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Once a SEAL by Elizabeth, Anne (2)

Chapter 2

Dan had never taken a shower so fast in his life. And his groomsmen weren’t far behind. They knew how to muster quickly when the occasion called for it. His wedding to Aria definitely counted as Priority One.

They had completed a mission, been dropped in the ocean, and swum ashore. Even to him, it felt dramatic, but it was impossible to change the fact that this was who he was: a SEAL. For now, the Navy had the final say on his duty list, though he was pretty sure his wife-to-be would have something to say about that in the future. He grinned at the thought as he stood now looking out over the people gathered here for his wedding.

“How are you doing?” asked JC as he rubbed his shoe on the back of his pant leg. The speck of dirt that had been there disappeared. Those shoes were shiny enough to be used for scoping out single girls, if JC had been at that point in his life. Instead, he was Joe—the family man with a penchant for dependability and bad jokes. He was just as much of a wiseass as the rest of them, though they rarely shared their unusual brand of humor outside their small circle.

“Peachy. Ducky. Yeah, I’m okay.” Dan nodded, letting air out slowly and breathing in the same way. He was prepped for this…that nerves might sock him in the gut at the last minute. None of it was going to change his plans. Building a life with Aria was right. He couldn’t wait another day to get this mission under way. “How’s my uniform?”

“Ya look like a train wreck, Mr. Peachy Ducky Okay,” commented Hammer with a cheesy grin. He turned away and slapped Dirks on the back with his meaty hands, nearly bowling his swim buddy over. “Christ, I wish I had a chance to meet Aria first. She’s a looker. Don’t you think, Dirks? You’re a lucky dawg, McCullum.”

“Bet your wife would disagree, Hammerhead,” said Dirks, glancing at a willowy blond who sent a questioning glance Hammer’s way. Her eyebrows were almost to her hairline, and she didn’t look pleased.

“Shit! What kind of radar does Hannah have that she can always catch me in the middle of my crap?” Hammer waved at his wife, who responded with a smile, lowering her eyebrows and going back to her conversation with the woman next to her.

“Man, I can’t believe I put on tighty-whities for you,” said Joe.

“Appreciated,” said Dan, relieved his guys had gone the whole nine yards in their uniforms. Nothing was worse than wearing whites commando style and having everyone see the size of their worlds through the cloth.

The guys continued to peck at each other as if it were just another day at work. Nerves nibbled at Dan’s ability to be calm. Some guys hadn’t been so lucky at marriage, but he knew in his soul that Aria was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

He paced his breathing again, using slow inhalations and exhalations. There was so much she didn’t know, though. So much she could never know, because of his job. Parts of him that it didn’t seem possible she’d ever be able to understand. There were so many more advantages to keeping the darker parts of his world separate, and yet…

Dirks noticed. “Listen, McCullum, Aria’s a keeper. I know you’ll have better luck than I did. So chill out.”

Dan bounced on the balls of his feet. He hadn’t been this wound up since the first day of BUD/S and the last day of Hell Week. Only when it really mattered did his gut tie up in a bowline. His stomach had been doing flips, trying to unknot, ever since they exited the helo.

To distract himself, his eyes searched the beach. That spot, down there, right where the riptide split the current, was where he’d gone through Hell Week. It was fitting he had brought Aria to this place, and now they were joining their lives on this spot. He was relieved she wasn’t a luxury lady who had to have everything prim and proper and mostly five-star rated. He needed a partner who could rough it and could make the best of what life would give them.

“Aria did a decent job decorating,” commented JC. “Anyone help her?”

“No, she did it all herself. Aria’s sort of a solo act. I’m hoping the other wives will help her out a bit. Get closer, once we’re married.” Dan shook his arms out as if they were covered in red ants. In truth, adrenaline was still coursing through his body. The way things were looking, he might be running on that energy all day.

“On it,” added Hammer. “I’ll have Hannah give her a call next week. Help ease the culture shock.”

“Thanks.” Dan was eager to get this wedding under way. He could imagine all the reasons Aria wouldn’t want to marry a SEAL, and he wanted her to commit before she changed her mind. His life was not an easy one.

Looking in the direction of the small white tent, he momentarily stopped breathing. There she was.

Bagpipes sounded. The notes screeched louder than the seagulls and then became a melodic song as the wedding march began.

Aria. She was a vision in white.

