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Peppermint Proposal (River's End Ranch Book 31) by Osbourne, Kirsten, Ranch, River's End (7)


J oni looked over at Max, wondering how he was taking this whole thing. He looked a bit skeptical, but she really wanted to know what the fairies were saying to them. Maybe it was strange, but she’d heard enough stories about Jaclyn and what the fairies were saying that she almost believed the woman really did talk to fairies !

Leaning forward, Joni said, “Yes, please tell us what message they have for us .”

Max looked at her as if she’d lost her mind, but he said nothing, instead taking her hand in his and squeezing it. If she believed Jaclyn really did talk to fairies, then he could help her find the right sort of medical help after she got to Texas .

Jaclyn frowned at him for a moment before responding. “The fairies said to embrace new challenges .”

Joni frowned. “That’s all?” She’d been certain the fairies would have a more interesting message. That was absolutely boring, and not even a bit cryptic. She wanted a cryptic fairy message !

“What were you expecting? Don’t travel to anywhere in the South during the full moon?” Jaclyn shook her head. “The fairies tell me what they want to tell me and not a single word more .”

“I don’t know. I’ve heard so many people talk about the messages you give them and how much better you make them feel. And then you tell me that I need to embrace new challenges? I kind of feel…well, cheated is the only word I can think of to describe it.” Joni didn’t want to risk making Jaclyn angry, but she really wanted a better message .

Jaclyn sighed heavily. “Okay, don’t use a toaster if there’s a blizzard forming in Montana .”

“So never, huh ?”

Jaclyn laughed. “That’s right. Never !”

Joni looked over at Max, who was watching her as one of the bunnies tried to climb up his chest. “I think Max likes your bunnies .”

“Oh, I’m sure of it. It’s the eccentric old woman wearing fairy wings who talks to fairies he’s still trying to figure out.” Jaclyn abruptly got to her feet. “Put down the bunnies and go. That’s all the fairies had to say to you .”

Max carefully set each bunny on the floor, wondering why the creatures seemed to like him so much. “Thank you for the cookies .”

Jaclyn nodded. “The fairies told me you needed tea and cookies. I’m glad they weren’t wrong, but they never are. Have a good day, you two. Joni, don’t get too close to the water. The ice isn’t thick enough yet .”

Joni wasn’t sure why Jaclyn found the warning necessary. She wasn’t exactly known for being foolhardy, but she knew she needed to thank her regardless. “Thanks, Jaclyn. I’ll be careful .”

“Good. I don’t know that this guy would be able to handle it if you fell through. I think he might just mourn you for the rest of his life. Sudden deaths do that to a person.” Jaclyn looked sad for a moment, as if she was remembering something. “Now go on! I’m done with you .”

Joni saw that Max was finally bunny-free, so she stood up. “Thanks for taking the time to give us the fairies’ message .”

As soon as they were outside, Max looked at Joni. “Please tell me you don’t really believe she talks to fairies !”

Joni shrugged. “I don’t know what to believe, but I do know that Jaclyn thinks she talks to fairies, and that’s good enough for me. She doesn’t hurt anyone, and she gives good advice if people bother to listen at all.” She walked back to her snowmobile and threw one leg over. “I think I want to take you through the Old West town next. I know you’ve seen some of it, but I want to show you the tree where we all hang ornaments every year. It’s beautiful .”

Max got onto his machine and fastened his helmet on. “After you .”

Joni led him back to where they’d started their day, at the tiny little church where she worshipped most Sundays. She loved being with him, but her mind was on other things today. What Jaclyn said bugged her, as well as thinking about the interview she was about to have…in Texas of all places .

She parked her snowmobile beside the church, and got off to walk through the Old West town. “The whole town is covered with lights every Christmas, and on Christmas Eve, we do a huge tree lighting ceremony. Legend has it that the first Westons to settle on the ranch started the tradition, and now it’s shared by Westons, employees, and guests alike. It’s my favorite thing .”

“Do you stay here for Christmas, then?” Max was surprised by that, because she spoke so highly of her family. He’d have thought she’d want to spend the holidays with them .

“It’s strange, because I never thought I’d want to spend the holidays here, but the ranch family becomes your family at Christmas. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first Christmas here, or your twentieth. We have families of guests that come year after year so they can take part in the ranch festivities, which are pretty amazing .”

“And you don’t go home to your family ?”

She shrugged. “Sometimes they come up for the holidays to see me, but no one really minds if they don’t. They know I’m happy here. We usually celebrate Christmas while I’m there for Thanksgiving.” She looked over at him. “Who do you celebrate with ?”

