide.

I stood there panting, brimming with anticipation, eager for the moment I'd been waiting for to arrive at last. Jay mounted me from behind, climbing up over me, resting his head on my shoulder, breathing in my ear as he slid the tip of his cock up against my slit.

I shuddered and whimpered as he slowly pulled his tip along the flesh, working it against me, making me so hot for him, making my knees weaken as he teased my aching pussy. He moved his cock from top to bottom, and bottom to top, cycling around in a gentle rhythm, making me absolutely burn for him, more than I might have thought possible.

He got me to the point where I actually felt compelled to beg for it. I looked back over my shoulder, my eyes half-open as I peered into him, and I spoke to him, in the pleading tone of a dying man asking for water: “Take me.”

At last, he put me out of my misery.

Almost as soon as I'd said it, he was inside me. My body stiffened as my lips parted. His tip slid into me and was followed by the hard length of his shaft, burying itself slowly up inside me, stretching me out as tight as a virgin, opening me, filling me, making my eyes wide, and causing my hands to curl into fists against the wall of the shower.

“Fuck! Fuck! Yes! Yes! Please! Don't stop! Please!” I begged, my eyes clenched shut, the room seeming to spin around me.

He pushed all the way into me, and I felt him landing against my g-spot, a burst of pleasure emanating through my entire body, pulsing through to every limb, every nerve ending. I tensed up around him and felt like I could stay there and never want to leave.

Speared by him. Penetrated, stretched out to capacity, as his fingers sank into the cheeks of my ass, pulling back on me, pinning me right where I was, as though there might have been any possible risk of me trying to get away


“Jesus Christ, you're tight,” he said, and it made something spasm inside me to know just how much he was enjoying the heat of me pressed around him, almost as much as I was.

“And you're massive,” I wheezed, thinking back to my original assessment of him being too big for me. He was too big but in the absolute best of ways.

He stayed there with me for a long moment, breathing in through his teeth as he enjoyed the comfort, the sanctuary of my pussy. Then he pulled back, and he rammed himself into me with double the force.

My mouth widened as he slammed down twice as hard against my g-spot.

Stars flashed before my eyes.

He began to fuck me. Hard. Tight. And deep.

He slammed my body into himself as hard as he could, making my ass clap. My cheeks bounce. My breasts swing from my chest. My arms instantly became weak as I strained to hold myself up against the wall, every part of me focused on the heat of so much pleasure, the intensity of our bodies colliding, and his steady penetration, and the sweetness of our union.

A captor and his captive, going at it like newlyweds, the pressure of flesh into flesh, body into body, building toward an awesome crescendo, a powerful climax, the likes of which I'd only ever imagined.

He just kept hammering me and hammering me, well past the point of what I thought I could take. Then, at last, after an endless round of taking it, of taking him, I felt him hurl every ounce of his muscles up into me.

He roared, and I screamed, and he plunged his thick cock all the way up into my tight hole, cramming me full of himself, stretching me tight, packing me with so much of his maleness, and sending me into such a fit of pure, blinding euphoria that I thought I might pass out from the intensity.

“Oh fuck! Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” he roared, and I felt him pulsing, overflowing, and finally, beginning to cum like wild inside me. His cock overflowed, this time even harder than before, and I experienced the bliss of being filled up by him once more.

Pulse after pulse of all that hot, molten fluid came shooting in deep, making me even fuller of him than I'd even thought was possible. He filled every inch of me, every crevice, then started spilling out hot and thick, pouring from my lips, drenching my quivering thighs, and dripping down toward the drain as all the while he just kept pulsing and pulsing, filling me and filling me without end.

And that, at last, was when I felt it.

My eyes widened, and I swear to God I could have dug my fingers into tiles of the wall as the sensations reached their apex inside me, and the most intense orgasm I'd ever known took its hold over me.

I held my breath, bracing myself, and then was forced to exhale, crying out as the feeling slammed into me like a sledgehammer. It started between my legs, at the point of contact, where Jay was still pumping himself up into me.

Then it grew, and expanded, fluttering in my stomach, then exploding through my entire body. I actually felt tears coming to my eyes as the pleasure swept me under, an intensity I'd never known before, brought on by the weight of my man bearing down on me, filling me up, making me feel more secure, more loved than I ever had before in my life.

The pleasure went on and on, seeming as though it would never end, never relent, and as though the two of us would be locked there in a state of suspended pleasure for the remainder of time itself.

It sure as hell wouldn't have hurt my feelings any.

At long last, however, inevitably, I felt that dreaded release. The come down. The disappointment of ending, even after something so rich, so sweet, so incredible.

Jay held inside me for as long as he could, and then I felt his body leaving me, making me miss him instantly. Right away I felt empty and isolated, and more than a little bit confused by what had just taken place- even despite being the one who had initiated it.

Thankfully, though, Jay didn't let me remain that way for long.

He grabbed me, and he wrapped me up in his arms, and he pulled me down with him to the floor of the shower. We lay huddled there in the afterglow. Kissing, and squeezing one another. Both of us, I think with the same thing on our minds- what the hell did this mean, and where the hell did it go from here?

But there was plenty of time to worry about all of that later.

Right now, all that mattered was that the two of us were together, entwined in this moment, and in each other. The rest, we decided, perhaps a little bit naively would sort itself out with time.

Somehow, though, some way, this had to work out.

I craved him too much for this not to work out.




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BETRAYED:: Sizzling HOT Detective Series (Book 3, The Criminal Affairs Collection Book 3;) by Taylor Lee

Jilted Prince: Hell’s Son Book 2 by Eve Langlais

When the Rogue Returns by Sabrina Jeffries

Surviving Slater by Regan Ure

Fired (Worked Up Book 1) by Cora Brent

Quest (The Boys of RDA Book 4) by Megan Matthews