The sun peeked through the clouds at just that moment, making gold light dance in her red hair like some kind of heavenly being. She practically glowed. The wedding dress highlighted her gorgeous body, with ample lace decorating her bust and going all the way down to her delicate wrists.

“Breathe,” whispered Joe.

Dan let out a whoosh of air he hadn’t realized he was holding. When her emerald-green eyes met his brown ones, he almost dropped to his knees and begged for mercy. God, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Please don’t let me screw this up!

She was holding a bouquet of white daisies with yellow roses, and her movements were poetic and peaceful as she walked in time to the crashing waves.

Mine. It was the one word that chased through his mind.

She smiled and he grinned back. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

The wind kicked up, plastering the dress even tighter to her body. Her every curve was discernible. He swallowed.


Uncle David escorted Aria to her spot next to Dan. Taking her hand in his, Dan nodded at David and then kissed Aria’s fingertips. She squeezed his hand tight, as if afraid that the wind could take her away at any moment.

Aria handed her large bouquet to Dan’s sister, who immediately tucked it next to her smaller one. Then Aria nodded at Mark, a strange dude who was standing next to Caty as man of honor. Seemed weird to him—a male bridal participant—but it was impossible to argue with Aria, and it was such a small concession. She asked for so little, and this made her happy, so he got on board with it.

Aria squeezed Dan’s fingers again, and his eyes went immediately back to her.

Together, they stepped forward and faced the chaplain.

Small grains of sand pelted them, and he wrapped his arm around her, trying to shelter her from the wind.

The chaplain cleared his throat and shouted, “Please be seated.” In a softer tone, he began the ceremony. “We are gathered here today to witness the union between Daniel Gregg McCullum and Aria Ruth Kavanagh. The sacrament of marriage is a solemn and joyful occasion, not to be entered into lightly. Rather, marriage is the happy pronouncement of what God has brought together. Let no man or woman put asunder this union, lest he or she be guilty of sinning against the consecrated bond blessed by our Lord. Instead, let us celebrate this day as the first step of two souls joined on a journey. May it bring them their greatest desires, and exultation through the Lord’s name, Amen.

“Do you, Daniel, take Aria to be your wife, to have and to hold in triumph and in trial, to love and to cherish for now and forever?” The words held in the air like a mythical pronouncement. Would he? Could he?

“I do,” said Dan, gently squeezing Aria’s delicate hands as they rested in his own. He took the ring from Joe and slid the simple gold band onto her finger. Emotion welled up inside of him. This was his wife, the one person on the face of this earth he was intentionally taking on as his partner in life, his swim buddy, his best friend, and his one and only lover. Commitment for a SEAL was a do-or-die proposition, and he did not do anything lightly.

“Do you, Aria, take Daniel to be your husband, to have and to hold in triumph and in trial, to love and to cherish for now and forever?” The Chaplain stared at Aria as he waited for her answer.

Aria’s hand shook. She dropped the ring in the sand before she could get it on Dan’s finger. Bending down at the same time, they bumped heads.

God, I hope I didn’t dent her skull.

“Let me,” he said, righting her and then digging around in the sand. His fingers finally connected with it. He handed it to her and stood.

She smiled at him and then slid the matching band onto Dan’s finger. “I do,” said Aria, smiling up into his eyes.

The wind snatched the copious tears off her cheeks and splattered them on his face. He didn’t care about the wetness, just her.

“I love you.” Those words, said with such strength and conviction, stirred something primal in him. He’d give his life for her.

“I love you, too,” he said back, cupping his hands protectively around both of hers. Unfortunately, those thick strands of red hair whipped against his face and he had to lean in—touching his forehead to hers—to avoid the attack.

The chaplain lifted his hand. “Let us pray. Lord, please bless this marriage and protect Daniel and Aria as they live their lives together. Let them have patience, understanding, and the ability to communicate through all their experiences. Amen.” He nodded at Dan. “You may kiss the bride.”

Dan brought his lips to hers. His heart beat a cadence so fast, his brain could barely stand the pace. As his lips tenderly met hers, a pulse of electric heat zipped through him. What had started out as a chaste kiss suddenly felt much more intimate.

“Cool it, man. You’ve got onlookers,” Joe whispered to him, and when he didn’t immediately disengage, he felt a hand signal against his back.

Yeah. Yeah. I get it. Reluctantly, he pulled back from his bride. Aria’s eyes were glazed with passion.

The chaplain shouted as the wind picked up. “I’d like to introduce Petty Officer Second Class Daniel Gregg McCullum and his wife, Aria McCullum. Congratulations!”