“I celebrate with the family on our ranch. I can see a lot of similarity between the two places really. I feel like mine is the only family who really cares for me, though. I’m glad you don’t feel like that .”

“No, I really don’t. It’s been harder here since my roommate Liz got married and moved away, but I still feel like I’m welcomed by everyone. I love doing the festivities here on the ranch, because even if I am alone for Christmas, it doesn’t feel like it .”

When they’d finished the tour of the ranch, they returned their snowmobiles. “Are you hungry?” he asked. “I’m not quite ready for this day to end. We could go to the restaurant again, or I’d take you to dinner somewhere in town. Whatever sounds good to you .”

She frowned for a moment, thinking about it. “I am hungry. Let’s go get some dinner .”

He grinned, catching her hand and pulling her toward his truck. “I think I want to get off the ranch. Where’s a nice place to go ?”

“There are a couple of places in Riston, but there’s a good steak place in Post Falls, if that sounds good .”

“Sounds wonderful. Can you direct me, or should I set up my GPS ?”

Joni climbed into her side of the truck and buckled. “I can direct you.” She didn’t know about him, but she wanted this night to never end. “It’s thirty minutes. Is that too far ?”

“Not at all. Just make sure you let me know which way to turn .”

“Left out of the ranch, and then left at the first four-way stop.” After he’d turned, she said, “Now it’s straight for about twenty minutes .”

“All right. You want music or talk ?”

“Talk. Tell me about your mother .”

He frowned. “That’s not a topic I really like .”

“All right.” She was quiet for a moment. What was so bad that he didn’t want to talk about them ?

He took a deep breath. “All right. My mom was from a rich family, and she got pregnant with me at sixteen. Her parents let her keep living with them, but they weren’t super excited about being grandparents .”

“I see .”

“But by living there, she didn’t have to work. She never told anyone who my father was, including me, but she went through lots of boyfriends. When I was five, she moved out with one of them. He wasn’t a good man. He drank a lot, and he liked to hit both of us. She stayed with him for five years. And then went on to someone worse. Each of the men she chose was violent and just plain mean. I never really liked any of them.” He glanced at her to see if she was listening and then turned back to the road. “When I was twelve, she hooked up with this guy who was dealing drugs. He started using me to make some of the drops. When I was fourteen, I got caught by the police, and they put me in juvie for a bit. When I got out, my mother was gone from him and had signed over custody to the state. So I ended up on the ranch .”

“What about your grandparents? Have you seen them again?” Her heart ached for him. It wasn’t that he’d been a delinquent. Well, it didn’t sound like it to her. It just sounded like he’d been a victim of circumstance .

He shrugged. “I haven’t tried to find them. I figure they’re glad to have me out of their lives .”

“I doubt it. Maybe you should call them. See if they are interested in seeing who you’ve become. I can’t imagine that after living with you for your first five years they weren’t attached .”

“I have very few memories of them. I know when we left, they said not to come back, so I never did .”

“We live in the age of the internet. Why not find an email address and shoot them a message? Or find them on Facebook. Do you know their names ?”

He nodded. “I do. I just don’t think they’d want to see me .”

She decided to drop it, but she knew she wouldn’t drop it forever. She wanted him to have family who loved him, and it sounded like he could have that with the grandparents he’d all but forgotten. “So what’s Christmas like on your ranch ?”

“It’s wonderful. The boys all get new jeans. They usually just get jeans from the church that sponsors them, so new is special. Lillian makes a huge feast and the boys come to the house in shifts to eat it. I really don’t know how she does it, even knowing she has three ovens. Then each boy is given a handmade gift by one of the McClain brothers who feels particularly close to him. The boys exchange gifts with each other too. They get paid for the work they do on the ranch, and every dime is saved for them. It’s pretty incredible .”

“So money was saved for you ?”

He nodded. “When I finished school, I found out a trust fund had been set up for me. I don’t know how the McClains do it, but they put any money that’s extra from their big fundraiser every year into funds for the boys. They must do really well at the fundraiser, because I had a very nice portfolio.” He shrugged. “Still do. I’ve never touched it, and it’s continued to grow .”

She smiled. “That’s really cool. It’s hard to believe they do so much for boys they aren’t biologically related to .”

“That’s what’s so amazing. You feel as if you are biologically related after a little while. It’s like you’re growing up with thirty other boys, and you think nothing of it. I can’t imagine living anywhere else .”

“It really does sound wonderful. I think I’d feel right at home on that ranch, just as quickly as I did here. Which of course doesn’t mean I won’t miss my friends here. It’s hard to think of what life would be without the café every day, but I’m not going to waste the degree I spent seven years getting .”

