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On the Edge by Brittney Sahin (16)

Chapter Sixteen


I stood inside Hueston Station with the kids gathered in a group off to the side, waiting for Adam to arrive. I hadn’t spoken with him since Tuesday night, although I’d heard he’d been in the office Wednesday for a few hours, on and off. But he didn’t show up for work on Thursday or Friday.

I checked my watch again. The train was supposed to depart for Tullamore in five minutes.

“Where is he?” Conor asked. I had a feeling that Adam was like the sun to him. A lot of the kids probably felt like that.

“Hey, I didn’t know Sean was coming,” Chloe shouted.

Adam’s brother walked with purposeful strides toward us, his blue eyes pinned on me. Adam hadn’t mentioned he’d be coming. Well, the more chaperones, the better, I supposed. Even if two of them were devastatingly handsome.

Of course, Sean and Adam couldn’t be more different, and it became obvious as Sean neared me. Sean gave off the pretty boy vibe, with his gelled blonde hair and continuously close shave. His clothes reminded me of Abercrombie—he could have been their cover model, in his cable knit sweater and khaki pants.

Adam, on the other hand, had an edge. There was a touch of darkness to him, and I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it, or how I felt about it. Although I had no business thinking about him at all.

“Sorry I’m late.” Sean waved to a few of the kids before stepping up next to me.

“Um, that’s okay. I didn’t know you were coming.” I grabbed my duffel bag when the train roared up in front of us. I waited for the passengers to exit and then motioned for the kids to go ahead. “Stay together in this car,” I said, pointing to the doors of the train car in front of us.

“Adam didn’t tell ya?” Sean’s brows pulled together, and he rolled his eyes. I had to assume the eye roll was for his brother. “He asked me on Wednesday to step in for him. Sorry, I thought you knew.”

I tried not to allow the weight of his words to sink me. But a hard splash of disappointment hit anyway as I stepped into the train car, following in after the kids.

I took a seat, and Sean sat across from me, facing my way. “Well, do you like horses?”

“Not really.” He laughed. “I’ve never been much of an animal person.”

“What—how is that possible? Doesn’t everyone love animals?” I looked over my shoulder, checking to make sure the kids were settled.

“Adam and Holly are more the animal types.”

“Well, I love horses, and these kids are amazing. We’ve all been excited about this trip. I’m so thankful to Adam for giving me the chance to work with them.”

“And what made you want to volunteer?”

“It’s kind of complicated, actually.”

He perked a brow and grinned. “Oh really? Enlighten me.”

“Well, I was supposed to live with a friend of his, a guy named Leslie, but I guess something happened that made it, um, unsafe.” I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn’t sure how much to say—not that I had much to say about it in any case! “Anyway, I’m staying at a hotel now, which isn’t cheap. So, Adam is helping me out with the hotel, and I’m working at the center in repayment.”

“Really?” Sean’s light blue eyes met mine, and I clutched my purse tight, pressing it into my lap. An unease whisked through me.

“Yeah, I—” The words died on my tongue as the doors started to close, and then a very familiar arm shot between them, stopping the doors. Adam stepped onto the train, and it felt as though all of the oxygen had swooshed out past him. “He came,” I said softly, not sure if I wanted anyone to hear me. Apparently Sean heard, however. He stood up and looked Adam’s way.

“The plan’s changed. You don’t need to go now,” Adam told Sean.

Sean grabbed his bag and approached his brother. I could only see their profiles from where I was sitting, but there was definitely some unspoken communication going on between them. Sean said something in a low voice and Adam jerked his head back, his brows slanting down in anger. The entire train rocked with tension.

“Have a good time,” Sean bit out over his shoulder as he gave Adam one last look—a look of disappointment. Then he left.

“You’re here!” Jenna exclaimed, and the other kids jumped from their seats and barreled down the train car to greet Adam. Some of them flung their arms around him.

I tried to hide the smile that pulled at my lips as I watched his shoulder strap slip down, his bag falling to the ground as the group cheered.