“Hooyah!” yelled his brethren from next to him. A chorus of congratulations rang out from the audience, as well as a smattering of applause.

Dan scooped Aria into his arms and carried her down the aisle. He wanted to escape to their hotel room right then and block out the whole world for weeks on end. His body was primed. Unfortunately, there were duties to attend to. This first one…was something he’d anticipated since she accepted his proposal.

“Dan?” she asked him tentatively as he paused at the very last chair.

The audience quieted. He continued to wait, holding her in his arms.

Aria’s words were a breathless whisper. “Dan, everyone is staring. Please put me down.”

“No way. I’m not letting you go until we finish the tradition.” The sword ceremony was usually reserved for officers, but SEALs tended to break the rules.

She was adorable when she was angry. She began squirming, but he held tight.

Officers from their platoon had quickly assembled into a double line with raised swords for them to cross under. A few of them had looks of mischief on their faces, and Dan knew why. One of them would swat his new bride on the ass with the flat of his sword. He hoped Mrs. McCullum wasn’t going to flip out. Maybe he should have prepared her…

He whispered in Aria’s ear. “You have to answer their questions.” Lowering her feet to the ground, he helped her right her dress and then he tucked her hand into his arm.

The clouds took that moment to open their faucet. As the sprinkle descended, he nodded at a couple of other guys, who opened umbrellas over them. “Come on, it’s just a little water…and in the South, that’s a blessing.”

“I should have asked about what I was getting into.” She looked at him and then nodded.

“It’s not going to be that bad.”

“You’re worth it. Husband.” The emphasis on the last word held enough sarcasm to grease an exit strategy.

He caught her drift and stepped up alongside her, placing his right hand on her elbow.

“Onward,” she sighed, willingly stepping up to the swordsmen.

The first question was posed by Bender James. “Do you promise to be faithful, even when your mind is filled with doubt?”

“Yes,” she answered breathlessly. “Of course.” They walked beneath the first set of swords.

They made it through the next sets and then stopped at the two swords crossed before them. She looked up at him questioningly, and he touched her chin and then kissed her tenderly. The swords moved out of the way and they passed through. Unfortunately, no one had warned her when the last swordsman swatted her soundly on the tush.

“What the…!” She tried to reel on the man, but Dan held tightly to her.

“Welcome to the Navy,” said the last swordsman, LT Duke Hanson, nicknamed Handsome, with a grin.


He hustled Aria past the waiting crowds with the cheers, laughter, and all of the applause, and got her over the sand at hyperspeed. He didn’t stop until they were inside a waiting stretch limo.

“Dan!” Aria squealed as he laid her down on the seat in the back of the luxury ride, between the bouquet of American Beauty roses and the cooler of Moët & Chandon champagne, and quickly secured the privacy divider between the driver and them. “What are you doing? Whose vehicle is this?”

“Ours! Actually, it’s my buddy Pete’s. Wedding prez from Hammer and JC. Don’t worry, no one will ever know.”

“Know what?” she protested.

“That I’m going to make you squeal with delight before we go to the reception!” He flipped the silk wedding dress over his wife’s head and trailed his fingers along the inside of her leg.

“Stop! People will see,” she protested, pushing the fabric off of her face.

“Not possible. Those are Grade A privacy windows. All your secrets are safe with me.” He looked into her big green eyes and grinned. “Trust me, my love. I would never hurt you and never embarrass you.”

His fingers connected with the undergarments. “Dan,” she sighed, sinking into the plushness and pulling her dress back up over her face with a throaty laugh.

He tugged the tiny scrap of fabric gently out of the way and then gave her his full attention. His lips rained kisses, caressing the tender flesh until she was pushing into him, and then his tongue was diving into the depths of her, making her squirm and pant.

Hands tugged at his hair, trying to bring him closer. He wouldn’t be rushed. He wanted to bring her again and again until her body was drenched with satisfaction.

His lips wrapped around the delicate bud of her clitoris, and with his tongue he lazily lapped the tip until she came in a flourish of convulsions. Then he made his way to her honey and lapped up the sweetness, bringing her again with his lips and tongue.

When his own body could take no more delicious delight, he shifted away from her, reached up, and pulled the hem of her dress down, smoothing her curls and smiling into her flushed face. This was his bride, and she was the most beautiful woman on the face of this earth, and they belonged to each other.


The meal had been incredible.

