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Plaything at the Royal Wedding: An MFMM Royal Romance by Lana Hartley (32)

Chapter 31


I’m blinking the light out of my eyes, wondering where I am.

I was dreaming about my boys. Adam, Sam, and Charlie surrounding me, pressing against me with their hard, smooth bodies, stroking me softly, making me feel safe.

I can feel someone pawing at me, and I’m so confused for a few seconds. This doesn’t feel like anyone I know. I recognize my boys by touch and scent now; I can tell them apart with my eyes closed.

My eyes focus out the small window, and I see the clouds. Everything comes back in a rush. I must have dozed off.

Denham is groping me.

The coat is open, and my sensible, stylish cut pantsuit has come undone. I don’t move at first. So shocked, I’m frozen in place.

Denham glances up at my face and sees my eyes are open.

He doesn’t stop, pushing open the jacket and starting on the blouse. His fingers skim over my breasts, sliding the fabric over them. The money rustles, just like that wonderful day when we fucked in it, like a big soft bed.

“Good, you’re awake,” Denham says to my chest. “I wouldn’t want you to miss out on all the action! I hope you’re feeling better after a little rest.”

“Stop touching me. Please.”

“I’m just checking on my money.”

He gets all the buttons of my blouse undone and flicks it open. I reach out and try to grab his hands, but he pushes them back, immediately going for my pants. Before I can stop him, he gets the button and zipper undone.

“Denham! Stop!”

“No. No way. I have to check the goods.”

His eyes are big and wide. He’s way too close to me, and I can see how greasy his thick black eyebrows are. The balding patch right in the center of his skull is oily too and poorly combed.

He gropes at me, pinching my skin under the thick wads of bills.

“Denham, you’ll disturb the cash. It took me ages to get it strapped down! Stop it!”

He runs his hands over my stuffed bra, notes fluttering out.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll help you get it all back on. We can take our time. Just you and me. Taking it off, then putting it back on.”

“Didn’t you hear me? I said no.”

I try pushing him off again.

He pushes my hands down, glaring into my eyes.

“You know, I meet women like you all the time. You flounce around with your fucking tits out and try to play me. Believe me, sweetheart, I’ve been there. Taken them for rides in fancy cars, bought them jewelry, treated them like queens...and what do they do?”

He leans in, dropping to a whisper.

“They fuck their personal trainer. Or their martial arts instructor, or their yoga coach. Not me. I can take them to dinner, but I don’t get to fuck them. Well, you know what, Lacey? I’m fucking sick of it.”

“I never led you on! What the fuck are you talking about?”

“You did, you little slut! You spoke to me so nicely at the show. Then your tits pop out just as you get level with me on the catwalk. You really think I’ll believe that was an accident?”

He shakes his head vehemently, pointing at me.

“You knew exactly what you were doing. You forced me to fall for you, the same fucking tricks all the hotties like you use. You thought you could get into this scheme with me, then run off with the money and not fuck me. Isn’t that right?”

“I-I didn’t. I don’t know what you’re on about.”

He leans over, breathing on my face. He reeks of alcohol. I guess he really didn’t stop at one.

“Well, too bad, Lacey. Here we are. Alone. Stuck together. You can’t get away from me now. You want to spend my money? Fine. But you have to fuck me.”

I push him hard. He staggers back a step, and I stand up, letting my coat fall behind me.

I forgot my pants were undone. They slip to the floor with a whisper of cloth. My jacket and blouse are open and now, and my pants are on the fucking floor.

Denham is looking at me with wide eyes. I try to cover up.

“No, wait.” His tone has changed; it’s pure curiosity. “What’s that?”

“Oh.” I look down.

I’d almost forgotten that I put together my own personal design from the pieces the boys gave me. They were all so lovely on their own, but I played around, mixed and matched, finding that it was very eye-catching and original mixing the pieces.

“It’s just a little something I threw together.”

He snorts. “Well, it sucks. Did you get dressed in the dark? It looks like you just threw on whatever you could find on the floor.”

