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ONE MORE NIGHT: Jungle’s Thorns MC by Sophia Gray (102)




The rocking motion woke me. I started to open my blurry eyes, but the pain in my head made me wince and close them again immediately. I tried to pull my hand up to my head to shield my eyes from the light, but both of my hands were tied down to the chair I was in.


“What the hell?” I started to panic, but everything came back to me pretty quickly.


I sighed as I realized where I must have been and who must have been with me.


“Dima?” I asked.


“I’m here,” he said in Russian. “Glad to see you waking up. Sorry about that bump on your head.”


The sarcasm in his apology was duly noted.


“I had to make sure you wouldn’t try to get away before we could get here,” he added.


“Oh yeah, I completely understand. It’s fine,” I snapped, returning his sarcasm. I opened my eyes and stared at the carpeted floor beneath me. I slowly raised my eyes to see him leaning against the wood paneling along the wall, next to a thin wooden door. He was hunched over, standing nearly seven feet tall, too tall for the room we were in. I looked around at the boxes and cabinets. We seemed to be in some sort of storage room. From the rocking, I figured we were on a boat somewhere.


“Have you ever been on a yacht before, Dr. Dunn?” he asked with a smile on his face. His blue eyes smiled, too. He took too much pleasure in his work, it occurred to me.


“I’m guessing I have now,” I said humorlessly.


His smile grew. “Yes, now you have been on a yacht. We’re in the middle of Lake Michigan, Dr. Dunn. I hope you enjoy your stay.”


A gentle knock came at the door and it opened slightly. I couldn’t see the person on the other side of it, but I heard the husky voice talking to Dima in Russian.


“Igor wants to see you, Mr. Dima,” the young male voice said. “Do you want me to watch the prisoner?”


Dima looked at me and smiled. “No, she’ll be fine. She’s not going anywhere,” he told the voice on the other side. Then, to me, “I must leave you for now. Igor needs to talk to me, but I’ll be back as soon as I can be. I don’t want to leave you alone for too long. You might get lonely.” He looked me up and down before leaving the room.


It struck me that he didn’t lock the door behind him. Of course, if we really were on Lake Michigan, where was I going to go if I did manage to get loose? I shook my head. I couldn’t believe I’d been so stupid. I should have just done my job, like Garrett requested, and moved on. I shouldn’t have meddled the way I did.


I pulled against my restraints. I was in a small wooden chair. I should have been able to break it. They always seemed so easy to break in the movies. This one wasn’t giving me anything, though. I pulled and shifted my weight, and it just held itself together.


I could hear voices on the other side of the door. It sounded like they were speaking Russian, but I couldn’t hear enough to catch what they were saying. I knew what they were saying. I didn’t need to overhear anything to know that they were probably planning on killing me, or worse, before it was all said and done. I really should have listened to Garrett.


“If you get out of here, Jenna, you’re taking self-defense classes,” I told myself.


The yacht rocked gently in the water, and I had to put my head back against the chair. The headache coupled with the motion to make my stomach start turning. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly, evenly, until the nausea passed. I focused on my breathing and let the motion just fade into the background. Soon, I was okay again.


So this is the when and the where, I told myself, trying to humor myself a little bit by looking on the bright side. It was too bad I couldn’t tell Garrett, though I was certain he’d probably ascertained as much from his conversation with the mayor.


I thought about my budding relationship with Garrett. He’d lied to me about the whole thing with Dima, and what he hadn’t lied to me about outright, he’d covered up and hidden from me. I wondered if he hadn’t thought he was trying to protect me or if he really was the manipulating asshole Dima made him out to be.


I wondered how he must have felt when he returned to HQ to find me gone. He was probably pissed off, and I was probably on his shit list now. My only hope was that when he found me tied to a chair, he would feel sorry for me and forgive me. But I wasn’t going to hold my breath.


Dima poked his head back in the room with a sad look on his face.


“I’ve got some bad news, Dr. Dunn,” he said, closing the door and pulling up a crate to sit on.


“What is it, Dima?” I rolled my eyes as a knee-jerk reaction, not realizing until it was over that I’d even done it right in front of him.


“It’s about your boyfriend, Garrett,” he said.


My heart sank into my stomach. No, no, no, I screamed in my head.


“It seems he might not be coming to save you after all. Igor just told me he ordered one of his tactical teams to attack the Crowns of Satan HQ. If we see Garrett again, it will be as one of our prisoners, like you! That means, of course, you’ll get to watch him die,” he explained with glee. “Isn’t that exciting, Dr. Dunn?”


I stared at him with teary eyes. “Exciting isn’t the word I would use, Dima,” I said flatly, fighting back my tears.


“Don’t cry, Dr. Dunn,” he continued, mocking me. “I thought you’d be happy to see us put an end to that crook after he lied to you the way he did. I figured you would want to see him suffer for how much he hurt your friend Dima.”