“I raise my glass to Dan and Aria. Cheers!” JC toasted the happy couple and then downed the shot of tequila.

Dan resisted the urge to join in the drunkenness, wanting to remember every minute of tonight. He was really married. He’d really done it. He would be loyal to her until the day he died. He was a SEAL through and through, and they took commitment seriously. As the saying goes, “Once a SEAL, Always a SEAL.”

“Hooyah!” shouted the men of the wedding party. Having the Team guys and their female companions there made for a festive time.

There were empty plates piling up on the table. They’d begun with appetizers of shrimp and crab, then had eaten steak and lobster, grilled asparagus and steamed broccoli, mashed potatoes with gravy and garlic, and three baskets of freshly baked bread with an assortment of cheese and fruit. For dessert they’d dined on a special dark-chocolate mousse with layers of white mousse and freshly whipped cream and shavings of mint candy on top and plates of chocolate-dipped strawberries. The food was satisfying and abundant, and they’d all eaten until they were about to burst.

“To frogmen everywhere and their families,” said Liam Keith, who sat at the end of the table with several Team FIVE SEALs, including Hayes Johnson, Miller Roth, Declan Swifton, and Harvey Wilson. They’d all gone through training around the same time and spent their free time on various gun ranges scattered up and down the West Coast. Now that Dan was married, he knew most of his days off would be spent with Aria. Maybe he’d be able to sneak off with the guys now and then…or even teach his new wife to enjoy this favorite hobby.

“And to the Hotel del Coronado and its fine grub,” added Hammer as he lifted his third shot and slammed it home. “Mmmm-my, that’s good.”

His wife, Hannah, placed her hand on his arm. She did not look pleased. “I think it’s time we headed home, Michael.”

“Not until we finish the toasts,” his LT broke in and took the floor. “May your head and heart work as one, and never a cross word separate them.” He threw back his drink and cleared his throat. “I first met McCullum when he visited the Team to provide weapons training. The new toys were brilliant! It could bring the enemy down in less than two seconds flat. I liked him then and even more so when they decided to transfer him as permanent part of Team THREE. Here’s to Dan—one of our new Chiefs—his lovely new bride Aria, and Platoon 1-Bravo, Team THREE.”

“And his visits to ST1,” said Jack Roaker of Team ONE as he and his wife, Laurie, stood, raised their glasses—one filled with beer and the other with milk—and toasted the happy couple. Her belly was just beginning to show. It had been more than a year since their marriage, and it was obvious how happy they were as Jack doted on his wife, helping her sit down again and quietly asking if she needed anything.

Commander Charles Gich added, “To the Teams. We are all one.” He downed the whiskey in one gulp, then smoothed his thick chevron mustache back into place and scratched his long sideburns. He was known as one of the best instructors in the Teams and was a legend in his own right. Gich was always there to support Teammates. Meeting him through Roaker had been a solid gift.

“Hear, hear!” echoed the sailors as they slammed their shot glasses on the table.

A couple at the table across the room frowned at them. Their displeasure wasn’t going to stop the wedding celebration.

Mark stood and then held his water glass and tapped a knife on the rim. He waited until everyone had quieted down. “I’ve been Aria’s best friend through college. We’ve faced tough times, we’ve celebrated good ones, and throughout it all, I know how loyal and dedicated she can be… You’re a lucky man, Dan. She’s quite a catch, and I hope you’ll be very happy together. Congratulations!”

This time the women joined in, too. “Congratulations!”

“On that note…” said Dan, who was receiving some rather overt body language from the wives. He looked at his wife and she nodded. “Perhaps we should…”

“Yes,” said Aria, catching the same wave and joining in. “I think it’s time to say good night. I’d like to spend some quality time with my husband.”

Hannah grabbed her husband’s hand and practically dragged Hammer from the table. “Thanks for a wonderful dinner. Congratulations! Good night, everyone.” He went willingly, though his grumbling voice was heard until they exited the restaurant.

A round of “Sleep tight” and “Score one for the Team” rained down on them as the partygoers departed. Dan had enjoyed having his closest friends feast with them. The men at this table would go to the mat for him, and it felt good to know it. Besides, if the smiles on their faces were any indication, most of them had had a good time, he decided.

Aria tugged his sleeve. She seemed to be studying her husband, running her eyes up and down his body and then locking onto his. He didn’t have to be a mind reader to guess what she wanted.