Adam’s eyes captured mine as he patted Chloe on the shoulder. The group of teens dispersed and found their seats once the train began moving.

He picked up his bag and came toward me. I was still sitting, staring at him like some speechless idiot.

“Hi,” he said softly. “Is this seat taken?” He arched a dark brow.

I wet my lips as the memory of our kisses came to mind. “I don’t know.” I folded my arms. “You planning on telling me why you were about to abandon us to your brother?”

“I’m sorry.” He slid down into the empty seat across from me, his jeaned knees brushing against mine. The slight touch had me inching back in my seat. “I was afraid to tell you.”

“You could have at least sent a text.” I shook my head and looked out the window. The city of Dublin was basked in light as the sun began to lower in the sky. Orange and pink swirls of color kissed the tops of the trees as we trundled by a park.

“I could have, but I was a coward.” His words and the sound of the sexy Irish lilt of his voice had me stilling.

I looked back over at him, finding his eyes. “So why are you here now?”

“I shouldn’t be.” He leaned back in his seat and rested his hands on the fabric of his well-worn jeans. “But I realized at the last minute that I’d be disappointing everyone.”

“Well, Sean would have been great company.” I tensed a little, angry at him, even though I wasn’t sure if I really had a right to be. “But the kids are happy and that’s all that matters.”

“Trust me, love. You’d have lost your mind with my brother—he’s a bit of a tool. A fancy pants, if ya will.”

Yeah, I had gathered as much. “It’s hard to believe you are brothers.”

He nodded. “Aye. I keep asking Ma if she adopted me, but she insists I’m legit.”

He was trying to make me laugh, to calm the waters, but it wasn’t working. Well, not yet, at least. “So.”

“So,” he repeated, and I caught a smile stretching across his face.

“Have you ever ridden a horse?”

“Maybe once or twice.” He paused. “And how long have you been riding?”

My purse began to vibrate, and I lost my train of thought. “Um.” I reached into it to retrieve my phone, not sure who’d be texting or calling me. “I learned to ride a horse before I learned to ride a bike,” I said at last. “But that’s what happens when you’re raised on a horse farm.”

“There was a horse show here in Dublin just last month. Too bad you missed it.”

“Oh.” Yeah, that was too bad. “Well, I’m sure this trip more than makes up for it.” I studied the phone in my hands, staring down at the message that was lit on my screen.

It was like a punch in the stomach. I wanted to throw up. How had Jax found my new number? Why was he messaging me now? No. No. No!

My insides screamed as my body went into panic mode. But I was an ocean away from him. I was safe, wasn’t I?

I shoved my phone back in my purse, noticing my hand trembling when I retracted it from the bag.

“You okay, Anna?” Adam was leaning forward, his hand resting on my knee.

I kept my eyes on his hand, on its veins, on the slight purplish marks on his knuckles. “I’ll be fine.”

“You’re lying.”

My gaze flickered to meet his. “Can we talk about something else?” I swallowed. “Please?”

His eyes darkened with concern, but he pulled his hand away and straightened in his seat. “What would you like to talk about?”

What did I want to talk about? “Maybe I’ll go check on the group.” Before he could respond, I darted away and scooted next to the empty seat by Conor.

I joined in on their conversation, the unease drifting from me. The text message became a memory in the back of my mind. But when I glanced over my shoulder at Adam, his head was tipped back, resting against the seat, his eyes on the window, a blank stare on his face. My stomach flipped with worry, and I wondered if he was the one in real trouble.

* * *

“This place is fierce!” Conor shouted as the kids tore off the bus we’d taken from the train station. I wondered if Adam had ever traveled this way. Did he know what it was like to live like the other half?

Half. Who was I kidding? Adam had his own percentage point.

Adam laughed as he watched the group jump up and down in front of the massive home, which was the bed and breakfast that provided access to our riding adventure. I looked in the distance for the stables, but dusk had fallen, and I couldn’t see much.