By the time they’d finished dinner, she had a plan in her head for finding a way to contact his grandparents. She loved the idea of helping him connect with them. She just had to figure out a way to get their names…maybe she could ask around when she was visiting Texas for her interview. Surely someone at the ranch could help her .

When he dropped her off at her car, he leaned over and brushed his lips against hers, kissing her for the first time all day. “I’ve been waiting to do that, you know .”

She smiled. “You could have done it sooner. I wouldn’t have stopped you. I kind of like it when you kiss me .”

“Oh, yeah ?”

She nodded emphatically. “Yup .”

“Well, I’ll consider doing it more often, then .”

“If you have to consider it, then it must not be as pleasant for you as it is for me.” Joni sighed. “Story of my life! Don’t worry…you don’t have to kiss me anymore .”

He laughed, pulling her closer to him. “Try and stop me.” His lips caught hers again, toying with them softly. “Okay, get out of my truck. I’ll see you for breakfast in the morning. Don’t forget you’re going on a sleigh ride with me. I need someone to hold my hand and keep me safe .”

“And in between, I’ll be packing for my trip to Texas. Don’t forget you said you’d make the arrangements for me .”

“I’ll give you the flight information when I get to the café in the morning.” Max pulled his phone from his pocket. “Oh, first I need your full name, date of birth, address, phone number, and all that good personal stuff .”

She gave him the information, and he typed it into his phone with his thumbs. “Now, can I go? I have to get up really early, you know. Not all of us are on vacation .”

“Go! I’ll see you in the morning.” Just as she reached for her door handle, he caught her arm and pulled her in for another kiss. “Now you can go .”

“G’night, Max .”

“G’night, Joni.” He watched her as she got out of the truck and hurried to her old beat-up car. He hoped she wouldn’t ever try to take that car very far. Waiting until she’d started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, he drove back to his solitary cabin. It was much more luxurious than where he was used to staying, but he lived in a cabin at home too. Maybe he was just meant for cabins .

As he got out of the truck, he saw Jaclyn hanging around his bushes again, another bunny on a leash. “I’m starting to feel like you’re stalking me,” he told her .

“Me stalking you! I was here first. You came to the ranch where I live and work and every single night you show up where I’m walking my bunnies, minding my own business. I think you’re the one stalking me !”

He sighed, certain he wasn’t going to get anywhere trying to talk to the crazy old woman. “Have a good night, Jaclyn .”

“Does that mean you’re admitting to stalking me?” she asked, stepping toward him. He opened the door to his cabin and shut it softly, hearing her yell, “Come back here! I’m not done with you yet !”

He shook his head and stripped down, putting on his swim trunks. There was something about sitting in his hot tub there on the ranch that he found particularly soothing. He could sit and do it all day. His view of the lake and the mountains behind it was spectacular. It was too dark to see them now, but they had left an imprint on his heart. He could close his eyes and see them .

Before bed, he searched online for the best flight rates for the Texas trip, and booked two flights. He was going to be there when Joni saw Texas for the first time .

* * *

E arly Monday morning, Max got up, dressed, and went for his run. He wasn’t sure if Joni was still working as early as she had been, but he certainly hoped so. When he got to the café, out of breath and sweaty, the door was opened by a blonde who looked like she was a year or two younger than Joni .

“Hungry?” she asked, opening the door wide. “I’m Kelsi Clapper .”

“Oh, I talked to your husband Shane at church yesterday. How are the twins ?”

Kelsi’s face lit up. “They’re just fine. I dropped them off at the daycare this morning. Pick a seat, and I’ll bring you a menu .”

Max looked around the café, hoping to see Joni’s smiling face, but she didn’t appear to be there. How was he supposed to eat breakfast if she wasn’t the one bringing it to him? Even if Bob did make it, he needed her there as well .

When Kelsi pushed the menu toward him, he asked, “What’s Bob got for a special today ?”

“Breakfast special is breakfast burritos with egg, cheese, potato, and bacon .”

“I’ll have that and a cup of coffee.” Max frowned as he looked around. “What time does Joni work today ?”

“Joni?” Kelsi looked at him for a moment, and then her eyes widened. “Oh! You must be Max !”

Max frowned. “How did you figure that out so quickly? You’ve been home with sick babies, from what I understand .”

She shrugged. “Sure, I’ve been home with sick babies, but this ranch is my home and my livelihood. I know what’s going on here, and you’re the one who’s trying to lure Joni to Texas to work there. Probably good for her, but bad for me.” She started to walk away. “And she’ll be in within the next fifteen minutes. I usually open alone, and she comes in a few minutes later .”

He watched her go with a frown. Were people really talking that much about them already ?




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