“We aren’t friends,” I snapped.


He gave me a mock frown. “But I thought you cared for your friend, Dr. Dunn.”


I looked down at the floor and shook my head. There was no need to argue with him. He was enjoying playing with me too much. He laughed when I looked away.


“From the moment I saw you, I knew I could trick you into helping me,” he said. “I just didn’t know how long it would take to convince you to do it.”


Great! So now I’m naïve and gullible, and it’s obvious, I thought, clenching my jaw, biting my tongue.


Dima continued. “I didn’t count on getting help from Garrett, but he really seemed to rise to the occasion for me. He couldn’t do right by you if he tried.”


I tried to tune him out, tried to focus on the floor or the rope digging into my ankle to distract myself from him. I knew he was just trying to get a rise out of me. I couldn’t let him succeed. I couldn’t react or respond.


“I guess you probably expected him to come to rescue you, huh?” He leaned forward and put a thick finger under my chin. He lifted my face so that I looked into his eyes.


I tried to stare at him blankly, but I felt my face contorting in anger.


“You did, didn’t you? You really thought that heartless bastard cared about you. Listen to me. Garrett doesn’t care about anyone but himself. The sooner you learn that, the better.” He chuckled. “I guess you’re learning that now, huh?” He shook his head in pity.


“It’s not over yet,” I told him. “Don’t count him out just yet.” I narrowed my eyes at the Russian. I still had faith in Garrett. I couldn’t explain why. Dima had been right about him lying to me and screwing up every time he turned around, but there was something genuine in Garrett. There was a connection between us that really felt sincere. When all was said and done, I felt like Garrett really did care.


“Remember the story I told you about his ex-girlfriend?” Dima asked.


“I remember.”


“This is how she died. She died because he allowed her to get mixed up in his business. She died to save him in a conflict just like what’s happening right now.” His voice dripped with a perverse pleasure, as if he was getting turned on by rubbing the other woman’s death in my face.


“You told me Garrett killed her.”


“He did. He put her in harm’s way, and he gave her up so that he could escape,” he insisted.


“But you also said you weren’t there. You didn’t see it happen.” I wanted to push him a little and see if his little tale stood up to any kind of scrutiny.


“I didn’t see it happen, but everyone knew about it as soon as it happened. It got him quite the ruthless reputation. Unfortunately for him, Igor doesn’t care about his reputation. Igor is stronger. He hires stronger men.” Pride crept into his voice, and he stuck his chest out proudly as he talked.


“So, you’re one of these stronger men?” I mocked him. “You got taken down by two guys who are tiny next to you. I’ve seen Carson and Jose. They aren’t remarkable, but they were able to take you captive and tie you up in the basement of their motorcycle club’s headquarters. You certainly didn’t seem too strong then.”


He gripped my face in his hand. It felt like he was going to crush my jaw and my cheeks. He moved his face so close that I could taste his breath.


“Do not mock me, little girl. I can crush you with my bare hands, and don’t think I won’t do it,” he threatened me.


I just raised my eyebrows, daring him to do it, but he let go of my face, stood up, and stepped back from me.


“I didn’t think you would,” I told him. “You need me alive in case Garrett does show up. You know, in case Igor’s men aren’t successful.”


A frantic knock came at the door, as if right on cue. I knew deep down what it was already. I didn’t need to hear the frantic voice when Dima opened the door.


“There’s been a problem. Igor needs to see you.”


Dima shot me a dangerous look, as if my words had caused whatever it was that had happened.


I just smiled and shook my head. “I told you, don’t count him out just yet. Some reputations are earned.”


“I’ll be back for you,” he threatened before he walked out of the room and closed the door.


I took a deep, shaky breath after he left the room. I tried to pretend he wasn’t scaring me, but the truth was I was terrified. It wasn’t every day that I got kidnapped by the Chicago chapter of the Russian mob. It also wasn’t every day that I relied on an outlaw biker to come save me. I hoped that the bad news for Dima was as good for me as it sounded. I hoped it meant that Igor’s men had failed to take Garrett and that he was still on his way to rescue me.


He couldn’t get here fast enough.


Surely Garrett knew about the boat and about Lake Michigan. Surely he’d gotten that information from the mayor. He must have known by now, as well, that I was with Dima and the rest of Igor’s men. He couldn’t just leave me here. I didn’t know what Igor had planned for either one of us, but I hoped Garrett and the Crowns of Satan would be able to reverse those plans when they arrived.


The boat rocked gently side to side, keeping time in its own way, like the ticking of a clock. I closed my eyes and trusted the water’s sense of time. Now that the initial bout of sea sickness was gone, the rocking was peaceful and relaxing.


Soon, I heard raised voices outside, on the other side of the door. Dima and someone were having words with each other, but I couldn’t hear them clearly. Something must have gone terribly wrong for them.


That was good for me. I hoped.




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