“You ready for this?” Adam nudged me in the hip.

“Are you is the question! I don’t want you falling off the horse and breaking a leg or anything.”

“Trust me, Anna. You don’t need to worry about me.”

“Let’s hope not.” I smiled at him and walked ahead, joining the kids as they made their way to the house.

“Welcome,” Marie, the owner, greeted us.

I’d spoken to Marie on the phone a few times before our arrival, and so I already recognized her voice. She stood with open arms on the large front porch. The place reminded me of home. Of course, my family’s farm was nowhere near this big, but it had that same country feel, with the porch and rocking chairs, the fresh air, and the open spaces.

“You’ll love it here.” Marie winked at me as I climbed the few stairs to the porch. “The stew’s ready. Let me show you to your rooms, and then we’ll all meet in the dining room for supper.”

The kids entered through the open door, and I came up alongside Marie. “I have them set up two per room.”

“Perfect. Thank you for fitting us in.”

Adam stepped up next to us, and Marie’s attention shifted fast to him.

“You must be the lovely man footing the bill for all of this.”

He shook her hand and nodded. “They’re a good group of kids.” He smiled and then walked into the home.

“He’s a keeper.” Marie smiled, and my cheeks burst red.

“Oh. No. We’re—well, we work together.”

“Too bad.” She winked a green eye at me once again and went ahead into the house.

I gave myself a minute to collect my thoughts before going in.

I caught up with the group, trailing behind as we toured the cute, but large home. “Now, I didn’t think you’d want to use the hall bathroom with the kids, so I have two rooms on the other side of the house.” We followed after Marie, and she stopped outside one of the rooms and motioned for Adam and me to enter.

The bedroom was quaint, with a queen sized bed in the middle, covered by a yellow, flowery comforter. There was a nightstand on each side. “This works.” I nodded and smiled.

“The door to the bathroom is here.” Marie pointed to a door in one of the interior walls of the room.

“So, Adam and I will share the bathroom?” I wondered if Marie could sense the hesitation in my voice.

“Is that a problem?” She looked to Adam, who remained standing near me with a blank look on his face. “There are locks on both sides of the doors. Be sure to lock the door when you’re in there so you don’t drop in on the other accidentally.”

“I’ll do my best to remember.” Adam’s eyes were on me now, and a cool bristle of need slipped inside me.

What the hell is wrong with me? I dropped my small bag and purse on the chair as Marie and Adam walked through the bathroom to his room.

“I’m starving. Going to find the kids,” I called out.

I needed a moment alone—to fight back the biting desire that funneled through me like a tornado, taking all my emotions round and round in one sweeping movement.

* * *

After the meal, Marie’s husband, James, started a large fire outside the house. We all gathered around on makeshift stools made of cut lumber. Adam immediately got down to the business of roasting a marshmallow. Well, more like torching it. The flames ate at the sugary treat until it was charred. He brought the sticky black blob close to his mouth, and I couldn’t help but stare at his lips as they parted.

I shifted my attention away and upward.

The sky was a map of the stars; constellations glittered above our heads. It was serene, and kind of perfect. The fire licked the air, rising between us as flecks of red sparks shot out and brushed against my marshmallow stick.

I brought the stick closer and peeled off the gooey, white mess at the end, popping the entire thing into my mouth, which produced a laugh from Chloe. “Mmm,” I exaggerated as I chewed, looking at her.

“You’ve got it on your face.” Chloe pressed her hands to her lips, allowing her innocence to come forward.

I brought my fingers to my mouth, smiling. “So do you,” I responded. I licked my lips and then wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. As I looked up, my eyes locked with Adam’s. His elbows rested on his knees as he sat slouched forward toward the fire. The light from the flames danced off his blue irises, mesmerizing me.

Looking at Adam was like an addiction. Every time I did it, I wanted more and more.

“Let’s tell ghost stories.” Conor’s voice broke my reverie. Thank God.

“How about a story about Ireland, instead? Ya know, since I’m a foreigner and all.”