Grabbing her hand, he turned to lead his new bride away for some wedding-night fun and games and bumped straight into a busboy carrying a tray, which crashed noisily to the floor. He tried to help the young guy, but was waved off. Dan was relieved that the havoc was only silverware and not dishes; otherwise he’d have felt obligated to pay for anything damaged.

“Dan?” asked Aria with raised eyebrows.

“I’m not drunk. I only had one shot. I dumped the rest into the planter behind me. Don’t give me that look. I didn’t commit planticide, I checked—they’re silk.” Dan signaled the waiter for the bill. Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew his wallet and laid several bills inside of the leather folio. He’d already slated a certain amount for the pricey dinner and knew what the tally would be. “Keep the tip.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,” replied the waiter as he took the folio full of money away.

Dan smiled. “I want to remember every detail of tonight. I wouldn’t have gotten drunk and disrespected you that way. Give me a little credit.”

“I give you a lot. Really!”

As they stepped through the double doors, cool night air hit their skins. The sting was invigorating, clearing away the cloying heat of the restaurant. The choice was…head straight back to the room or enjoy the cool evening first.

Music drifted up, coming in on the ocean breeze, down from on the beach. Someone was playing a guitar and another person was singing. Dan could hear the ocean like a siren’s song, calling to him.

He wanted to feel the sand and see the waves, to hold Aria in his arms and connect with the rhythms of the world. If he could live on the beach with her, it would be ideal. A little hut or a house somewhere, a hammock, and each other was all they needed.

“Shall we take the long way to our room?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. Either way, they’d have to walk outside for a bit to get to it. The Del was designed that way…like a giant plantation house.

“Yes.” She laughed suddenly, acting giddy and seeming a little nervous about being alone with him. “Let’s go explore. Maybe we can dance.” She tugged on his arm, encouraging him to hurry as they made their way down the path and toward the beach. Aria looked as if she belonged in another era, with her old-style wedding dress and her buoyant curls.

A woman’s soulful voice made the melody haunting as she sang “The Very Thought of You.”

Several people were already dancing to the ballad.

Aria pulled off her shoes and spun away from Dan, turning in a circle with her arms wide and her head tilted toward the stars. She looked like a little girl dancing under the glittering stars, and he fell in love with her a little bit more in that moment for embracing that freedom and living that happiness out loud. He wholeheartedly reveled in her sense of release and joy.

“Dan, come dance with me.”

His hands caught her and brought her body against his. He held her tightly against him as he rained kisses down her neck. He would do anything to protect the life that fluttered through those veins. Then he laid his cheek against hers and waltzed her around as if they were in a fancy ballroom.

When the song ended, several people clapped.

Aria blushed, realizing so many eyes watched them.

His lips nuzzled her ear. Softly, he said, “You look beautiful, Aria. Don’t worry. I’ll always help you shine. Enjoy this time, this moment. Us. Let the rest of the world disappear.”

She looked up at him. “When I’m with you, it does. And I do.” Her green eyes twinkled and tears welled up in her eyes. “You make me feel brave. Capable. And better at things than I am, like I’m living up to what I want for myself and for us.” Blinking her eyes quickly, the extra wetness moved away. “I love you, Dan.”

“I love you, Aria. How did I get so lucky to find you?” She often challenged him. This woman intrigued him like no other. That’s what it took to be with him. Her mind could change in a blink of an eye, and yet she was in command of her emotions.

“The same way I was blessed to find you?” She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his head closer for a kiss. Then she murmured, “I’m ready for bed.”

“Aye, aye, ma’am.” Dan scooped her up in his arms and carried her off the beach and toward their room. “Your wish is my command.”

“Then you better prepare, because I have a lot of commands to give.”

“Try the word…orders,” he suggested.

“Wow, I get to order you around. Priceless. I think I’m going to like marriage,” she said with a wicked grin.

“What have I gotten myself into?” He laughed.

She smiled up at him and then laid her head against his shoulder. “Hey. Thank you…for my perfect day.” Her hands stroked the side of his neck and then his jaw.

Lightning streaked across the sky. The storm was finally coming. A series of bright flashes showed the anticipation and eagerness in her eyes. That openness was a quality he admired. Aria was his fierce adventuress. Even better, he adored the way she fit into his arms as if she was meant to be there. She was a multifaceted creature, and he looked forward to spending the rest of his life discovering new things about her.