I slide my shoulders back, letting the jacket fall off and step out of my pants. I do a little strut up the small hallway, as if it’s a big stage catwalk.

The two female attendants and three security guards look up immediately.

“What do you reckon, guys? Is Denham right? Does it suck?”

One of the girls shakes her head. “I’d buy it for sure.”

The other nods. “My boyfriend would love it. It looks so comfortable, too.”

The security guys are devouring me with their eyes.

“Looks fantastic,” the biggest one says.

I turn back to Denham, jutting out one hip to show off the line of the lingerie.

“Looks like your opinion is unpopular around here.”

I feel cocky and confident again. I can handle this. The boys will meet me; everything’s going to be fine.

“You stupid fucking whore.” Denham advances towards me, shaking his head. “You really don’t have a clue, do you? Don’t you realize I’ve been in it with Sam, Adam, and Charlie right from the beginning?”

“What?” I feel a horrific tightness in my chest. “I don’t believe you! You’re lying!”

“No, sweetheart,” he says with a laugh. “We had it all set up before you ever came into the picture. You just came along at the right time. They convinced you to go along with it. The girl was always expendable. If there was any trouble, we were going to disappear at the airport. We’re all using fake names, so if you tried to tell on us, we aren’t even here. You would look like a crazy person, a liar, or both.”

He stops in front of me, standing on his toes to try and look me in the eye.

“Once we got the cash into the bank, we were going to use you for a good romp then ditch you. But I’m horny now. I’m going to change the plan a bit.”

He reaches for me, and I back up.

“This is...this can’t be.”

“Believe it, doll. They convinced you to do their dirty work for them. Put you right in the hot seat. They don’t give a fuck about you.”

“You’re lying!” I yell at him, the tightness in my chest getting worse.

My breath is coming harder and faster. I want to cry.

How could I have let this happen? I’ve been so stupid.

I don’t want to believe him. I know he’s a smarmy little liar. But the words get stuck in my mind like chips of ice, freezing my thoughts into the worst possible images.

Why didn’t they contact me before we took off? They should have told me what to do when I get there. Why didn’t they give me more details about the plan?

I literally feel like I’m about to toss my cookies, backing away from Denham in the cramped space. He keeps advancing, eyes going over my body, fingers trembling as he thinks about touching me.

“So, you thought you were going to do a number on me, huh? Well guess what, you’re fucked. You’re stuck in here with me. I’ve got the girl, and I’ve got the cash. So those little pretty boy fuckers lost, didn’t they? I only needed them to talk you into it. I’ve had enough experience with models to know I can’t convince them on my own. Now they’re out of the way. You and the cash are all mine.”

“You can’t do this! I’ll run away, I’ll scream—”

He laughs. “You won’t. Not while you’re carrying all that cash. They’ll throw you in jail for the rest of your life. None of that matters anyway. I’m changing the plan.”


I’m really freaking out now.

Denham looks over at his security guards.

“She’s not getting off when we stop. No one is. We’ll refuel, and then I’m going to work out a new location. Something nice and private.”

The guys look between me and Denham. The two attendants also look worried. The big security guy addresses Denham nervously.

“But we’re still getting paid, aren’t we? You promised us fifty an hour plus bonuses. If we’re flying somewhere else, are you going to pay us?”

“Of course, of course.” Denham waves a hand dismissively. “Just do as you’re told. You’ll get paid.”

“And us, too?” one of the attendants asks.

“Sure, sure.” Denham focuses back on me and starts backing me into a corner.

One of the women looks at me apologetically.

He must be paying them a damn fortune; no one’s going to help me. Security has stopped paying attention.

I’m completely alone with Denham, trapped in a fucking plane. At his mercy.

Oh, my boys. You won’t leave me to this fate, will you? I can’t believe it could turn out like this.

My stubborn heart keeps hoping, even against all the odds. I can’t extinguish the hope blooming in my chest, even as Denham advances on me.