Chloe tapped a pink fingernail to her lips and pursed them together in thought.

“I’ve got one,” Conor said, not giving poor Chloe any time to come up with something. “You see that tree over there?”

I looked over my shoulder to where Conor was pointing. A tree, small in size but with a lot of branches still covered in green, sat alone in the middle of a field. A pile of stones surrounded it. “Yeah?” I looked back over at Conor, who was standing before the group, prepared to enlighten me. “What’s the big deal?”

Conor smirked. “Oh Anna,” he deepened his voice, trying to sound older, or like Adam—which was adorable. “If you cut one of those trees down, you’ll have bad luck. You don’t want to piss off the wee folk, the fairies. Those trees are their meetin’ points between worlds. You chop a Fairy Tree, and you won’t sleep another good night for the rest of your life.” Conor showed me his palms and shrugged. “They’re special. I promise ya.”

I smiled at him. “Good to know. I’ll do my best to avoid cutting any down before I go back to Kentucky.”

“Why do you have to go back?” Chloe asked, her eyes large and on me.

“Um.” They were mostly teenagers, not five-year-olds, I had to remember. I could be honest with them. “Well.” I looked up at Adam, and he was studying me. I thought I could see a hint of curiosity on his face, or maybe it was just the light casting shadows. “I only have a job here for another few months. I might have to go back to the U.S. after it’s over.”

“Oh.” Chloe kicked at the dirt and dropped her stick to the ground.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

She moved past me and began sprinting toward the Fairy Tree.

Conor came around in front of me. “A lot of people come in and out of her life. I guess she was hoping you’d be different. She really likes you.” He shrugged his shoulders, and then Jenna and Conor went after her.

Adam was on his feet now, but he remained standing. He must’ve decided to let Jenna and Conor talk to Chloe.

I scanned the eyes of the rest of the group, trying to figure out what to do or say that would make things better. “Tell Adam here to offer me a job at his company, then,” I joked.

The rest of the group jumped up. “Yeah. Yeah,” some of the kids hollered.

Adam raised his hands in the air, smiling. “We’ll see.”

“No pressure,” I teased, facing him.

“None at all.” He cocked a brow at me. “Maybe everyone should go get some shut eye. We’ve got an early morning.”

I had hoped to talk to the group tonight, to try and get some information out of them about that girl outside the center, but it looked as though right now wouldn’t be the best idea.

“Adam’s right. It’s late,” I finally said. I took a step backward but forgot my proximity to Adam—he was too close to me. I staggered back slightly and stumbled into the log that had been my seat. Adam swooped his arm down to wrap around my waist, keeping me upright.

“Thanks.” I sucked in a breath, taking in some of the crisp air as I got my feet under me again.

His hand dropped to his side, and he stepped away from me. “Come on.” He waved his hand in the air, motioning for the group to gather and head in for the house. “Guys. House. Now.” His monosyllabic commands were kind of cute as he herded everyone together.

I remained standing in front of the fire, staring at it as if the answers to my life, my future, were there.

“You coming?” Adam asked as the kids started to head to the house.

“I’ll be in soon.” I kept my eyes on the orange flicker of light as it captured oxygen from the air.

“I don’t want to leave you out here alone.”

The crunch of his shoes on the leaves signaled his return. “I need a minute—I’ll be fine. Just have a lot on my mind.”

Like Dublin. My home. My life in ten weeks. Not to mention the text from Jax today.

Oh and him, too, of course. Adam McGregor.

I shouldn’t have ever met him outside of work, and I had no business developing feelings for him. Yet, as much as I wanted to brush off whatever was going on inside me as a purely physical reaction to a handsome man, to call it lust because he was muscular and sexy and gorgeous, I couldn’t. There was more to it than that. But I couldn’t even allow myself to find out whatever that was.

“I don’t think staring into that fire will give you whatever answers you’re looking for.”

“Where can I get them?” I faced him.