“My pleasure,” he murmured against her hair as he laid a kiss on the top of her head. She was all his, and his body ached to lay claim to her. “There’s so much more to come, my sweet Aria. Just you wait and see.”


It had been a real trick, getting the door open using the card key and keeping her right where he wanted her, snug in his grasp. The lighting was subdued and the maid had turned down the bed, leaving mints on the pillow. He gently laid her down in the center of the bed. Her hair was downright messy from the dancing, the wind, and the trip from the beach, as if he’d already bedded her. He liked that look on her.

“You are so gorgeous.” His compliment made the color on her cheeks darken. Her silk dress was radiant and oh, so beautiful on her. His eyes ate their way over her and he was eager for both of them to be naked.

“Do you need help?” He didn’t know where to begin.

“Yes.” She rolled onto her stomach. There were at least a hundred tiny little buttons with small loops.

He swore under his breath, and then asked, “How did you get into this thing?”

“One foot at a time, and then I wiggled.”

“Ha, ha!”

“Seriously, Jimmy spent an hour buttoning it.” She shimmied, obviously ready to be out of the silk cocoon. “I told him it was his duty as my brother. Did he do a good job? I tried to check using a hand mirror, but it wasn’t that great a view.”

“I beg to differ on that. From where I sit, the view is awesome.” His hands swept down the back of the dress, caressing the flawless silk. “He deserves a gold star.” Then his fingers moved to the top of the dress. “Are you sure you want to take it off using the buttons? There’s a lot we could do that…”

“Danny! Don’t you dare! Our daughter or daughter-in-law might want to wear it one day.” She swatted the mattress for emphasis.

Oh, yes, I married a very fiery vixen! He grinned broadly. “Okay. But I’m taking off my uniform first. Then, I’ll help you. I want to be comfortable, so I can enjoy my work.”

“Okay. Thanks.” She arched her neck toward him. The scowl that had been on her lips melted away as her eyes became transfixed to his movements. He made a show of disrobing using his very best sexy manner, bending and flexing appropriately. He wasn’t shy about showing her how turned on he was. That’s just the kind of guy he was.

“My…we are excited about our wedding night.” A pleasant blush reddened her cheeks.

“I would hope so,” he teased back. Standing naked before her, he grabbed first one of her feet and then the other, pulling off her shoes. Then he reached underneath the dress and ran his hands along her stockings.

“Wait, I want to show you my underthings. Please.”

His hands stilled. How could he deny her? He had been planning to strip her from the waist down and begin their lovemaking. Plan A was if Aria hadn’t wanted to keep the dress, he would have ripped the silk off her and made it a thrilling part of the night. Understanding her wish to keep it, though, he acquiesced. Plan B was sex with the dress on, playing with the silk to both of their advantages. Plan C was…get the dress off. She was adamant. “Fine, I’ll begin at your tailbone and work my way up. But you might have to get me inspired when I finish this task—just letting you know.”

Her voice sounded incredulous. “If me standing before you in my sexy underwear doesn’t get your motor started, I don’t know who you are or what you’ve done with my other half.”

He laughed. “A challenge. Well, let’s see how fast my fingers can work.” True to his statement, he released the tiny loops in record time, helping her ease out of the silk dress, with its lacy highlights.

As he was about to place his arms around her, Aria’s phone started buzzing.

She picked it up and started reading. “Just Mark.” She turned the phone off and tossed it to the side. “Now, where were we?”

She stood before him in a white demi bra with her nipples peeking through the sheer fabric. They were begging for his touch. Her panties were made up of tiny bits of sheer white silk mesh in the front and back. The white satin garters holding her stockings showed a teasing, tantalizing glimpse of her creamy thighs. His cock hardened.

A guttural sound came from his throat, part agreement and the rest pure need. He laid her on the bed and rubbed his face between her breasts. His head moved to the side and he sucked her nipples through the sheer fabric before releasing them fully from the bra’s captivity. He took his time as he kissed his way down her stomach, running his tongue along the lines of smooth muscle on either side and into her belly button before going all the way down.

Reaching her panty line, he used his teeth and tongue to toy with the silky mesh fabric, making her buck and move as she urged him lower. He adored the panties, with its little hidey-hole just for him, and it fit his mouth and tongue perfectly.

Her hands gripped his hair as he tongued her clit. Soft moans came from her throat as he brought her again and again until she was panting and glazed with sweat. Only then did he strip the panties and stockings from her.

Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her long and deep. Waves of passion rolled over her senses as she ran her fingers down the muscles of his neck, shoulders, and back. His lean, hard body drove away every thought until she became primal, a wild woman, and their love was on some kind of prehistoric dimensional plane.

“Aria, open your eyes. See me.”

It took a few minutes…to come back to him.

Responding to the request, she slowly opened her eyes. She shared her hunger…for him, for them. This want…to be together and make their two souls into one being…was the force that drew them back to each other’s arms again and again.

“Dan…” His name was a whispered plea.

“I can take it. Give me all of you. Your love. Your fears. Your wants and desires. I’m yours, and I’ll never judge you.” He sat upright, pulled her over him and held her poised.

Need beckoned. “I need to see you, to watch you…as we make love for the first time as husband and wife.” His words were a lure, whispering into the ache.

“Yes,” Aria replied. She shivered with anticipation. She was so small against his body.

Slowly he lowered her until their skin connected. When he was fully sheathed, her body convulsed over his. She couldn’t stop the waves of pleasure, and he was glad. It fed him. “Danny!” she cried out as she came, throwing her head back in pure abandon.

As the climaxes squeezed his cock, she lowered her head and sought his eyes again. Connected as they were, and with the edge off, it was evident what was on her mind. She wanted to take control…to feed him.

He nodded and watched her place her hands on the back of the headboard for balance, and then she raised herself up and down, riding him. His eyes rolled back and then focused in on her again. It was sheer nirvana as his cock slid in and out of her silken hold. He wanted to close his eyes and just enjoy the sensation, but her green gaze sparkled with fire and he wouldn’t look away. “Give me your best, my mermaid.”

She threw back her head and laughed, which made her sheath contract and his breath catch. He basked in the intense pleasure-pain. This chemistry, the way their minds and bodies linked and so much more, drove him…to make her his.

“Dan.” She wiggled, getting his attention again.

He struggled to get words out. “What was that?”

“Just the beginning.” She smiled slyly as she set yet another rhythm, making small circles with every pulse up and down.

“Aria. Damn… I’m not sure I can take much more.” The strain was tightening the features of his face. Finally, his hands caught her hips.

She brushed them away. “No. No. No. It’s my turn. To inspire you.”

He nodded. Reaching behind him, he grabbed the top of the bed frame. He needed to do something with his hands.

“No fair,” she said as her hands moved to his muscles. Her fingers ran up and down the taut six-pack. She became distracted…and lost her rhythm.

He was dying here… “Aria.”

“Touch me, Dan, like I’m touching you.”

That was all he needed. He was a doer. Cupping her breasts, he teased her nipples with the pads of his fingers, sending her to the brink but not over the edge.

She was watching him again, her back arching slightly with every move upward. “Please. Come with me.”

His hands settled on her hips, setting the pace and bringing her over the edge right along with him.

“Danny!” she shouted. His wife was never quiet. That was another thing that he liked about her.

She collapsed against him. “It’s official.”

His hands rubbed up and down the smooth skin of her back. “It was official when we signed the marriage license. What we just did…was consummate it.”

“Want to do it again?” she said against his chest as she nuzzled his pectoral muscles and her nails swirled a design into his dark chest hair.

“Can you give me ten minutes? Maybe twenty?” He chuckled. He felt as if he’d just run a marathon.

“If I must.” She sighed melodramatically. Then she ran her fingers down his chest and toyed with the muscles of his stomach…making the six-pack dance now and then.

He unseated her and rolled her onto the bed, laying himself alongside her. “I can think of many ways to keep you occupied while my body recovers its strength, my dear,” he said, putting his most wicked intentions into his wagging eyebrows.

She giggled at him. “Do your best.” Pointing to the basket of goodies on the table near the door, he spied champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries, and what looked like different types of oil.

“Who gave us that?”

“I did.” She smiled up at him. “It’s not every day we have a luxurious hotel room, and I wanted to have some…fun. Isn’t that what honeymoons are for?”

“Yes, and the obvious, of course, to make my honey moan.” Rolling off the bed in one motion, he freed the champagne, popped the cork, and drizzled the bubbles and liquid over her body, which had her squealing with delight. “Mmmm, I’m ready for a little bubbly. Want to help me quench my thirst?”

“Only if I get to do the same. We’re married. Equals. And you, my SEAL man, are fair game.” She grabbed the bottle and sprayed him. Then she launched herself at him, and they rolled and played until each of them melted into the other…captivated by the pressing matters at hand.




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