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Perfectly Flawed by Dani René (28)


This morning when I woke up, I’d had five missed calls from my mother. My father insisted in a voicemail, that I come talk to them. To sort things out, he said. Something in his tone told me there was more drama coming my way. I know he doesn’t approve of Ryder, and that’s not my problem anymore, that’s my father’s own judgment. He doesn’t have to like Ryder. He doesn’t even have to tolerate him, because I’ve made my choice, and I won’t waver.

The house is formidable from the outside. The open brick allows you to see the beauty, the outer appearance that my family has always been about. Nothing on the inside matches how beautiful it is on the outside. Just like my family, I think.

Pushing open the heavy front door, I make my way inside, the click resounding loudly in my ears as a warning. I’m inside the Beaufort mansion and I feel less at home than I am when I’m in Ryder’s small apartment. When I step into the living room, I find my parents sitting side by side. My mother’s hands are twisted around each other and I know she’s nervous. Her face tells me everything.

“You wanted to see me,” I say before seating myself opposite them. This was my father’s idea, but it will be the last time he ever sees me. After what happened with Ryder, I no longer want anything to do with him or his rules.

“Piper, what I did

“Was wrong, unforgivable,” I tell him. “Father, you cannot use your influence to rule everyone else’s life. You’ve lost me, and you’ve lost Preston. Don’t you see what you’re doing?” Tears sting my eyes when I look at him, seeing how he’s hardened over the years. I know that parents are meant to keep their children safe, but he’s become a tyrant and I’m no longer allowing him to control me like a robot.

“I’m your father and that poor excuse of a boy is not good for you.” His insistence about Ryder is frustrating. He just doesn’t see what’s right in front of him. “You and your brother will soon see that he’ll bring you down.”

“Why? What has he ever done to you to make you hate him so much?” I question, my voice rising with every word.

“It isn’t your business to know what your parents choose for you,” he spits out, his face turning bright red, and I wonder if the vein in his forehead will pop.

“What you choose for me?” I let out a humorless laugh and rise. “This meeting is over. It will be the last one you ever get.”

“Piper, please,” my mother finally opens her mouth. After years of letting daddy dearest run the house, run our lives, I turn to her, waiting for her to finally say something I want to hear. “I made a mistake a long time ago.”

My heart kicks in my chest at her words. I inhale a sharp breath, waiting, my fingers tingling with anxiety at what she’s about to tell me. Please don’t say what I think you’re going to say, Mother. Don’t you dare. Don’t. Please. No. No. No.

“I had... I had... an affair,” she finally stumbles over her confession.

“What? Are you trying to tell me...?” My words fall into nothing, silence, heavy and laden with confusion. Fearful that she’s about to tell me something bad, something that’s about to knock my world on its axis.

“Preston is your half-brother,” she mumbles. “He and Ryder share a father.”

My mouth falls open, but the words I want to voice don’t come out. My body is trembling with the news that I’m only Preston’s half-sister only. But more than that, relief settles in my stomach that Ryder is not related to me in any way.

“You cheated on Dad?” I rasp, confusion setting itself heavily in my gut at the thought of my parents being other than the utterly in love couple they portray.

“I did. I made a mistake and I pay for it every day, Piper,” she whispers, shame so clear on her face. “I was young and impressionable.”

“That’s what those Kingsley men prey on,” my father hisses through clenched teeth.

Shaking my head, I step closer to them both, to my mother who’s now crying when I glance her way. “No. This is ridiculous that you can put Mr. Kingsley’s wrongdoing on Ryder. He’s not the bad guy here.” I point at my mother then, feeling every bit as angry as my father looks. “This is on you,” I tell her. “Both of you, don’t come near me or Ryder, or even Preston again.”

Spinning on my heel, I make for the doorway, but my father’s strong hand grips my arm, tugging me around.

“Listen to me, and listen good,” he rumbles. “If you walk out that door, there’s no coming back in here. I forgave your mother years ago for what she did, but I will not have my daughter messing up her life because of a Kingsley.”

My heart cracks. My chest aches, but my mind is set. I’ve seen my father angry so many times before. His temper has always been something that we as kids have been wary of, but this is beyond any of that, and I no longer care.

“Then I’ll never ever see you again.” My response causes a whimper from my mother, and it turns my father’s face purple with rage. “This isn’t on Preston or me. We no longer have to answer to your tyrannical ways. Now, let go of my arm because you’re hurting me.”

Tugging away from him, I turn and make my way to the door once again. My mother’s emotional pleading echoes behind me, but I don’t care. When I reach the car, I slip into the driver’s seat and sigh, realizing what I’ve just done.

It all comes crashing down around me and I can’t stop the tears.

Anger, frustration, happiness, and sadness all rush through me like a melody kicking back loudly as it vibrates through me.

My family is torn apart because of lies and secrets.

Starting the engine, I blink away the salty drops of emotion and take a cleansing breath before making my way back to the apartment.

To my home.

To Ryder.