The back of his hand came toward me, and I flinched a little and took a step back. His eyes narrowed at me, and he angled his head to the side. “Anna.”

“What?” I folded my arms across my chest.

“Who hit you?” His jaw tightened, his eyes intensely blue despite the darkness.

My stomach shriveled at his words. “What are you talking about? Are you nuts?”

“Someone hurt you before,” he said with conviction in his voice.

All I could do was take a step back and spin away. I couldn’t let him read the emotions I knew would be painted thickly over my face.

“I should get to bed. Like you said, early day.”

“Anna, wait.” His gruff call sailed through the cool air, but I didn’t dare turn. I rushed back to the house, my body shivering as my mind dragged up images of my past.

After a quick check on the kids, I went to my room. I locked the door and leaned against it, lowering my head, shutting my eyes.

I’m not sure how long I stood there before a slight dizziness compelled me to lie down.

A few minutes later, I sat up at the sound of steps in the neighboring room. Light appeared beneath the bathroom door.

Not long after, there was a quiet rap at the door.

Adam wasn’t giving up.

I stood up and walked over, not sure what I wanted to do. I pressed my palm to it. “Yeah?” My bottom lip tucked between my teeth as I tried to lower my heart rate.

“Please talk to me.” His voice was soft. Pleading.


God, I would love to open up to someone, I thought. To pour my problems out after all this time. But if I couldn’t tell my best friend back in Kentucky, how could I tell a man who was practically a stranger?

The knob was twisting, and I dropped my hand to my side and stared down. “I’m coming in.”

I could turn the lock to keep him out, but I didn’t. My mouth parted open with the door, and I stared at the man in front of me. A rush of adrenaline spiraled through me, despite the pain that clawed at my chest.

I was beginning to feel as if I was blindfolded on a roller coaster and had no clue when I would fall, flip, or be jerked to a complete stop. Yet it didn’t bother me—the feeling of not knowing was almost seductive. The feeling I had around Adam, never knowing what might happen even though I knew what I should and shouldn’t do, was a natural high, and one I’d never experienced before.

Adam was standing in the doorframe wearing gray sweats and a white tee. His eyes were a storm of blue, the kind that pulls together right before lightning strikes—a dangerous, threatening blue. But I knew the anger wasn’t intended for me. It was to whomever he thought had hurt me.

“Tonight wasn’t the first time you pulled away from my touch. Or flinched when my hands came near you.” He cleared his throat, and I averted my attention to the floor, but he tipped my gaze back up with his hand. “I’ve seen it before. Someone hurt my sister when she was younger . . .” I watched him swallow, and the flash of anger in his eyes grew even more intense. I hadn’t thought that was possible.

If Adam could trust me with something personal like that about his sister, then maybe I could . . .

No. Don’t.

I took a step back, and his hand dropped to his side. My eyes were drawn to the tattoo on the inside of his arm, and I simply stared.

The ink. The veins there. His strength.

Without realizing it, I moved back closer to him. Right now, all I wanted were those arms, his strong and safe arms, wrapped around me. I needed something to calm the swell of fear that was brewing inside me.

His chest lifted up and down with slow, deliberate breaths as if he was attempting to control his emotions. “Why don’t you get undressed?”

Shocked, I blinked at him. That was not where I had thought this was going.

He smiled. “Sorry, love. I meant that you should get more comfortable and get some rest.”

I nodded, breaking away from his eyes, and he turned back into the bathroom. “Goodnight, Anna.” He tipped his head and closed the door.

My hands pressed to my face as I sank to my knees. Was I losing my mind?

Somehow, I still felt better than I ever had in the last year I’d lived in Kentucky. Adam brought something out of me that I hadn’t had in so long—my confidence. I didn’t know how he did it, or why it happened, but my shoulders didn’t shrink around him. In fact, around him, I was taller. And my words didn’t get jammed up in my throat out of fear. Although sometimes he had me tongue-tied for completely other reasons . . .

Was it Ireland or Adam that had put a little bit of a bounce back to my step? Or maybe it was that the person I had become around Jax was fading now that there was an ocean between us.

Trying to regain control of my emotions, I set about the everyday tasks of going to bed. I peeled off my clothes and went into the bathroom, locking the door on the other side so Adam wouldn’t accidentally come in.

I changed into my silk shorts and matching blue top. I stared at myself in the mirror. The blue of the silk reminded me of Adam’s eyes tonight. Then my gaze flickered to the door. The light was still on, but it had only been a few minutes since he’d been in my room so he was probably still awake.

My hand rested on the knob of his door. Shit, what am I doing? But before I could stop myself, I unlocked it and turned the knob. It wasn’t locked.

Was I nuts?

I pushed open the door and released a deep, nervous breath.

Adam was on the floor doing push-ups. He’d taken off his shirt, and his hard and muscular back was bare, except for the black tattoo on his shoulder. A light sheen of sweat had already gathered on his spine.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away as his shoulder blades flexed, the muscles greeting each other in the center of his back as he lowered his body.

He finally looked at me, his body tense as he pressed up from the floor. “Anna.” He hopped upright. “You okay?” His gaze had dipped down to my bare legs, lingering there a moment, before meeting my eyes again.

“I need a favor.”

He closed the gap between us. My nipples hardened, and my stomach muscles tightened as his hand came down on my shoulder. Oh, how I wanted this man.

Scratch that—I needed this man. But we were down the hall from eight impressionable teenagers. What if they needed one of us in the middle of the night and knocked on the door while we were . . . No, I’d have to tuck my desire away, deep and safe where it belonged.

But maybe there’d be no harm in getting something else I needed. “Can you hold me?” I asked, my voice not weak or breaking as I’d worried it would.

His brows pulled together, and I could tell he wasn’t sure what to make of my question. I stepped around him and out of his grasp and walked over to his bed, which had a rich, burgundy bedspread on it.

I pulled back the covers, which hadn’t been touched, and sat down. “I don’t want to be alone tonight.” Jax’s text came back to my mind.

He dragged a hand down his face and throat before it settled on the hard planes of his chest. “I’ve never, um, just laid in bed with a woman before.” He gripped his throat a little, pulling at the taut flesh.

My focus shifted down to his chiseled abs before dipping lower. I pulled my knees together beneath the bedspread.

I wanted his hands on me, to cover every inch of me.

I hadn’t been able to erase the memory of how tightly he’d gripped me that night in my hotel room. The way he had held on with such intense need . . . God, I wanted it again. And again.

Not here. Maybe never.

He was scratching the back of his head now, and I could tell he was unsure about what to do. “There’s a first time for everything,” I said, scooting to the other side of the bed, offering him room.

“I thought you were afraid of what people might think.” He lifted a brow and took a few steps closer.

I looked to the left and then to the right in an exaggerated manner. “I don’t think those people are here right now,” I whispered, allowing a smile to meet my lips.

He stepped up to the bed and his hands went to the waistband of his sweatpants. “Um. I can’t sleep with these things on.”

“Oh.” My eyes found the sexy V beneath his abdomen. “Anything on beneath those?”

“Love, I wouldn’t dare get into bed with you otherwise. I have restraint, but I’m not a feckin’ priest.”

I laughed. “I don’t think the words feck and priest really work well together.”

He grinned and lowered his sweats, revealing navy blue boxer briefs. Of course, he might as well have been naked . . .

I moved to my back and looked away, staring up at the popcorn ceiling. His incredible body was going to give me heart failure if I kept ogling it.

The weight of the bed shifted as Adam lay himself down. And then he did exactly what I needed.

One hand slipped beneath me, and he guided me to my side so my back was to his chest. He pulled me tight against him as his perfectly sculpted arms wrapped around me.

My chest fluttered, and chills floated across my skin.

“Sweet dreams, love,” he whispered into my ear. His face nuzzled against my neck, and I relaxed into him, allowing Adam and the serenity of Ireland to wrap me in the warmth of the night.